I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 237 Eri: Praise me now!

Hantengou and Yuhu had come a long time ago.

Kikyo had already warned about this in the group.


They chose to assassinate Uchiha Hikaru at this time, but it was not out of their own will, but they were ordered to act compulsorily by Muzan.

Otherwise, it is hard to say what Yuhu would do, but with Hantengou's cowardly personality, which is the same as Muzan's, it is impossible for him to rush out and do it so straightforwardly.

While the two upper strings attracted Uchiha Hikaru's attention, Muzan chose to sell out his teammates without hesitation, and then launched a big move-


——Five hundred years ago, he used this move to "defeat" Tsugikoku Yoriichi. Even with the latter's almost divine swordsmanship, he still failed to eliminate his 1,800 pieces of meat, leaving 300 pieces of broken meat, which allowed him to survive until now.

And this time...


Watching Muzan's body begin to swell rapidly, as if it would break apart in the next second.

At this moment...

The black magatama in Uchiha Hikaru's eyes spun gently, emitting a captivating magic.

Muzan had been watching her every move, wanting to escape in a direction away from her, but when their eyes met, this guy's expression gradually became dazed, and the next second he stopped all his movements and froze in place.


It was also at this moment when Muzan was hit and stopped moving.

Kikyo, wearing a miko's costume, rushed into the house, pulled out a stack of talismans from her arms, clamped them between her fingers, and threw them lightly behind Muzan!

The talisman immediately transformed into a light golden rune spell, spreading all over Muzan's body. In just a few seconds, his swollen body was tightly wrapped up.

On the other side.

Miss Tamayo, who had been dormant for a long time, also jumped out from her hiding place and inserted the syringe in her hand into Muzan's arm artery.

——In the original work, Tamayo prepared four kinds of poisons to deal with Muzan, including drugs to restore humanity, drugs to accelerate aging, drugs to prevent self-destruction, and drugs to destroy cells. Now, because the timeline is a little earlier, and Uchiha Hikari wants to capture Muzan alive as an experimental material, only the drug to prevent self-destruction is left in the syringe.


The shadow clone with a "mini bracelet" left by Uchiha Hikari in advance opened the blood jade coral barrier and circled Muzan wrapped in runes inside.

So far.

The "Muzan Capture Plan" was successfully completed.

How to say it...

With Muzan's strength, if he chooses to fight to the death, he can still fight with Uchiha Hikari for a few moves.

However, this guy was scared by "Tsugokuni Yoshiichi's reincarnation" from the beginning. After seeing Uchiha Hikari with red hair and red eyes, there was only fear in his mind, so facing "Tsukuyomi", he couldn't even resist a little bit, and fell into a few seconds of stiffness, giving Kikyo and Tamayo enough time to act.

When he came back to his senses.

Muzan was completely shocked: "You...what did you just do?!"

"Don't be nervous, I just invited you to stay and watch the show."

Uchiha Guang spoke softly, nodded slightly to Kikyo, indicating that the latter should help stay here to watch Muzan, and then walked out.

The cold wind blew.

Her red hair was slightly lifted.

Hantengou and Yuhu had already escaped to the yard with blood demon arts at this time, and then looked at Muzan who was imprisoned in the room and Uchiha Guang who was walking out with astonishment, and didn't know what to say.

On the other side.

The figures of Kokushibo and Akaza also appeared in the courtyard.

The former was wearing a haori and stood a little further away in the courtyard, with a calm expression. But six eyes were cast on Uchiha Guang, as if they wanted to see through her.

Although the latter was also looking at Uchiha Hikaru, his eyes were somewhat frivolous, and he looked eager to try.

"So you are the human that Master Muzan mentioned? Such condensed fighting spirit is indeed extraordinary. I can't help but want to compete with you."


Uchiha Hikaru smiled, and after taking a quick look at Akaza, he looked away: "Don't make a mistake, your opponent is not me... Yamato, this red-haired guy is Akaza."


Yamato's eyes lit up, and he suddenly looked at Akaza with a surprised expression: "It turned out to be you?"


Akaza was stunned for a moment, and didn't quite understand what was going on.

But the next moment, Yamato had already taken out the mace, stepped hard, and directly passed the distance of dozens of meters between them, and blasted out a "Thunder Bagua"!

Bang--! !

At this moment, the ground in the mansion seemed to shake.

At the critical moment, Akaza reacted amazingly. Almost at the same time as Yamato attacked, he began to withdraw and retreat, and then barely avoided the attack. The two-meter-long mace fell to the ground, directly smashing a huge pit nearly one meter deep. The flying gravel was like a bullet, tearing Akaza's arms across his chest.

Blood splattered.

When Akaza landed, the bloody wounds on his arms had basically healed, but the expression on his face became inexplicably horrified.

"This guy..."

Is he really a human? !

What's with the horns on his head and the height of nearly three meters? Why does she feel more alien than a real ghost like me?

"Did she escape?"

Yamato didn't know what Akaza was thinking, but was slightly surprised by the latter's reaction speed, and then he ignited his fighting spirit again: "Come again!"

This time, the distance between the two people - or to be more precise, the two "ghosts" was less than 20 meters.

So Yamato rushed directly to Akaza, and then pushed his body and rushed out!

Bang bang bang...

From the perspective of Uchiha Hikaru and others, they only saw a group of nearly three-meter-high human-shaped holes on the wall of the house, and then Yamato and Akaza disappeared from the hole, and only heard bursts of crackling lightning exploding in the air, leaving spots of blood along the way.


Uchiha Hikaru mourned for Akaza in his heart for a second.

The strength of this Upper Rank 3 is actually not weak.

Without letting him off, he can at least fight two pillars like Rengoku Kyojuro who have not opened the patterned red sword. But even so, he could only take a beating in front of Yamato, the only difference was how long he could resist with his recovery power...


Brand followed suit and rushed towards Yuhu next to the main house with his sword.

The latter teleported to the side with the pot several times, releasing a large number of strange fish monsters and countless poisoned needles, but almost all of them were blocked by Brand's sword.

A few needles landed on Brand's dark green armor, leaving a little white mark before being bounced to both sides.

Although it didn't pierce him directly, Brand still became alert - in a certain timeline, he died because of the "blood knife kill" with poison from his boss General Liva. So Brand quickly activated "evil ghost haunting" and chased Yuhu with a fully armed posture.

It was said that it was too late, and it happened quickly.

From Yamato's attack to the time when one person and three ghosts paired up to find another battlefield, less than half a minute had passed.

From beginning to end, Kokushibo stood still, staring at Uchiha Hikaru.


"What's wrong?"

Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head.

"...You are not him."

Kokushibo said in a strange tone.


His identity was seen through?

That's right. After all, Kokushibo is Tsugokuni Yoriichi's brother, and in a sense, he is the person closest to him. Muzan has only met Tsugokuni Yoriichi once, but Kokushibo has been with him day and night for many years, so he naturally knows what kind of person he is.


Uchiha Hikaru was playful at this time. After a soft sigh, he looked at Kokushibo with compassion in his eyes: "You are willing to give up your human identity and associate with these ghosts just for this kind of power? It's really sad... Brother."


Kokushibo's expression was shocked, and all six eyes were widened to the limit, as if he had returned to that night more than 400 years ago. In my memory, the white-haired figure said the same thing before he died——


Close your eyes, open your eyes.

Kuroshibo put one hand on the hilt of the knife: "Maybe."

"As the favorites of God, how can you understand the hardships that ordinary people have to endure to gain power? After that incident, I spent 400 years improving my swordsmanship, just for this moment... It doesn't matter if you are him or not, just let me see what real power is!"

"Moon Breathing·Land Type...Tokoyami Lone Moon·Mujian!!"

The voice fell.

Kuroshibo suddenly drew out his saber, slashed it down, instantly tearing the air, bursting out countless arc-shaped sword energy, and flew towards Uchiha Hikari!

Uchiha Hikari casually drew out the dragon bone knife behind him, and waved it, immediately forming countless similar cyclones, colliding with the sword energy on the opposite side.

The sound of breaking wind exploded continuously.

Sword Qi was constantly peeled off from the blade, and then disappeared into thin air.

Next, Kokushibo stepped forward with force, rushed out with a fierce posture, and fought with Uchiha Hikari.

With a playful mentality, Uchiha Hikari strolled leisurely, opened the Sharingan, observed Kokushibo's "Moon Breathing", and began to imitate it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sword Qi scattered.

At this moment.

Esdeath, who had been unable to find her opponent, cast her sights on the outside of the house.

In that direction, it was Mitsuri Kanroji and Shinobu Kocho who were responsible for defending, and it seemed that a battle had also broken out. Because it was already night, the specific situation could not be seen clearly, but a few flashes could be vaguely seen, as if some ice cone-like things were forming and falling in the air.

——Blood Demon Art·Winter Icicle.

——This is Douma's blood demon art!

"...Is it that Upper String Two, is he over there?"

Esdeath frowned slightly.

After exchanging glances with Uchiha Hikaru, she condensed a piece of ice under her feet and flew into the air, heading for the direction where the flash appeared.

A moment later.

There was boundless frost rising from that direction, forming a swift snowstorm, sweeping across the entire headquarters and even the surrounding valley in an instant!

Well... there is actually another ghost in the courtyard.

It is Hantengu.

According to the previous discussion, he is Eri's opponent.

So, Eri also entered the combat mode, which was rare at this moment. Her eyes, which were usually clear and flawless like a little deer, now had a molten gold color. She shouted a dragon word to Hantengu, who was lying on the ground and trembling:


Hantengu's blood demon art relies on splitting.

Under normal circumstances, he would behave like a timid and harmless old man, and most pillars could easily behead him. But after being beheaded, he would split into four demons, "Ji Nu", "Kola", "Ku Xi", and "Ai Jue", each of which has a strength close to the pillar level. When combined into one, it will form the powerful "Hateful Bokuten".

Even if "Hateful Bokuten" is killed, Hantengu still has two forms, "Cowardly Demon" and "Hateful Demon". Only by finding his finger-like body can he be killed.

In terms of mechanism, this guy is even harder to kill than Akaza.


Eri's Word Spirit Judgment is a conceptual absolute death!

Almost at the moment Eri opened her mouth, a terrifying force burst out from her body, forming a narrow vacuum channel in an instant.

Hantengu, who was at the end of this channel, split apart.

That's right.

It literally "split apart".

After his body was torn into pieces, this guy seemed to want to form four ghosts of "joy, anger, sorrow and happiness" with different parts of his body.

But Eri opened her mouth for the second time and swung her slender right hand.

More cracks appeared on several parts of Hantengu's body, wrapping him up like a spider web.



Hantengu, who was an upper fourth, became the first ghost to die tonight. The thin old man's body was crushed by "Judgment", turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and the bloody blood plasma bloomed like flowers.

This scene not only made Ubuyashiki Yoya, Tanjiro and others present dumbfounded.

—— Previously, they knew at most that Eri had dragon blood and was a hybrid, but they knew almost nothing about the ability of "Word Spirit" in the world of dragons. They never expected that this seemingly well-behaved and harmless red-haired girl was actually a combat power.

Even Kokushibo, who was "fighting" with Uchiha Hikaru, and Muzan, who was trapped in the house, were obviously shocked at this moment.

After doing all this, Eri put down her arm without blushing or panting, carefully identified the life and death of Hantengou, and then turned her head to look at Uchiha Hikaru, revealing a smile.

Although she didn't speak.

But that bright smile clearly said "Praise me quickly" on her face.

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