I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 230 Negotiations with the Gods

In fact, the God noticed Uchiha Hikari a little earlier than she expected.

To be precise, it was a year earlier.

Before last year, this planet had been nearly a hundred years, and no one had made a wish with the Dragon Ball. So when Uchiha Hikari and Bulma gathered seven Dragon Balls last year and made a wish in Pilaf Castle, the God had noticed it. But at that time, he didn't know that Uchiha Hikari came from another world, so he just glanced at it and didn't take it to heart.


Just a few days ago, the cat fairy found the temple and told the story of Uchiha Hikari and Tanjiro.

It was not until this time that the God suddenly recalled the scene he had seen before, and matched Uchiha Hikari with the figure of the girl last year.


Although the existence of the "other world" is a bit strange, it is not unacceptable.

After all, there are so many strange and bizarre beings in the Dragon Ball world. The God himself is an alien and also the "God" of the Earth. Above him are the various Kai Kings and Kai King Gods. It is even said that there are other universes outside this universe... Then other worlds are also not a strange thing, so there is no need to make a fuss.

It's just...

This group of "people from other worlds" seems to be a little over a billion.

And a little bit stronger.

Although I didn't see the process of Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath destroying the Red Silk Army, judging from the finals of today's martial arts tournament, the strength of these two girls is no less than that of Piccolo in the past. If they want to do something on Earth, I'm afraid no one can stop them.

Therefore, the God took the initiative to come to the door and wanted to communicate with Uchiha Hikari in person to see what kind of person he is.

Now it seems...

The first impression is not bad.

Moreover, the purpose of collecting dragon balls is not for personal gain, but to use them to resurrect those innocent people killed by evil spirits. This point is also quite appreciated by the God.

(He is a kind and good child.)

"...I have heard about your affairs from the cat fairy. There is no problem in simply lending the dragon balls."

The god made a judgment in his heart and slowly said: "The dragon balls I created may not be very strong in other aspects, but they are extremely powerful in resurrection. Even if there are tens of thousands of people, as long as the same limited conditions are met, they can be resurrected at the same time."

This is the truth.

In terms of energy level, the Earth Dragon Balls are definitely not as good as the Namek Dragon Balls.

But the Namek Dragon Balls can only resurrect one person at a time, while the Earth Dragon Balls can resurrect all people, and they have been used more than once in the original work, such as "resurrecting all people killed by Piccolo", and resurrecting people killed by Frieza, Cell, Buu... If all the humans resurrected by the Earth Dragon Balls are added up, it is estimated to be an astronomical number, at least in tens of millions.

Uchiha Hikaru thought about it and confirmed the conditions for resurrection with the god first.

"It is necessary that the soul has not been reincarnated."

"As for the body, it does not necessarily have to be well preserved, because when the Dragon Ball resurrects humans, it will perform a certain degree of body repair... If the damage is too serious, such as it has completely turned into bones, then it may not work."

"As for the time..."

"If the number of people to be resurrected is not particularly large, then they should be able to be resurrected within three years of death."


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows.

It seems that the "one year" time limit mentioned in the original work does have specific conditions.

If you want to resurrect all people killed by Frieza, including those on distant planets, the time will be shortened to one year. And if the number and scope of the resurrected people are not so large, the time can be slightly extended. In this way, Tanjiro's family is just within the time range for resurrection.

-Except for his father Tanjuro who died of illness early.

Well...Chocho Shinobu's sister Kouichiro seems to have died in the past three years.

As for Tokito Muichiro's brother Ichiro, the time of death should have exceeded three years, and it is uncertain whether he can be resurrected.

Of course...

The conditions mentioned by the God are all for this world.

For the other world, because there is no precedent, everything is unknown.

Only by trying it yourself can you know the result.

At this moment, Uchiha Guang weighed his tone and spoke again: "We also know that there may be no accurate answer to this question, but we still want to make a try. If it really doesn't work, then we can only give up...I wonder if you, Lord God, can reveal the principle of how the Dragon Ball helps people realize their wishes?

Also, if you go to the "Demon Slayer World" with us, can you successfully summon the Dragon with the Dragon Ball?"

"Go together?"

The God was stunned for a moment: "Can that kind of thing be done?"

"Of course."

If it was half a month ago, it might be a bit troublesome to take the God to the Demon Slayer World.

Because Uchiha Guang's usual method of taking people is to seal them up and put them in a coffin first, and then dig them out when they get to the place...This method is not a big deal if it is used on familiar people or "subordinates" who have signed a contract like Esdeath, but it is different for the God.

After all, he is a "god", and it is a bit cheap to travel around the world in this way.

But now it's all right.

As long as you exchange 100 points for a temporary shuttle permission, you can let the gods shuttle there like other group members. With the amount of points left by Uchiha Hikaru and others, it is more than enough for the gods to teleport ten times.

After learning this, the god showed a hint of curiosity on his face, then thought about it and responded in a serious tone:

"The power of the Dragon Balls to fulfill wishes actually comes from the Dragon God Salama... You can understand the creator of the Dragon Balls as a signal relay station. When someone collects all the Dragon Balls and summons the dragon to make a wish, the dragon The power of the god will pass through the transfer station and be given to the summoned dragon, and then help the wisher realize his wish.

Theoretically, the stronger the creator of Dragon Ball is, the greater the power that can be relayed, and thus the wider the range of wishes that can be realized.

However, this is just a general statement. The range of wishes that different Dragon Balls can realize are not completely overlapping. Some Dragon Balls may realize wishes that even higher-level Dragon Balls cannot realize even though their energy levels are not high. "

"As for whether I can use the dragon ball to summon the dragon after I go to another world with it, it depends on whether I can receive the power of the Dragon God..."


Uchiha Hikari frowned slightly.

The problems mentioned by the gods can be solved in theory.

——Since the chat group allows people to travel between different worlds, it should also allow people to maintain contact with the original world while traveling, thereby achieving "ultra-long distance signal relay."

Whether this idea is feasible or not, it seems that we still have to give it a try to find out.


Uchiha Hikaru looked at Bulma and Tanjiro in the group, told them the news of the god's arrival, and then carefully considered his tone and asked the god another question:

"Lord God, I have another question... Do you know about Planet Namek?"

"……what is that?"

The god frowned, his eyes a little blank. Because he was still a child when he came to Earth, he had no impression of the name Namek.

Seeing this, Uchiha Hikaru considered his words: "Actually, my eyes have a certain ability to predict the future..."


The knock on the door sounded again.

This time, Bulma and Tanjiro came in through the door, as well as Eri, who was poking his head.

Tanjiro knows the Neko-Sennin, but not the Tenjin.

Bulma and Eriki didn't know either of them, but they had seen the appearance of the Neko Senshi and the God from the comics, so they seemed quite excited at the moment.

"Hey, so this is the cat sage that Xiaoguang and Tanjiro talked about. It's so cute! I want to touch it!"


As an 800-year-old old man, the Cat Immortal had no choice but to use his crutches to block Bulma's hand, and then floated up using the air dance technique.

Uchiha Hikaru also coughed at the right time, signaling Bulma to be more serious.

Seeing this, Bulma sat down on the sofa with a little regret, and turned his attention to the god.

"Are you the God-sama? You do look exactly like Demon King Piccolo..."



Uchiha Hikari and Bulma spent a while and roughly explained the matter of "foreseeing the future" - to put it bluntly, it was actually the plot of the "Dragon Ball" comic, but it was not easy to tell outsiders.

"...In other words, Miss Guang, when you came to this world, you saw some things in the past and future, including that I came from the planet Namek?"

The god looked stunned.

He is actually not much younger than Neko Sento. As an old man who is several hundred years old, he thinks that he has a very strong ability to accept things. However, during the meeting with Uchiha Hikari and his party, he repeatedly heard things he had never thought of before. Information, the world view was greatly impacted for a time.

the other side.

Bulma nodded: "Yes, according to what we... ahem, it's what Xiaoguang saw, your home planet Namek will be coveted by the universe emperor Frieza in a few years, and will eventually Destruction. Xiaoguang and I want to help prevent this tragedy, so we may need your help."


The god was stunned again: "Did something like this actually happen in the future of Planet Namek... I seem to have heard about the man named Frieza from elsewhere. He is a very dangerous person. You must stop him." him?"

"Well, to prevent this disaster, we don't necessarily have to defeat Frieza. We just need to prevent him from discovering Planet Namek, right?"

Bulma said with a smile.

This thing can really be done in theory.

The reason Frieza went to Planet Namek was because he learned about the wish made by the Dragon Balls, and the root of this news can be traced back to Vegeta and even Raditz. So in theory, as long as the news of the Dragon Balls' wishing is blocked, Frieza will have no chance to go to Planet Namek.

Of course……

Frieza himself is engaged in space real estate. Even if there are no Dragon Balls, he may not be able to find Namek, but the time will definitely be delayed.

And Bulma deliberately mentioned this, but actually there is another reason——

"I once heard Xiaoguang mention that regarding you, Lord Celestial, you came to Earth in a spaceship when you were a child, right? Can you lend me that spaceship for research?"

Speaking of "spaceship", Bulma's eyes were shining slightly.

The technology tree of Dragon Ball Earth in this period is actually a bit crooked.

On the one hand, there is the universal capsule, a super black technology involving space folding.

On the other hand, with Earth's current space technology, it would take more than 4,000 years to fly to the far-away planet Namek.

On the contrary, it only takes a month for the Namek spacecraft to arrive.

Therefore, Bulma was quite curious about this spaceship technology, and had mentioned it to Uchiha Hikaru before, but because neither of them knew the god at the time, they could only suppress their thoughts temporarily. But now, with the gods and men following, Bulma would naturally not let go of the opportunity.

The god hesitated for a moment: "I did come to the earth in a spaceship, but I was too young at the time and can't remember many things clearly. If I were to operate that spaceship again, I might not be able to operate it anymore. I know how to open it. If you are interested in this, Miss Boomer, I can ask Mr. Bobo to take you to see it."


Bulma looked excited.

This excitement actually comes not only from curiosity about Planet Namek, but also partly related to the "Dimension Pirates"——

They are both ships. Some of the technologies on the spaceship should be common on pirate ships, right?


Uchiha Hikari discussed with the god for a while and initially formulated a plan——

Tanjiro first returned to the Demon Slayer World and notified the Demon Slayers to collect the bodies of those who wanted to be resurrected to see how many there were and how much physical damage they had done.

After the inventory was completed, Uchiha Hikaru took the gods over again and tried to summon the dragon to resurrect those people.

If the dragon cannot be summoned in another world, then the other way around is to seal all the corpses to be resurrected in coffins, and then try to seal their souls and bring them to the Dragon Ball world together, and then make a wish to be resurrected here.

This work is expected to take some time, maybe a week or two if it's quick, and a month or two if it's slow.

It was during this time that Bulma could study the spaceship that the god of heaven rode on when he was a child. In the original work, she spent several months with Dr. Breeve to study the spacecraft. Now that it is relatively early, Bulma's knowledge reserve is not that sufficient, so it may take a little longer, but it is almost the same. .

Uchiha Hikaru is responsible for collecting all seven dragon balls.

But before that, she still has a promise that needs to be fulfilled——

"Let's rest for a few days and then set off with Xiao Ai to dig an artificial lake in Namu's hometown."

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