I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 221: Adjutant Black and Dr. Gro


Along with the long breathing sound, Uchiha Hikaru's eyes showed a magnificent red color, and a circle of dark red arrogance also appeared around him.


In fact, Uchiha Hikaru felt that she could use chakra and "ki" to break free, and she should be able to break General Blue's superpower, but she was too lazy to move, so she chose to stand where she was and directly activated the Sharingan eye technique.

The moment the skeleton giant appeared, there were faint sounds in the air, like invisible ropes that were suddenly tightened, letting out an overwhelmed whine, as if they were about to break in the next second.


General Lan seemed to realize something was wrong.

But the next moment, Uchiha Hikari raised his head slightly, looked at him with calm eyes, and the magatama windmill rotated gently.


Eyes facing each other.

General Lan's expression fell into a trance, and the superpower he was trying to maintain was also loosened.

At this moment, Esdeath exhaled loudly, directly tore up the invisible ropes in the air, and then suddenly stepped hard, shooting towards the opposite General Lan like an arrow from the string. It was just a mistake. He tore off one of his arms forcefully!

Blood splattered!

"Ah!!! My hand..."

General Lan howled miserably and subconsciously wanted to cover the wound, but Esdeath did not give him a chance to breathe. After Esdeath stopped suddenly, he twisted his waist and jumped up, his body in the air. A roundhouse kick came from mid-air, knocking General Lan away!


General Lan's body flew nearly a hundred meters like a cannonball, smashing several big trees as thick as a bowl along the way, and finally rolled into a crater. It looked like there was more air coming out than in.

It was only then that the blood that spattered from the severed arm just now splashed onto the ground, dyeing a dark red under Esdeath's feet.

"...Huh? Physical skills are so weak?"

Esdeath was a little stunned.

She didn't know the difference between superpowers and "qi", and thought that General Lan would be similar to Kame Sennin's "Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm", and she regarded him as a comparable opponent to Kame Sennin. In the end, the battle ended with just three moves and two moves, which somewhat disappointed her.

Uchiha Hikari, on the other hand, was not surprised at all. He closed and opened his eyes slightly and put Susanoo away without showing any signs of it.

Then he glanced into the dense forest not far away.

——Out of caution, she just left a shadow clone, hiding in the dark, planning to show up and take action when the situation changes. But now it seems that this backup plan is a bit redundant.

the other side.

After confirming that General Lan had been defeated, Esdeath raised his right hand and lightly tapped his fingers.

Following this action, the surrounding snowstorm suddenly intensified, and the temperature dropped again from tens of degrees below zero. In such a freezing cold environment, even the few red silk army generals who were not frozen felt the biting cold. Some tried to beg for mercy, and a few summoned up the last strength to pounce on Esdeath. It seems that he wants to be a trapped beast.

Bang, bang!

Esdeath went up to him, punching and kicking.

Basically none of the remaining generals could withstand Esdeath's two attacks. All those who were kicked out were quickly frozen into ice in mid-air. When they hit the ground, they heard " With a "pop" sound, the person and the ice exploded into countless debris, flying into the surrounding air.

This method of killing without blood or corpses frightened the remaining Red Silk Army soldiers.

After losing the courage to take action, they were all wrapped up in the white wind and snow, losing their body temperature rapidly, and turned into ice sculptures standing in place, with unfaded panic still on their faces.

"……it's over."

Esdeath looked around to confirm that no one was standing, then waved and turned back to Uchiha Hikari.

From the moment Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath rushed out of the woods and had an encounter with the armored troops of the Red Silk Army, to now after the latter's entire army was annihilated...

The entire battle lasted only twenty minutes.

At this moment, the forest inside and outside the Red Silk Army Base, and even within several kilometers of the surrounding area, was covered by a layer of ice. Except for Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath, no third person's breathing could be heard. Even the birds in the dense forest were either frozen into icy lumps hanging on the trees, or they flew away to seek refuge.

"By the way...it seems there is no Tao Baibai among this group of people?"

Uchiha Hikari looked around carefully, but did not see a figure wearing a pink mandarin jacket and a long braid tied behind his head among the ice sculptures.

For this reason, she pondered for a moment, and then understood——

The relationship between Tao Baibai and the Red Silk Army is not a superior-subordinate relationship, but a simple employment relationship.

The Red Silk Army gives money, and Tao kills people in vain.

In the original work, the Red Silk Army spent a huge sum of money to hire Tao Baibai to assassinate him after Little Wukong defeated several generals of the Red Silk Army and removed the stronghold of Masruta. . Now, although Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath have done similar things, because the time is too short, the Red Marshal may not have thought of this yet.

Of course……

It is not ruled out that Tao Baibai has received the call and is on the way here on a pillar.

But if that were the case, it would be even better. Esdeath just didn't have enough fun fighting at the moment, and Tao Baibai, a sparring partner, should be able to satisfy her appetite.

"Let's go and take a look inside."

Uchiha Guang jumped lightly and flew into the castle, then walked along the corridor and searched layer by layer.

The scale of this castle complex is very large, with more than ten floors above and below, thousands of rooms, and a total area of ​​more than tens of thousands of square meters.

Like the outside, it was also flooded by a blizzard, and the floor and walls were covered with a thin layer of ice, which made it a bit slippery to walk on. Uchiha Guang simply used the dance technique to fly in the air, all the way from the stairs to the top floor of more than ten floors, and stopped in front of an office with a "Marshal" sign hanging on the door.

"Tsk tsk..."

"These guys are really rich, and I don't know how many people they have plundered from."

Speaking of which.

The earth in the Dragon Ball world is actually not peaceful. In addition to the lack of large-scale world wars, it is still in a state of chaos as a whole.

Not to mention the notorious criminal gangs such as the Red Silk Army and the Rabbit Army.

Even among the protagonists, there are many who come from the business of thieves. For example, Yamcha was a desert thief before he met Goku and Bulma; No. 17 and No. 18 were thieves when they were young; Bull Demon King was a highway robber and accumulated a lot of wealth by robbing passing caravans... And the lives of most ordinary people in this world are actually hovering around the poverty line.

What's more, the hometown of Namu, one of the top four contestants in the 21st Martial Arts Tournament, can't even afford to drink water.

This extreme gap between the rich and the poor was not resolved until decades later, because the hometown of "Oub", the reincarnation of Buu, was also poor, and Oub needed to participate in the martial arts tournament to earn prize money to subsidize the family.

Uchiha Hikaru acquiesced to Esdeath's physical elimination of the soldiers of the Red Silk Army, partly because of this.

She thought to herself that she was not a peace envoy, and she didn't want to do anything to punish evil and promote good - that was the job of Goku and others.

But for the scum like the Red Silk Army who have committed many evil deeds and refused to repent...

Since we have decided to take action, it is better to try to root them out.

"By the way..."

An idea suddenly flashed through Uchiha Guang's mind: What would happen if he made a wish to the Dragon God for "world peace"?

Well... with the style of the Earth Dragon God, he would probably give the answer "Sorry, I can't do it". After all, true peace can only be achieved by the extinction of mankind.


Uchiha Guang raised her hand and knocked on the door.

After waiting for a few seconds, she pushed open the door and walked into the Red Marshal's room.

There were two people in the room.

One was sitting and the other was standing.

The sitting one was a short middle-aged man with a big red back hair and a pipe in his mouth. It was obviously the Red Marshal.

——The Red Silk Army collected the Dragon Balls because of his order, and the former's purpose of looking for the Dragon Balls was to make himself 5 cm taller.

The person standing next to him was a black man in a black suit. He was probably the black adjutant who finally killed the Red Marshal and wanted to cooperate with Xiao Wukong but was rejected by the other party.

At this moment.

The two people were frozen in place, covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, and the ground around them was also covered with a layer of white frost. It was obviously affected by the "Ice Mist General" released by Esdeath. Even until now, large pieces of snow still came in from the open window on the other side, causing the temperature in the room to continue to drop.

"Can you wake them up, Xiao Ai? I have something to ask them."

Uchiha Guang turned his head and glanced.

Esdeath nodded, walked up to the black adjutant, and tapped his body with the tip of his index finger. The ice and snow on the latter's body quietly shattered, and the whole person suddenly woke up. After stumbling for a while, he opened his eyes wide with astonishment:

"You, you are..."


Esdeath did not intend to respond, but walked to the red marshal again and did the same thing, so that the latter also recovered from the frozen state.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my office? Get out of here..."

"Shut up."

The first time the red marshal woke up, he blew his beard and glared, wanting to scold a few words, but with a cold look from Esdeath, his words stopped abruptly. The black adjutant who wanted to take out the gun from his waist was also thrown a "Jail Hanging Technique" by Uchiha Guang, and the whole person immediately froze in place, unable to move even a finger.

"You have always been like this, are your brains not working well?"

Uchiha Hikaru walked to the desk, jumped lightly and sat on it, his legs swaying gently in the air: "Even if you didn't see what happened outside, you couldn't imagine the Red Silk Army being defeated... But seeing us here, no one came to rescue, you should understand your situation, right?"


Red Marshal opened his mouth, as if he still couldn't let go of his face as the leader of an army, and spoke again in a fierce tone: "What do you want to do by breaking into the Red Silk Army headquarters? If someone hired you to deal with me, I can give you double the price!"


Uchiha Hikaru smiled, and looked at the Red Marshal with a pair of scarlet Sharingan, and said slowly: "You may have misunderstood something. I came here completely out of my own will, and it has nothing to do with your hatred outside. You and your money are not important to me, what is important is...

Ask you a question, where is Dr. Gero?"


The Red Marshal was stunned by this sudden question, and then he snorted and said: "So your target is Dr. Gero. I can tell you his location, but you have to promise not to kill me first, otherwise..."


Uchiha Hikaru glanced at the Red Marshal lightly, and when the pupil power was activated, black flames immediately burned on his body. The latter wailed and cursed, but was soon engulfed by the flames of "Amaterasu", and turned into a pile of charred bones scattered on the seat.

Just now, Uchiha Hikaru had used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to forcibly explore the memory of the Red Marshal, and the latter was no longer useful. Considering what he had done before, being burned to ashes by Amaterasu was already a good way to die.

After doing all this, Uchiha Guang sighed, and turned his head to look at the black adjutant: "It's hard to talk to stupid people... It's your turn."

"... I know where Dr. Gro is, just below this castle... I'll take you there now!"

The black adjutant was sweating profusely, and couldn't wait to say it, as if he was afraid that he would be executed in the same way if he said it later.


Uchiha Guang raised his eyebrows, then jumped off the table, his eyes moved, and he lifted the golden binding illusion on the black adjutant: "Lead the way. It's best not to be petty, my patience is limited."

"... Yes."

The black adjutant secretly wiped the cold sweat, and in panic, he couldn't help but quietly become active in his heart.

In fact, he had long thought of killing the Red Marshal and replacing him. It was just because the latter had been running the Red Silk Army for many years and had a great prestige, so he couldn't do it. Now that the Red Marshal was dead, he saw an opportunity, and even began to consider whether he could use Uchiha Guang and the other two to revive the Red Silk Army.

Uchiha Guang was not aware of these thoughts.

Even if she knew, she would not care - the Black Adjutant's brain might be smarter than the Red Marshal, but in essence, he was the same as the former. After playing his role, he would be dealt with.

"Please go this way." The Black Adjutant took Uchiha Guang and Esdeath to a hidden elevator door, opened it after verifying the voiceprint, and then took the elevator all the way down, and then passed through a series of iris, voiceprint, and fingerprint identification levels, and came to an experimental base.

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