I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 240 Yuji Itadori's Request

In addition to the "Infinite City", Naruto actually has a blood demon ability, which is to create a large number of things shaped like eyeballs to observe and grasp the situation outside the Infinite City - the function is a bit similar to Gaara's "Eye of Sand", but there are more eyeballs and the range that can be spied at the same time is also wider.

Naruto should take at least half of the credit for Muzan and his party being able to find Ubuyashiki Yoshiya's mansion.

Because of this.

Naruto also roughly knew the situation of the battle that took place that night.

Originally, she thought that Muzan would definitely be killed this time, and she would be buried with him, so she had been staying quietly in the Infinite City, closing her eyes and waiting to die.

But unexpectedly...

Muzan was still alive.

And after several days of fear, she was dragged directly from the Infinite City by the former, and then handed her over to another person... This new owner was actually the "Tsugikoku Yoriichi" who killed Kokushibo with one sword.

For a moment, Mingnu even thought that Muzan was unhappy that she had escaped a disaster by relying on the Infinite Castle, and wanted to kill someone with his help.

——Muzan could do such a thing...

However, the desire to survive made Mingnu hold the Pipa in her arms, crawl down with a more humble attitude, and then whisper to Uchiha Hikaru.

"I am Mingnu, and I meet Yunyi... Master Hikaru. Please give me your guidance."

"Well, raise your head."

Uchiha Hikaru stroked his chin with one hand, looked Mingnu up and down with a scrutinizing look, then walked up to her, stretched out his hand condescendingly, and gently lifted the hair on her forehead.

The moment he saw the latter's true face, Uchiha Hikaru's eyelids jumped slightly, revealing a faint smile: "...The little thing looks quite unique."

If you only look at her slender figure and fair skin, you may mistakenly think that Mingnu is a great beauty.

But in fact...

It is big enough, but it is hard to say whether it is "beautiful".

There are no normal facial features on Mingnu's face, but a huge eyeball is embedded, occupying half of the face. Below is a cherry mouth... If this look is brought to modern society, it is likely to scare several people to death in minutes, and you can star in a horror movie without makeup.

"You will follow me from now on, and don't care about your giant baby former master anymore."

"There is nothing you need to do for the time being. I will take you to see someone later."

Uchiha Guang said lightly.

Among the many subordinates of Muzan, Mingnu is considered to be relatively loyal.

In the original plot, she has been conscientiously maintaining the Infinite City and executing all the orders issued by Muzan without compromise. Until the decisive battle, she was controlled by Yushiro with runes and temporarily got out of control, and was therefore forced to destroy her brain by Muzan, causing her death. In a sense, it is a typical example of being used and thrown away.

As for Uchiha Hikaru, the connection between Naruto and Muzan must be cut off.

Otherwise, who knows if Muzan will suddenly lose his mind one day and try to kill Naruto. In that case, even if Muzan is cut into pieces, it will be difficult to resolve his hatred.

Uchiha Hikaru plans to find Tamayo first to find a way to see if he can imitate her past and use drug treatment to gradually get Naruto out of Muzan's control.

As for further treatment, it will not be too late to do it after the research on Muzan has made some progress.

A few days passed in a flash.

On the third day, Brand came to Uchiha Hikaru to say hello and went back first.

He took a leave of absence this time. He just went to the Dragon Ball world for a week or two a while ago, so he couldn't delay too long this time.

Kikyo and the others are still there.

On the other side.

After some consideration, Tamayo finally found Uchiha Hikaru and expressed her willingness to accept her invitation.

As for Naruto, she will also help with the medication to gradually get her out of Muzan's control.

This result was expected by Uchiha Hikaru.

She plans to bring Tamayo to Dr. Gero to be his colleague, mainly responsible for the "Muzan Slicing Project". By the way, she can also monitor Dr. Gero's movements to prevent this scientific genius from making any messy new inventions without her knowing.


The Demon Slayer Corps has also counted the casualties of the decisive battle.

After sealing the new corpses and souls in the ice coffin and talisman paper, Uchiha Hikaru is ready to go back to find the gods to discuss the resurrection. See if he comes, or Uchiha Hikaru and others go.

At this time.

In the chat group, several new messages were refreshed-

[West Central Tiger: That, Miss Hikaru, Miss Bulma and Tanjiro, can I ask you to make a request? ]

[Nishi-Naka no Tiger: I heard you say before that the Dragon Ball can revive others, and there is no limit on the number of people who can be resurrected, so... can we add one more person? ]

[Bulma: Hmm? Did something happen to Itadori-san? ]

[Nishi-Naka no Tiger: ... I have a friend who was killed recently...]


In the headquarters mansion.

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about it in his heart.

Itadori Yuji has quite a lot of friends.

This sports student is the kind of person who is a bit familiar and can chat with anyone. He also seems to have the passive talent of creating "non-existent memories" in other people's minds. He is helping his friends. He is also very enthusiastic. If it weren't for the Su Nuo in his body that caused him to be targeted for execution by the higher-ups in the conjuring world, he might have even more friends.

As for these friends, quite a few were killed.

Less than half of them died in the Shibuya Incident, such as Kugisaki Wild Rose, who was also a disciple of Gojo Satoru.

Most of the others died in the decisive battle in Shinjuku, such as a certain sorcerer who was said to be invincible and the strongest spellcaster, and another disciple of the former, Megumi Fushiguro.

But at this time...

Maybe a high school student who strayed into the world of magic?

As if to confirm Uchiha Hikaru's guess, the next message from Hisato Hisahito was quickly sent out:

[Nishinaka no Tora: His name is Yoshino Junpei, he is a friend I met recently, and he goes to Sato Sakura High School. We also agreed to watch "Earthworm 4" together, but just last night, he was killed by a curse spirit called Zhenren, right in front of me...]

Next, Hirohito took some time to roughly tell what happened.

Uchiha Hikaru has known this plot for a long time, and even knows it in more detail than Knotweed Hisahito - after all, from Knotweed's perspective, he doesn't know Yoshino Junpei's experience before meeting him - so there is no fluctuation in his heart.

But Bulma and others all had mixed feelings.

[Bikyo: I see, is this a "cursed spirit" born from human negative emotions? It sounds a bit similar to Naraku's nature...]

[Bulma: No matter how that thing was born, what he did was disgusting. He actually used other people’s souls and bodies as toys. Even high school students and young children who have nothing to do with the world of magic Even the children are not spared. What is the difference between this guy and Muzan Kibutsuji! 】

[Wu Ming: Well... to be honest, Wu Mei may be slightly better than him. 】

This is true.

As a villain, Muzan Kibutsuji at least has some ideals and goals, but his values ​​​​deviate from ordinary people.

The real person in the world of magic is pure evil. Killing, deception, soul transformation... to him, these things are just actions to increase the joy of life. Emotion is a luxury for him. Therefore, it is not surprising that he would do terrible things.

Speaking of which...

Uchiha Hikaru is still a little interested in the "inaction transformation" of real people, and wants to see what kind of ability it is.

But now is not the time to say that.

[Unnamed: The situation of classmate Yoshino Junpei may be a bit special, because he died after being transformed into a cyborg by a real person. His soul and body were distorted to a considerable extent. I am afraid that even the Dragon Balls will have difficulty resurrecting him. ...But if necessary, Miss Kikyo and I can go over and take a look at it for you to confirm the situation. 】

[Yitani Miko: If necessary, I can also help. Although I don’t have the ability to fight those curse spirits, my eyes should be able to see some things, such as the state of the soul,]

[Tiger of the West: Okay. 】

Uchiha Hikari and Kikyo are currently in the Demon Slayer Corps' headquarters mansion.

After meeting and communicating for a while, and briefly saying "just go and come back" to Esdeath and Eriyi, the two of them sent out applications to Hishito Knotweed.

[Anonymous application to enter the world of Tiger of the West]

[Platycodon applies to enter...]

There was a flash of brilliance.

Uchiha Hikaru closed and opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him had changed.

As far as the eye can see, there is a long and spacious corridor, as if it is inside a building. One side of the corridor is a room, and the other side is a window. Through the half-open glass, you can see a warm sunny scene outside. The leafy trees stand in the yard. Visually, the time point should be summer.

"here it is……"

"It's the private residence of Teacher Gojo Satoru, and it's also where I lived during this time."


Uchiha Hikari followed the sound and caught the Japanese knotweed Hishito a few meters away.

This guy's appearance is not much different from the one in the anime, but he is a little shorter than Uchiha Hikari expected. She had previously thought he should be about 1.8 meters, but in fact it was just over 1.7 meters - of course, this height is relative to her Compared with Platycodon grandiflorum, it is already quite high.

the other side.

Knotweed Hisahito was also looking at her and Kikyo curiously.

Although he has been in the group for a while, Hisuhito has not participated in the group's activities, so he has not met her, Kikyo and others. At this moment, it should be regarded as the first meeting between the two parties.

After a few simple greetings.

Kikyo chose to get to the point directly: "Mr. Knotweed, where is the friend you mentioned now?"

"……plz follow me."

Hishito the Polygonum cuspidatum made an inviting gesture and led the way.

On the way, he explained a few more words——

"I'm sorry, I have never visited you before. In fact, when I knew that you were going to deal with 'ghosts', I really wanted to help Tanjiro, but my current identity is already a dead person. Teacher Gojo Satoru arranged I train secretly here and come here every day to check my progress, so I can’t go out at will...

And there is a very evil thing sealed in my body, a very evil thing, and even I can't control it. If an accident happens, it may cause unnecessary casualties..."

"Oh? "

Uchiha Hikaru recalled briefly--


Soon after Yuji Itadori entered school, he encountered a special cursed spirit while carrying out a mission with Megumi Fushiguro, and had to let Sukuna take over his consciousness and kill the former. Later, because Sukuna wanted to kill Megumi Fushiguro, Yuji Itadori decided to die with him, so Sukuna dug out his heart and fell into a state of death.

However, as a "protagonist", there is a little halo.

So at the critical moment, Sukuna pulled Yuji Itadori's soul into the spiritual world, reached a binding contract with him, and then resurrected him.

Yuji Itadori himself does not remember this "after death" experience.

And Gojo Satoru, for the purpose of protecting and cultivating Yuji Itadori, chose to conceal Yuji Itadori's information from others and train him in secret. It was not until the "Kyoto Sister School Exchange Meeting" not long after that he was released as a secret weapon.

As for the Yoshino Junpei incident this time, it was a mission carried out during secret training.

"...I see. "

After listening to Yuji Itadori's story, Kikyo frowned slightly: "Is that thing called Sukuna really also an evil spirit? Can Miss Guang see his existence from Mr. Itadori?"

"No. "

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head decisively.

The Sharingan can enhance insight, but it cannot see through things. Besides, Sukuna is now living in Yuji Itadori in the form of a soul, similar to the Jinchūriki in the Naruto world. Even if you can really see through things, you can't see his form between Yuji Itadori's internal organs.


If you really want to see him, it's easy. Just enter Yuji Itadori's spiritual world.

In fact.

Sukuna is probably observing her and Kikyo's existence through Yuji Itadori's eyes.


Kikyo lowered her head, with a thoughtful expression on her face, as if she was thinking about how to lure Sukuna out and then get rid of him. Otherwise, it's not a good idea to keep such a thing on you all the time, although you can borrow its power, it doesn't feel too good.

"...We're here."

Yuji Itadori stopped in front of a room and pushed open the door: "Please come in. "

The air conditioner in the room was turned down very low.

As soon as the door opened, a cold breath hit me.

After walking two steps inside, I saw a body sealed in a freezer.

"... Is this thing Yoshino Junpei?"

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