That evening.

Tanjiro and others finished counting the list of people who needed to be resurrected and sent it to Uchiha Hikaru.

One hundred and forty-two people in total.

A little more than she expected.

After all, in addition to people like Tanjiro and Kuzhu, the Demon Slayer Squad also has a large number of ordinary members, as well as "hidden" members responsible for logistics, as well as a medical team and a team of swordsmiths. In total, there are at least hundreds of people, basically Every member on the team has had a painful experience.

If there was not a time limit of "death within three years", the number of people who needed to be resurrected would probably have been doubled.

But it doesn’t matter.

As long as the wish can be made smoothly, no matter if there are more than 100 people or more than 10,000 people, it will be a matter of pride to Shenlong.

After getting this list.

Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo checked one by one and sealed the souls except Kamado's family with talismans.

Then all the corpses were packed in ice coffins and put into universal capsules.

During this period, the ice coffin in Uchiha Hikaru's hand was not enough, so Bulma bought hundreds of them in Dragon Ball World and temporarily sent them through the group store to complete the burial.

"By the way..."

"Do you want to meet your relatives and friends again?"

Uchiha Hikari looked at Purgatory Anjuro and Tomioka Giyu, as well as Purgatory Rinhui and others in front of them: "Although Aunt Rinhui and Souto... they have been dead for more than three years and cannot be resurrected, but if they are reincarnated from the dirty earth, There is no problem. However, the body of the dirty earth is slightly different from that of a living person, and we cannot live as we did before we were alive, but we can still go home and reminisce about the past.”


Purgatory Xingjulang and others were a little hesitant.

Rationally, they vaguely feel that this approach is a bit disrespectful to the deceased.

After all, they had seen the situation of Kamado Aoi's family with their own eyes. Although they could move and talk like ordinary people, there were many differences that they could not ignore. After all, they were not alive.

But emotionally, they also want to spend more time with their mothers and close friends.

Especially Purgatory Anjuro.

There is an old father in his family who has been drinking and drinking all day long since his mother passed away, and can't listen to anything he says. If he can take his mother back with him, meet him, and have a good chat, maybe his father's appearance can be improved. Change.

In this regard, Uchiha Hikaru just smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, you can think about it slowly, and remember to ask their opinions. If necessary, I can take action at any time."

Well...if the filthy soil really comes out, I can also teach you the solution to the filthy soil reincarnation by the way, so that you can get rid of it when needed. "

"...Okay, I will discuss it with my mother/senior brother. No matter what the outcome is, thank you Miss Guang."

That night.

Ubuyashiki Yōya set up several sumptuous banquets and left everyone to eat.

During the dinner, the group discussed the details of the "Enemy Lure Plan".

How to "inadvertently" expose the location of the Demon Slayer Headquarters to Muzan, Ubuyashiki Yōya has already planned it, and he doesn't need Uchiha Hikaru's help to worry about it.

In addition, the issue of mobilization does not need to be considered.

Those who can join the Demon Slayer Squad almost always have a deep hatred for ghosts and can put life and death aside. If sacrificing themselves can allow the Demon Slayers to achieve final victory, then they will sacrifice their lives without hesitation.

not to mention……

Now there is a guaranteed chance of resurrection.

"If you die in this decisive battle... you should be able to be resurrected, right? Miss Guang?"


Uchiha Hikaru nodded: "As long as the corpses are not eaten, there will be no problem. When Kikyo and I take stock of the battlefield afterwards, we will collect the souls of all the victims and resurrect them together."

"……That's good."

As Ubuyashiki Yōya responded, the other pillars present also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they are not afraid of death, no one will refuse if they can survive.

So now there is only one question left——

The question of who should be involved in the ambush.

In the original work, when Ubuya Shiki Yaoya set up this trap to lure Muzan over, he only arranged for a few masters such as Ming Mingyu Yumei and others to guard around the room. Once Muzan was tricked, they would jump out of their hiding places and attack Muzan. A brutal assassination attempt was launched.

But now...

The Demon Slayer lineup is more complete than at this time in the original timeline.

In addition to Yuzhuang Tianyuan, who lost an arm as in the original work and was unable to participate in this operation, Purgatory Xingjulang and several others who had just encountered Yiwozao not long ago and were seriously injured were also treated by Zhang Xianju. He recovered at an extraordinary speed.

In addition, Uchiha Hikaru and his entourage from other worlds are coming over one after another.

There are so many people hiding in the headquarters, and they want Wuhan not to see...

It's really a bit of a cover-up.

However, this problem is also easy to solve——

"When the time comes, I will use the transformation technique to turn Xiao Ai and the others into your family members, Mr. Uyashiki, and then stay here."

Uchiha Hikaru pointed at Ubuyashiki Amane and gestured.

In the original work, the miko-born wife and the two white-haired daughters all acted as bait together with Ubuyashiki Yōya, and were eventually killed in the explosion.

But now, there is no need for them to take risks anymore.

Hikari Uchiha, Esdeath, and Eri can just become Ubuyashiki Amane and her two daughters. When Wu Kai comes over, he can release the transformation technique. I think he will be able to give Wu Kai a big surprise.

As for everyone else…

"...Leave it to me to handle this aspect."

Kikyo slowly spoke: "Among the barrier techniques I have mastered, there is a type called 'hidden barrier', which can hide people and objects. As long as the other party has no spiritual power, they will not notice it even if they walk past. People hiding in the barrier.”


Purgatory Anjuro opened his eyes wide with surprise: "Is there such a magical trick?"

"This is good, this is good."

Yamato clapped his hands repeatedly.

Ubuyashiki Yaoya, on the other hand, came to his senses after a brief moment of shock and began to make arrangements in an orderly manner.

With Uchiha Hikaru and his team participating in the attack on Muzan, there is no need for the other pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad to ambush here. Therefore, Ubuyashiki Yōya decided to leave only the three most powerful ones, Yukimei Tsushima, Saneya Immortal, and Tanjiro, while the other pillars led the team in groups of two and dispersed to the surrounding areas. Responsible for responding to attacks from other directions.

in addition……

Miss Tamashii and Yushiro will also participate in this operation.

That's right.

As early as a few months ago, Ubuya Shiki Yaoya had sent someone to pick up Miss Tamashii and entrusted her with the development of a drug that weakens Wu Ke. With the help of Butterfly Ninja, who is also proficient in medical skills, some results have been achieved.

Although Uchiha Hikaru felt that it didn't matter whether she poisoned or not, but since this could make the Demon Slayers feel more at ease, she just let it go.

——Speaking of which, Miss Jushi is also considered a medical talent. After this incident is over, maybe we can try to invite her to join Dr. Gro's research institute.

The plan is finally finalized.

the following few days.

Kikyo began to set up the barrier.

Yamato, on the other hand, leaned over to watch with curiosity on his face and kept asking questions.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't have much to do, and it wasn't easy to run around - the Demon Slayer Corps was headquartered in the Kanto region, which was relatively densely populated. If he entered the city rashly, he might be seen by Muzan and Twelve Demons, which would arouse their vigilance. .

So, she simply said hello to Kikyo, and then took Esdeath and Eri with her, using "Shangri-La" to teleport to Ryukyu, thousands of miles away, and played in the water on the beach.

The current time of Demon Slayer World is in late summer and early autumn.

The temperature is slightly cooler.

However, Uchiha Hikaru and several others are very powerful and have different bloodlines than ordinary people, so they don't feel cold.

Moreover, Ryukyu during this period had not yet developed into a popular scenic spot in later generations. There were almost no people on a coastline of more than ten kilometers. Just in time for a swim and beach bath.

Two or three days passed leisurely like this before I saw a message from Tanjiro:

[Tietouwa@无名@小 Monster: Miss Guang, Miss Eriyi, are you there? 】

[Tie Tou Wa: My lord said that Wu Kai will come to the Demon Slayer Headquarters tomorrow night, and the stringed ghosts will come with him... In addition, Mr. Brand also came from the Red Killing World this morning. Came here, taking Mr. Tazmi with him. 】

[Anonymous: Oh, let’s go back early tomorrow morning. 】

[Anonymous: By the way, how's it going with Miss Kikyo? Are all the arrangements finished? 】

[Bikyo: It’s been set up. I just tested it with Tanjiro and the others. There should be no problem. 】

Ryukyu coast.

Uchiha Hikaru was wearing a one-piece swimsuit and sunglasses, and glanced at Eri, who was piled sand next to him.

During this period of time, although due to the favor of Uchiha Hikaru, the "White King", and the stability of her condition, Eriki had a higher degree of freedom in the dragon world. However, the Sheqi Ba family still felt uneasy about letting her stay too far away from home. Only in the world of other group members did she have the opportunity to play freely.


It seemed that he was aware of Uchiha Hikari's sight.

Eriki raised her head, wiped the sweat from her temples with her sandy hands, and then smiled.

After brushing a few strokes, he held up the notebook and said, "Want to build a castle together, Guang?"


Uchiha Hikari squatted down, looked at the pile of very abstract sand buildings in front of Eriki, and fell into deep thought.

the other side.

Esdeath swam from the sea to the shore with the sound of water, and then walked onto the beach.

Because she was dressed coolly, her tall and graceful figure was perfectly outlined by the swimsuit. Water droplets slowly slid down her fair skin and flowed through her long legs with clear lines. She looked strangely charming.


Uchiha Hikari looked away a little unnaturally, then took out a few ice creams from the small freezer next to him and handed them to the two people next to him.

"What flavor do you want?"

"This is it."

Esdeath picked a vanilla flavor.

Eriki took another strawberry-flavored one and licked it with the tip of her tongue, with a satisfied expression on her face.

Then, Uchiha Kouri himself picked up an ice cream and nibbled it in small bites. He then put the wrapping paper away in a bag and prepared to go back and find a place to throw it away.

That night.

The three people took a rest in the small house where the universal capsule was thrown.

Then early the next morning, I brushed my teeth, washed up, had something to eat, and used "Shangri-La" to return to the Demon Slayer Headquarters again.

The atmosphere here is obviously more tense than the previous two days.

Even Yamato, Brand and others looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, which made Uchiha Hikaru complain a bit.

But she didn't say anything at the moment, she just watched Brand, Yamato, and the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps being arranged by Kikyo to hide near Ubuyashiki's residence.


Platycodon recited a spell and performed a few hand gestures.

There were tiny ripples appearing in the surrounding air, as if something was quietly twisting, and then in the blink of an eye, the figures of several people disappeared from the place and disappeared.

"This spell... seems to be mixed with some spatial attributes?"

Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows slightly.


Kikyo nodded: "If it is a regular hidden barrier, there is no need for such a complicated arrangement process, but Miss Guang, you said that the person named Ghost Dance Tsuji Mukai has the ability to go to another dimension, so I use The principle of enchantment involving the nature of space is to fold the space in selected places, like cutting a pocket on clothes and putting people in it...

As long as I release the spell, when Tanjiro and the others come out, the space in this area will be disrupted, making it impossible for Muzan to teleport back immediately. "


Uchiha understood and thought about asking Kikyo for advice after the battle was over.

And now...


Uchiha Hikaru held Esdeath and Eriki in one hand and used the transformation technique. As the smoke dissipated, when the three figures reappeared, they had transformed into Amane, mother and daughter.

"Here, you can play ball here later."


Esdeath, in her child form, took the ball from Hikaru Uchiha with a complicated look on her face, not knowing whether to shoot or throw it. Eriyi next to her clapped her hands happily and looked at her outfit with a curious look on her face, perfectly portraying the innocent and charming look unique to a little girl.

As the various actors take their places.

The drama finally started as scheduled.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Uyashiki Yoya sat wrapped in a quilt in the living room, coughing uncontrollably.

at a certain moment.

Uchiha Hikari's eyelids twitched, and he vaguely felt an extremely obscure wave of aura coming from a corner of the headquarters house. At the same time, Kikyo's message also appeared in the chat group at the right time.

[Lakyo grandiflorum: Here we come. 】

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