I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 241 Two-faced Sukuna

Before coming this time, Uchiha Hikaru was somewhat mentally prepared for what he was going to see.


When she actually saw Yoshino Junpei's transformed body, she still couldn't help but feel sick to her stomach.

What was placed in front of her and Kikyo was a large pink-brown meat ball.

The appearance of the meat ball is like throwing a person into a meat grinder and grinding it into meat paste, then kneading it like plasticine and putting it back together again. From the surface of the meat ball, you can even see some facial features such as eyes, nose, and ears, but because of this, the meat ball looks even more ferocious and terrifying.


Uchiha Hikaru turned his gaze slightly and looked at the miko next to him.

When it comes to matters involving the soul, the latter is more authoritative.

"There's probably nothing we can do."

Kikyo looked calmly for a while, then shook his head: "His soul and flesh and blood have been severely distorted and damaged, and they have been artificially obliterated. According to what the god said, the prerequisite for Dragon Ball's resurrection is The condition is that the soul is intact, so this Yoshino-san is probably no longer within the scope of being able to be resurrected.”

"...It really doesn't work."

Knotweed Hisahito lowered his head and his expression became a little depressed.

Seeing his appearance, Uchiha Hikaru sighed and patted his shoulder: "Just look away. No matter what, I will take this body away first and go to see Lord Tenjin. If it can be resurrected, , I will resurrect Tanjiro together, otherwise, I can only ask you to express my condolences and comply with the changes.

I personally suggest you not to have high expectations, otherwise it may be very uncomfortable. "

"……I see."

Knotweed Hisahito is not a glass-hearted person, and he originally asked for help with the mentality of giving it a try. Now after getting the answer, he quickly adjusted his mentality and bowed to Uchiha Hikari and Kikyo to thank him: "No matter what the result is, , Thank you to Miss Guang and Miss Kikyo for coming to help. If there is anything you need me to do, please feel free to ask."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little effort."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand and took out an ice coffin from the universal capsule.

Knotweed Hisahito rolled up his sleeves very discerningly and began to put Yoshino Junpei's body into the ice coffin.

Well... luckily he was willing to take action.

Otherwise, facing such a big lump of meat without any edges, Uchiha Hikaru really didn't know how to move it.

the other side.

Platycodon seemed to think for a moment, then slowly asked: "Mr. Tiger Sticks, how much do you know about the curse spirit that caused this tragedy? Spells that can interfere with other people's souls should be very advanced spells. In this world, Can the curse spirit even do this kind of thing?"


Knotweed Hisahito was stunned for a moment, a little hesitant.

Uchiha Hikari next to him spoke at the right time: "Let me answer this question.

The cursed spirit called Zhenren is a very special kind of cursed spirit. He was born from the negative emotions of human beings, so he is born with the characteristic of seeing other people's souls. So based on this characteristic, he developed A magical ability called 'Inaction Transformation'.

The function of this ability is to use physical contact to change the form of other people's souls, and then change the form of the body.

Before Yoshino Junpei, many people had been captured by him and underwent this kind of transformation. The bodies of these transformed people could be controlled by him with the power of magic. They could become larger, smaller, fused, and assembled. Moreover... when these operations were performed, those people were still 'alive', had weak consciousness, and were even able to speak. "

"……I see."

Kikyo frowned slightly and pondered for a moment: "Then, Miss Guang, do you think the curse spirit has the ability to restore these transformed people?"


Uchiha Hikari raised an eyebrow.

this problem……

It’s really hard to say.

What is certain is that there is no case of a modified person being restored in the original work.

There is one case where ordinary humans were restored, that is, they reached a deal with Xia Youjie and others, and the real person used "inaction transformation" to treat the mechanical pills that were born with disabled legs.

But there is still a big difference in the nature of the two.

And think about it from a logical perspective.

The difficulty of kneading a person into meat paste is not on the same level as putting a ball of meat paste back together into a human being. I'm afraid that even the real person himself has never thought about whether this can be achieved. If he really wants to get the answer, he can only find out by grabbing this thing and doing a few sets of experiments himself.

"Speaking of which..."

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly glanced at Kikyo: "Miss Kikyo, can your soul be repaired using 'Inaction Transformation'?"

"……Not too possible."

Kikyo shook his head: "Judging from what you just said, Miss Guang, Zhenren's spell can only change the form of the soul, but cannot create something out of nothing. My soul itself is incomplete, no matter how I change the form, it will not There are still defects, so there’s no way to repair them.”

"Well, it's okay to try."

Uchiha Hikaru continued: "As long as the cursed spirit called Zhenren has not been caught, then he will definitely continue to capture ordinary people and conduct transformation experiments in this area... Come here, just treat it as a help. Knotweed solves a problem.”


Kikyo stopped protesting.

In fact, although Kikyo didn't say it, she still wanted to return to her original form.

Even if a real person is not capable of this, there is nothing to be lost if you give it a try.


The time is not now.

First of all, Uchiha Hikaru still had something to do.

Resurrecting the members of the Demon Slayer Squad, placing Tamayo-san and Naruome in place, dealing with the experimental subject Muzan... these things all took time to be arranged one by one.

Secondly, Zhenmao has escaped. It may not be easy to find him in the unfamiliar world of magic. In fact, there is no need to find him, because according to the plot line of the world of magic, Zhenzhen The person who will be contacting the Conjuration College will be contacted again soon. Instead of searching hard, it is better to sit back and wait.


Uchiha Hikaru put the ice coffin into the universal capsule and put it away, and then left the morgue with Kikyo, being led by Hisuhito Knotweed.

As soon as it comes out.

Warm sunlight falls down.

It was in stark contrast to the coldness behind the door.

"By the way..."

Uchiha Hikari paused and turned to look at Kizune Hisahito: "Is your teacher Gojo Satoru in Tokyo these days?"

"...Not here. Mr. Gojo went on a mission abroad some time ago. Before leaving, he handed me over to Mr. Nanami. Now he is responsible for guiding me."

Knotweed Hisahito thought for a while and answered truthfully.


Uchiha Hikaru had some impression of that "Nanami".

A blond office worker who wants to live a peaceful life.

If this character were placed on the set next door, he would have to awaken a stand-in ability called "Killer Queen".

Just a joke.

The first-level conjurer named Nanami Kento is actually quite good. He can be regarded as a master in the conjuring world, and he has a deep understanding of "spells". If you encounter him later, you can try to communicate with him.

And there’s Megumi Fushiguro.

The shikigami "Maxura" that Hikaru Uchiha wants to conquer can only be summoned with the help of his power. However, she doesn't know this guy yet, and she will have to find a way to introduce him through Hisahito the Japanese knotweed later.

As for now...

She could meet another one first——

"Kitweed, do you mind if I talk to the one inside you?"

Uchiha Hikaru spoke again.

This time, Hisari's eyelids twitched, and a look of astonishment immediately appeared on his face: "You mean..."

"That's right, it's Liangmian Sunuo, the legendary 'King of the Curse'."


As Uchiha Hikaru finished speaking.

The complexion of Knotweed Youren changed, and the aura on his body began to become unstable.

From the perspective of Uchiha Hikari and Kikyo, it can be clearly seen that his eyes changed several times in just a few moments, sometimes peaceful, sometimes fierce, as if he was in a state of being possessed by Japanese knotweed Hishito or Su Nuo. Switching quickly, but it was still his body that had the upper hand.

"Miss Guang, Miss Kikyo... let's go..."

Knotweed Hisahito made a voice with some difficulty: "I can't suppress the thing in my body anymore... It will be dangerous to stay here..."

"It doesn't matter."

Uchiha Hikaru smiled slightly, raised a hand, and gently pressed on the chest of Hisato Hisahi: "You can sleep peacefully for a while, and leave the rest to me and Kikyo."

The pupils are activated.

At this moment, the black magatama appeared in Uchiha's bright eyes, spinning gently like a big windmill.


The world is spinning.

The smell of blood.

The smell of blood is everywhere and so strong that it cannot be dissolved.

As Uchiha Hikari opened her eyes again, she saw that the scene around her had changed from the entrance to the morgue to a blood-red space. Thick blood permeated the entire space. Under his feet was thick blood flowing up to his ankles. In front of him was a hill piled up with corpses and bones.

——A veritable mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

At this moment.

A man in a white kimono sat on top of the mountain of corpses.

——Su Nuo on both sides.

Because they share the same body, his appearance is very similar to Hisato Hisahi, except that there are a few shark-shaped lines on both sides of his cheeks. At the moment, he is sitting there with his chin in one hand, looking down with frivolous eyes, his face There was a playful smile on his face.

"Uchiha, Hikari?"

The man tilted his head and read Uchiha Hikaru's name in a slightly obscure tone: "I have been listening to this brat chanting your names all this time, and it almost makes my ears get calluses... It turns out that the real body is just a A young girl? But you have some ability to get in here."

"...Is this a compliment from the 'King of Curses'?"

Speaking of which...

Uchiha Hikari has actually always been curious about one thing——

Do chat groups exist attached to the body or the soul?

This is not a problem for ordinary people, because the body and soul usually have a one-to-one relationship.


Knotweed Hisahito is different.

As a two-faced Su Nuo Jinchuuriki, there are two souls in the body of Kizuna Hisuhito at the same time, and the latter one can replace the consciousness of Kizuna Hisuhito from time to time and use his body to move around in the world. Then... Su Nuo can Did you see the message in the chat group?

Now it seems……

The answer is no.

After confirming this, Uchiha Hikaru breathed a sigh of relief.

If Su Nuo could also see the chat group messages, then things might become a little troublesome, of course... just a little bit.

the other side.

Su Nuo maintained his previous posture and looked down at Uchiha Hikari: "I have something to ask you. How did you get here?"

"Obviously there is no curse in the body, nor is it a curse spirit or anything like that... Oh no, you are a human being, but the woman with you is a bit like a curse spirit.

So tell me, as a flesh and blood body, how did you suddenly appear next to that kid and then enter me? What's going on with those patterns in your eyes? If your answer satisfies me, I may consider not killing you. "

"……you guess."

Uchiha raised the corners of his lips and smiled.


Su Nuo raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you should have some trump cards before you dare to speak to me in this tone. However, if you think that you can be on an equal footing with me with those things, you are totally wrong. Since you don't If you are willing to answer the question, then I can only ask another way.”

As he spoke, Su Nuo slowly stood up from the mountain of corpses and snorted coldly from his nose.

With this voice.

The surrounding air suddenly trembled, and then a ferocious momentum rose from the "King of the Curse", and then soared into the sky. At this moment, the surrounding mountains of corpses and seas of blood seemed to "come alive" all of a sudden. The blood energy, along with the roaring wind, attacked Uchiha Hikari, creating a real sense of oppression!

"...It's so murderous."

Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly.

When it comes to killing people, she thinks she can't compare to Su Nuo. After all, this guy had killed a whole mountain and sea thousands of years ago, so he was sealed by the conjurers at that time. The body and twenty fingers were sealed separately. There are differences. but……

When it comes to spiritual power, Uchiha can't match anyone!

At this moment, the same awe-inspiring aura erupted from Uchiha Hikaru, and the red color in his eyes became even more dazzling. When stimulated by his mental power, a huge force was born out of thin air, like a red meteor, heading towards It blasted in the direction of Su Nuo!


Su Nuo was about to speak.

Just heard——

boom--! ! !

In just an instant, the mountain of corpses at Su Nuo's feet was attacked by Uchiha Hikari's momentum. It exploded with a loud sound, and countless bone fragments flew around like raindrops. And the blood energy that filled the sky was even more dispersed, turning into a bloody storm that swept in all directions!

A moment.

The entire mental space is shaking!

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