I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 228 The Ice Demon and the Fire Thunder God

Uchiha Hikaru now understood why Esdeath said this move was prepared for her.

In the previous challenges, Esdeath's biggest weakness was her Susanoo. With this layer of chakra armor, even if Esdeath used "Mokobotamo" to freeze time and space, she would still be helpless against her.

On the contrary, "Amaterasu" and "Tsukuyomi", although very domineering, can be used to prevent and resist to a certain extent.

So now...

"If you can't beat them, join them?"

In a flash of thought.

Esdeath has already controlled the ice giant, stepped out of the crowd, and then punched him in the face!

Ice Demon·Stage 1!

Before the fist arrived, the frenzied fist wind had already pushed away the air and wrapped Uchiha Hikaru in it!

In a flash of lightning and flint.

Uchiha Hikaru took a deep breath, and her petite figure turned over like a cat to avoid it, then crossed her arms in front of her body to block the flying debris.

At the same time, in her eyes, the black windmill-shaped magatama gently spun: "Amaterasu!"

The dark flames appeared out of thin air and rolled up towards the body of the ice giant.

But because the body made of ice and snow was too thick, even the thousands of degrees of Amaterasu's black flames could only burn off a thin layer on the surface, but could not hurt the inside.

As for ordinary fire escape or other escape techniques, there was no need to try. I think in front of such a behemoth, it is no different from scratching an itch.

Uchiha Hikaru pursed her lips, and a little bit understood the mood of her Susanoo in front of Esdeath.

It seems that there is only...

She exhaled lightly, and urged her pupil power with a more rapid posture. Her body moved and rolled again, avoiding another string of ice spikes and the fist of Esdeath's ice demon.

In just a few seconds, a dark red shadow appeared behind Uchiha Hikaru, outlining the skeleton, flesh, and armor at a speed visible to the naked eye, rising up on the stage like a skyscraper.

Susanoo·Fourth Form!

The next second, Susanoo's arm stretched across his body, blocking the fist swung by the ice giant!

Boom! ! ! !

Along with this earth-shattering sound, a milky white air wave burst out from the intersection of the fists of the two giants, sweeping the entire stage in the blink of an eye!

From the perspective of the spectators, it seemed that there was an invisible barrier that exploded from the collision of the fists, blowing away all the rubble near this area, leaving only a vacuum zone hundreds of meters high, and even the clouds in the sky were temporarily cleared. After seven or eight seconds, the air filled up again and filled this area again.

"... Come again!"

Esdeath was in the sky, and the fighting spirit in her eyes was burning like a flame.

It can be seen that she has developed this "Ice Demon" for a while.

Although it looks like a giant made of ice and snow, the movements are not bloated at all, but extremely flexible. Every punch will explode a series of milky white sound cones in the air, even a small mountain in front of it seems to be smashed to pieces.

The fourth form of Susanoo gradually began to be unable to resist.

So, Uchiha Hikari simply urged the pupil power again and opened the complete form of Susanoo in one breath.

Esdeath also used the power of "Devil's Essence" to increase the size and strength of the Ice Demon's body to nearly 200 meters. Although it is still one size smaller than the complete Susanoo, it is almost the same, and with the power of "Devil's Essence" as a maintenance, no matter how serious the damage caused by the complete Susanoo, it can recover in a very short time.

Of course...

This is also related to Uchiha Hikaru's failure to use spiritual weapons.

Not to mention the dark red sword, if the "Fire Thunder God" is taken out, this evenly matched situation may be difficult to maintain.

But the martial arts tournament stipulates that weapons cannot be used, and Uchiha Hikaru has a little other idea about the "Fire Thunder God", intending to use it to deal with another move of Esdeath. For this purpose, she has begun to secretly accumulate strength.

While her mind was floating, the battle continued. The two giants collided again and again on the ring, forming a group of visible shock waves, which appeared in the air like ripples on the lake.

Various powerful forces filled the world, interweaving into an invisible force field.

The few stone slabs on the ring, and even the venue buildings farther away, were all covered by this invisible force field, crushed, shaken, and shredded... and then turned into countless fine stone chips flying into the sky! The sound of continuous explosions became a whole.

At this time, even the barrier reinforced by Kikyo couldn't stand it.

First, there were fine cracks emerging from the translucent barrier.

Then there were more and more obvious earthquake waves, spreading all the way from the ground under the ring, as if the whole earth was shaking violently.

Many spectators began to sit still.

Although they had seen a lot of battles that subverted cognition in the past few days, such as the one between Yamato and Kame, the abilities shown by Esdeath in the previous battles, and Brand, Akame, Namu, Xiao Wukong and others who showed their skills... But the scene that appeared in front of them at this moment still made them drop their jaws.

Well... that is, they have not seen the devil Piccolo who kills without restraint and destroys several cities at every turn.

Otherwise, except for Bulma, Kame Sennin and others, no one in the audience would be able to stay.

"No...are these two contestants really human beings!?"

"Forget about the blue-haired woman, how come this little girl... This city won't be destroyed by their battle, right?"

"...We'd better stay away. There's still TV broadcasts to watch anyway, so there's no need to take risks in such a close place."


Groups of spectators left their seats and hurriedly fled outside the venue. As for the remaining people, they were either big-hearted, relied on their status as martial arts masters and refused to be timid, or were spectators like Little Wukong who wanted to watch masters' duels to improve themselves. Almost all of them were ready to run away. preparation, and continued to watch the game in front of him with trepidation.

And even Kame Immortal's face looked particularly solemn.

He was the only one among everyone present who had ever seen the Great Demon King Piccolo with his own eyes.

The scene he saw in front of him vaguely evoked a memory deep in his mind——

"If I remember correctly, that guy also seems to have the ability to grow into a huge body... What are the origins of these two friends of Bulma? Their strength is probably not weaker than that of the Great Demon King Piccolo, right?"

the other side.

The blond host was still holding the microphone conscientiously while explaining. But because the battle taking place at this moment was beyond his understanding, his explanation seemed a little incoherent. The TV pictures relayed by the cameras also showed large snowflakes due to severe signal interference.

"...It seems like it's a bit too much."

Uchiha Hikaru glanced at the surrounding situation with his peripheral vision.

The intensity of the battle between her and Esdeath was astonishing. Even if it was not intentional, the damage to the martial arts tournament venue was quite serious.

But the organizers of martial arts tournaments should be used to it. After all, this venue was supposed to be destroyed by Goku, who turned into a great ape, and would be destroyed again by the second generation Piccolo a few years later. Now it's just a preview...


After another close encounter, Uchiha Hikaru controlled Susanoo to resist the ice giant, and then said quickly: "If this fight continues, there will be no end. How about releasing the current ability together, Xiao Ai?"

"you sure?"

Esdeath raised an eyebrow.


The battle just now has proved that Susanoo and the "Ice Demon" are similar in strength. Whether it is Uchiha Hikari or Esdeath, it is difficult to quickly defeat the other party in this situation.

And without taking fairy beans, no matter who they are, it is impossible to maintain this form for a long time. After all, the consumption in this form is quite large.

In this case, it is better not to use this ability and use other tactics to fight against him.

So far, Esdeath has not used "Mokobotemo". In the past few battles, Uchiha Hikaru basically relied on Susanoo to withstand this move, but now... She planned to try out a plan she had been working on.

Maybe it can give Esdeath a surprise.


The two giants disappeared at the same time, turning into scorching flames and cold ice and spreading out.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath fell back to the ring from mid-air in human form. After fighting dozens of moves at close range, Esdeath found an opportunity, clasped his hands together, and unleashed his best stunts:


Accompanied by this low shout.

A touch of ice-blue cold breath burst out from Esdeath, and then spread out several kilometers around in the blink of an eye!

The cold is passing through.

It's like a circular light curtain expanding!

Then, there is boundless ice, freezing everything in sight!

From Hikaru Uchiha on the stage, to the blond commentator standing nearby, to Bulma, Kame Sennin and others in the audience... Even if there is a barrier blocking everyone and everything, they still stop functioning at this moment. . Light, sound, image... everything is frozen at this moment.

From the perspective of a bystander, it is as if the entire world has been covered with an icy blue filter. Only the figure with blue hair that reached his waist slowly raised his head in the silence and looked forward calmly.


Footsteps move forward.

Esdeath stepped on her long boots, raised her right hand slightly and held it flat, and walked towards Uchiha Hikari.

"……Feel sorry."

"This time, I won."

During the march, Esdeath's slender fingers were covered in frost and snow, turning into a long and narrow ice blade. Her gaze was fixed on the Uchiha light not far away, the fair and smooth cheeks, and a subtle color in her eyes.

When the fight reaches this level, there is no way to show mercy. After all, before the game, both sides had already agreed to go all out.

Of course, no one is really dead.

After all, Esdeath knew Uchiha Hikaru's physique. As long as he was not beheaded or torn into pieces, he could be restored to his original state. If that doesn't work, Esdeath also has a small bag of fairy beans with her, which can save people at any time.


For some reason, Esdeath also had a glimmer of expectation in her heart, wanting to see a miracle from the girl in front of her——

"If it were you, maybe..."

The thought stopped abruptly.

Esdeath's eyes narrowed slightly, and she stopped thinking deeply. Instead, she stopped two or three meters away from Uchiha Hikari, turned the tip of the ice blade, and pointed it at the opponent's chest.

That's where the heart is.

The tip of the blade has already touched the clothes, and all it takes is one more push forward to end the game.


Just at this time, Uchiha Hikari, who was shrouded in cold gauze, suddenly moved.

To be precise, her eyes moved.

Then, I saw a subtle firelight quietly emerging from the black magatama shaped like a hexagonal windmill, exuding bright colors.


Esdeath's pupils shrank suddenly, and the thought that he had just suppressed resurfaced again. For a moment, he even paused in the movement of swinging the knife, staring intently at the girl in front of him.

Just heard...


It was as if a breeze blew gently.

Wherever the wind blew, I could see the fire in Uchiha's eyes, beating violently, like a red flower blooming, or like a dark red gauze opening, gently wrapping her body in Inside.

this moment.

Uchiha Hikari's whole body seemed to have changed from black and white to color, "alive" from a frozen dead world, and then merged with the flames, blooming with an incomparably dazzling brilliance.

It literally means “melting into one”.

From Esdeath's perspective, Uchiha Hikaru's whole body became blurred, and his black hair was flying like a wild snake. There seemed to be countless streams of red light, intertwining and disappearing between the black hair, and the small face and Her body also transformed into countless colors of fire, and a heart-stopping warmth and heat was released from her body, as if she would be melted if she got any closer.

This change was brought about by the "trump card" that Uchiha Hikari had previously reserved——

Spiritual Weapon·Fire God! !

"Yo, Xiao Ai."

Uchiha Hikari raised his head slightly, like an elf shrouded in flames, and faced Esdeath opposite, showing a bright and bright smile.


Esdeath was not in the mood to observe her smile at this time.

The military princess was already enveloped in a huge shock, with an expression of disbelief on her face:

"Did you really... crack 'Mokobotemo'?!"

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