I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 233 As long as we can reach that place

Chapter 233 As long as we can reach that place...

"The thing is like this..."

inside the house.

Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath sat down side by side and took the tea offered by the two daughters of the Uyashiki family. While sipping it, they listened to Uyashiki Yoshiya opposite, talking about the recent situation.

at the same time.

In the infinite city of a different space.

Wearing a crisp suit and looking like a young man, Tsuji Muzan was also listening to Heishimou's report.

"...That woman still hasn't appeared?"


Hei Shimo knelt on one knee and said in a respectful tone: "During this operation, Yiwozuo and Yuhu almost killed the two pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad, but they failed because of a special drug in their hands. ...The size of that medicine seems to be only about the size of a finger. After taking it, all the injuries on the body will heal as before in a very short time. They took this until dawn, because the sun rose and we had to retreat.

As for the younger brother...that woman still didn't show up. "

"Medicine to heal injuries?"

Muzan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is it an ability similar to that of a ghost? Is it made of substances extracted from the blood of a ghost? Is it the handiwork of the Insect Pillar from the Demon Slayer Team?"

Hei Shimo's face was expressionless: "I don't know."


The air fell into silence for a moment.

Wuxian raised his head and looked at the ceiling above, a violent aura flickering in his plum-red eyes.

Time flies.

Nearly a year has passed since the original Spider Mountain incident.

In the past year, Wu Kuai has never left Infinite City. Even if he occasionally eats people or conducts experiments on the transformation of humans and ghosts, Hei Shimo and Gui Yue have to capture the living people from outside and bring them in, and they have to do it again and again beforehand. Confirming that there were no ghost hunters following them was Gou's best practice.


After such a long time, it was still calm, and Wuhan couldn't help but have some doubts.

The girl who is suspected of being the "reincarnation of Jiguo Yuanyi"...

Where did it go?

Why did Spider Mountain and Yoshihara Yuguo disappear after taking action twice?

Even if I can't find myself in Infinite City, shouldn't I kill all the other evil ghosts first? But why does she never appear in the memories of nearly a hundred ghosts killed by the Demon Slayers in the past year? ?

Very strange.

In order to confirm the situation of "Female Stepmother Enichi", Muzan started planning a plan against the Demon Slayer Corps a few months ago - when Uchiha Hikari last came over and took Tanjiro to Kalin Tower for training. The exploratory activities have been carried out several times so far, and each time the intensity is gradually increasing. However, the other party never showed up from beginning to end.

This made Wu Kuai full of doubts.

Is it Uyashiki's conspiracy?


Any other secrets?

(Perhaps, that girl is not the reincarnation of Stepkuni Enichi at all, but looks similar, just like Kamado Tanjiro...)

(Alternatively, although she is reincarnated, she has not awakened the memory and strength of her previous life. Being able to kill Yui and the Fenghime brothers and sisters does not mean that she can also kill herself and Heishimou. That's why Ubuyashiki hid her. , to avoid early death...)

Wu Mei's guess was actually half right.

That is to say, "Uchiha Hikaru is not the reincarnation of Kokuenichi."

But even if he was lent two more brains, it would be difficult for him to figure out that Uchiha Hikaru was not the one who destroyed the world.


After these conjectures appeared, Wu Mei's mind gradually became more active.

If "Female Stepmother Enichi" really doesn't have the strength of the original version, then now is probably the best chance to kill her.

Otherwise, he might really have to hide in Infinity City for another hundred years. Wuhan had already experienced that kind of life once, and he really didn't want to do it again.

It just so happened that Wuhan was in trouble.

Tanjiro returns from the Dragon Ball world and tells Ubuyashiki Yōya about his resurrection. The latter immediately sent out the Demon Slayer Team to collect the corpses they wanted to resurrect.

After hearing the news, Wu Mei sent out three top stringers, including Black Death Mou, to pursue and intercept the Demon Slayer Squad. Although the results of the battle were smaller than expected due to the presence of fairy beans, this operation had vaguely proved his guess——

"It seems that the woman has indeed been hidden. The most likely hiding place is the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps..."

"As long as we can get there..."

"...That's the general situation."

In the reception room of the Demon Slayer Headquarters.

Ubuyashiki Yōya coughed hard several times and said: "In the past few months, Muzan has tested the Demon Slayer Squad many times, and this time he almost killed Anjuro, Tengen, and Mitsuri. Now he should have recognized the fact that you, Miss Guang, are not in the Demon Slayer Corps. If he sees some hope of destroying the Demon Slayer Corps, then he will most likely be unable to hold back and take action..."


"So, you plan to take the initiative to expose part of the information to Wuhan, and then set up an ambush here to lure him here?"

Uchiha Hikari picked up the conversation.

Ubuyashiki Yaoya nodded: "That's true."

For this plan…

Uchiha Hikaru was no stranger.

Because in the original work, Ubuyashiki Yōya did just that.

By exposing the location of the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters, luring Muzan to come, and then using the pre-buried explosives and Tamayo's medicine to severely injure him, and then all the surviving pillars joined forces to besiege him... Even at the cost of his own family's lives.

Without the intervention of external forces, this plan is indeed fine.

It may still be the only way to deal with Muzan.

After all, Muzan's true strength exceeds the sum of the Demon Slayer Corps. Even when severely weakened by poison, the Demon Slayer Corps was almost wiped out. If they don't take this opportunity to sacrifice themselves, once Ubuyashiki Yoshiya dies and the strongest combat power of the contemporary rock pillar grows old, then even if the Demon Slayer Corps wants to fight to the death, it is likely that they will not be able to do it.

But now...

"Ms. Guang, I know this request is presumptuous, but I still hope you can consider participating in my plan."

"As long as Muzan can be solved, even if I have to offer all the industries of the Ubuyashiki family with both hands, I am willing."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said solemnly.

Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a moment and slowly said: "Okay, but I have two requests."

"You say."

"First, Muzan is mine."

Uchiha Hikaru stretched out a finger: "I am a little interested in that guy's body, and I want to take him back to study. Of course, I won't let him continue to eat people and create ghosts, and I shouldn't let him appear in this world again."

"... This is OK."

Ubuyashiki Kayoya nodded.

Although his original goal was to completely kill Muzan Kibutsuji, as long as the latter no longer does evil in the world, it can be regarded as a goal.

"Second... I want a place in this country."


The place Uchiha Hikaru mentioned is the Hishikari gold mine in Kyushu.

There are nearly 200 tons of gold buried there, and it has not been officially mined yet. As long as it is occupied, Uchiha Hikaru can be truly rich enough to rival a country, and there is no need to obtain funds by looting the Red Silk Army.

Of course...

Uchiha Hikari has never been to Kyushu, Japan in the Demon Slayer world. He only made a judgment on the gold mine based on his experience in the real world. He had to go to the site to confirm it in person before he could enclose the land.

Although the main industries of the Ubuyashiki clan are concentrated in the Kanto region and their sphere of influence does not involve Kyushu, as a high-ranking noble family at this time, it should not be difficult to find a way to help her obtain the ownership of a mine.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikari roughly confirmed the outline of the plan with Ubuyashiki Yoya, and then put the topic aside - anyway, as long as she could lead Muzan out, she didn't care about the details.

At this time.

Ubuyashiki Yoya observed Uchiha Hikari's expression and said softly: "Miss Hikari, are you going to the Butterfly House to see Kyojuro and others this time? Or are you going to the city first to relax? If you want to go out and relax, I will let Tianyin accompany you."

"... Let's go to the Butterfly House first."

Uchiha Hikari said lightly.

Although she hadn't been to the Demon Slayer World for a long time, she had built up some friendships with Rengoku Kyojuro, Kanroji Mitsuri and others when she came here before. Now that she was here, she had to say hello and confirm the other party's injuries.

If it was a common injury, she could even help treat it. After all, she had learned Tsunade's palm magic.


That afternoon, Uchiha Hikaru took Esdeath to the Butterfly House.

Her face was considered a celebrity in the Demon Slayer Corps, and with the special instructions of Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, she basically had no obstacles wherever she went. When Rengoku Kyojuro and others saw her, they all showed expressions of surprise or joy on their faces, while Uchiha Hikaru nodded and kept his eyes on Uzui Tengen for a few seconds.

From Ubuyashiki Yoshiya and Tanjiro, she had roughly known the injuries of these people. The most serious one was Uzui Tengen.

This guy's arm was cut in half, and the right sleeve was clearly empty at this moment. He could only drink water and eat with his left hand. However, it was hard to sympathize with him when he saw the three female ninja wives surrounding his bed.

"What's the matter? Didn't I teach you the art of substitution?"

"... Master, Master."

Uzui Tengen scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "The upper-rank ghost who launched the attack this time was quite powerful. Kyojuro and I both took Senzu beans, but still couldn't defeat him. If it weren't for the rising sun, he might have killed us twice."


Uchiha Hikaru pouted: "Take good care of it. For the sake of your calling me Master, give me some of your blood and skin samples later, and I will go back to help ask if I can get a new arm for you to install."


Uchiha Hikaru smiled, but did not tell him about Orochimaru and Dr. Gero. Instead, after a brief greeting, he took Esdeath out of the infirmary and came to the courtyard outside.

Until this time.

Esdeath turned his head and showed a puzzled expression: "Is that Muzan Kibutsuji really that powerful? You and Tanjiro's friends seem a little afraid of him?"


Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment: "It's quite powerful for Tanjiro, maybe the top eight in the martial arts tournament?"


Esdeath did not comment.

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly had an idea: "Speaking of which, that second-stringed child seems to be playing ice, right? And he also has a special obsession with women... If Xiao Ai is allowed to deal with him, it will be very difficult. Interesting?"

There is also the winding string Yihei Sheimou...

Now that I have put on the vest of "The Reincarnation of Tsukuni Enichi", I naturally have to confront this "stupid Onii-chan" to see what the latter will do when he sees her with red hair and red eyes. What an expression.

With this idea in mind, Uchiha Hikari opened the chat group at will and briefly talked about preparing to lure the snake out of the hole.

Bulma, Brand, and Yamato who were currently online quickly responded.

[Bulma: Hmm...Does that mean the decisive battle on Tanjiro's side is about to begin? 】

[Anonymous: Almost. 】

[Unnamed: There are a total of six upper strings on Kibutsuji Muzan's side, each with their own unique skills. Xiao Ai and I are going to deal with each of them individually. I will use the upper strings to hit the black dead mou, Xiao Ai will use the second child grinder, and the remaining few Do you have any ideas? 】

[Brand: Do you have any specific information about them? 】

[Unnamed: Shangxian Sanyi Wozuo is good at physical arts, a bit of a martial arts fanatic, and likes to challenge the strong...]

[Gui Ji: Leave this to me! I will use the iron fist of love to teach him how to behave! 】

[Brand: Then wind up the fourth string...]

[Little monster: Leave it to me! I have always been taken care of by you, and I want to be of some use. 】

[Brand: Well...no one wants the top five, right? Give this to me. 】

[Buma: By the way, the previous Shangxian Liu seems to be the brother and sister who were caught by you, Xiaoguang, when we went there last year, right? Are there any new recruits coming in at Wuxian? 】

[Unnamed: I don’t know, maybe it’s Naru-nu? It doesn't matter, just leave it to Tanjiro. 】

In a few words, the group of people had divided up the six strings.

As for Wu Ke, the ghost king...

[Anonymous: This may cause some trouble for Ms. Platycodon. Wu Mei has a different space called "Infinite City". Once an accident occurs, he can teleport himself to that space instantly. At that time, you may need to use enchantment to trap his movements to prevent him from slipping away. . 】

In fact, Uchiha Hikari's sealing technique can also seal Muzan.

But she may not happen to meet Wu Mei himself.

And this guy is surprisingly stubborn. If there is a delay in the middle, giving Wu Kai a few seconds of time difference, allowing him to teleport away directly, then he may really stay in Infinite City for a hundred years, and wait until Uchi Bo Guang and his party waited until death before coming out for activities.

"...Unfortunately, my kaleidoscope does not have space-based eye skills."

"Let's go back and talk to the fourth generation, or ask the gods to see if we can learn some different space ninjutsu and spells."

Uchiha Hikaru thought so.

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