The process of finding the Dragon Balls is not difficult.

About half an hour later.

Uchiha Hikaru found the dragon ball detected by the radar in a low-lying ditch.

It's a second planet.

It should have flown all the way here since last year, after Uchiha Hikaru and his party made their wish, and landed in a dry tree crevice. When it was discovered, the surface of the bead was already covered with a thick layer of dust. If the overall shape had not been too round, it might not have been possible to tell that it was a dragon bead.

Uchiha Hikaru found some water and cleaned it briefly. When he saw the two five-pointed stars in the second planet reappearing, he held it in his arms and jumped back to the ditch.

"...Is this thing the 'Dragon Ball' you call it?"

Esdeath folded her hands on her chest and looked over with a suspicious expression on her face: "It's just a small bead, with a brighter color at most... Can it really help people realize their wishes? No matter what kind Any wish is okay?”

"of course not."

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head and corrected: "There are seven such beads in total. Only by collecting all of them can you make a wish, and only the more serious wishes can be realized by Shenlong... If it is unrealistic, such as' It is naturally impossible to become an omnipotent god or the first in the universe. "


Esdeath seemed to think for a moment and asked a little uncertainly: "Is it a super dangerous species like the East China Sea Yunlong?"

"Well...the appearance is similar, but the size is not as big."

Uchiha Hikaru answered truthfully.

A behemoth like the East China Sea Yunlong is rare in any world.

Although Shenlong is not small, visual inspection shows that it is only a few hundred meters tall at most. It is slightly larger than Susanoo, but in front of Yunlong, it can only be regarded as a child's play.


It might be different if it were the divine dragon Bolunga from Planet Namek, or the even more powerful super divine dragon - the latter is said to be as big as a planet, even on the scale of the entire universe. Amazing size.

It's a pity that Shenron's status is a bit high, and it also involves some rule-level things. Even the Kaiōshin who are in charge of various regions of the universe seem to be in awe of it, so they want to conquer that kind of existence and use it as a mount. Or pets, it is simply impossible.

Uchiha Hikaru knew what he was worth, so he just thought about the situation in his mind and gave up the idea.

the other side.

Esdeath squinted her eyes and didn't speak again, seeming to be thinking about what constituted a "serious wish".

"Let's go."

Uchiha Hikari greeted Esdeath and prepared to continue to the next place: "Let's go, no one will come here...Look to the west, maybe you can meet someone from the Red Silk Army on the road."


The two set off again.

This time, Uchiha Hikari traveled for a short while before finally stopping above a lush primeval forest, hovering for a while, and then fell into the forest. First, we dealt with two Tyrannosaurus rexes that came over and found them troublesome, and then sent out more than a dozen shadow clones. After searching together for more than two hours, we finally found the second dragon ball of the trip at the bottom of a creek.

However, just after crawling out of the stream and releasing the shadow clone, Uchiha Hikaru made a move and turned to look upstream of the stream:

"Did you hear that, Xiao Ai?"


Esdeath also looked in the same direction and narrowed his eyes slightly: "There are people coming this way... there may be a lot of them."

The two stood there blowing the wind and waited quietly for a few minutes.


I saw the shadows of several armored vehicles appearing on the dirt road on the other side of the mountain forest. The flags hanging on the vehicles had the word "RR" written on them, which was the symbol of the Red Silk Army.

There was also a group of soldiers following him, each of them fully armed and loaded with ammunition, looking like they were armed to the teeth.

When Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath looked at each other from a distance, the people in the armored vehicle also noticed them.

"Who is there?!"

"This territory already belongs to the Red Silk Army. I give you one minute to leave quickly! Otherwise we will be rude to you!"

After the first few threats.

One of the Red Silk Army soldiers seemed to have discovered something. He suddenly approached the commander and whispered:

"...Captain Cao, the thing they are holding seems to be what the colonel ordered us to find!"


The officer on the armored vehicle took a look through the binoculars, then took out a loudspeaker and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Hey, those two women in front of you! Put down what you are holding immediately and raise your hands! Otherwise we will shoot "


Esdeath sneered, then moved her neck and looked sideways at Uchiha Hikari: "Are you coming, or am I?"

Uchiha Hikaru didn't answer, but just made an invitation gesture.

"Be gentle, remember to leave a few alive, and ask them about the location of the Red Silk Army headquarters."


Esdeath waved her hand, responded casually, and then stepped forward. The moment she jumped out of place, she flew over a hundred meters away and rushed straight towards the opposite convoy!


The people on the armored vehicle were stunned for a moment and immediately ordered to fire.

The group of soldiers holding guns beside them also pulled the trigger without hesitation after receiving the order. The dense bullets intertwined into a large net, blocking all directions for Esdeath to move forward.

Facing the surging murderous intent, Esdeath's forward movement remained unchanged. While moving at high speed, she twisted her waist, stamped her feet, and turned sideways... The amplitude of each movement was not very large, but she dodged bullets in a dangerous manner.

——At first glance, this scene is a bit like the "automatic dodge technique" used by Kame in the battle a few days ago, but when Esdeath used it, it was obviously not very skilled. Some bullets hit her and were blocked by a thin layer of ice.

Esdeath frowned a little dissatisfied, then stopped and stepped forward, raised her hand and squeezed it hard in the void, and a long sword made of ice appeared out of thin air. She waved it with one hand and chopped it straight ahead!


The sword light flashed.

Then, there was a series of continuous slashes!

At this moment, a net formed by the white sword energy, which was denser and sharper than the rain of bullets just now, appeared in Esdeath's hand.

With a series of crisp ping-pong sounds, all the bullets within two meters of her were split in half in an instant and fell to the ground. In just a few breaths, a large area of ​​cut shells had accumulated under Esdeath's feet, and the cuts were all smooth as a mirror.

"No, impossible!"

"Chopping bullets with a knife... is it true?!"

Under the horrified gaze of the Red Silk Army, Esdeath's lips curled slightly, and she looked like she was about to yawn: "They are indeed a group of guys who have never seen the world. It's really uninspiring to fight against such an opponent."

"... Quick, kill her! This woman must be a demon!"

The sergeant in the armored vehicle roared loudly.

The machine gun on the roof continued to fire, and the others continued to pull the trigger. In less than half a minute, thousands of bullets were fired. Then, the guns began to make a clicking sound, obviously the magazines were empty.

While the Red Silk Army soldiers were busy changing ammunition, Esdeath snorted coldly and raised his hand to swing the sword again.


The sharp sound of breaking wind was accompanied by a sonic boom. Because the sword was swung too fast, the ice blade in Esdeath's hand disappeared halfway, and then turned into countless large and small pieces of ice, like flying knives, shooting at the soldiers on the opposite side!

"Hundred fingers piercing bullets!"

-This move was learned from the Corpse Bone Vein.

The principle of "Ten fingers piercing bullets" is not complicated. Esdeath only saw it once in the Ghost Country and easily reproduced it.

In an instant, blood burst out!

Although these soldiers are fully armed, their necks, eyes and other parts are still relatively vulnerable. Esdeath's attack positions were all these vital parts. Even some tiny ice spikes the size of a finger, when fired at the speed of sound, were enough to cause a large number of casualties.

The outer iron sheet of the armored vehicle was also scratched with white marks, but it did not penetrate.

Before the people in the car could rejoice, Esdeath raised his hand and a column of ice and snow with a diameter of several meters appeared from mid-air, hitting the skylight of the armored vehicle like a giant hammer. With a "bang", the machine gunner on the roof was directly turned into a meat pie, and half of the car was twisted and deformed, as if it was a canned food that was flattened.


"Such a large mecha, it turns out to be so vulnerable?"

Esdeath curled his lips and made a tsk-tsk sound.

In less than half a minute,

Esdeath easily dealt with most of the Red Silk Army soldiers, and then pulled out the "sergeant" on the armored vehicle and several survivors, pulled them aside and interrogated them carefully, and then walked back to Uchiha Hikaru.

"I have interrogated him carefully. That guy is a major, belonging to the Silver Team. Because of his low status, he has never been to the Red Silk Army headquarters... But he said that the Red Silk Army has a fixed base in this area, led by a 'Silver Colonel'. Do you want to go and take a look?"



The process of dealing with "Silver Colonel" was naturally smooth.

This guy actually appeared in the original work, but his identity was a cannon fodder. He was the first to be encountered and defeated by Xiao Wukong, and his dragon ball was robbed, so he was sentenced to death by the Red Marshal.

And in this timeline.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath also defeated him easily, and then the latter interrogated him and asked about the location of the Red Silk Army headquarters.

- As an imperial general with a bit of "sadistic" tendency, Esdeath's biggest hobby besides fighting is torture. He has never been able to get satisfaction before, but this time he is satisfied.

With the evil things done by the Red Silk Army, the current torture can only be regarded as karma for them.

After Edesid was done, Uchiha Hikaru also activated "Eight Thousand Spears" and quietly confirmed the information before activating "Shangri-La", teleporting directly from the current base to the dense forest in the west of the earth.

"The headquarters of the Red Silk Army should be in this area, let's look for it first."

Uchiha Hikaru once again split out a shadow clone, flew into the sky with the Sky Dance Technique, and spread out to the surroundings, using a human search method to find the location of the Red Silk Army headquarters.

She herself found an open space to sit down, took out chocolate and happy water to replenish energy, and threw one to Edesid.

Esdeath looked at the appearance of the food with some suspicion before eating it, and then used the "Essence of the Devil" to create dozens of ice knights, and galloped in several different directions around.

During this period, Uchiha Guang had tried to infuse chakra into Esdeath and teach her to use ninjutsu. However, due to limited time, Esdeath was still at the stage of climbing trees and treading water, and could not learn advanced ninjutsu such as multiple shadow clones. However, after seeing the abilities of the Naruto world, this military princess tried to make some changes to her ice knight, forming a copycat version of "ice clone".

This kind of "clone" cannot retain the same consciousness as the original body, but if it is hit by a fatal blow, Esdeath herself will be aware of it and confirm the direction of the accident. It is enough to explore intelligence.

Time passed quickly.


Esdeath raised her head and looked at one side of the jungle with a serious look.

"A few of my 'Ice Knights' were broken... in that direction, was it done by the Red Ribbon Army?"

"... Let's go and take a look."

The combat power of the Ice Knights is not too strong, but they still have 20 to 30 points of combat power. Even if the person who can break them is not from the Red Ribbon Army, he must be a master.

Uchiha Hikaru thought about it, then stood up from where he was, waved to Esdeath on the opposite side, and then walked towards the direction of the incident together.

Just a few minutes.

As the last piece of jungle separated, the scenery in front of us suddenly became clear, and a large-scale castle complex appeared. And around the castle, there were a large number of tanks and armored vehicles, aiming their guns in this direction. Be ready.

Between Uchiha Hikaru and the castle complex, several Ice Knights that were broken into pieces were slowly getting up, but were then shattered by shells.

"... Another person is coming, fire!"

Without any intention of negotiation, the Red Silk Army commander gave the order, and the black cannon barrels were aimed at Uchiha Guang and the other two, and fired at the same time!

The black barrage and the micro missiles with tail flames were whistling all the way!

Esdeath stretched out her hand and created a huge ice wall in an instant, covering the area in front of her, separating the oncoming murderous intent.

Uchiha Guang used the Sky Dance Technique to rise up, forming several hand seals at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, and opened his mouth to spit out: "Fire Style... Great Fire Extinguishment!"

The next second.

Ice and fire soared into the sky at the same time!

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