I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 224 Is this true? I beat Uchiha Hikaru?

That night.

Bulma booked the largest restaurant in the city and invited all the group members, including Uchiha Hikaru, as well as Esdeath and Kame-sennin, to have a big meal.

During the meal.

Eri and Yotsuya Miko frequently looked at Goku and Krillin with a curious look.

They both read the Dragon Ball comics and roughly knew Goku's identity and what he would experience in the future. Seeing this legendary "Super Saiyan" appear in reality, they were somewhat curious.

Brand was also looking at Goku.

However, his focus was different from the two girls. He was mainly focused on Goku's wolfing down and the pile of plates gradually piled up next to him.

"... Miss Bulma, does this child called Son Goku eat so much normally?"


Bulma was slightly startled, then burst into laughter: "You are talking about this... After all, Goku is an alien, it is normal for him to eat a lot. Don't worry, I am the daughter of a rich family, I can still afford this meal, unlike some old perverts."


Bulma was naturally talking about Master Roshi.

The latter once rewarded the runner-up Goku as a reward after the 21st Martial Arts Tournament, which is this one. As a result, he ate all the 500,000 yuan prize money from the Martial Arts Tournament in one meal, almost forcing Master Roshi to run away early. In a sense, it can be regarded as a black history of Master Roshi.

But now...

Brand was hesitant to speak.

Is this a "bigger" problem? It's simply a monster. How can anyone eat like this?

He originally thought that Akame's appetite was already considered a big eater, but looking at the appearance of little Goku, he might be able to eat several cows in one meal. I don't know how he can hold so much food with such a small stature...

In the gap between Brand and Bulma's whispered conversation.

Uchiha Guang also came closer and asked Brand about Akame and Leone.

"By the way, didn't you say before that the two of them wanted to come and join in the fun? Are they still coming now?"

During this period, Uchiha Guang carefully studied the shuttle function of the chat group and found that there is still room for expansion of this function. That is, a temporary permission can be opened to teleport living bodies other than group members at the cost of 100 points once, but each time can only stay for 24 hours-of course, the premise is also with the consent of other world group members.

100 points a day is a little expensive.

But most group members, including Uchiha Guang, usually don't use points much, so if they really want to use this permission function, they can still afford it.

Of course, using a sealing technique to seal it and bring it here is also a way. The operation is a little troublesome, and the person being carried will suffer a little, but the advantage is that it can save a point.

"As for them..."

Brand explained in a low voice.

Leona can't come.

Because she has a friend who lives in the slums. Something happened recently and she needs her help. She has no time to think about other things for the time being.

But, Akame still wants to come.

There is also Tatsumi.

"The boy named Tatsumi is making rapid progress. He is a natural general. The boss intends to train him so that he can become independent. If he can come here and see the masters from all over the world, I think it may be of great benefit to his future growth."

Brand explained.

Listening to his words, Uchiha Hikaru glanced at Esdeath next to him without revealing his expression.

In the original work, Esdeath fell in love with Tatsumi at first sight at the martial arts competition in the imperial capital. Now that the Revolutionary Army has captured the Imperial Capital ahead of time, the plot of the martial arts tournament has disappeared. If Tatsumi appears in the world's number one martial arts tournament in the Dragon Ball world and shows his outstanding talent and belief, then... will it make Esdeath have any special ideas?

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like this suddenly?"

Esdeath noticed her gaze keenly, wiped the corner of her mouth, and asked calmly.

"Nothing, I just thought of something..."

Uchiha Hikaru did not comment.


The day after the dinner.

At Brand's request, Uchiha Hikaru went to the world of Akagi with him and brought Akagi and Tatsumi with him.

By the way, Uchiha Hikaru also took the time to go to the East China Sea to see his mount.

Donghai Yunlong still recognized her at this time, and still looked submissive.

Seeing this, Uchiha Hikaru felt relieved a little, and immediately rode the East Sea Cloud Dragon, circling over the East Sea for a long time, enjoying the sea breeze, and took a few photos to show off in the chat group.

[Unknown: [Dragon Rider.jpg]×10]

[Bulma: Hey, is this the mount that you captured last time, Hikaru? Although I guessed how big this thing was when I saw the proportions of the characters in the photo, it seems to be even more amazing than expected...]

[Unknown: Hehe, next time you have a chance, you can come and ride it. The back of the ‘Raikūza’ is spacious enough, even if a hundred people sit at the same time, there is no problem. ]

To be precise, the East Sea Cloud Dragon can carry tens of thousands of people at a time, and there is no problem.

After all, its body is six or seven kilometers long, and its head is bigger than the complete Susanoo, making it a veritable mountain beast.

Hearing what Uchiha Hikaru said, Eri and Yamato immediately showed their interest, and even wanted to come and experience it now, but because the martial arts tournament was approaching, Uchiha Hikaru postponed the time for a while, and the two immediately agreed.

After half a day of being a dragon knight, Uchiha Hikaru sent Donghai Yunlong back to his nest, and then found Dr. Fashion.

Some time ago, Dr. Fashion had moved the research institute to Donghai County as a whole, and continued to conduct his research on imperial tools and dangerous species. The main research content is the "Supreme Imperial Tool·National Guardian Machine God" that he had observed up close some time ago.

When Uchiha Hikaru came over, he took out several analysis reports he had written during this period, showed them to Uchiha Hikaru one by one, and briefly explained his subsequent research plan.

"... Well, I already know the general situation, and I'm doing okay."

"You can do whatever you want. If you are unsure about 'alchemy', you can discuss it with Dotaya. She is an expert in this area."

Uchiha Hikaru didn't really understand these reports. After all, she didn't spend time studying the 'alchemy' of the world of Akagi. The last time Bulma and others went to observe the Supreme Imperial Equipment, she was busy subduing the East Sea Cloud Dragon, and she didn't ask any questions afterwards.


Someone can understand it.

"Show it to Bulma after you go back. She seems to be quite interested in these research topics such as 'alchemy'..."


Just as Uchiha Hikaru thought.

Bulma was indeed very interested in what she brought back. Anyway, she didn't have to participate in the martial arts tournament, so she planned to take a look as soon as possible in the next few days, and then decide whether to go to the world of Akagi after the martial arts tournament to communicate with Dr. Fashion about the latest research progress.

As the last two days passed quickly,

The 21st Martial Arts Tournament finally kicked off.

The first step is to determine the battle list.

As early as the end of registration, the Martial Arts Tournament gave each contestant a number, and the way to determine the list is that all contestants with odd numbers will draw their opponents from the box that released the even numbers in turn. In order to avoid the suspicion of secret manipulation, the organizer adopted a centralized lottery method.

Uchiha Guang is an even number, so there is no need to draw lots.

However, because Tanjiro, Brand... and Esdeath and others are all odd numbers, she can't sleep alone in the hotel. She can only go to the venue of the Martial Arts Tournament with Bulma, Eri and others, and then wait for the result of Tanjiro's draw.


A series of messages appeared in the chat group-

[Ghost Princess: I didn't expect there to be so many contestants in the Martial Arts Tournament. It looks so lively and much more fun than Onigashima... I don't know how many strong people like Kame among these people are strong people like Master Roshi. I really want to fight with them. ]

[Brand: ...Although it's a bit rude to say this, a very smelly guy just walked past me. Doesn't the martial arts tournament have any regulations on the appearance and dress of the contestants? ]

[Bulma: A very smelly person... Did you see that barbarian? ]

[Brand: Barbarian? ]

[Yotani Miko: Miss Bulma is talking about the contestant who used the "body odor attack" to rush into the quarterfinals and almost defeated Krillin...]

[Bulma: Yes, that's him. Fortunately, I didn't see that guy, otherwise I would have been traumatized. ]

At the beginning, the atmosphere in the group was quite lively. Everyone was discussing what they saw before and after the draw, even Bulma was no exception - although she had seen the 21st martial arts tournament in the comics, what she saw in the comics was still different from the real world. Especially now that the plot has been greatly changed with the intervention of Uchiha Hikaru and others, the schedule of this martial arts tournament has also added a lot of variables.


[Iron Head Baby: Huh? My first opponent is Miss Hikari? ]

[Bulma: Phew...]

[Bulma: Tanjiro, you are so unlucky... But it doesn't matter, it's just a sparring match. Didn't we agree long ago that 'friendship first, competition second'? Anyway, Miss Hikari can't really be ruthless to you... Right, Xiao Guang @Wu Ming]

[Wu Ming: Yeah. Speaking of which, Tanjiro and I are both disciples taught by the cat master. As brothers and sisters from the same school, I will show mercy to you [smiley face.jpg]]

[Iron Head Baby: Ahem, actually you don't have to...]

In reality, Tanjiro scratched his head, with an expression that seemed to be hesitant to speak.

He is not a timid person.

When he was just a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, he dared to swing his sword at Muzan Kibutsuji, the thousand-year-old demon king whose strength far exceeded his own. Now, after such a long period of training, he also learned "qi" from the cat master for two months. His strength has increased several times more than before, so he will naturally not be afraid before the battle.


Miss Guang and I...

Is it true?

Not fearing a strong enemy is one thing, but...if the gap in strength is so huge, can I really last ten seconds on the ring?

Tanjiro lowered his head and began to think seriously about what tactics to use to survive a few more moves in the hands of Uchiha Guang.

Compared to the stressed-out Tanjiro, Yamato and Brand's attitudes were more relaxed.

[Yamato: My opponent is actually that Roshi-sensei? It looks like it's going to be a very intense battle, I really want to start the fight soon! ]

[Brand: My opponent is called Jilang... Is this guy really a human? He looks like a monster? ]

[Bulma: Jilang? Is that the one? ]

[Bulma: [Jilang.jpg]]

The picture Bulma sent was taken from the Dragon Ball manga.

This guy called Jilang is a well-known character in the original work. He is one of the top eight players in the 21st Martial Arts Tournament and once put Goku in a tough fight. It's just that his appearance looks a bit abstract, a monster shaped like a Western giant lizard. I don't know how the Earth in the Dragon Ball world can raise such a "human"...

Originally, although Jilang was not very strong, he had some strength and successfully made it to the top eight in the original work. It's a pity that I'm facing Brand in the first round... If nothing unexpected happens, I might be eliminated in the first round.

But it's hard to say.

If Brand doesn't use "Devil Haunting", he may not be able to win this round steadily. It can only be said that he has a slight advantage.

[Bulma: By the way, Xiaoguang, who is the opponent Esdeath drew? It won't be Xiao Wukong, right? ]

[Wumi: Wait, let me take a look...]

In reality.

Uchiha Guang tiptoed and leaned over to Esdeath next to him to take a look.

The latter originally wanted to put the note in her hand away, but after seeing that it was her, she let down her guard and casually handed the note to her, allowing Uchiha Guang to see the name written on it clearly.

It's not Xiao Wukong.


"... Tatsumi?"

This is... a coincidence.

It seems that even if you change a world, the influence of plot inertia is still inevitable.

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment before asking tentatively: "Xiao Ai, you should have met the boy named Tatsumi, right? How do you feel about him?"

"What do you mean?"

Esdeath said calmly: "He is just an ordinary boy who has just started out. His strength is mediocre, and he is not an imperial weapon user. There should be nothing worth noting about him, right?"


You don't have any thoughts like being moved?

Uchiha Hikaru breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, then smiled slightly, raised his arms and stretched: "Okay, the battle list has been determined, and the game will start tomorrow. Go back and have a good night's rest and get ready to fight."

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