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Chapter 222: Frieza, the Destroyer of the Red Silk Army, Says

In the underground laboratory of the Red Silk Army.

Uchiha Hikaru finally met Dr. Gero.

Because the current time point is relatively early, this guy's appearance is not as old as when the artificial human appeared. He looks like he is in his fifties, wearing a white coat, his hair is already graying, and he has a very smart Mediterranean hairstyle.

Next to him was a woman in her thirties with wavy chestnut hair. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and had a somewhat slovenly and lazy temperament.

"Who is this?"

Uchiha Hikaru vaguely guessed the identity of this woman, but still glanced at the black adjutant next to him.

Adjutant Black immediately spoke: "She is also a scientist in our legion. Her name is Womi. She is Dr. Gero's deputy and is responsible for research on weapons manufacturing..."


Uchiha Hikaru nodded, his eyes flashing.

The name "Womi" sounds a bit strange.

But if you mention this woman’s other name, it’s different——

Android 21.

That's right.

In the world of Dragon Ball, there are a total of 20 artificial human products made by Dr. Gero. Among them, "No. 20" is himself. He died at the hands of "No. 17" in the "Artificial Human Chapter" - Cell is also considered Dr. Gero. product, but because it was created by computer deduction after his death, it has to be calculated separately.

As for "No. 21", it was Dr. Wami who used himself as a body and fused the cells of Majin Buu to create it. It is another female android besides No. 18, and it should be all the androids. One of the most powerful products.

——By the way, Wami is also the partner of Dr. Gero. The two gave birth to two sons together. The eldest son died young and was the prototype of Android 16.

But these are things that will only happen ten or twenty years later.

At this time, Dr. Groh and Wami's research has not yet advanced to that extent, and they have just produced "Android No. 8", which is the stupid big guy in Masluta.

No. 8 has some strength, I estimate it is around 5 or 60 points, similar to Little Wukong at this period. But compared with those juniors who could easily reach hundreds of millions in combat power a few years later, it can be said to be a world of difference, not even a fraction.

In fact, what Hikari Uchiha is most curious about is number 18.

But considering the time, No. 18 may not be ten years old at the moment, and I don’t know which corner of the earth is staying with No. 17. It was impossible for her to take the initiative to capture the other party and give it to Dr. Gro for transformation, so she had no choice but to give up.

"...Adjutant Black, who are these two women?"

Dr. Gero frowned.

Because the laboratory is underground, what happened outside the base just now did not affect it here. So Dr. Gero still doesn't know that the Red Silk Army has been destroyed in the hands of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath.

But faced with the sudden appearance of two unfamiliar faces, he still became almost instinctively wary.


The black adjutant hesitated to speak.

He couldn't say that Hikaru Uchiha and the two were the murderers who destroyed the Red Silk Army, otherwise he might not be able to survive in this laboratory.

the other side.

Uchiha Hikari smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand: "This is the first time we meet. I am the new leader of the Red Silk Army. You can call me 'Marshal Hikari'."


After meeting Dr. Gero, the Black Adjutant is useless.

Uchiha Hikaru used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to find out from his mind the location where the Red Silk Army hid the treasure. He compared it with the Red Marshal's. After confirming that nothing was missing, he sent him out at will and prepared for a few days. Find another opportunity to deal with him.

——Now, the Red Silk Army still has some branch strongholds and remnants outside, and it is uncertain whether it will contact the headquarters. As the adjutant of the army, he has a little bit of use value, which can allow him to live a little longer.


Uchiha Hikaru spent a day carefully exploring the memories of Dr. Gro and Womi.

no way.

The identities of these two guys were quite special. They were different from those whose memories she had checked before. The most important thing was their brains. If when modifying the memory, she accidentally damages the brain cells and affects the intelligence of these two genius scientists, then the purpose of her trip will be ruined.

"...I see. The reason why this guy is so devoted to the Red Silk Army is because the Red Marshal once inadvertently saved his son's life?"

"Then, if the son in his memory is replaced by me..."

Uchiha Hikaru thought about it for a while, then gave up the idea.

She is not in the habit of being someone else's daughter, and... although Dr. Gero is not a good person, his feelings for his son are very sincere. It is not good to play with him casually like this.


Uchiha Hikari carefully weaved a story and poured it into the minds of Dr. Gero and others——

In this story, the destruction of the Red Silk Army has nothing to do with her and Esdeath.

But it was done by a man named "Frieza".

The latter is a tribe of frozen demons from the depths of the universe, known as the "Universe Overlord". He happened to be passing by the earth, and on a whim, he sent a Qigong wave to the Red Silk Army, which directly caused a blizzard that covered dozens of miles of ice.

All the generals, including General Lan, died on the spot in the snowstorm.

Only she, the "Light Marshal", survived under the desperate protection of "Adjutant Ai".

Well... anyway, the future Androids 16, 17, and 18 will all have the strength to rival a Super Saiyan. With Frieza as his imaginary enemy, Dr. Gero is not too ambitious.

And Frieza is indeed a "frozen demon". Although he actually doesn't have any ice-related abilities, pulling him out to blame Esdeath doesn't mean it's an insult to him. Esdeath herself didn't have any objections, and Frieza wouldn't mind if he came.

In order to ensure that this conquest operation is foolproof.

After Uchiha Hikaru finished modifying Dr. Gero's memory, he took out Shisui's kaleidoscope and shot him a "Better God".

This operation was not done on a whim.

But she had already planned it before coming to the Dragon Ball world.

For this reason, Uchiha Hikaru specially found a blind crow, put Shisui's eyes on it, and then brought it over with him. As the "Other God" activated, one of the crow's eyes dimmed, but the consciousness in Dr. Gro's mind was once again reinforced and transformed, becoming deeply rooted.

"This should be no problem..."

After completing this double insurance, Uchiha Hikari relaxed slightly and looked back.


Esdeath, who had witnessed all this, showed a subtle expression, as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated.

"What's wrong, Xiao Ai?"

Uchiha Hikaru noticed Esdeath's microexpression.


Esdeath hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to get straight to the point: "Did you just... use the ability to modify other people's memories? Otherwise, how could this old man's attitude towards you suddenly change so drastically?"

"So be it."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded: "The Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan eyes contain a special power called 'pupil technique'. There are also pupil techniques that can tamper with the will of others."


"Don't worry, Xiao Ai, your memory has definitely not been modified by me."

Uchiha Hikaru naturally knew what the military girl was thinking. At this time, he raised his little face and showed a clean and pure smile: "I will not use that kind of ability against my friends. Let me use this ability to deal with Only the truly heinous people. And... this kind of trick is useless for people with strong willpower."

Until now, Uchiha Hikari has never exposed the fact that he can rewrite his will in front of others.

After all, this kind of ability is so terrifying that even people close to him will easily feel resentful once they learn about it.

Now, this is the first time she takes the initiative to mention it.

Of course……

Even though he mentioned it, Uchiha Hikari still retained part of it. She did not elaborate on the "Eight Thousand Spears", but just mentioned the role of "Other Gods".

After a moment of hesitation, Esdeath looked relieved.

"I understand, that means it has an ability similar to that of the Ice Monster of the 'Devil's Essence', right?"


Uchiha Hikari didn't expect this. He was stunned for a moment and then nodded and admitted: "Absolutely. It's understandable."

Many super dangerous species in Zhanchi World also have the ability to erode the will, such as "Demon Essence" and "Evil Haunted". Although the concepts of erosion and modification are different, at first glance they are both the transformation of memory, so it is not wrong to classify them into the same category.

There is no problem on Esdeath's side.

Only then did Uchiha Hikari turn around and focus on Dr. Gero again, and began to visit the weapons and equipment displayed in the laboratory under the leadership of him and Womi.

"Marshal Guang, this is the 'Dragon Ball Radar' made according to your request. You only need to press this button to detect the position of the Dragon Ball... like this."

As Dr. Gero spoke, he operated a radar detector shaped like a supercomputer and introduced it to Uchiha Optical Hearing.

Next to the detector, there is a five-star planet whose energy has not yet been fully restored, placed in a translucent glass container.

Uchiha Hikaru was not surprised by the appearance of these two things.

She has already explored the memories of the Red Marshal, the Black Adjutant, and Dr. Gero.

Judging from these memories, the Red Marshal's desire for the Dragon Balls has been around for a long time. During the summer vacation last year, he witnessed the appearance of the dragon and the dark sky. After reading the classics, he learned the legend that "dragon beads can help people realize their wishes", so he became coveted for the dragon beads.

At that time, there happened to be another dragon ball - the fifth planet. After the wish was made, it flew near the headquarters of the Red Silk Army and was found by the sentry on guard at the time. This gave the Red Silk Army the opportunity to further study it.

For more than half a year, the dragon ball had been in the state of a round stone, just like an ordinary stone.

It was not until the last few weeks that its energy gradually recovered that Dr. Groh conducted spectral analysis based on its energy wavelength and built this radar detector on this basis.

Although Dr. Gro's detector is not as small and convenient as Bulma's Dragon Ball Radar, its technical content is not low.

"Let's talk about the Dragon Ball Radar later. Let me look at other things first. Are these the new weapons you developed for Red Silk...for this Marshal?" Uchiha Hikari turned his attention to another part of the laboratory. side.


Dr. Gero nodded and introduced several other research results in turn:

"This is a new type of single-person airship that has achieved driverless control and can fly at a maximum speed of Mach 15..."

"This is the latest wearable robot. The main body is made of tungsten-titanium alloy and can accommodate people. Although it is a bit large, it is very light. Four micro-missiles can be installed in the groove under the body. Each missile has a power no less than ten tons of TNT and can destroy a castle as large as the Red Silk Army headquarters in a short time."

"And this is a high-energy particle beam gun that I recently tried to make. It can fire special particle beam bullets to kill the enemy in an instant. The power is dozens of times that of ordinary firearms... But it still needs to be improved, mainly in terms of energy. With the energy source currently used, it can only be fired ten times at most before it needs to be recharged."

Compared with the previous things.

Uchiha Guang was attracted by the last gun.

The shape of this thing is a bit like the one commonly seen in science fiction movies, and it looks full of science fiction. After turning on the safety, there is a row of low-key and luxurious lights of different colors, which light up on the buttstock and the scope, which looks quite cool.

Following Dr. Gero's instructions, Uchiha Hikaru tried to aim at the humanoid target a hundred meters away and fired a shot. Then, looking at the target that vaporized instantly, he asked casually, "Why don't you use the 'permanent energy furnace' to solve the energy problem?"


Dr. Gero was confused: "What is that?"


Uchiha Hikaru was also slightly stunned: "You haven't researched that thing yet?"

The "permanent energy furnace" she mentioned naturally refers to the energy device installed on No. 17 and No. 18, which can supply energy infinitely.


The first appearance of that thing was also when No. 17 and No. 18 came out of the research institute. Even at that time, it was not seen installed on the third android, indicating that its production cost and technical difficulty may not be low. Even with Dr. Gero's ability, it is impossible to achieve mass production.

And now, twenty years ago, Dr. Gero may not even have built the theoretical framework of the "permanent energy furnace", so naturally there is no talk of production.

Having said that...

The technological content of this "permanent energy furnace" is somewhat absurd. It can be listed as one of the three major black technologies in the Dragon Ball world, along with Bulma's "time machine" and Dr. Brief's "universal capsule". It is really hard to imagine how Dr. Gero came up with this thing...

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