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Chapter 226 The Art of Restoring the Earth Flow Wall Arena

The 22nd Ring Repair Technique

It can be seen that Yamato has been holding back for too long and is itching to do something.

As soon as she came on the stage, she skipped the mutual probing stage and started directly with the Conqueror Haki, then revealed all three colors of Haki, and "Thunder Bagua" greeted Master Kame as if it was free.

The latter also repeatedly increased the strength of "qi", from the Afterimage Fist to the Ten Thousand Nations Shocking Palm, and even used Kamehameha once, to fight against Yamato's Thunder Bagua. Every time the two sides collided, the surrounding air was torn apart, bringing extremely violent shock waves, which spread out in all directions.

The wind was howling.

Some of the audience sitting in the front row had already started to stand up and run to the back row.

There was no way.

Although the oppressive feeling brought by the Conqueror Haki was palpitating, it could still be endured.

But the rubble that was shot out, as dense as raindrops, was really unbearable. In just a short moment, dozens of spectators were hit on the head and ran out with their heads covered. The blonde referee who was in charge of the commentary also showed a tangled expression while explaining the battle.

According to the rules of the martial arts competition, attacking spectators is also prohibited. The consequences of violating it are the same as using weapons, and the qualification to participate will be disqualified on the spot.


If both parties did not intend to attack the spectators, but the aftermath of the fight was too big and accidentally involved the people in the audience... what should be done?

The blonde host was entangled in this.

The scene was about to get bigger and bigger.

Uchiha Hikaru took out the blood jade coral from his arms and planned to open the barrier to frame the area of ​​the ring to avoid accidental injury to innocent people.

However, Esdeath noticed her action and snapped her fingers one step ahead. With the burst of biting cold air, a wall of ice more than ten meters high rose from the ground, extending rapidly from the audience seats where Uchiha Guang and his party were, and soon expanded to a length of nearly two hundred meters, separating all the splashing debris.

At the same time, because the ice wall is translucent, it is like a glass curtain wall, and it will not affect the audience's view of the game.


The blonde referee was stunned for a few seconds before turning his head to look at Esdeath: "Thank you very much for the help of this lady. After today's game, please accept our exquisite gift..."

"No need."

Esdeath responded expressionlessly, then glanced at Uchiha Guang with the corner of his eye, and said again: "Gifts, just give it to her."


Uchiha Guang was slightly startled, then smiled and pursed his lips: "In this case, I won't be polite."

"Whatever you say."

As the scene temporarily settled down, the organizers of the martial arts conference began to arrange medical staff to help the injured people to be bandaged. The remaining audience ran to a place farther away from the ring and continued to watch the two players on the stage.

The blonde host also regained her passion and began to explain loudly:

"... Now Yamato launched another fierce attack, a left kick and a right whip kick, all of which were blocked by Jackie Chan..."

Yamato and Kame-sensei fought fiercely for nearly half an hour like Mars hitting the Earth.

In the process, the ring of thousands of square meters was torn to pieces, and several pillars beside it were broken. The sign engraved with "The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Association" was shaky, and the whole scene looked like a tornado destroying a parking lot.

In the end, both of them realized that the opponent was not someone who could be easily dealt with. In order to save some physical strength for the subsequent battle, they decided to keep a distance and decide the outcome with one move.

The move used by Kame-sensei was naturally Kamehameha, but it was a super-powerful one that could flatten a mountain with one shot.

At this moment, Yamato also used his real trump card - not domineering, but the devil fruit.

Dog-Dog Fruit·Mythical Beast Species·Big Mouth True God Form!

In theory, this ability is actually a kind of "external object", which is contrary to the rules of the martial arts tournament. However, because the organizers did not know what kind of "devil fruit" was, it was not that Yamato was now in a state of complete digestion and did not need weapons to stimulate the ability of this mythical beast species, so they did not pursue it.

In just a moment.

Yamato's face changed drastically, showing a white wolf with sharp fangs. His originally tall figure seemed to have risen a bit, and then he covered himself with a layer of ice armor, and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a breath of extremely cold ice:

"Mirror Mountain!"

"Mushi Ice Fang!"

-The former is a protection for himself, and the latter is a trick that can compete with Kaido and belongs to Yamato after entering the human-beast state.

The next second, huge smoke and dust rushed into the sky, and the roar of the explosion resounded through the world! !

It took three or four minutes.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the figures of Yamato and Kame appeared again. Both of them looked out of breath, and their bodies retreated dozens of steps compared to before. Even their clothes were a little tattered, obviously they were exhausted.


Kame raised his hand: "I give up."


Hearing this, the most surprised person was Yamato.

"Hey, why did you give up suddenly? I just felt a little bit... It seems that you still have a lot of "qi" left, don't you want to fight for a while?"


Kame smiled but said nothing.

Just as Yamato didn't show his full strength - Yamato with his bare hands was still much weaker than Yamato with the mace, and she also didn't show the true power of the "Dog Fruit". As for Kame Sennin, he also only used about 70% of his power. After all, his current identity is "Jackie Chan" and he cannot show too obvious Kame Sennin characteristics to avoid arousing suspicion from others.

If the two were allowed to fight freely without restricting the rules, it would still be debatable who would win.

but now……

Kame Sennin felt that if the beating continued, the wig on his head might not be able to hold up.

Kame Sennin is not afraid of Yamato's taijutsu, but his physical strength and recovery power are really a bit abnormal. If we really want to determine the winner without making any major mistakes on either side, I'm afraid it won't be possible even within an hour. If he accidentally gets his wig ripped off in the ring and is recognized by people who know him, he may be embarrassed to say that he is the "God of Martial Arts" again.

The purpose of Turtle Immortal coming to participate in the martial arts competition was not for his own reputation, but to prevent his two disciples from getting too good results and becoming complacent. Now that there are two gatekeepers, Yamato and Esdeath, little Goku is destined not to win the championship. Even if he wants to reach the finals, it is difficult for him to continue. There is no need for him to continue acting.

"Let's go, see you again if we have the chance."

Kame Sennin jumped off the stage easily and quickly disappeared.


The blond host picked up the microphone hesitantly: "In this case, we can only judge Yamato as the winner, and Jackie Chan will give up and admit defeat... The battle between the two just now has destroyed most of this area. For the sake of the future After a few days of fighting, we need to spend some time to repair it, and we may have to wait a day or two before continuing the game..."

Strictly speaking, the damage to this arena was all the fault of Yamato and Kame Sennin.

Although the organizer was more generous and did not ask for compensation, but planned to bear the maintenance costs himself. But as a friend of the person involved, Uchiha Hikaru still felt a little uncomfortable.

"give it to me."

Uchiha Hikari stood up, walked to the side of the ring, then knelt down and pressed his hands on the gravel at the edge of the ring: "Earth Release... Earthflow Wall!"

Chakra surges.

At this moment, the crushed stone slabs suddenly began to squirm.

Then, I saw these rubbles flying up in the air, like building blocks, falling down in the previously damaged places, and reassembling them completely.

The ninjutsu that originated from the world of Naruto was revealed in the martial arts competition in the world of Dragon Ball.

This is certainly not the conventional use of "earth wall".

Although this move looks ordinary on the surface, it actually symbolizes a very high level of chakra control.

If it were used by an ordinary Jonin or even Kage level, there is a high probability that it would not be able to do this. However, Uchiha Hikaru has been training his chakra control during this period, and the amount of chakra in his body has also improved greatly compared to when he just woke up last year, so he can control it fairly easily.

It only takes about ten minutes.

The arena, which had been dismantled to pieces, was basically restored to its original state. Some potholes were also filled with soil. Although the color and hardness are different, at least when you step on it, it won't be too deep or too shallow.

The blond host who saw this scene with his own eyes showed a hesitant expression.

As the royal commentator of the martial arts conference, although he is not a martial arts master, he is still knowledgeable. He has seen many masters such as Kame Sennin, and he probably knows that in the hands of those powerful people, "Qi" can do many incredible things. matter.


The ice wall just now, the filling soil now...are these pictures definitely not magic?

Can "qi" also achieve this level?


Uchiha Hikaru stood up, first glanced at his masterpiece, then patted the dust on his clothes: "You can continue."

Perhaps, this technique can be renamed as "The Technique of Earthflow Wall and Arena Repair". Just like Yamato's Wood Release "Three Rooms and One Hall Jutsu" in the Naruto world.

"Huh? Oh!"

The host was stunned for a while, then nodded quickly and picked up the microphone to announce the next schedule.

With the match between Yamato and Kame Sennin in front of us.

The next few games were particularly intense.

For example, the scene between Brand and Geelong. Although Brand did not use the Teigu due to the rules, he still showed his full strength in physical skills and used pure hand-to-hand combat to beat Kirang, a tyrannosaurus-shaped human, to the point of running away with his head covered, and finally knelt down in tears and admitted defeat.

Afterwards, Chitong eliminated Yamcha with his bare hands.

——Yamucha also came to compete, but he could not escape the fate of being eliminated in the first round.

Goku Jr. eliminated Barbarian.

Then there is another one worth mentioning, which is the duel between Esdeath and Tazmi...

To be fair, Tazmi's talent is actually not low. It can even be said to be quite high.

In Zhan Chi's original work, it only took him less than a year to grow from a fledgling country swordsman to a level where he could fight against top bosses like Esdeath. The growth rate can be said to be quite astonishing, even compared to elites such as Chi Tong and Brand, who are not inferior in any way, or even worse.


Tatsumi has only trained in "Night Raid" for two months. And because Brand is still alive, he did not inherit the latter's "devil haunting". So facing Esdeath, who is stronger than the original ending, he can't put up a decent resistance at all, and was solved in a few seconds.

After doing all this, Esdeath returned to the audience seat with a calm face, as if he had just done something insignificant.

"... How do you feel?"

Uchiha Guang asked in a low voice.

"Not bad."

Esdeath's expression did not change, but he glanced at Uchiha Guang with his peripheral vision, and then commented on Tatsumi who had just come down from the ring: "At this age, he has this strength, and his qualifications are indeed good. If he is placed in the army, he can be regarded as a plastic talent... But if compared with you, it's not worth mentioning."


Uchiha Guang looked strange.

From what Esdeath said... it seems that because he saw her as a "genius", he felt bored with other ordinary geniuses?

What is this? You've seen the sea, and you'll never be satisfied with the water.

However, this is fine.

Whether in the original work or now, Tatsumi obviously has no interest in Esdeath. I heard from Brand that this guy has been very close to Myne recently. It seems that even in this timeline where the plot has been greatly changed, Tatsumi and Myne's fate has not been broken. On the contrary, if Esdeath really likes him as in the original plot, it will be a bit troublesome.

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru and his party returned to the hotel and had a big meal. After eating and drinking, they simply washed up and went to bed.


In the next two or three days, the martial arts tournament continued to select.

Until the evening of the fourth day, the list of the top eight was finally released.

Among these eight people, five are from Uchiha Hikaru's group. Esdeath, Yamato, Brand, Akame, and Uchiha Hikaru himself.

The other three people are clearly Goku, Namu, and Krillin.

The funny thing is that Master Kame, the founder of the Kame-ryu school and the master, was eliminated at the end of the first round and ended up being eliminated in the first round. On the contrary, the two disciples, Goku and Krillin, never encountered Uchiha Hikaru and others, and they fought their way through all the levels and rushed into the top eight.

However...their good luck only ended here.

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