I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 223 Can it be made to look like a Gundam?

Uchiha Hikaru didn't know much about these technological matters.

Therefore, after roughly understanding Dr. Gero's current research progress, she cut into another topic.

"Dr. Gero, have you heard of 'Saiyans'?"


The answer is of course no.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't mean to keep the secret: "That is a race in the universe known as the 'fighting nation', born with extremely strong fighting talents, and some of the best can transform into Super Saiyans when extremely angry... This Super Saiyan is Frieza's only nemesis."


Hearing the name "Frieza", Dr. Gero immediately became serious:

"Are you talking about the murderer who destroyed the Red Silk Army..."


Uchiha Hikaru nodded slightly, then took out Goku's blood sample and put it on the laboratory table: "These test tubes contain blood and tissue samples of 'Saiyans', as well as an analysis report... Take it and see if you can research something."

This analysis report was naturally from Dr. Brief.

——As early as the first time he searched for Dragon Balls, Uchiha Hikaru collected blood samples from Goku and gave part of them to Brief, asking the latter to help with research.

Dr. Brief did make a detailed analysis of the blood sample and found 17 cells that are different from those of Earthlings. Nine of these cells have the characteristics of stimulating energy, which can give the owner more powerful body functions; and four other cells have the characteristics of rapid regeneration, which can accelerate the healing of injuries.

However, it is not yet certain which one of these is the "S cell".

——The so-called S cell is the kind of cell related to the transformation into a Super Saiyan.

Goku is now only a child of twelve or thirteen years old, and it will take at least ten years before he can become a Super Saiyan.

In the past ten years, Goku has drunk Super God Water, been hit by the "Magic Light Killing Cannon", died once, was seriously injured and nearly died several times, and witnessed Krillin being killed twice... All these experiences will have an impact on his body and cause changes in the number and activity of cells in his body. Therefore, using blood samples that have not yet changed to analyze the composition and mechanism of action of "S cells" will undoubtedly increase the difficulty.


It's not a big problem.

Dr. Gero and Dr. Brief are both top scientists in the Dragon Ball world. They have both discovered and proposed the existence of "S cells". As long as a general direction is pointed out, it is only a matter of time before the research results are achieved. At least, the "S cells" can be found a few years ahead of the original work.

As for how to use this kind of cell...

Maybe... we can use cell modification to artificially create "Super Saiyans"?

The Naruto world can use the cells of Hashirama Senju to cultivate artificial arms, so there is no reason why the Dragon Ball world cannot do something similar. Even if it can't really become a Super Saiyan, at least using "S cells" to improve body activity and recovery ability should be no problem.


Uchiha Hikaru took out a tube of blood samples from the Daki brothers and sisters, Eri, Xia Mi, Donghai Yunlong... and so on, and put them on the laboratory table. He said a few simple words, which was regarded as arranging the next stage of research tasks for Dr. Gero.

Well... the more capable, the more work.

So far, Uchiha Hikaru has conquered three scientists in three worlds respectively.

Among them, Orochimaru has the most projects, more than ten in total. Even with the help of Yakushi Nono and Karin, he is already too busy to handle.

Dr. Shishang has relatively fewer tasks. After all, his academic attainments are relatively limited. He is focusing on research in alchemy, super dangerous species, and imperial tools.

And Dr. Gero is the one with the highest academic attainments among the three, and his research team is the most complete. With Dr. Womi, who is not much lower than him, helping him, it is reasonable for him to share some research work.

As for the blood sample of the Uchiha clan...

After thinking it over and over again, Uchiha Hikaru did not give it to Dr. Gero.

After all...

Dr. Gero was respectful to her because he was hit by the eye technique.

Although the probability is small, if the latter analyzes the principle of the Mangekyo eye technique through the study of the Uchiha blood sample and then perceives something, it may cause some unexpected twists and turns. Therefore, it is better to be safe first.

When Dr. Gero and Womi began to quietly assess the workload.

Uchiha Hikaru stood up again and glanced at the robot not far away, and suddenly said: "By the way..."

"I just wanted to ask... Can the appearance of this robot be slightly modified?"

"Modify? You mean..."

Dr. Gero was a little confused.

It must be said that Dr. Gero is indeed quite accomplished in the field of weapon manufacturing, but his aesthetic level is really worrying. For example, his artificial humans, except for No. 17 and No. 18 made of human body, almost all other artificial humans are ugly. The same is true for mecha.

The performance of this operational robot is not low, but the appearance is really ugly. You can imagine how stupid it would be to sit in it.


"Borrow a piece of paper."

Uchiha Hikaru took a piece of white paper from the side, drew a few strokes, outlined the appearance of a mecha, and then handed it to Dr. Gero: "Can you build a mecha according to this image?"


Dr. Gro looked at it for a while and nodded: "Although the color scheme is a bit strange, it is not difficult to reproduce... Does this appearance have any special purpose for you?"


Uchiha Hikaru smiled: "You don't understand."

The pattern she drew on the paper was none other than what the "Strike Freedom Gundam" looked like.

Although she possesses Susanoo herself, and the size and power of Susanoo are no weaker than those of ordinary mechas, but...

Who can resist being a Gundam pilot?

In Zhanchi World, Uchiha Hikari has realized her dream of becoming a dragon knight. Although Donghai Yunlong cannot follow her to other worlds for the time being due to objective reasons, at least she has obtained this "Dragon Knight" identity card. .


Realizing the dream of "attacking in Gundam form" in the Dragon Ball world shouldn't be too much, right?

So far.

The task that Uchiha Hikari planned to give to Dr. Gero was basically arranged.

Next, she spent a few more days plundering the belongings in the Red Silk Army Castle.

Very rewarding.

Uchiha Hikaru took out a small part of the property and left it to Dr. Gro as experimental funds. The rest was packed up and stuffed into his own universal capsule.

Also in the past two days, several groups of Red Silk Army soldiers returned to the headquarters from outside.


They were all dealt with casually by Esdeath.

As for the ice sculptures she had made before, they were still standing motionless inside and outside the castle. Because the headquarters was located at a relatively high latitude, even in summer, these ice sculptures showed no signs of melting, and she was frightened away. Several Red Silk Army teams wanted to come over to investigate the situation.

"...It's been so long since I've been here, Tao Baibai shouldn't show up, right?"

"Also, those branch members scattered outside should have discovered the abnormality in the headquarters by now, right? Without contact for so long, maybe they have recognized the reality and are ready to run away?"

Considering that there are many types of equipment in Dr. Groh's laboratory, it is not easy to relocate them at will.

Moreover, the Red Silk Army headquarters has a large amount of food reserves. Even if they stay here and don't go anywhere, they can still maintain the living expenses of Dr. Groh's research team for about one or two years.

Therefore, Uchiha Hikari asked Esdeath to directly create a huge hemispherical ice wall, sealing off the area within a dozen miles around the castle, and then personally took action and arranged a large-scale hidden barrier— —She learned this skill from Kikyo. After all, the two had been together for a long time in Inuyasha's world, and she had the Sharingan, so it was not difficult to learn some practical barrier techniques.

In this way, even if the remnants of the Red Silk Army approach again, they will only be blocked outside and helpless.

This morning.

At the entrance of the Red Silk Army Castle.

Uchiha Hikari gave Dr. Gero his final instructions: "...The general situation is like this. Adjutant Ai and I are going out to look for clues about 'Frieza'. It may be very soon, or it may take a long time to come back. In During this time, I would like to trouble you both, Dr. Gro and Dr. Womi, to study the few things I told you."

"Please rest assured. The person who destroyed the Red Silk Army is my enemy. I will definitely develop more powerful weapons to get rid of him and avenge the deaths of our legion!"

Dr. Gero swears by it.

Uchiha Hikaru smiled and patted his shoulder to encourage him.

Although... the "people who destroyed the Red Silk Army" were actually standing here, it was her and Esdeath herself.

I don’t know what kind of expression Dr. Groh will have on his face if he knows the truth of all this...

"Let's go, Xiao Ai."

"Let's go for a walk in the forest first, and then go back to find Bulma and the others."

Uchiha Hikari said.

[Buma@无名: Xiaoguang, how are you handling things over there? Do you need help? 】

[Buma: Tanjiro, Yamato, and I have now left Kamesen Island and are heading to the venue for the martial arts tournament. There is... If you have finished your work, you can come directly and see us. 】

[Anonymous: That’s almost it. I have one more thing to explain, and I’ll almost be able to go back. Are Eri and the others here now? 】

[Little monster: It’s coming, it’s coming! I really want to see the light soon. 】

[Brand: When I came to Miss Boomer's world for the first time, I didn't expect that there would be so many things I had never seen before... It felt so magical. 】

At this moment.

Hundreds of miles away from Guixian Island.

A rather large airship was sailing at high speed.

The driver is Boomer.

On the rows of seats at the back, sat Yamato, Eri, Kikyo, Brand, Yotsuya Miko... In addition to Uchiha Hikari who was at the headquarters of the Red Silk Army, there was also Nam Feng Shui who was unable to come due to objective reasons. Except for the door and Japanese knotweed Hisahito, the remaining seven group members have all arrived. They are looking at the sky outside with excited faces and chatting among themselves.

The most excited one was Yotsuya Miko.

Among the people present, she had the least interaction with other group members. She had only met Uchiha Hikari and Kikyo before, and her impressions of the others were only at the level of text exchanges. Now it was the first time to meet them in person.


The world where Jianzi lives is full of wandering ghosts and lonely souls because of the problem of reincarnation order. Now that she came to the world of Dragon Ball, she couldn't see any ghosts around her, which made her burst into tears.

Not far from the airship, in another high sky.

Master Kame was driving a small plane, carrying Goku, Krillin, and Lan Qi in blue hair, and was also heading to the location of the martial arts conference. During the process, he subconsciously glanced to the side with a subtle expression.

"Where did Bulma, that girl... call so many friends?"

"And they seem to be pretty good..."

As a senior champion of the "World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference", Master Kame has a general idea of ​​the level of this event, and also knows what level his two new disciples are at-

How to say it...

From the experience of more than ten martial arts conferences in the past, there may be a few people who can beat Krillin, but there is basically no one who can beat Goku steadily.

If the people from the Crane Immortal School didn't come, and he didn't participate in the competition, Goku would most likely win the championship, and Krillin would at least make it to the semi-finals.

Because of this, Master Kame came up with the idea of ​​participating in the competition under an alias, intending to give Goku some frustration education, to wear down his spirit, so that he could go further.

For the same reason, Master Kame tried his best to invite Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath to participate in the competition, wanting to add two more whetstones for his disciples.

But now...

Master Kame suddenly began to doubt what he did -

Frustration is frustration.

But... In this martial arts tournament, Goku won't even make it to the semi-finals, right?

You know, among the group of friends around Bulma alone, there are three or four who are stronger than Goku, plus himself... What if the frustration is too great and directly crushes people?

"It's a bit of a headache..."

Master Kame freed one hand and scratched his head, a little worried.

That afternoon.

Bulma and Master Kame landed in the city where the martial arts tournament was held and booked a few hotels.

As a competition that has been held for nearly a world, the popularity of the world's number one martial arts tournament is still very high.

There are still a few days before the event, and the city is already crowded. Not only are several hotels fully occupied, but when walking on the street, you can see many martial artists wearing various costumes, waiting to participate in the event in a few days.

In this lively atmosphere.

Uchiha Hikaru brought Esdeath and teleported over with "Shangri-La" and met Bulma and others again.

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