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Chapter 220 General Binglan

The firepower of the Red Silk Army headquarters is certainly not comparable to that of the previous branch strongholds.

For a full half minute.

Hundreds of soldiers and tanks kept firing shells. The sound of artillery fire was connected in this dense forest, and even people more than ten miles away could hear it clearly.

When everything calmed down.

Everything around had completely changed.

Under the bombardment of this pile of shells, the nearly one-meter-thick ice wall that Esdeath hastily propped up was quickly broken and became shaky. Large and small shells, mixed with cold ice chips, fell on the ground around, smashing out craters of varying depths. Endless dust was raised high, blocking the vision of both sides.

"...Did they kill them?"

"I don't know, but they should have been seriously injured, right? Under such artillery bombardment, even those powerful martial artists could not... huh?"

The voice stopped abruptly.

As the surrounding smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

The view in front of the castle complex became visible again.

Under the gaze of the Red Silk Army soldiers and generals.

A tens-meter-high iceberg appeared where Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath were, covering the two figures without a blind spot.


Uchiha Hikaru covered his mouth and nose with one hand, coughed a few times, and felt a little choked by the smoke.

Esdeath stood inside the iceberg, squinting slightly, looking at the opposite side with a scrutinizing look, and seemed a little surprised: "Can the power of guns and cannons reach this level?"

The world of Killing Aka is not a pure cold weapon world, there are also guns and cannons.

For example, Maine's "Pumpkin Turret" and Minister Ernest's pistol for self-defense.

But these guns and cannons are actually different from the hot weapons at the level of modern technology. In essence, they are all weapons made of special dangerous materials. Not only are they rare, but they also have high requirements for users. Not just anyone can use them.


When Esdeath saw these huge numbers of artillery pieces in front of him, which could be used by ordinary people with only 5 combat power and had amazing destructive power, he felt a little shocked by modern technology.

"How is it, hot weapons, amazing, right?"

Uchiha Guang glanced to the side.

"Not bad..."

Esdeath nodded slightly, "But if it's just this level, there's nothing to be afraid of... Secret Technique: General Binglan!"

With these words.

Esdeath clasped his hands together, and the "Devil's Essence" symbol on his chest flashed slightly, and then cracks emerged from the inside of the iceberg and spread rapidly to the outside.

In this process.

The ice knights who came from all directions also appeared in the sight of the Red Silk Army. Before they turned their guns, they broke into pieces, turned into blue and white frost, and spread into the surrounding air, and then...


At this moment, a white blizzard appeared in the sky and poured towards the Red Silk Army headquarters in front!

It was the first time that Uchiha Hikaru saw Esdeath's "Ice Storm General".

In the original work of Kill Aka, she had used this trick to deal with the Revolutionary Army. After three days of accumulation, she finally created a blizzard that swept half of the empire.

And now.

Because the accumulation process was omitted, the effect of this trick was not so exaggerated, but it was still an unbearable heavy blow to these Red Silk Army soldiers.

A layer of white frost had already appeared on the soldiers in the row closest to Uchiha Hikaru. This white frost spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, freezing their whole bodies, and the guns in their hands were quickly frozen into ice sculptures.

The barrels and barrels of those tanks, howitzers, and heavy machine guns also lost their function in the low temperature, and the result of forced firing was a direct explosion.

Not only that.

The severe blizzard even broke open the gate of the castle, whistling back into it, and in the blink of an eye, the base was turned into a world of ice and snow covered in silver.

"... What's going on?!"

"Quick, go report to the marshal, we need reinforcements..."

The few soldiers who were not frozen ran into the castle one after another - of course, there were also a few people who ran deep into the dense forest in the opposite direction, probably because they realized that the situation was not right and wanted to run away before the Red Silk Army was completely destroyed.

In the castle, some armed helicopters and masters with good skills rushed out one after another, trying to deal with the enemies outside.

As the creator of this scene.

Esdeath moved her neck.

Without seeing how she moved, the blizzard around her suddenly intensified, blowing a few points more violently than before. The temperature in this world also dropped noticeably, from the original more than 30 degrees, to dozens of degrees below zero in one breath.

Even Uchiha Hikaru, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but tighten his collar, and at the same time used "qi" to form a protective film to wrap his body surface, so that he didn't feel so cold.


"I wonder how many of these people can withstand this move?"

The purpose of Esdeath developing "Ice Mist General" was to select strong people to satisfy his desire to fight.

In other words...

This move is very effective in clearing out the miscellaneous soldiers. Those who can quickly adapt to the blizzard environment of dozens of degrees below zero and have the spare energy and courage to fight are naturally not mediocre.

This is indeed the case.

A large number of ordinary soldiers were either frozen into ice sculptures or staggered down due to the severe cold, leaving only a few still struggling to hold on. In addition, there were people who just ran out of the castle. Because they were not hit by the first wave of the blizzard, their condition was still intact at this time.

Among the people who did not fall, Uchiha Guang saw a familiar figure-

General Lan.

That is, the guy who worked very hard in the mission of finding Dragon Balls, who once put Xiao Wukong, Bulma, Krillin, and even Kameshi into danger one after another with his own strength, and was finally killed by Tao Pai Pai in order to set off Tao Pai Pai's strength. In a sense, he can be regarded as the combat power of the Red Silk Army.

As soon as this guy appeared, he activated the superpower of body restraint.

The moment their eyes met.

Uchiha Hikaru only saw his eyes light up for a moment, and then his whole body was bound by an invisible force, and he could not move.



It's just interesting.

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