I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 225: Fighting at the Martial Arts Tournament

Early the next morning.

Uchiha Hikaru and his entourage got up early, washed and ate at the hotel, and then arrived at the venue of the martial arts conference.

Judging from the scene, this venue is quite spectacular.

There is a several-thousand-square-meter arena in the middle, surrounded by auditoriums, which can seat nearly 10,000 people. Cameras have been set up in many places, ready to broadcast the fighting in the ring and the reactions of the audience to TV viewers around the world.


The martial arts conferences of this period in the original work did not have such a grand venue, and their popularity was limited to the circle of martial arts masters. Therefore, even Kame Sennin, who has won many championships and is known as the "God of Martial Arts", is still famous in the eyes of the general public. Not obvious.

There is absolutely no comparison with Mr. Satan who became famous twenty years later through martial arts competitions and then became a global idol by accident.


After knowing these situations from the comics, Bulma directly activated his money power and invested money in the martial arts conference in the name of the Universal Capsule Company. This made the conference much more impressive, both in terms of the size of the venue and the size of the audience. , all are like this.

"...Xiaoguang, and everyone, come here!"

Bulma waved his hand vigorously and greeted Uchiha Hikaru and his entourage to walk to the front row of the auditorium.

After everyone was seated, Bulma took out snacks and drinks from the universal capsule with a smile and distributed them one by one.

"Thank you, Sister Bulma."

Tanjiro thanked him obediently.

Eriki also raised her small notebook.

Little Wukong, Krillin, and Lan Qi were also given a few bags of potato chips and ate a few pieces.

Seeing that it was still early, Uchiha Hikaru and the others sat together and chatted for a while - of course, they deliberately avoided the "chat group" in their words. After all, there were Kamesento and others who didn't know the truth next to them. This kind of thing for them and their group The little secrets between you are not suitable to be exposed to the eyes of others.

More than half an hour passed.

A blond host came on stage and said a few words, and then announced that the game had officially begun.


"Hmm...are these people martial arts masters from all over the world? They don't seem to be as powerful as imagined."

It was Yamato who spoke.

Because she was too tall, in order to avoid blocking the view of the audience behind her, this ghost girl chose to spread out a futon and sit on the ground, drinking Coke while commenting on the players.

Brand also nodded: "Indeed, I feel similar to those boxing masters from the Imperial Fist Temple, but not to the level of the 'Four Rakshasa Ghosts'..."

"...not as good as my brother and father."

This is Eri clothes.

Looking at the small notebook held up by Eriki, Uchiha Hikari smiled: "After all, your two brothers and the head of the Uesugi family are all 'emperors'. If they can't even compare to this level, then it's a little bit... Shame on you."


Esdeath turned her head and glanced.

"Well, it's an honorific for blood. People who can be called 'Emperors' are generally pretty good... If I have a chance next time, I'll take you over to ask for advice."

Uchiha Hikaru said with a smile.

The emperors of the eight Sheqi families are considered to be at the top of the world of dragon hybrids. Although they are still incomparable to Esdeath, they can theoretically practice with her. If you use "explosive blood" and "evolution medicine" and enter a desperate state, it may not be able to create a little pressure on Esdeath.


Uchiha Hikaru suddenly thought of another question——

If she really brought Esdeath to the dragon world, then... how would the eight Sheqi families and Xia Mi view Esdeath?

This person's ability is related to ice, maybe...

Will he be mistaken for the ethnic group or deity of the "King of Ocean and Water"?

——The "White King" and the "Water King" are indeed somewhat related. A considerable part of the reason why the former was able to revive from the Divine Burial House lies in the Water King embryo that sank to the bottom of the sea with the Lenin icebreaker. So in theory, after the White King recovers, he can indeed bring out the Water King as his follower, which makes sense logically.

It would be interesting if we could catch the real Water King using this method...

The morning passed quickly.

At first, Yamato and others watched the competition with excitement and commented on each contestant, for fear of missing some details.

But as time went by, the expressions of several people gradually began to become numb, and they seemed to lack interest.

no way.

Except for the Kamesen-ryu and Kakusen-ryu, as well as the future Z Warrior members, most of the martial arts masters on Dragon Ball Earth are actually not that strong.

There are even many people who don't even understand "qi" and can only fight simply using fists and kicks - such as Mr. Satan, the "savior" who became famous 20 years later, falls into this category. And this level of competition is a bit childish for the group members who have been in battle for a long time, and even if they are not experienced in battle, they have seen many high-level battles in the group.

In terms of excitement, I'm afraid it's not as good as the Chunin Examination in the Naruto World - at least those Genin really know how to use various secret techniques. Let’s not talk about whether it is strong or not. First of all, the visual appreciation is full.


It was Uchiha Hikaru and Tanjiro's turn to play.

"Come on, Hikari! And Tanjiro!"

Before going on stage, Bulma gave Uchiha Hikaru and the others a cheering expression: "We are members of the 'Dimension Pirates'. At this time, we must make a big splash and let everyone know how powerful we are!" "

Eriyi also raised her small notebook and warned, "Pay attention to safety."


Uchiha Hikaru first smiled helplessly at Bulma, then touched Eri's red-haired head, then looked at Esdeath, who was sitting quietly without saying anything, and then left with Tanjiro. After tidying up their clothes, they walked onto the field from both sides of the ring.

Wait until you stand still.

Uchiha Hikaru raised his chin towards Tanjiro, signaling him to take action first.

The rules of the Tenkaichi Budokai do not allow the use of weapons.

Therefore, Tanjiro's Nichirin sword cannot be used.

However, during this period of time, he had been undergoing special training with Neko Sennin, and he had also practiced a lot of physical skills. At this time, he just took a deep breath, jumped forward, pointed like a knife, and pointed at Uchiha Hikaru. Come over here.

When the palm knife passes through the air, you can see a group of tiny ripples spreading in the air, and there are faint dark red flames, accompanied by a slightly sharp sound of breaking wind——

"Breath of the Sun"!

Uchiha Hikari stood motionless until Tanjiro got within a few meters of him, then he suddenly raised his hand and held Tanjiro's sword in place, then gently shook his arm and bounced him back. open.

With just such a confrontation, Uchiha Hikari already had a point in mind.

how to say……

Tanjiro's current strength has indeed improved a lot compared to half a year ago.

Especially in the past two months, after stably opening the "stripes" with the help of Neko Sento, his strength, speed, and physical strength are all different from those of the previous member of the Demon Slayer Corps. If he returned to the world of demon slayers with his current strength, he would probably be able to kill all the demons below the three-year-old demon slayer by himself.

As for Yiwozuo himself and Shang Ertongmo, they should be able to fight a dozen, but the chances of winning may not be that high.

As for Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan and Black Death Mou...

It's hard to say.

After all, these two guys are both strong in the Demon Slayer World. Black Death Mou was besieged by three striped pillars and almost took them all away. Wu Mei suppressed them all by himself even though he was 9,000 years old. All members of the Demon Slayer Corps. Although Tanjiro's current strength is good, it is only at the level of one or two pillars, and may not be enough to face the first two.

After drawing these preliminary conclusions.

Uchiha Hikaru calmed down and did not activate the Sharingan. Instead, he simply used Taijutsu and fought Tanjiro a hundred times. After roughly measuring the current real level of the iron-headed boy, he finally gained a "slight advantage" Victory was achieved.

To this.

The ordinary spectators didn't have any reaction, they just thought they saw a pretty exciting boxing showdown. A few of them were amazed at Uchiha Hikari's age and appearance.

——It is still rare to see a martial artist of this age group and a girl in the arena.

But Bulma and the others, who knew Uchiha Hikari's true strength, had weird expressions on their faces.

"Well, it's too obvious that Xiaoguang is letting off steam..."

"I'm afraid this level is no longer called releasing water, but releasing the sea..."

"Well, forget it, we are all friends anyway, so there is no need to fight so fiercely. By the way, the next fight will be with you Yamato, right?"

Along with Bulma's words, several people's eyes turned to Yamato.

By the way, he glanced at Kame Sento - as expected, the latter's seat was now empty.

"Hey, where did grandpa go?"

Little Wukong stood up, put up a pergola with his hands and looked around.

"Maybe I went to the bathroom." Clin didn't care.

"Hmph, I guess I went to spy on some girl."

Bulma curled his lips and said deliberately.

As someone who has read the "Dragon Ball" comics, Bulma certainly knows that Kame Sento is now putting on makeup to pretend to be "Jackie Chan". However, this matter should not be known to them, and Kamesennin’s original intention of doing this is also for the growth of his disciples, so Bulma did not tell the truth, and also made a silent gesture to Eriki and Yotsugamiko. .

Until Uchiha Hikari and Tanjiro, who had just finished competing, came back.

Yamato climbed up from the ground, greeted Uchiha Hikari and Kikyo one after another, and strode towards the ring.

at this time.

Wearing a gray wig and using the pseudonym "Jackie Chan", Turtle Immortal also walked up from the other side of the ring with his hands behind his back, standing still with the air of Yuan Ting Yue Zhi.


After a brief confrontation.

Yamato suddenly raised his arms, and an invisible momentum burst out from his body, which immediately surged around the ring like a tide, and soon swept the entire venue!

——Overlord and domineering!

At this moment, except for a few people such as Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath, whose expressions remained normal, everyone else, including Bulma and Tanjiro, felt their shoulders sink for a moment, and they felt like they were out of breath. Some ordinary people with weak physiques suddenly collapsed on their seats and looked around with horrified eyes.

"What, what's going on?"

"Could it be that the player in the ring released it?"

"How can there be such a fierce momentum? It's like a tiger standing in front of you. It's really scary..."

Compared with the frightened spectators in the auditorium.

Standing on the ring, Master Kame's perception of the Conqueror's Haki was even more obvious. Although he would not be frightened by the Conqueror's Haki with his strength and state of mind, he could not help but feel a little terrified, as if he was facing a great enemy.


In just one breath.

Master Kame's thin body began to swell up, and he slightly propped up his Zhongshan suit, and his legs also slightly spread apart in a horse stance, making a posture of accumulating power.

The next moment.

Yamato suddenly stepped forward, his arms were already wrapped in layers of dark armed color, and he swung them high like a human version of a mace, smashing towards Master Kame with great force!

Thunderous Bagua!!

Almost at the same time as she moved, Master Kame also swung forward with a palm: "Ten Thousand Nations Shocking Palm!"

The dark "mace" collided with the flesh palm surrounded by lightning!

In the blink of an eye, a violent shock wave burst out, like flowing water, spreading wildly in all directions. In just a moment, a fierce gale was formed! From the audience, you can clearly see the tiles on the ring shattered into pieces, and countless rubble was wrapped in the wind, shooting at high speed like bullets, and pierced several walls not far away into a hornet's nest on the spot!

"Come again!"

Yamato took a half step back and punched again without thinking!

Bang... Bang... Bang! !

As the daughter of Kaido, Yamato's fighting style is still very similar to the former. There is no fancy operation, just pure hard-hitting.

After resisting a few times, Master Kame roughly figured out her tactics, and immediately used the afterimage fist, transforming his body into five or six, attacking Yamato from different angles.


"... Shadow clone?"

In the stands, Esdeath glanced at Uchiha Hikaru.

She had not joined the chat group, nor had she read the Dragon Ball comics. She had only linked Kame-sensei's moves with the ninjutsu she had seen on Uchiha Hikaru based on what she saw.

However, this suspicion was quickly denied by Uchiha Hikaru.

"No, it's just the use of 'qi', which is different from 'shadow clone'..."

Speaking of which, Kame-sensei's "afterimage fist" is actually a bit like another technique -

Shisui's instant body technique.

When he lived in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Hikaru had asked Shisui about the instant body technique, so he knew the principle of this technique, which is a physical illusion technique, that is, a combination of ordinary instant body, clone technique, and Sharingan illusion technique. It is similar to the move used by Kame-sensei.

It's worth copying.

Uchiha Hikaru carefully observed it with his Sharingan.

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