I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 231 Do you want help with blow-drying your hair?

The matter of wishing for resurrection has been settled.

Next, Uchiha Hikaru took out the two dragon balls he had collected some time ago and handed them to the God of Heaven.

——Anyway, she still had to call the God of Heaven when she made a wish. There was no point in keeping these two beads. She might as well take them out to show her sincerity and leave a good impression on the God of Heaven. This way, it would be a little smoother when she went to the temple to use the Spirit Time House in the future.

It would be even better if she could learn the dragon ball manufacturing technology from the God of Heaven.

Of course...

This may not be realistic.

After all, according to the setting, only Namekians can successfully manufacture and use dragon balls. Even if humans of other races have learned the relevant knowledge, they cannot manufacture them. Not to mention that Uchiha Hikaru is not from the Dragon Ball world at all.

However, the martial arts attainments of the God of Heaven and Mr. Popo are also quite good. In the original plot, they have been responsible for training Z fighters many times. When the relationship is a little more familiar, maybe she can try to take Esdeath to communicate with them and learn from them.

On the other side

The God took the Dragon Ball and put it away. He hesitated for a moment: "Ms. Uchiha Hikari, can you tell us about the future you "saw"? Just the part related to the earth..."

"...You want to ask about Piccolo?"

Uchiha Hikari guessed something keenly.

Piccolo is a knot in the heart of the God, and because the two of them share the same fate, as long as the God is not dead, Piccolo will sooner or later break the seal.

Therefore, the God is a little worried.

The cat fairy next to him also cast a probing look.

"... In this regard, I do know something."

Uchiha Hikari thought for a while and said softly: "Piccolo should be revived, and the time is a few years later... But the specific situation is a bit complicated. I need to go back and sort out the information in this regard first, and then send it to you when we meet next time."

In fact, there are extra "Dragon Ball" comics in Uchiha Hikari's universal capsule. In theory, just take it out and throw it to the God.


These things that may involve the multi-dimensional world are better not to be known by too many people.

Besides, there are many scenes that are not suitable for children in the early plot of "Dragon Ball", especially the welfare scenes of Bulma.

These scenes are okay when shown to Bulma herself, but it is a bit inappropriate to show them to the gods and cat sages. In addition, the content of the Red Silk Army and the Android chapter involves Uchiha Hikaru's plan to subdue Dr. Gero, which is not suitable to be revealed.


I will sort out the contents of the chapters of Piccolo, Saiyans, and Frieza, write a booklet and give it to the gods, and that should be enough.

Well... I can bring Goku with me when I see the gods later.

In the past year, Uchiha Hikaru has successively taken away a lot of "opportunities" from Goku. In particular, the Red Silk Army, which was originally intended to be his experience pack, was eliminated in advance, causing Goku to lose an experience and the opportunity to climb Karin Tower. So I took the initiative to bring him into the sight of the gods and cat immortals, which was also a compensation.

At the moment.

The two sides agreed on the time and place for the next meeting, and then the gods and cat immortals got up and left.

Uchiha Hikaru and Bulma sent them downstairs together, watched the two gods walk away, and then turned back.


"Is it almost eleven o'clock?"

Uchiha Hikaru glanced at the wall clock: "It's very late, go back and rest early."

"Well, Xiao Guang, you too."

After watching Bulma, Tanjiro, and Eri return to their respective rooms, Uchiha Hikaru stretched and pushed the door open to enter the house.

As soon as he entered the door.

He saw Esdeath wrapped in a bath towel and her hair wet coming out of the bathroom-during this period, because of the martial arts conference, the hotel resources in the city are quite tight, so the rooms where Uchiha Hikaru and his party live are double or triple rooms.

Before, Uchiha Hikaru had seen Esdeath coming out of the bath, but today, perhaps because of the high temperature, the military girl was dressed particularly coolly. A bath towel could hardly cover the peaks of her chest, and her thighs were completely exposed to the air, which was a bit dazzling.

"Are you done talking?"

Esdeath wiped her hair with a towel and asked.


Uchiha Hikaru nodded and glanced at the other's wet long hair: "Do you want me to help blow dry your hair? If you only use a towel to wipe it, I don't know how long it will take to dry."


After getting Esdeath's approval, Uchiha Hikaru found a hair dryer, motioned the former to sit on the sofa, then plugged it in, tested the temperature with the palm of his hand, and then held Esdeath's hair with one hand and the hair dryer with the other hand, and slowly blew it.

The sound of the wind rang in the room.

Esdeath was silent for a while before she spoke softly: "Those two people who came to see you just now seem to be quite important?"

"Yes, they are gods from this world."

"...Gods? The kind in the stories?"

"Yes, that kind."

There is no existence of gods in Zhanchi World - to be precise, we just cannot see them. Whether they exist is another matter. But related myths and stories are definitely indispensable, so Uchiha Hikaru briefly explained a few words, and Esdeath understood it, and then thought of another question: "Unexpectedly... there is such a existence, then as 'gods', they have What special powers?"


In the original work, the god once went to the underworld to retrieve the young Goku who died together with Raditz, and introduced him to the North Kaio King to learn Kaio Fist. These powers are exclusive to clergy and cannot be achieved by ordinary people.

Esdeath pondered for a moment and spoke again: "By the way, I heard the girl named Bulma and Yamato talk about the 'pirate group' several times. What does that mean?"


Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while, briefly described the situation in the pirate world, and then mentioned Bulma's desire to establish a pirate group.

After hearing this, Esdeath narrowed his eyes slightly, with a playful smile on his face: "I see... It sounds quite interesting. Are there many strong people in that pirate world? If there is a chance, I would also like it." I want to go and have a look.”

"There will be a chance."

Uchiha Hikari smiled slightly.

In fact, she originally had this idea, thinking about taking Esdeath to the pirate world and meeting that "Teacher Kai", but the latter now took the initiative, and if Bulma heard it, he would be very excited again. .

——It’s not easy to find a crew member with Esdeath’s strength.

The sound of the hair dryer continued.

Esdeath's long ice-blue hair is almost more than one meter long, hanging down to near her calf. It took a lot of effort for Uchiha Hikaru to help her dry her hair. In the process, he could not help but see some bright spring sunshine through the bath towel wrapped around the former's body.

how to say……

It's not like she hasn't seen Esdeath's body before. They even met frankly once before at the hot spring in Yuno Country. But that kind of honest meeting happened on a special occasion, but now, seeing it in the hotel room, it was a different feeling.

Especially this kind of half-covered scene is even more arousing to people's imagination.


Uchiha Hikaru breathed out lightly to calm down his slightly accelerated heartbeat, and whispered: "My hair has been dried. Go to bed early. There are other things to do tomorrow."


Esdeath stood up and glanced at Uchiha Hikari's slightly red face. She seemed to notice something. She suddenly pursed her lips and smiled. Her cold eyes in the past softened slightly, and then she nodded in response. Nothing more was said.

The two of them went back to the bed and sat down, took off their shoes and socks, turned off the light and went to sleep.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Uchiha Hikari got up early, brushed his teeth and washed himself. After having breakfast with Bulma, Eriki and others, he started wandering around the Dragon Ball World. He spent a day visiting several scenic spots in the city. Once again, I bought a bunch of miscellaneous souvenirs.

In the evening, people began to bid farewell.

Naturally, Tanjiro will go back to Ubuyashiki Yoshiya and others to discuss the matter of resurrection.

I see my son is going back to school.

Kikyo wanted to go back to Penglai Island to see the situation of the little half-demon on the island.

There are also Brand, Chitong, and Tazmi who came here on leave from Najiexitan. After the martial arts tournament ended, their vacation was almost used up. It was time to calm down and go back to work.


The killer job of "Night Raid" probably won't last long. Even Brand and Chitong are already vaguely aware of this. If the "Night Raid" is disbanded, Brand may be assigned a new military position, and Tazmi can also return to the village to build her hometown. However, a killer like Chitong, who is only good at assassination, will most likely face the risk of being laid off.

So, when they said goodbye and left, Bulma once again extended an invitation to "get on the boat" to Chitong.

"...I will seriously consider your proposal. If the 'Night Raid' is really disbanded in the future."

After thinking carefully for a moment, Chitong made a promise.

"Then we made an agreement, and I will reserve a place for you on my 'blue planet'."

Bulma smiled.

At this time, Uchiha Hikari raised his head and glanced at Yamato standing next to him: "By the way, Yamato, aren't you going to go back?"

"...Can you not go back?"

Yamato seemed to recall the humiliation and fear when he was beaten by his father, and his face was full of tangles.

As someone who has never left Ghost Island since she was a child, the time she spent away from home this time was a bit too long.

First, he stayed in Zhanchi World for a month or two, and then followed Bulma to Dragon Ball World, where he stayed for nearly a month... In total, it was almost a hundred days. No matter how slow Kaido is, he must have discovered the fact that she is not on the island, and may even have posted a reward near Wano to track her whereabouts.

If you go back at this time, you can imagine that you will bear the wrath of Kaido.

To this.

Uchiha Hikaru scratched his head: "Well, it's up to you. If you don't want to go back for the time being, just stay here with Bulma for a while, just in time to keep Eri company. Bulma and I may not have time to accompany her recently... After this period of work, Xiao Ai and I will go back to Onigashima with you and talk to your father in person."

If it is said that when Yamato first joined the group, Uchiha Hikaru was only about 60% sure that Kaido would sit down and listen to him calmly.

Now, with the Eternal Mangekyō and "Fire Thunder God" activated, and Esdeath as his subordinate, Uchiha Hikaru is at least 80% to 90% sure that he can persuade Kaido to change his educational policy of "beating to death as long as you can't kill him."

It's okay if he doesn't change.

At worst, he can take Yamato out of Onigashima directly, and then find an island in the pirate world to settle down and use it as a base. Anyway, the world map over there is large enough, so you can build a base in advance, and when Bulma's pirate ship is built, there will be a place to anchor. We can't share a port with the Beasts Pirates.

On the third day after the award ceremony of the martial arts tournament.

Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath set off together and went to Namu's hometown.

Before that, Bulma had already found Namu and handed him the universal capsule containing supplies, and mentioned that Uchiha Hikaru planned to help him build an "artificial reservoir".

So when he came here now, Namu had already brought his people from his hometown to choose the location of the reservoir.

Uchiha Hikaru activated the complete form of Susanoo on the spot, and used the Fire Thunder God. With a few horizontal and vertical slashes, he cut a large pit hundreds of meters long and wide and tens of meters deep on the ground. After that, she spent some time to improve this "reservoir", compacted the foundation with the earth flow wall, and then gave it to Esdeath to use the power of "Devil's Essence" to create a huge amount of frost to fill it in.

In fact, water escape can also be used.

But the problem is that water escape depends on the environment.

The environment in this area is very harsh. The long-term drought has almost dried up the underground water source, and large areas of land have fallen into a state of cracking. In such a waterless place, the amount of chakra required to create a large-scale water escape ninjutsu is quite astonishing. Although Uchiha Guang can also use water escape, he is not as strong as Senju Tobirama after all, so it is better for Esdeath to do it.

After the ice and snow filled the reservoir.

Uchiha Guang once again used the "Fire Thunder God" in the form of Fang Tian Huaji, smashed the "reservoir" a few times, and broke those large pieces of ice and rock into the shape of ice slag. In this way, when the sun comes out for a few days, they will gradually melt and form a natural source of drinking water.

Namu and others naturally thanked him profusely, and also collected some money everywhere as a reward.

Uchiha Guang politely declined these money, and then said goodbye to the latter, and together with Esdeath, embarked on the second journey to find the dragon ball.

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