I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 239 Invitation to Tamayo

"you're awake?"

Esdeath's eyelids twitched slightly, as if she heard a movement, she opened her eyes on the chair.

"Um...what time is it?"

"It's about nine o'clock in the morning. Not long after you went to bed last night, the Uyashiki arranged for us all to come over and said that they would handle the rest of the matter. Then this girl said she was worried about your safety and insisted on I didn’t persuade her to stay, so that’s it.”

When saying this, Esdeath raised her chin towards Eriki.

Although they have acted together several times, she is still "unfamiliar" with everyone in the group, and their titles seem unfamiliar.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't pay attention to this, but carefully moved his body and took his arm out of Eryi's arms.

With this action.

Her neckline was slightly loose, revealing a touch of white and smooth shoulders. Under the bright sunshine, one can vaguely see a pair of delicate collarbones on the chest, as well as a slightly raised curve that can be grasped with one hand.

Esdeath obviously noticed it and glanced at it calmly.

These sights did not escape Uchiha Hikari. When he saw her intentionally pulling up her collar, Esdeath smiled: "Why are you so nervous? It's not like I haven't seen it before... I helped her last night When you were changing your clothes, I looked at you from top to bottom, you are just like a boy."


Uchiha Hikaru tilted his head, and a question mark slowly appeared on his forehead.

All right.

It seems that there is no need to ask, Esdeath helped change her pajamas. This result made Uchiha Hikaru feel a little relieved - compared to others, Esdeath was half of her servant, and it was reasonable to help do some things that a "maid" should do.

As for the rest...

Uchiha Hikari glanced down, thought about it in his mind, and made a rough mental comparison.

how to say……

Like boys, it must be an exaggeration.

But if compared with Brand, a "boy" who has worked hard for a long time and has relatively developed and strong chest muscles, she may really be inferior...


Uchiha Hikari let out a breath, stepped on his slippers and got out of bed, picked out a new piece of clothing from the closet and changed into it.

During this process, Esdeath stood up and stretched out as if inadvertently, but his eyes quietly glanced at the delicate and smooth back a few meters away. As his eyes moved, the corners of his lips moved. He showed a faint smile and murmured to himself as quietly as if he was talking in sleep: "Is she a girl...she seems pretty good."

"...What's good?"

Uchiha Hikaru looked back.


It only took a blink of an eye, but Esdeath had already suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth and returned to her usual cold expression: "Go and wash up."

The two of them changed their clothes and prepared to leave the wing.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Hikari went back and woke up Eryi who was sleeping next to him, then dragged her with him and went outside to brush her teeth and wash herself.

About twenty minutes later.

After finishing washing, Uchiha Hikaru, Esdeath, and the sleepy Eri appeared in the courtyard of the headquarters mansion.

After one night.

This place has been carefully cleaned. The remaining gravel, fallen leaves, blood and broken blades from last night were all gone. The water in the pond seemed to have been replaced, and the tranquility of the past was restored. However, the holes in the surrounding courtyard walls and the potholes on the ground are still in place, and the traces of the battle can be clearly seen.

"Miss Guang, you are here."

At this moment, there was a person standing next to the pond.

It's Ubuyashiki Yōya.

The Lord of the Demon Slayer Corps is currently holding a bag of fish food and feeding the goldfish at the pond. When he heard the footsteps, he looked back, and a gentle smile appeared on his face: "I have asked Tianyin and the others to prepare breakfast. If you don't mind, you can go to eat. Mr. Brand has been there just now. "But the doors to your rooms are closed. I'm worried that you haven't had a good rest yet, so I didn't send anyone to disturb you."

"Okay, I'm sorry for your trouble, Mr. Yashiki."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

Ubuyashiki Yōya smiled slightly and continued to speak in a soft voice: "I am the one who should be said to have done the hard work. You guys have worked tirelessly to come here from their own world to help, and now they are even helping Demon Slayer." The team has solved the big problem of Wu Mei, so it doesn’t matter if it’s just a few meals.”

Previously, when Uchiha Hikaru and Bulma first came to the Demon Slayer World, they were mistaken by members of the Demon Slayer Squad as "gods" from the sky.

It wasn't until Tanjiro came back from training in the Dragon Ball world and told him about the wish made by the Dragon Balls that the misunderstanding was resolved.

Well...it's lifted, but not completely.

Because Tanjiro mentioned the Cat Immortal and the God in his words, these two are real "gods" living in the sky. Therefore, Uchiha Hikari, who talked happily with them, obviously had the same status in the eyes of others.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't show any pretense at this time. After accepting Ubuyashiki Yōya's thanks with a clear conscience, he took Esdeath and Eriki to the back room for dinner.


Yamato and Brand want to take a look outside.

——The two of them have been in Demon Slayer World for several days. In order to avoid alerting Wu Kai, they stayed in the headquarters mansion and did not go out. Now that the war is over, Wu Mei and Gui Yue are either captured or killed. Naturally, they can't hold back their curiosity and want to go outside and look around.

Although Eriyi didn't say anything, she looked like she was about to make a move.

In response, Mitsuri Kanroji offered to act as a guide.

Seeing Ganlu Temple opening his mouth, Snake Pillar Xiaoba Nei secretly expressed that he could go together.

So, Uchiha Hikaru split into a shadow clone and left the Demon Slayer Headquarters with them to explore the city. Her real body found Ubuyashiki Yōya and began to discuss cooperation in developing the "Hisikari Gold Mine" matter.

"...Hey, Miss Guang found a mine in the Kyushu region? And it's a gold mine?"

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya was surprised for a moment, then calmed down: "No problem, I can help you get the ownership of this mine, and I can also do the mining for you. Even if it is a thank you gift to you, Kikyo, and Miss Eri, ”

Although Ubuyashiki Yōya said so.

But Uchiha Hikaru finally decided to divide the family into eighty-two, eight for her, and two for Uchiha Shiki.

Love is love, business is business.

Mining gold still requires some costs, whether in terms of manpower or equipment. Moreover, there is a very complicated process to purify ore into gold, and it cannot be done by burning it with fire. When you find someone to work for you, you have to pay them some wages.

"By the way..."

"Can the Fourth Kazekage Luosha's sand escape be used for mining?"

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly thought of this person.

As Gaara's father, Rasa's brains are among the worst in the entire Naruto world, and he has done a lot of stupid things. Including sending people to assassinate his biological son Gaara many times, indirectly forcing his brother-in-law Yashamaru to death, and betraying the fighting hero Yoshikura Yakura to the hostile ninja village Kirigakure... In the end, he himself died quietly in Orochimaru. In his hands, he is a model who has no number in mind.

With such a brain, being a Kazekage is obviously a bit unfair.

But being a miner is just right.

Uchiha Hikaru thought that when he returned to Naruto World next time, he could take the time to visit Sunagakure Village.


While Ubuyashiki Yoshiya was planning to acquire the "Hisikari Gold Mine", he continued to dispatch demon slaying teams to eliminate the remaining evil ghost forces - Muzan was not dead, so most of the ordinary evil ghosts are still alive at the moment, but their strength is generally If they are not strong, the most powerful ones are only at the bottom level. For the Demon Slayer Team, which is still full of members, it is only a matter of time before they are completely eliminated.

Take advantage of this time.

Uchiha Hikaru also did two things——

The first thing was to meet and have a heart-to-heart talk with Miss Zhu Shi.

Speaking of which...

Tamashi was also one of the first people in the world to see Uchiha Hikari.

At that time, she only thought that Uchiha Hikaru was an ordinary human child, only slightly stronger.

But after this period of time, I heard various rumors from the Demon Slayers, and yesterday I saw Hikari Uchiha showing the "flaming hair and eyes burning" form with my own eyes, so Tamashi really thought that she was the "Fate of the Step Country" back then. The reincarnation of "One", his posture was extremely respectful when talking to her.

This misunderstanding made Uchiha Hikari a little bit dumbfounded.

However, she didn't explain much and just asked Jushi about her future plans.

"If there's nowhere else you want to go, would you like to come and help me?"

"Yuanyi...what does Miss Guang mean?"

"As you can see, I left Wu Mei alive in order to explore the secrets related to 'ghosts' by studying his body. For example, where does the self-healing ability of 'ghosts' come from, and what effect does it have on the cells in the body?" What kind of changes have occurred in genes, and whether they can be used to advance the development of human medicine... and so on.

Miss Zhushi, you have been working in this field for hundreds of years, are you interested in taking it a step further? "

Facing Uchiha Hikari's explanation.

Jushi hesitated.

She has always hated Mu Ke's power, and the goal of her research is how to weaken it, deprive it of its abilities, and then turn ghosts back into humans. In comparison, using the ability of "ghosts" to promote medical progress was a path she had never imagined.


To be precise, it’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but that I don’t dare to think about it.

After all, when Muzan was still around, he was like the Sword of Damocles to other ghosts and people. Zhu Shi had spent a lot of energy just avoiding him, so naturally he had no time to think about other things.

But now...

"I will consider it carefully and give you an answer."

Tamashi responded seriously, and then glanced at Uchiha Hikari's long black hair: "Um...Miss Hikari, do you really have nothing to do with Enichi Tsukuni? But before you used the 'breath of the sun' '..."

"It's just a coincidence."

In fact, Demon Slayer has the theory of reincarnation. In the finale of the original work, several Hashira who died in battle were reincarnated into the modern society of the 21st century. It's just that Jiguo Enichi may be a special case. At least from the original work, we can't tell whether he has been reincarnated.

Uchiha Hikari stretched and stood up: "I should stay here for a few more days. If you think about it, you can come to me at any time. If you are willing to join, Yushiro and Chachamaru can also follow you. Come together. If you don’t want to, I won’t force you.”

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Tamayo nodded.

After that.

Uchiha Hikaru began to spend time on Muzan Kibutsuji. He first took out a whole day to watch Muzan's memory from beginning to end with the "Eight Thousand Spears", and then mentioned "Infinite City" and "The Fish that Slipped Through the Net in the Twelve Demon Moons" in a suggestive way.

At first, Muzan deliberately concealed the existence of Mingnu, wanting to use it as a trump card for his escape.

But Uchiha Hikaru directly brought up the topic:

"You can try to escape in front of me, but you only have one chance. If you fail, I will let you experience the feeling of being trapped in the endless purgatory. Just like what you did to those humans."

"Guess, if I kill you now, do I need to use the second knife?"

Facts have proved...

Muzan is indeed a coward.

Under the intimidation of Uchiha Hikaru, Muzan hesitated for less than a minute and sold Mingnu out. He said that as long as Uchiha Hikaru promised not to kill him, he could offer the "Infinite City" with both hands.

"...If you go to the army, you will definitely be a traitor."

Uchiha Hikaru was somewhat speechless.

She has been to many worlds, and she has seen countless strong people. She has never seen many people like Muzan who only have "invincible" power but no heart of a strong man... Well, there are two, one is Herzog from the Dragon Clan World, and the other is Naraku.

But from another perspective, it's good that Muzan is a coward. She doesn't have to spend time thinking about how to induce this guy to obey.

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikaru temporarily lifted the seal on Muzan, and then signaled the latter to call out Mingnu.

She was not worried that Muzan would take the opportunity to escape.

With Miss Tamayo's medicine, Muzan has lost the ability to self-destruct.

As for escaping directly with his body...

It depends on how fast Uchiha Hikaru's knife is.

As Muzan gave an order,

The air behind him fluctuated, and a small vortex-like object appeared in the room. As the vortex swirls, a woman wearing a gray-brown kimono, with her hair covering half of her face and holding a pipa in her hand, appeared in this world, bowing humbly.

"Master Muzan."

"You don't have to call me master."

Muzan swallowed his saliva, raised his hand and pointed: "From today on, you will serve as a subordinate of Jiguoyuan...Miss Uchiha Guang. Anything she asks, you must do it as she says."

Mingnu: "?"

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