I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 227 Another fight with Esdeath

The order of battles in the quarterfinals is arranged according to the participant number.

So, Uchiha Hikari faced off against Goku, Brand faced off against Krillin, Yamato faced off against Akito, and Esdeath faced off against Namu.

how to say……

Basically, just by looking at this list, you can already guess the result of each game——

Although little Goku will be a candidate for the future Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan God, God of Destruction, and the strongest in the seventh universe... But now he is only a thirteen-year-old boy, and he is still not as good as Momo Baibai at the same time. Not to mention Uchiha Hikari.

The same goes for Klin and Namu.

At this stage, Namu is actually stronger than Krillin, and even little Goku may not be able to defeat him for sure. It's a pity that when facing Esdeath, who is like the Great Demon King Piccolo, he can only admit that he is unlucky.

The only one who is a bit suspense is Yamato and Aka Hitomi.

But considering that most of Chitong's strength comes from his sword skills, when both sides don't use weapons, Yamato should have a greater chance of winning.

The facts turned out to be as expected.

In the quarterfinals the next day.

First, Uchiha Hikari defeated little Goku with a "slight advantage" after a "difficult" fierce battle.

——This precise control of points has almost become a label of hers. Ordinary viewers just think it's a bit of a coincidence, but some Earth martial artists with good eyesight have already seen the clues. After all, getting 60 points in every exam is no less difficult than getting 100 points.

the other side.

Esdeath showed the completely opposite style of fighting, with overwhelming power, knocking Namu off the stage in just two or three moves.

"By the way..."

"This person named Namu seems to have come to participate in the competition because of the lack of water in his hometown, right? Isn't it a bit bad for us to eliminate him like this?"

Off the court.

Bulma looked at Namu with a slumped expression and said hesitantly.

"is a bit."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

After all, they came to participate in the competition just to have fun, and it was an offline team building. But Namu is for the survival of his hometown.

If you don't know these things, forget it.

But now that I know it, it’s not easy to pretend to be at ease.

"...I'll go find him later and send him some supplies. Just think of it as charity aid from the Universal Capsule Company."

Bulma thought for a moment and came up with a solution.

In the original work, Kame Sennin helped Namu in this way, but instead of giving materials, he gave him a universal capsule. With Bulma's net worth, he can do a little more.

However, these are all temporary solutions rather than the root cause. The most thorough method should be...

"When the game is over, Xiao Ai and I will go to his hometown to have a look."

Uchiha Hikari spoke softly.

Although I haven't tried it yet, but... with the ability of the complete Susana, it shouldn't be a big problem to open an artificial lake on the spot with a sword, right?

Then let Esdeath create some ice and fill it into the lake. Once the ice and snow melt, it will be a natural reservoir...

The only problem is, I wonder if Esdeath will agree...

"……Artificial lake?"

Esdeath, who came down from the field, frowned slightly when he heard Uchiha Hikaru's suggestion: "Boring."


Just when Uchiha Hikaru was thinking about trying to persuade him.

Esdeath spoke again: "But if you want to do that, I can accompany you. But there is one condition... that is, in the last match of the martial arts tournament, you must fight me with the determination to kill me. , not joking, either.”


Uchiha Hikari raised an eyebrow.

She really came to this martial arts conference with a casual attitude.

Anyway, we are all acquaintances, and even if we are not acquaintances, there is no deep hatred. There is no need to fight to the death for the false reputation of "the best player in the world" and a mere 500,000 bonus. If Esdeath wanted the championship, she could even give up.

But now...

"You should still remember what you promised, right?"

Esdeath narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a serious expression: "As a condition of employment, I can challenge you... It was the first time when I was in Donghai, and now, it is my third time. You won’t refuse the second challenge, right?”

There was a brief silence.

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head again and showed a soft smile: "Okay. Since this is what you want...then I will try my best to fight you."

[Yongdaimei@Booma: Miss Boomer, how is the battle going today? 】

[Bulma: emm, the Dragon Ball World team has been wiped out. Xiaoguang defeated Mr. Brand, and the next match is Xiao Ai vs. Yamato... If nothing else, the One Piece World team will also withdraw. 】

[Yongdaimei: Xiao Ai? 】

[Bulma: It’s that female general Esdeath. Xiaoguang keeps calling her that way, so I’ll follow her. 】

[Oniji: ...Although that guy is indeed very powerful, you don’t even think that I can win, Ms. Bulma? 】

[Bulma: Ahem, of course I support Yamato, but Esdeath is indeed a bit powerful, and even Xiaoguang has a hard time dealing with it... Not to mention this, my "gravity training room" is almost completed. , after the martial arts conference is over, you can come over for training at any time, and the improvement effect will be obvious! 】

in reality.

Uchiha Hikaru, who had just finished fighting Brand, was drinking iced cola while paying attention to the news in the chat group.

Yamato was somewhat obsessed with Esdeath.

After all, she had challenged Esdeath once before in the Akagi world, but was defeated by the latter with ease. Now, after several months, Yamato's strength has improved a little compared to that time, and she has defeated Master Kame again, so she naturally wants to compete with Esdeath again.


The result this time is estimated to be similar.

In a short moment.

The topic in the chat group has jumped from the martial arts conference to the "gravity training room" and then to the "Dragon Ball Wishing".

The existence of the seven dragon balls is no longer a secret.

Even Kikyo, Yamato, Yotsuya Miko and others who joined the group in the second and third batches and have not experienced the journey to find the dragon balls have already known the existence of such a thing. Among them, Kikyo and others were just a little curious, but Yuji Itadori tentatively asked, "Can Dragon Ball make a wish to make the cursed spirit disappear?"

[Wumi: Cursed spirits disappear... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, because according to the background of your world, the essence of cursed spirits is the product of human resentment. Even if all the existing cursed spirits disappear, as long as humans are still there, new ones will be produced. Completely eliminating it should involve the yin and yang operation of the world of curses, which is not within the scope of what Dragon Ball can do. ]

[Yotani Miko: It sounds a bit like what I have here...]

[Wumi: In addition, Tanjiro's wish may be more urgent. After all, the resurrection of Dragon Ball is time-limited. Bulma and I plan to try to help Tanjiro experiment first. ]

[Iron Head Baby: Eh? Wouldn't this be too much trouble for everyone? I thought about using the Dragon Balls to revive the people killed by the demons, but Miss Guang has already used the Impure World Reincarnation, so I think that's fine too...】

[Unknown; People who are reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation are different from real living people. There may be no problem in the short term, but over time, I'm afraid there will be some trouble...】

Although he said so in the group, Uchiha Guang has no idea whether the Dragon Balls can fulfill the wishes of the other world.

He can only wait until the martial arts tournament is over and then ask the cat fairy.

The latter said before that he would help contact the gods. After such a long time, whether the gods see or not, there should be a result.


As time goes by.

The martial arts tournament finally came to the final day.

As expected, Uchiha Guang and Esdeath competed for the championship and runner-up.

Before the game started.

Uchiha Guang specially handed the blood jade coral to Kikyo, and then asked the latter to spend a day to build a huge barrier to cover the audience seats.

——Since they have decided to fight Esdeath, the noise of this battle will definitely be huge. If they don’t take some precautions in advance, I’m afraid that before they finish fighting, most of the spectators around them will have died.

A single blood jade barrier has limited defensive strength, which is only several times that of the "Four Purple Flame Formation". It may not be able to withstand the tossing of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath.

But if Kikyo’s own spiritual power and barrier skills are added, it will be different. Even if the strength is not as strong as the "Four Red Yang Formation", it is not much different.

Even so.

Uchiha Hikaru still gave some instructions to Bulma and others, asking them to take the airship and flee far away as soon as they found something wrong to avoid being affected.

After all this was arranged.

Uchiha Hikaru walked to the ring with Esdeath, facing each other a hundred meters apart, and then listened to the blonde host and referee not far away reading the rules of the game.

“… Then, the game officially begins!”

Almost at the same time as the host’s voice fell.

There was a "bang" sound, and huge icicles like towering ancient trees rose into the air beside Esdeath, shooting at Uchiha Hikaru like sharp swords!

"Ice Purgatory!"

On the other side.

Uchiha Hikaru also entered the state, formed a seal with one hand, and then opened his mouth to spit out!

"Extinguish the Great Fire!"

Boom! ! !

At this moment, the crimson flame surged forward like a tide, colliding with the icicles in the air. Fire and broken ice splashed everywhere, and high-temperature water vapor surged around like a huge wave. Even through a layer of barrier, the amazing heat could be felt, like a fire burning the face.

"What... what is this?!"

"What's with those flames..."

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, even Kame-sensei widened his eyes in astonishment, his face full of disbelief.

He had seen Esdeath's ice, but... Uchiha Hikaru actually had this ability? Moreover, those flames seemed to be mixed with the breath of "qi"?

——This is inevitable.

The essence of escape technique is the product of chakra, and Uchiha Hikaru's current chakra has been fused with "qi" to form "chakira", and the escape technique released by this will naturally have the characteristics of the Dragon Ball world.

But at this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru has no time to care about other things, but focuses all his attention on the battle in front of him.

Before the steam brought by the first wave of impact dispersed, Esdeath's fierce attack followed.

One after another, sharp ice cones over a hundred meters long, with a piercing sonic boom, pierced out from the mist, and continued to follow Uchiha Hikaru's dodging movements, landing at her feet. In just a few breaths, the ring, which had been repaired several times, became torn into pieces, countless broken stones flew up, and smoke and dust filled the entire space.

The source of the ice cone launch.

Esdeath stood in the air on a piece of floating ice, stepped hard with both feet, and the whole person was like a blue lightning across the sky, kicking out a foot wrapped in ice!


Facing the murderous intent that seemed to be real.

Uchiha Hikaru also adjusted his breathing and threw a punch in the face!

"Ten Days Calling Method·Fist Stab!!"

The moment the fist touched the sole of the boot, Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath shook at the same time.

Then, there was a huge force that sank into the ground along Uchiha Hikaru's body, causing the stone slab under her feet to shatter!

The next moment, Esdeath flipped over and landed on the ground, while Uchiha Hikari rushed out from the spot, like a young tiger out of a cage, swinging her fists with a sharp sonic boom. However, despite such a heavy force, her figure was like a slender butterfly, always dodging the attacks from the opposite side with the smallest amplitude.

In a short moment, the two sides had fought nearly a hundred times.

Because the speed of attack and counterattack was too fast, the figures of the two people soon became blurred. Those with weaker eyesight could only see two tornadoes, one black and one blue, colliding on the field, accompanied by the sonic boom in their ears. Only a few strong people like Master Kame and Yamato could see the movements of both sides clearly.

"... Not bad, much stronger than the last time."

Esdeath's voice came out from the sonic boom, clear and audible.

Uchiha Hikari's lips curled slightly: "You too."

It seems that the trip to the world of Naruto and Dragon Ball during this period has inspired Esdeath a lot. Compared to when she just left the world of Slash Aka a few months ago, her progress is quite obvious.


"Try this move again, I prepared it specially for you!"

After another round of fists and kicks, Esdeath pulled away and clasped her hands together.


The sound of wind exploded like thousands of cannons.

A fierce snowstorm blew over.

Under the gaze of Uchiha Hikaru and the crowd outside, Esdeath's body was wrapped in a layer of misty white frost and rose into the sky a hundred meters high. During this process, the ice and snow gradually became solid and crystal clear, and finally turned into a snow and ice giant with all limbs, lying between the sky and the earth!


Uchiha Hikaru's eyelids jumped.

This move...

Is it the "Essence of the Devil" version of Susanoo? !

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