The 23rd "Yuichi: Light" Limited Return

Today is a cloudy day.

It is getting close to evening again.

The light in the courtyard seems a little dim, and under the shade of the trees, it is a little difficult to see the places a little further away.

Muzan of course chose this time to come, because even as the King of Ghosts, he still couldn't overcome the effect of sunlight. Only when it is about to get dark is it his home court, and he can retreat at any time even if he encounters some unexpected situations.

[Ghost Princess: Is Muzan here? Where is he?]

[Brand: It should be the guy in the northeast corner, black hair, red eyes, young man... He appeared without any signs, and his aura is also gloomy. It should be the image described by Miss Guang and Tanjiro. Now he is walking towards the pond and will soon reach you, Yamato.]

【Ghost Princess: Oh, I see it. 】

【Ghost Princess: It's not the same as I imagined. It turns out that the ghosts in this world don't have horns on their heads? 】

On the other side.

Looking at the heated discussion in the chat group, Bulma, who stayed in the Dragon Ball world to repair the spaceship, couldn't help herself.

【Bulma: No, what does that Muzan look like? I'm so curious after hearing what you said. Who can start a live broadcast for me to see? Urgent! 】

【Iron Head Baby: Wait a minute, Miss Bulma, I'll start it...】

【Iron Head Baby has started the group live broadcast】

As the live broadcast screen was turned on.

Not only Bulma, but Uchiha Hikaru, who was staying in the house, being loyal to the role and quietly brewing tea, also "saw" the scene seen by Brand and others.

The person who came was indeed Muzan.

And he was in the form of a young man, wearing a black suit and a top hat, with Walking along the small path in the mansion like strolling in the garden. The lanterns on both sides dispelled some of the darkness, but it seemed that his figure could not be illuminated.

If you only look at his appearance, this guy even looks a bit handsome.

However, if you know the things he has done in his background, you will only feel physiological disgust at this time.

At this moment.

Muzan Kibutsuji is "quietly" sneaking into the courtyard of the headquarters, thinking that he is unnoticed, but he doesn't know that his every move is under the watchful eyes of seven or eight pairs... or should I say more than a dozen pairs of eyes. Because in addition to Uchiha Hikaru and others, several pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps hidden in various parts of the courtyard can also see his appearance, and Brand and Yamato are reporting in real time in the group.

In fact...

Muzan also noticed something wrong.

After all, he is a man who has lived for more than a thousand years and is known for his cautious character. Although the ghost king, who was known for his prudence, could not see the hidden figures of Yamato and others, he was still very sensitive to the gazes of others. From the courtyard to the main house, which was only a hundred meters away, he had stopped and looked around several times, as if he was ready to turn around and run away at any time.


The sound of the breeze blowing through the treetops sounded.

Then, there was a crisp sound of hitting a ball, coming from the two "little girls" at the door of the main house.

Speaking of which...

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly realized a problem after the plan began-she asked Esdeath and Eri to play the two daughters of the Ubuyashiki family in the yard, but one of them could not speak casually because of the word spirit, and the other was cold and hard and too lazy to talk. A pair of "sisters" in their teens were hitting the ball in the yard without saying a word. This scene looked a bit weird.

Muzan seemed to have noticed this detail as well.

However, because he didn't know about the transformation technique, he just frowned secretly and didn't show anything obviously.

At this time, Ubuyashiki Yoya in the house took the initiative to speak:


Ubuyashiki Yoya's weakness was not pretended. After coughing a few times with great effort, he looked outside with a calm face:

"You are here."

"I am here."

At this moment.

Muzan temporarily put aside all his doubts, and looked at Ubuyashiki Yoya's terminally ill appearance with a playful smile on his face.

A thousand years.

Since the Heian period, after he turned into a demon and escaped from his family, the members of the Ubuyashiki clan have been cursed by the gods. In order to lift this curse, the latter put all their efforts on fighting him and established the Demon Slayer Corps that lasted for a thousand years. Even in the Warring States period, Muzan killed the Demon Slayer Corps lord at the time with the help of Jigoku Yansheng, but still failed to completely eliminate this organization.

But today...

Everything will come to an end.

Without the Demon Slayer Corps, he can send all his people to find the blue spider lily and explore ways to turn himself into a perfect creature. In that case, even if Tsugakuko Yoshiichi was reborn, he would have nothing to fear.

"That woman... isn't here?"

Muzan looked around calmly, but did not find the red-haired, red-eyed figure in his memory.

On the other side, Ubuyashiki Yoya spoke again: "Won't you come in and sit down, Muzan? My... ancestor."

"... Heh."

Muzan sneered and finally stepped into the living room: "It seems that you have accepted your fate? Yes, as a human being, it is not easy to resist until now. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can consider forgiving your sins and granting you eternal life."

"... As a ghost?"

"What else?"

While sitting down and talking.

Muzan casually glanced at Uchiha Hikaru, who was disguised as Tianyin and sitting next to him making tea, but he only paused for a moment before looking away.

Uchiha Hikaru also showed no unnecessary expression, and did not even raise his head. He just quietly sent a message to the group with his heart:

[Unnamed: Miss Kikyo, have you seen anyone else besides Wu Mei? 】

[Bikyo: the northwest direction of the barrier, two auras have sneaked in. They should be "ghosts", and they are the kind with the ability to travel through space. They have now reached the side of the main house. They are very close to Miss Guang, so please be careful. 】

[Unnamed: Space travel...Half-Tian Dog and Jade Pot? 】

[Brand: Jade pot? This seems to be the opponent I booked? 】

[Yamato: What about me, where is the "Yiwoza" I want to deal with? 】

[Bikyo: I don’t know... There was an aura approaching from the east of the barrier, but he seemed to feel something and stopped at the edge of the barrier instead of walking in directly. 】

As the organizer and operator of the entire barrier, Kikyo can clearly feel the changes in every part of the barrier. At this time, points were revealed one after another, and Uchiha Hikaru made a rough judgment based on the corresponding characteristics, and locked all the targets that everyone needed to deal with.

The only one who is a bit troublesome is Esdeath.

After all, she was not in the group, and Uchiha Hikaru didn't know how to "transmit sound into secrets", so he had no way to communicate with her in real time. He could only give her a little hint through Eri Yi and remind her to be calm and calm.

[Little monster @无名: Guang, sister Xiao Ai seems to be almost unable to bear it anymore, the breath on her body is so cold...]

[Little Monster: The rubber ball you gave us is about to crack due to the frost. If this one is broken, can you buy another one later? 】


Well, it seems that in Eriki's eyes, that little rubber ball is more important than Muzan and a few Uzuki Oni.

[Unnamed: Apart from these three people, are there any other auras near the barrier? 】

[Platycodon:...There is another place to the south and west, but that is the direction Miss Kanroji and the others are responsible for guarding. The other party should encounter them first. 】


Uchiha Hikari estimated that among these three people there might be one or two of Hei Shimo and Yi Wo Zao, but Tong Mo and the unknown substitute Ue Jian Liu were not sure where they were hiding.

[Unnamed: ...Get ready to take action, Miss Kikyo, Wu Mei has already let down his guard. 】

[Platycodon: Okay. 】

After making the decision to take action.

Platycodon grandiflorum, who was also hiding in the "folding space", clasped his hands together and made a few hand seals:


this moment.

Signs of aura fluctuations appeared in more than a dozen locations within the headquarters compound at the same time. Then lines like water waves suddenly formed in the air, like ripples on the lake. As the ripples spread, figures emerged one after another.

Just the blink of an eye.

The courtyard that was empty just now has become full.

Yamato, Brand, Tanjiro... and several members of the Demon Slayer Squad, including the Demon Slayers, all showed their figures.

Only Eri and Esdeath, who were playing ball in the yard, remained the same at this time - they did not know the transformation technique themselves, and they relied on the chakra provided by Uchiha Hikari to transform. They look like two little girls, so the spell cannot be released freely.


Esdeath's aura burst out at this moment.


Wu Kai was stunned for a moment, with a surprised look on his face.

Before he could react, he heard a "bang" and the ball in the yard suddenly exploded.

Then, a cold and powerful oppressive force emanated from that direction and fell on Wu Ke, making the thousand-year-old ghost king couldn't help but shudder.

Snowflakes are flying.

It was only the beginning of autumn, but at this moment, white snowflakes suddenly appeared in the yard, flying everywhere under the cold wind. Esdeath, who was still in the form of a young girl, looked at Wu Mei with frosty eyes, and sharp ice edges appeared on her palms.

"……what happened?"

Muzan seemed to realize something, his eyes lingered on Esdeath for a moment, and then he suddenly turned around and looked at "Ubuyashiki Amane" who was putting down the tea set and getting up in the room: "Wait a minute, are you? …”

"Have you finally noticed?"

Uchiha Hikaru raised his head and smiled slightly.

In his eyes, there was a dark red light flowing quietly.

Chakra surges.

Esdeath and Eriyi outside the yard both returned to their original forms at this moment.

As a caster, Uchiha Hikaru changed rapidly when Shi Shiran stood up. First, his height shrank by ten centimeters from about 1.7 meters, and then his appearance changed from that of an adult woman back to that of an adult. She took on the appearance of a thirteen-year-old girl.

The white hair that was tied up high in a bun fell down in the process, revealing a flame-like red color. Exactly the same color as the eyes.

——This is not the effect of the transformation technique, but a superficial use of the "Fire Thunder God".


This set of "limited skins", which were used twice by Uchiha Hikaru in Spider Mountain and Yoshihara Yuguo, and took away two ghost moons, is back here and now for a limited time.

Do it all.

Uchiha Hikaru smiled brightly at Muzan Kibutsuji who was several meters away: "See you again... Are you surprised, Muzan?"


Muzan was stunned.

He was almost scared to death at this time, and his five brains almost crashed at the same time.

Before coming here, Muzan had considered that he might meet Uchiha Hikaru here - after all, as long as this "reincarnation of Tsugakuin Yoriichi" is not dead and still stays in the Demon Slayer Corps, then the most likely place to stay must be this headquarters house.


Muzan never thought that the other party would appear in front of him in such a look!

Is Tsugakuin Yoriichi actually playing such a conspiracy... And what about this ability to change his appearance at will? !

After a brief surprise, followed by unspeakable fear!

"…It's you!! It's you!!"

Muzan suddenly jumped up, looked at Uchiha Hikaru with an expression of disbelief, and then let out a sharp explosion:

"Jade!! Pot!!"

The decibel of this shout was surprisingly high, and it directly exploded a shock wave in the air that seemed to be substantial. The eardrum of Ubuyashiki Yoya, who was closer, had been ruptured, and bright red blood beads slid down. Uchiha Hikaru also couldn't help but frown slightly, keenly catching the two breaths attacking from behind.

Almost at the same time as Muzan screamed.

Two blurry shadows, like ghosts, jumped out from the two corners of the room at the same time, with a sharp sound of breaking wind, and swept to the sides of Uchiha Hikaru's back, pretending to kill her directly!


Tanjiro, who was rushing over from the courtyard and witnessed all this, opened his mouth wide and subconsciously wanted to warn her.

But before he could speak, Uchiha Hikaru took a step, and took a small step to the side as if he had foreseen the future. At the same time, he slightly tilted his head, then opened his arms, and a pair of white hands wrapped in transparent "Chakira" gently reached out and directly grabbed the bodies of the two attackers, while activating the sealing technique, and threw them forward casually!


With a muffled sound, the shadow fell to the ground, revealing its true appearance. It was two ugly green-faced evil spirits with eyeballs engraved with the words "四" and "五" on their foreheads and mouths respectively:

"Upper String Four, Hantengu, Upper String Five, Yuhu?"

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