Over the next week.

While the Demon Slayer Squad continued to send people to collect the bodies of those who wanted to be resurrected, they also made arrangements for the plan to lure the snake out of the cave.

These things are all done by Uyashiki Yoshiya.

Due to his special status, Uchiha Hikari was not suitable to show up too early in order to avoid arousing Wu Mei's alarm.

Therefore, after telling Tanjiro a few words that "there is something going on in the group, Aite himself", she directly launched "Shangri-La" and took Esdeath to the Kyushu region, which was thousands of miles away.

Wait until you get to the place.

Uchiha Hikaru took two maps - one was given by Ubuyashiki Yoshiya, and the other was a modern Japanese map brought from the world of dragons, and began to explore this land.

"...According to the directions on the map, it should be in this area."

After some exploration and comparison.

Uchiha Hikaru found a sparsely populated mountainous area.

On the modern map, this is "Hisugaru Town", a small town with a fairly large population.

But at this time, it is still a wasteland with only a few villages in a radius of dozens of miles. However, precisely because it is inaccessible, the scenery here is quite good, and there are no traces of "ghosts". Even if the noise is bigger, there is no need to worry about being noticed by Wuhan.


Uchiha Hikari took out the "World Encyclopedia Longo Longo" from the capsule and tried to inject a ray of spiritual power into it.

With a subtle surge of breath.

The beast pupil on the cover of "The Encyclopedia of the World" rotated slightly, and then an extremely obvious spiritual power emanated from the pupil, spreading in all directions like misty rain. After a while, some pictures began to appear in the blank space of the page, from blurry to clear, with very small text descriptions attached next to them.

Uchiha Light injected spiritual power again, and these tiny mosquito-like writings slowly became clear and reflected in her mind:

"Unknown location 1.

Landform features:…

Species distribution:…


Less than half a page, densely packed with thousands of words, it records underground mineral deposits, water systems, human villages, and the distribution of animal and plant groups within a radius of dozens of miles. It is almost an encyclopedia generated in real time. And according to Uchiha Hikaru's attempts, she can also use her mental power to manually name the "unknown" information in the text——

For example, change "Unknown Location 1" to "Hisuga Mine". There are also those birds and beasts that the "Encyclopedia of the World" doesn't recognize...

You can even manually complete information such as landform features.

"...It's quite convenient."

Uchiha Hikaru spent some time and figured out how to use this thing, and showed a smile.

She originally didn't want to use the "World Encyclopedia" casually. After all, the pages of this Teigu are very precious and cannot be wasted casually.

But you have to try it to know how to use it. In the face of 200 tons of gold, waste is waste.

"Based on the current situation, if we were to record the entire island of the size of Japan in the 'World Encyclopedia', it would take about three pages..."

"If we scan the entire earth, we can almost fill up the remaining half of the 'Complete Book'..."

"However, unnecessary information can be erased using mental power or artificially streamlined."

Overall, not bad.

Now that the location of the gold mine has been determined, we can negotiate terms with Ubuyashiki Yōya after returning from this trip.

As for how to mine...

It is a good idea to cooperate with the Ubuyashiki clan. After all, Ubuyashiki is somewhat powerful here and his character can be trusted. Or you can find a local chaebol in the Kyushu region and use the "Eight Thousand Spears" to control it, and you can make do.

After making up your mind.

Uchiha Hikari put away the circled map, then stretched a long way: "Let's go, Xiao Ai."

"...Where to go?"

"You're already here, let's go sightseeing nearby."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head and looked in one direction: "I heard that there is a 'Yuno Waterfall' over there. It's quite spectacular. Let's go and have a look. And taste the local specialties..."


Esdeath nodded indifferently, waiting for her to lead the way.

When turning around, Uchiha Hikari suddenly paused and cast his gaze far away in the direction of the setting sun.

During this period, the country just across the border from Japan...should have just ended its feudal monarchy, right?

If there is a chance...

You might consider taking a look and seeing if you can do anything.

After staying in the Hisigaji area for two days, Uchiha Hikari returned to the Demon Slayer Headquarters again.

At this time, the courtyard of the headquarters was filled with corpses.

Most of the corpses were mutilated, and the wounds suffered before birth could be seen from the bones; other parts had been worn away and rotted away during the long years of being buried underground, and at this time only the visible Rough outline.

"Miss Guang, you are back."

"These are the people gathered so far. Most of them are members of the Demon Slayer Squad and their relatives, and a few are people from outside... The list of people is being compiled and will be reviewed by you later."

At this moment, Tanjiro was directing the members of "Hidden" to clean up the dust on these corpses and seal them in a simple way. There were also figures of Kamado Aoi, Nezuko and others beside him. Busy together.

Speaking of which...

It has been some time since the Kamado family was reincarnated by the dirty soil.

In the past six months, they have been staying at the Demon Slayer Headquarters almost all the time, helping with some simple manual labor, and occasionally helping to take care of the wounded when Butterfly House was short of manpower. Because their bodies are made of dirt, they don't feel hungry or tired, and their physical strength recovers very quickly. It can be said that they are human-shaped perpetual motion machines.

——Because of this, if their existence is discovered by outsiders, it may cause a lot of trouble.

"Hello, sister Guang."

Nezuko followed her brother to the front and said hello to Uchiha Hikaru in unskilled words.

"Hey, can Nezuko talk now?"

"Yes, because of the medicine developed by Miss Tamashii and Miss Shinobu, Nezuko is no longer afraid of the sun, and can think and speak like normal humans, but her reactions are still a little slower than humans..."

Tanjiro responded.

Uchiha Hikari understood.


Tanjiro seemed to hesitate for a moment, lowered his voice a little, and spoke again: "Well... Miss Guang, according to what the god said, resurrecting the dead requires not only their bodies, but also ensuring that their souls are nearby. In this regard, do you have What can I do?"


There are two ways.

The first is to reincarnate the dirty earth like Kamado Aoi and others, and then put the dirty earth body together with the original corpse. But the problem...even if ghosts were used as sacrifices, I might not be able to catch so many ghosts in a short period of time.

Second, it’s simple.

"Kikyo's dead soul bug should be able to collect the souls, right? Just ask Kikyo to come over and take a look at it."

Starting from the next day.

One after another, people passed through Tanjiro and traveled to the Demon Slayer World.

The first ones to come over were of course Yamato and Eri.

The two of them stayed at Dr. Brive's place for a week or two. They had completed all the examinations they needed to do, and had taken more than a dozen blood samples. They had nothing to do these days, so they came over early to check in.

Eri Yi is okay. Apart from her good looks and the fact that she can't speak, there is nothing particularly noteworthy about her. That long red hair is not uncommon in the Demon Slayer World. Even if someone from the Demon Slayer Corps sees it, they will only think it is caused by eating too many tomatoes or watermelons.

Hmm... Although it sounds a bit outrageous, Kanroji Mitsuri's gradient pink hair was caused by eating sakura cakes; and Purgatory Anjuro's golden red hair was caused by his ancestors eating too many shrimps...

All I can say is that this is very metaphysical.

In comparison, Yamato is very noticeable.

The height of 2.6 meters is quite astonishing in Demon Slayer World. Even the 2.2-meter-high rock pillar Mingmingyu Xingming looked like a half-grown child in front of her.

As for strength...

In the afternoon after arriving, Yamato accepted the invitation of several pillars and had a little discussion with them.

As a result, he accidentally beat two of the pillars to comminuted fractures in both arms, and broke several Nichirin swords with his bare hands with his armed haki... In the end, Uchiha Hikari had to step in and use Palm Senjutsu to treat one of them. Then he took out a few laser swords as compensation.

——These things are of course made by Bulma.

After leaving the Demon Slayer World last time, Bulma did not completely put down the production of the "Light Saber", but the progress was delayed due to delays in other things such as the search for the Shikon Jade. This time, I heard that the Demon Slayer Corps wanted to start a war with Muzan, so I took the time to polish a few weapons and uploaded them. Uchiha Hikari took this opportunity to pass them on to Immortal Kawa Saneya and others.

Yamato, on the other hand, lowered his head and looked apologetic:

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be so weak. If I had known, I wouldn't have used 'Liu Ying'..."


The injured Fusukawa and others did not feel too angry, but were surprised by Yamato's strength: "Miss Guang's friends are indeed inexplicably strong..."

Someone even thought of the speculation about Uchiha Hikari's identity: "So, was Tanjiro really taken to heaven to practice before?"


In a sense, this statement is indeed correct.

Because Tanjiro went to Kalin Tower, which can indeed be called the "heaven". Theoretically, after the Wuhan incident is over, the other pillars can go and practice for a while. Although it may not be possible to achieve a high level of practice, it is still worth learning the method of using "qi" to eliminate the side effects of spots and shortening life span.

Next, Kikyo comes to Demon Slayer World.

Before coming here, Kikyo had already heard Uchiha Hikari talk about "collecting souls" in the group, so when she came here, she first confirmed the situation in this regard.

"How about it?"

"...The distance between yin and yang in this world seems to be looser than mine, Miss Bulma, and you, Xiaoguang. There are even many dead souls lingering around the relatives and friends they cared about during their lifetimes. Just this place There are several in the courtyard.”

As Kikyo spoke, he began to control the Death Soul Insect.

Under her instructions, Uchiha Hikari also captured the phantom outlines of human figures. As the dead soul insects came into contact, they became more obvious bit by bit.

Even the members of the Demon Slayer Corps present at the scene vaguely saw these outlines.

Tokito Muichiro slightly opened his eyes, his eyes locked on a figure that looked almost exactly like him:

"It's my brother..."

Fuzugawa Shimiya and Kocho Shinobu looked at the same figure:


And Tanjiro and Tomioka Giyu:

"... Senior Brother Satoshi, Senior Sister Makomo?"

Tokito Ichiro, Kocho Kanae, Satoshi, Rengoku Ruka... These spirits that had appeared in the original work were already standing in this courtyard, staring at Muichiro and others present, or talking to each other in silence.

——Of course, not everyone here has their bodies collected.

For example, Satoshi and Makomo have been dead for more than three years, and their bodies have been eaten by the hand ghosts, and there is no body left, so they can't be resurrected.

And Kyojuro's mother Rengoku Ruka died of illness nearly ten years ago, and she also does not meet the conditions for resurrection.

However, because their souls have not been reincarnated, they are now gathered by Kikyo with the dead soul bug. At this time, they are looking at their sons, brothers, lovers with a gentle face... wiping each other's tears with their palms and smiling.

This scene of family affection makes Eri and Yamato feel a little sad.

Uchiha Hikaru pursed his lips, raised his head slightly, and began to think about Kikyo's judgment just now:

The yin and yang intervals in different worlds are loose to different degrees, which may be related to the corresponding reincarnation order.

The Naruto world and the Dragon Ball world both have special pure land spaces and corresponding managers - the former is the Six Paths Sage, and the latter is Yama. Whether it is reincarnation or returning to the world, a certain order is required; the Inuyasha world is similar. Although the master of the underworld has never appeared, if you want to go there, you need to use special tricks such as "Underworld Cangyuepo" or special items such as "Underworld Stone" and "Iron Chicken Blood".

Although the demon world has a reincarnation mechanism, it may be running spontaneously without a real manager, so the boundaries are loose and vague.

In this case...

"The curse world should be the same, right?"

After all, the cursed spirits there are flying everywhere, and there are many people who have seen the spirits of their relatives and friends after death, such as a prison master who was cut in half.

As for Jianzi...

It's hard to say.

After all, the yin and yang order there is completely chaotic, and even the mechanism of reincarnation may be disturbed, which will cause a huge number of demons to stagnate in the human world.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't been to Jianzi for a while..."

"If I have time later, I'll go there for a 'eat'."

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