This question no longer needs an answer——

Just as Esdeath has been studying with great concentration how to crack Susanoo.

Uchiha Hikari is also thinking about the solution to "Mokobotemo".

She envisioned two options.

One is to go to the world of Spell Return through the group's Knotweed Hisahito and absorb the power of "Moxulu"——

The essence of the secret skill "Mokobotemo" is not to really control time, but to use the power of ice and snow contained in the "Devil's Essence" to create an extremely low-temperature environment, and then freeze an area to form Similar to the effect of time stop.

Therefore, as long as it has enough cold resistance and can still move freely even in an absolutely low-temperature environment, then "Mokobotemo" will be self-defeating.

Tazmi in the original work used this principle to crack this move.

"Moxuluo" is the same.

This thing can adapt to Su Nuo's "Space Slash" in just a few moments after meeting Su Nuo for the first time. So in theory, it is only a matter of time before it adapts to "Moko Bot Mo".


"Makura" is not an ordinary cursed spirit, but the shikigami of the Fushiguro family. Uchiha Hikaru and even Kibito Hisahito can only be regarded as ordinary friends. Suddenly he ran over and asked the Fushiguro family to summon the shikigami for him to eat... ...If she were to be herself, she would also find it a bit outrageous.

Therefore, Uchiha Hikaru imagined a second method——

That is...

In-depth development of "Fire God".

Speaking of which, the "Fire Thunder God", a spiritual weapon conceived from the kaleidoscope, first awakened when she went to the Red World to fight against Esdeath for the first time. At that time, Uchiha Hikari almost subconsciously used his "Thunder God" side, symbolizing extreme speed and violence.

And now...

In the same duel with Esdeath, what Uchiha tried to use was the "Vulcan" side.

Relying on the ever-changing characteristics of the "Fire Thunder God", Uchiha Hikari did not turn it into a weapon such as a sword this time, but turned it into a layer of gauze, wrapping himself tightly. Then with this layer of extremely burning flames, the envelope of "Mokobotemo" was separated, and then he broke away from the frozen time and space.

If you were to give this move a name, it would be——

"Fire Form"!

——In contrast, the state of the "Thunder God" is naturally the "light form".


Uchiha Hikaru breathed out softly.

Following this movement, her body shook gently like a flame, quietly melting the ice blade on her chest. The formed water was completely evaporated before it started dripping, and dissipated in the surrounding air.

Esdeath, who was holding the ice blade, seemed to feel the heat wave hitting his face. He subconsciously retracted his burned fingers, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a scrutinizing gaze. He hesitated to speak. end.

Uchiha light in "flame form" is equivalent to the incarnation of fire, with a body surface temperature as high as thousands of degrees.

If she hadn't deliberately controlled it, all the clothes on her body would have been instantly burned by the "Fire and Thunder God", not to mention the ice blade in front of her.

"...I'm sorry, Xiao Ai."

Uchiha Hikaru stood still, looking at Esdeath's cheeks that were flushed by the flames, and made an apologetic smile: "This time, I seem to have won."


Esdeath's eyes changed a few times, and finally he sighed and chose to give up.

She actually still had some energy left, and could even activate "Ice and Snow Demon" again, but it was meaningless.

"Ice and Snow Demon" can only be equal to Susanoo at best, but "Mokobotemo" was completely defeated by "Fire Form". Until she develops a new technique to deal with the "Fire Form", even if she challenges it ten more times, the result may not be any different.

Now that the desired information has been seen, it is time to rely on these things to start a new round of "arms race".

But that should take some time.

Seeing the fighting spirit in Esdeath fade away, Uchiha Hikaru also closed his eyes slightly. When he opened his eyes again, the color of his hair and skin had dimmed, returning from the deep red that was lingered by the flames to the whiteness of before.

Do it all.

Uchiha quietly glanced at his cuffs, where a fresh scorch mark suddenly appeared.

"...It seems that when you have nothing to do, you should take more time to familiarize yourself with the 'Flame Form'."

Compared to the "light form", Uchiha Hikari's control over the "flame form" is not very stable.

It's okay when standing still, but if you engage in high-intensity battles in this form, there will inevitably be a risk of some clothes being burned. In order to avoid unexpected situations like running naked in front of Esdeath, she had to train her control in "fire form".

Hmm... just to be on the safe side, it's best to make yourself some fireproof clothing.

——The hair of Donghai Yunlong has a certain flame retardant effect. It should be very effective to find someone to help process it and knit it into a set of close-fitting sweaters and pants.

at the same time.

The audience under the ring were a little confused.

Including Master Kame, they have no ability to be exempted from "Mokobotamo", so when time and space are frozen, their minds and bodies really stop functioning. So from their perspective, it seems that Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath were still fighting fiercely in the previous second, and the latter suddenly seemed to admit defeat and ended the game in the next second, which seems a bit inexplicable.


It doesn't matter much.

After all, before "Mokobotamo", the fierce battle between Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath was enough to make the ticket worthwhile.

Next, it is the award ceremony and photo session.

According to the rules, the top three in the martial arts tournament will have medals.

And the champion will receive a one-time bonus of 500,000 Sony and a gold-plated trophy engraved with the words "The World's No. 1 Master".

How to say...

It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. Because Uchiha Hikari just robbed the headquarters of the Red Silk Army not long ago and got a lot of money, so he doesn't need to worry about money for a while.

But the trophy and medal still have some commemorative significance.

Uchiha Hikaru held the two things and took photos with Bulma, Eri and others with a smile, then handed the trophy and medal to them, asking them to pass them around. He stretched and glanced at Esdeath next to him: "The game is finally over. Let's go eat something good later. I'll treat you."


Esdeath was looking down at her "silver medal" and didn't say a word.

On the contrary, Xiao Wukong next to him scratched his head and asked tentatively: "Sister Guang, can Krillin and I go too?"


Uchiha Guang smiled slightly: "Of course, I mean everyone. After this game, everyone will soon go their separate ways. I don't know when we will meet again, so we naturally have to take this opportunity to get together."


While talking, Uchiha Guang felt a figure approaching her and poked her arm lightly: "Miss Guang, look over there..."

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Uchiha Guang glanced back and it was Tanjiro.

The latter pointed in a direction: "I just saw a person over there... a cat, it seems that Master Cat Immortal is here."


Uchiha Guang was slightly startled and raised his head in the direction of Tanjiro's finger.

Hmm... I didn't see it, my sight was blocked by someone.

After quietly performing the Air Dance Technique and raising her body slightly, Uchiha Hikaru once again looked around and soon noticed a white figure in the corner of the audience. It was the Cat Immortal sitting there with a cane in his arms.

Next to him was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance, wearing a T-shirt and shorts and glasses.

He seemed to have noticed Uchiha Hikaru's gaze.

The Cat Immortal licked his whiskers, still squinting.

The middle-aged man also nodded to her, then stood up and slowly turned away.

"This person..."

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind moved.

The appearance of the Cat Immortal surprised her a little.

After all, this lonely old cat rarely left the Karin Tower. In the original work, it sent Senzu beans to the Z fighters several times, and Yajirobei did it for it. And leaving the top of the tower to watch the world's number one martial arts tournament... at least it was the first time Uchiha Hikaru saw it.

As for the middle-aged man following the Cat Immortal, he seemed even more unfamiliar.

Even though Uchiha Hikaru read the entire Dragon Ball comics in his mind, he couldn't remember where the other person had appeared.

However, Uchiha Hikaru still had some guesses about the identity of the middle-aged man -

(Could that middle-aged man be the incarnation of the God?)

The God has the ability of "mind control". In the original work, he once used this trick to get into the body of "Mr. Shen" and participated in the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament. He tried to seal the second generation Piccolo with "Masafapha" at the conference, but failed to do so. Instead, he was sealed by the other party and was rescued by the young Goku to escape.


Has the Cat Immortal already visited the God and told him about his group?

The answer is unknown.

But there is no rush.

After all, if the other party is really a God, and comes to watch the game with the mentality of observing his group, then after the game is over, they will definitely come to him on their own initiative. All Uchiha Hikaru has to do is wait.

That evening.

The group had a sumptuous dinner in another high-end restaurant in the city.

With Goku, the big eater, Uchiha Hikaru quickly consumed all the 500,000 soni he got from the martial arts tournament, and he had to pay an extra 1 million from his own pocket to settle the bill.

Bulma originally wanted to help share the burden, but she refused.

“Well, it’s okay. I’m quite rich now. I got a lot of spoils from the last time I wiped out the Red Silk Army, and I haven’t spent much yet.”


Bulma blinked, leaned in and whispered, “I’ve always wanted to ask you this before… Hikaru, did you really wipe out the Red Silk Army in just one week? They are a notorious world-class army. I heard that the King of Earth sent troops to destroy them before, but failed…”

“No, actually we only took four days…”

Uchiha Hikaru corrected.

Speaking of which, the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army did not cause any disturbance in the outside world.

Except for a few places that were directly oppressed by the Red Ribbon Army, most of the remaining areas and people did not know that the army had disappeared. However, as time goes by, these things should be gradually discovered. As for whether there will be a new organization to replace the Red Ribbon Army at that time, it is the business of the Dragon Ball World itself.

Uchiha Hikaru has already stepped in once, and the rest will be left to Goku and the others.

That night.

The group returned to the hotel.

Bulma was excited to find someone to play poker.

Yamato was the first to respond, and Kikyo and Eri were half-heartedly pulled over.

Uchiha Hikaru had a fight with Esdeath during the day, and was a little tired at this time, so he went back to the bathroom to rinse and soak for a while. When the tiredness subsided a little, he changed into fresh clothes and returned to the living room, ready to get a cup of Coke from the refrigerator to quench his thirst. At that moment, a knock on the door suddenly came from outside.


It's so late, someone is coming?

After a little hesitation, Uchiha Guang came to the door, looked out through the cat's eye first, then opened the door, and saw the cat fairy standing outside the door, licking his paws: "Xiao Guang, is it convenient to talk now?"

"The matter you and Tanjiro asked me to ask last time has a result. That adult wants to meet you."


Uchiha Guang raised his head slightly, looking past the cat fairy, looking at the corner of the corridor, and saw a vicissitudes of life old man in a white robe and green skin, standing there, looking at her seriously.

"Come in and talk."

Uchiha Hikaru opened the door, turned around and walked inside, then opened the refrigerator, took out a few glasses of juice and water, and put them on the table: "What would you like to drink?"

"...Thank you, no need."

Tenjin sat down on the sofa, glanced at the cat fairy next to him, and then slowly said: "I have heard some things about you from the cat fairy... I didn't expect that there are other worlds besides our world, and you can travel freely between these worlds, which is incredible."


Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

From a certain perspective, she also felt that the existence of the chat group was incredible.

After exchanging a few polite words, Tenjin got to the point: "...I heard from the cat fairy that you and the child named Tanjiro want to borrow the dragon ball?"

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