I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 238 Who helped me change my clothes?

"... Well done."

Uchiha Hikaru took the time to look back and praise Eri while fighting with Kokushibo.

On the other side, Bulma, who was watching the live broadcast in Dragon Ball World, sent a congratulatory message:

[Bulma: Wow, Eri is awesome! ]

[Little Monster: Hehe, thank you. ]

Eri blushed slightly after receiving the praise, and looked embarrassed.

And Kikyo also showed her curiosity about "Judgment" itself at the right time.

[Kikyo: Is this the "Word Spirit" of the "Dragon Clan World" that Miss Hikari mentioned before? It is indeed a very magical ability, although it is a little different from the "Word Spirit" I know.]

[Bulma: Hmm... Kikyo, are you referring to this?]

[Bulma: [Inuyasha sits down.jpg]]

[Kikyo: ...]

In reality.

Kuroshibo frowned, and his six eyes stared at Uchiha Hikari in front of him.

At this point, he can no longer tell whether Uchiha Hikari is the reincarnation of Tsugikoku Yoriichi.


In terms of being irritating, this girl in front of him is different from what he remembers The genius brother in his memory is almost the same!

In the past 400 years, Kokushibo has abandoned his identity as Jiguo Yansheng and practiced with the body of a ghost, just to prove that he can surpass Yunyi one day. But now, he has shown a strength far beyond his life, but the other party is in a casual and playful attitude. This contrast makes Kokushibo feel humiliated and angry.

Under the control of this emotion.

Kokushibo's momentum continues to rise.

When he exerts all his strength, his body gradually cracks, and a number of strange blades protrude from his body, growing like branches. Long. And the sword "Hyakushinqu" forged from his blood and bones also began to beat vigorously as if it had come alive, with bloody red eyeballs opening on the blade, handle, and hilt.

——This is the blood demon art of Kokushibo.

Along with the appearance of the alien sword.

Kokushibo almost turned into a human turret.

A large number of crescent-shaped wind blades, as he moved, continued to form in the air, and then swept in all directions together with the moon-calling sword skill of "Hyakushinqu". Wisteria trees were cut in half, and the stones by the pond were also It was cut in half in an instant, and waves of flying water were splashing on the water surface, and the sound of smoke and dust rising was endless.

Kikyo immediately opened the barrier and called Ubuyashiki Kōya, who was an ordinary person, and Eri in the yard to avoid being hit.

Tanjiro, Gyoumei of Sadomasaka and others waved their sun blades or meteor hammers to ward off the oncoming sword energy.

In chaos.

Uchiha Hikaru sighed softly and took a deep breath: "Humans have their limits, and so do demons... Let you see the world's first breathing method again."

"Origin... Breathing of the Sun! "

Back in Spider Mountain, Uchiha Hikaru had used "Sun Breathing" once.

But that time was fake, she used Amaterasu to disguise herself.

And now...

Having read all the breathing techniques and integrated them to create the "Ten Heaven Breathing Technique", she already roughly understood what kind of ability the "Sun Breathing" created by Tsugumi Yuichiro in the past was.

As the hand holding the knife tightened, the four-foot-long normal dragon bone knife suddenly accelerated, breaking through the air and rubbing out a string of red sparks in the air. After...

The flames were blazing!

This time, Uchiha Hikaru did not cheat by using Fire Release or the ability of "Fire Thunder God".

She used the native power of the Demon Slayer World - the red sword!

And it might be the same red sword as the one used by Tsugakuin!

At this moment, Uchiha Hikaru also burst out with amazing heat and flames, as if merging with the dragon bone sword. In everyone's sight, they only saw a ball of red light, which streaked across the sky like a meteor, destroying all the wind blades in front of it!


Flow Light flashed!!

From the perspective of an observer, Uchiha Hikaru had "passed" through the middle of Kokushibo, and at the moment of the flash of light, he appeared more than ten meters behind the opponent.

Then, Uchiha Hikaru stopped and swung his sword.

Behind her.

First, the "Hyakushin" in Kokushibo's hand broke into two pieces, and then his own body was also cut in half from the middle. A red line of fire extended from his forehead and burned slowly and quietly along the incision.

There was another small "crack".

Uchiha When Hikari glanced back, he noticed a short bamboo flute falling from Kokushibo's arms.

Like the "Hypocrisy", this thing also broke into two halves.


Kokushibo's eyes followed the bamboo flute and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he could no longer make a sound.

Uchiha Hikari sheathed his sword and slowly walked back to his original place. Under Kokushibo's complicated gaze, he picked up the bamboo flute from the ground, put it together in his palm, and then freed one hand to put it on Kokushibo's forehead.


"Go to sleep."

At the last moment, the figure of Uchiha Hikari reflected in Kokushibo's eyes vaguely overlapped with the young Jikoku Yoshiichi holding the bamboo flute.


There was a "whoosh" sound, and the flame from the Breath of the Sun burst into flames!

Having lost his fighting spirit, Kokushibo could no longer maintain his integrity. He split into two halves and burned fiercely. His entire body soon turned into a ball of ash that drifted away with the wind. Together with the broken saber and haori, they disappeared into the world.


After a while.

Esdeath and Brand came back from outside.

They were followed by Mitsuri Kanroji, Shinobu Kocho and others.

Among them, Shinobu Kocho's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

"Miss Hikari!"

When Uchiha Hikari tilted her head to look over, Mitsuri Kanroji strode up to her and hugged her carelessly: "It's great that you are all okay... Miss Esdeath is so powerful. That Upper String Two didn't even have the ability to resist her. Miss Kanae's revenge has finally been avenged!"

Mitsuri Kanroji was obviously very excited, and her words were a bit incoherent, but the meaning she wanted to express was still very clear.

The recovery ability of ghosts has a limit, but the upper limit of upper-string ghosts is particularly high.

Esdeath didn't have the Nichirin Sword in her hand, so she could only crush Douma, and then Kanroji Mitsuri and others would finish him off.

Uchiha Hikaru was enjoying the soft touch of being held in the arms of this busty girl, while glancing at Brand, and saw the latter nodded: "It's solved. 'Evil Ghost' couldn't kill him, but fortunately, Muichiro was here and cut off the guy's head with the Nichirin Sword."

"Well... it's good."

Tokito Muichiro "killed" Yuhu "again", which was also the inertia of fate.

Now only Yamato is still fighting.

[Wumi @Onihime: How's the battle going? ]

[Onihime: Hey, is it over on your side? This guy's strength is average, but his vitality is incredible. Even if he is beaten into a pulp, he can recover. It's quite fun...]

[Wumi:... Okay, then you can play slowly. ]

Uchiha Hikaru's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't care about Yamato anymore.

Tanjiro was a little worried, and after discussing with Fushigawa Miya, they ran to find Yamato together.

At this time.

Ubuyashiki Yoya was supported by Beimingyu and came to Uchiha Hikaru and others: "Miss Hikaru, and everyone standing here... Thank you so much. If it weren't for your help, even if the Demon Slayer Corps could win this war, I'm afraid it would suffer heavy losses."

"Hehe, it's just a small favor."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand and looked around: "Go and count the casualties. If there are new dead, you can gather them and revive them together later."


This time, it was not only Muzan and a few upper-rank demons who came to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters.

There were also some ordinary demons who were brought here, but they were not able to enter the house, but were stopped by other members of the Demon Slayer Corps outside.

Those demons were mediocre in strength, and the strongest was only at the level of lower-rank demons. With Rengoku Kyojuro and others guarding outside in groups, it was estimated that even if there were casualties, there would not be many.


Uchiha Hikaru no longer paid attention to these trivial matters, but instead focused on Muzan.

This guy was completely confused.

He could understand that Uchiha Hikaru was strong, after all, he was the "reincarnation of Yoriichi Tsugikoku". But... why were the others so strong too? When did the Demon Slayer Corps cultivate such a large number of secret weapons? He hadn't appeared in the outside world for only a year, and he had become a frog in the well?

All these questions turned into panic when he saw Uchiha Hikaru approaching,

"What... are you going to do?"

"Come, take a look at the brain."


After a while.

Uchiha Hikaru broke away from Muzan's memory and rubbed his eyebrows a little tiredly.

How to say...

She had long known that Muzan Kibutsuji was a complete villain who had done all kinds of bad things in the past thousand years, and even quite a few of the Twelve Demon Moons were forced to come by him. However, after really reading Muzan's memory, she found that this guy's character was even more disgusting than she had originally expected.

If he wasn't needed as an experimental body, Uchiha Hikaru would have wanted to kill him with a knife.

Of course...

There is actually another reason for not killing Muzan -

Muzan's life is tied to the demons he transformed.

Theoretically, once Muzan dies, all the demons will be buried with him, except Yushiro, Chachamaru, who were transformed by Miss Tamayo with drugs, and Nezuko, who has been restored to human form.

Other demons don't matter.

But there is one demon that Uchiha Hikaru really wants -


"Infinite City" is not essentially Muzan's ability, but Naruto's.

The function of this ability is a bit like Obito's Kamui, both of which open up a separate space based on reality, which can lock people in or teleport them out.


Entering and exiting the Infinite City is more convenient than Kamui. Naruto only needs to gently pluck the strings on the pipa to bring any object from any place into the Infinite City. When leaving, it can also be teleported to any place in reality.

Moreover, the terrain in the Infinite City can also be evolved by the will of Naruto.

These two characteristics are not even possessed by Kamui.

Uchiha Hikaru is a little envious of this.

Her first thought is to try to absorb Naruto's ability for her own use by studying the source of "Blood Demon Art".

But this cannot be done in a short time.

Therefore, it is acceptable to subdue Naruto as a subordinate and keep her by your side.

——I just don't know if the "Infinite City" can be opened normally after it reaches other worlds.

"Now, Mingnu is still under the control of Muzan. As long as Muzan has a thought, he can kill her..."

"But if you want to see Mingnu, you may have to go through Muzan..."

Uchiha Guang pursed his lips.

In fact, if Muzan just wants to escape through the Infinite City, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the seal has been made and the sealing technique is still there. Even in this case, Mingnu can still force him into the Infinite City, and it is not difficult to find him out.

But, if Muzan thinks that he is going to die anyway, he will directly drag Mingnu to be buried with him, which will be a bit troublesome.

——Muzan is definitely likely to do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit himself.

"Well, let's try to train Muzan's consciousness first... Anyway, Mingnu can't run away for a while."

Uchiha Guang finally made up his mind.

At that moment, she sealed Muzan and stuffed the scroll in.

——Speaking of which, Uchiha Hikari still has a sealed Naraku in his hand, and he hasn't had time to go to Inuyasha's world to deal with it. In order to prevent these two disgusting things from having any unnecessary intersections, Uchiha Hikari deliberately put the universal capsules that sealed them in two different boxes.

After doing all this, Uchiha Hikari yawned and felt a little sleepy.

Staying up all night is nothing to her.

However, flipping through Muzan's thousand-year memory - even if it was just a cursory look, it consumed a lot of her pupil power and energy, and her eyes were a little sore at this time.

"...I'm sleepy, I'll go to rest first, remember to call me if there's anything."

"Okay, Miss Hikari, go to sleep without worry, we will take care of the rest."

Ubuyashiki Kayoya nodded and said solemnly.

Kikyo next to him also nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I'm here."

Kikyo is still very steady in doing things.

After Uchiha Hikaru briefly explained a few words to Esdeath, he turned back to the wing room, washed up quickly, and fell asleep on the bed without even taking off his clothes.

No words were spoken that night.

The next day.

It was not until the sun was high in the sky that Uchiha Hikaru was awakened from his deep sleep by a ray of sunlight.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt his shoulders were a little heavy. He turned his head and saw Eri curled up on the side, looking like she was sleeping soundly. On a chair a little further away, Esdeath leaned against the back of the chair with her arms folded across her chest, also resting with her eyes closed.


Uchiha Hikaru suddenly realized something, looked down at the plaid pajamas he was wearing, and his face became strange: "Who helped me change my clothes last night?"

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