I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 242 The Cursed King? He is just a mortal who was not born in my time.

When Sukuna saw Uchiha Hikaru's burst of momentum, he already felt something was wrong.

The explosion of the corpse mountain under his feet made the Curse King stunned for a moment, and then he frowned: "You guy... are you so eager to die?!"

Before he finished speaking.

Sukuna suddenly raised his right hand and made a waving and chopping motion. With this action, a large amount of blood and energy gathered around him, and in an instant, it formed a group of skeleton phantoms, like a roaring tide, rushing towards the direction where Uchiha Hikaru was!

And Uchiha Hikaru's response was even simpler and more straightforward.

"Word Spirit... Black Sun!"

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru burst out with a god-like majesty.

The mental power that was several times stronger than before burst out from her body, forming a dark sun disk that covered the sky and the sun, rising into the sky in a very short time, almost filling half of the spiritual space. Then, another boundless hurricane of fire quietly formed in the surrounding air, and charged at the bloody skull in front!

Bang, bang, bang...

A series of explosions sounded in succession!

Under the collision of the two, Sukuna's bloody skull was crushed into pieces.

The hurricane of fire released by Uchiha Guang only shrank a little, and then continued to bombard Sukuna with unabated momentum, and under the latter's increasingly astonished gaze, he was slapped away!


Uchiha Guang's eyes moved slightly.

This kind of confrontation on the spiritual level is different from the battle in reality. There is no skill to speak of. The victory or defeat depends entirely on the strength of the mental power of both sides.

Out of respect for the "Curse King" who dominated the world a thousand years ago, Uchiha Guang did not make too many reservations, and almost condensed more than 90% of his mental power to attack Sukuna. However, judging from the current situation... she seems to have overestimated her opponent.

Only the first round of confrontation.

All the blood-colored phantoms created by Sukuna were crushed. And he himself, after being thrown to the ground, was pressed in place by the strong mental power. He tried to break free several times but failed. Instead, even a simple action like moving a finger became difficult.

"Is this guy's mental power... so weak?"

"Or is it because the number of fingers is not enough?"

Uchiha Guang secretly pondered the possibility:

Theoretically, Sukuna's power in his lifetime was dispersed among twenty fingers.

And now Yuji Itadori only ate three fingers, so Sukuna at this moment is naturally not as strong as in his prime - although even if calculated according to seven times the current strength, he seems to be far less strong than Uchiha Guang imagined...

The overall evaluation is...

Not as good as Xiao Ai.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Guang suddenly felt a little boring.

"Hey, what did you ask me just now?"

"Do I need any method to enter your place? Can't I just come in if I want to?"


Listening to Uchiha Guang's careless answer, Sukuna's mouth twitched: "What do you think this place is? You can come and go as you please? If most of my power hadn't been sealed, a kid like you would have died the first time you saw me!"

"Are you sure?"

Uchiha Guang pursed his lips slightly, and showed a provocative smile to Sukuna a hundred meters away: "I originally thought that the notorious 'Two-faced Sukuna' thousands of years ago would have some outstanding features, but now it seems... it's just so-so. The so-called 'Cursed King' is just an ordinary person who was not born in my era."


Sukuna was stunned for a moment, and then became furious.

These words sounded a little familiar to him.

If they were said by him, there would be no problem, but now that they were said by others in front of him, Sukuna felt extremely angry.

"Little brat, you are just taking advantage of this moment to be sharp-tongued. When I get my power back... I will kill you first!"

"Hey, isn't Gojo Satoru the first person you want to kill?"

"... Of course he will die, and so will you!"


Uchiha Hikaru chuckled, his eyes stayed on Sukuna's ferocious face for a moment, and then he sighed softly: "Well, since you are trying so hard to convince me, I will believe you for once. However, you'd better really do what you say, instead of just being helpless and furious. You are... not worthy of being my opponent now."


Sukuna opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say a few more harsh words, but finally gave up.

Although he was arrogant and even thought that "I am the only one in the world", he also knew what the spiritual power that Uchiha Hikaru had just displayed meant.

Such spiritual power, even if he was still in his prime, might not be able to match it. What's more, the other party seemed to have the means to invade other people's spiritual world at any time with his own mind, and it was not sure whether it was a spell or something else. Instead of showing off his power, for example, he should observe the operation of the other party's ability more to confirm what method can be used to deal with it.

Of course...

Reason is reason.

After hearing Uchiha Hikaru's provocative words, Sukuna's face still became ugly. If eyes could kill, he would probably have killed Uchiha Hikaru hundreds of times.

On the other side.

Uchiha Hikaru felt that the provocation was almost enough, so he calmly raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Along with this action.

The black sun that occupied half of the illusion space collapsed in an instant, like a nuclear bomb explosion, emitting boundless light and heat, sweeping in all directions in a short moment, forming a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky!

Under such an impact, the illusion space erupted with a more violent vibration than before, and then collapsed completely in just a few seconds!

The confrontation in the mental space, corresponding to reality, is only a few seconds.

Uchiha Hikaru opened his eyes again.

He saw Yuji Itadori in front of him sweating profusely, as if he had just experienced a marathon and was about to collapse.

——This is normal.

Sukuna and Yuji Itadori are in a state of two hearts and one body. Although the collapse just now happened in Sukuna's spiritual world, because they share a body, Yuji Itadori's body will also bear a certain degree of burden on his behalf. It's probably a bit similar to the situation after Kakashi was hit by Tsukuyomi.

At this time, Yuji Itadori can still stand here steadily instead of falling asleep directly. It must be said that his physical fitness is extraordinary.

Well... After all, he is a person who can jump two stories high with physical strength without knowing the spell.

On the other side.

Although Kikyo didn't know what happened in the spiritual space, she also saw something from Yuji Itadori's appearance, so she took out a stack of talismans from her body, drew a few talismans quickly, and then put the talisman paper into a small plate, which turned into clear talisman water and handed it over.

"This is the soul-soothing talisman water. Drink it and you should feel better."

"Oh, okay."

Yuji Itadori responded subconsciously and took the dish and drank it all.

As the talisman water went down his throat, Yuji Itadori's eyes gradually regained focus within a few minutes. Although he was still a little weak, he was much better than before.

"Miss Guang, you just..."

"Sorry, I had a little unpleasantness when communicating with the one in your body just now, so I used a little bit of extreme means."

Uchiha Guang said while observing Yuji Itadori's condition.

It can be seen that the breath in Yuji Itadori's body is very unstable at this time. In his current weak state, if Sukuna wants to come out to take over, he should be able to succeed. However, the latter doesn't seem to want to come out to see her, or he was severely impacted by the explosion just now and needs to rest temporarily, so no unexpected situation occurred.

Speaking of which...

Uchiha Guang's provocation to Sukuna just now was certainly a whim, but it was also what he had always wanted to do in his heart.

She actually looked down on this "King of Curses".

Although Sukuna at this time seemed to be quite peaceful, he was essentially a bloodthirsty bastard, and he especially liked to kill women and children. It just so happened that Uchiha Hikaru had both of these characteristics, so Sukuna had no good words when she saw her for the first time. And since Sukuna had taken action first, she naturally did not intend to indulge him.

The "nuclear explosion" that just happened in the spiritual space was only a small lesson.

And if possible, Uchiha Hikaru actually wanted to completely get rid of Sukuna, and then absorb the latter's "Demon Subduing Cook" by the way - this curse ability was a bit attractive to Uchiha Hikaru, and it could be used to make up for her lack of space-based means.

However, Sukuna was indeed too weak now, so Uchiha Hikaru even felt it was a waste to absorb his curse power. In her opinion, it would be better to find a way to help Sukuna collect all 20 fingers, restore him to his complete form, and then get rid of him in one go, once and for all.

This plan is still just a vague idea at present. Uchiha Hikaru plans to spend some time planning how to implement it.


That evening.

After a few hours of rest, Yuji Itadori, who had recovered, took Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo to a nearby place to have a meal, as a thank you for this help.

To be precise, only Uchiha Hikaru was eating.

As a clay doll, Kikyo, like the body of the Impure World Reincarnation, had no ability to eat. She just drank two sips of water for a while, and then sat next to her and watched quietly.

Wait until the meal was finished.

Uchiha Hikaru and Kikyo bid farewell to Yuji Itadori for the time being, and once again returned to the Demon Slayer World to arrange the resurrection of all the members of the Demon Slayer Corps.

As expected, Uchiha Hikaru prepared two plans:

The first is to use 100 points to bring the gods and dragon balls to the demon world and try to summon the dragon here.

By the way, the points were paid by Tanjiro. After all, he was one of the first members to join the chat group. The points accumulated by signing in for a year were just a drop in the bucket.

But the facts proved that...

This way is not feasible.

The dragon balls brought to the demon world still have the power, but they cannot summon the dragon, so naturally they cannot fulfill their wishes.

There is no way.

Uchiha Hikaru turned to the second plan, which is to pack the coffins and talismans that sealed the bodies of the relatives and friends of the Demon Slayer Corps and bring them to the Dragon Ball World, and then summon the dragon in the temple of the gods.

——In the process, she also showed Yoshino Junpei's body to the gods, and received a reply from the latter that he could not be resurrected, so she had to give up.

"…Tell me your wishes, human."

"Any wish can come true, but only one."

Accompanied by a burst of lightning and thunder, the whole sky went dark. Under the sky, the figure of the dark green dragon wrapped in light appeared, and its graceful body hovered in the air, making a deep and majestic voice.

Soon, the dragon noticed Uchiha Hikaru and Bulma: "…You again?"


Uchiha Hikaru smiled a little awkwardly, then glanced at Tanjiro next to him: "Go, Tanjiro. Just make a wish."


Tanjiro, whose name was called, took a deep breath, walked forward slowly, and began to speak.

During this process.

Esdeath stood behind Uchiha Hikaru with her hands on her chest, looking at the dragon in the sky with a playful look on her face, as if she was weighing whether this thing was strong enough to fight. Tamayo, Yushiro, Naruto and others beside them were all seeing this kind of scene for the first time. They all showed shocked expressions, and even looked at Uchiha Hikaru with strange eyes.

——This Miss Hikaru, could she really be a god?

Another person worth mentioning is Yamato.

The more she looked at Shenlong, the more she felt that he looked like her father.

If she didn't know that this was the Dragon Ball world, and if Uchiha Hikaru and others provided some psychological support, Yamato would probably have some stress reactions at this moment.

"...Resurrect these dead humans?"

After listening to Tanjiro's wish.

Shenlong slowly turned his head, swept his eyes from the hundreds of coffins around him, and the souls standing behind the coffins, and then nodded slowly under the anxious gaze of Tanjiro and others: "This is very simple."


The voice fell.

The dragon opened its mouth and spit out a ball of light white. This ball of light split into hundreds of rays in midair, falling down like fine raindrops and sinking into the coffins.


The spirits were pulled into the corresponding corpses by an invisible traction force and began to slowly recover their vitality.

In just a moment.

Aoi Kamado, Kanae Kocho, Ichiro Tokito… opened their eyes one after another and woke up from the long death.

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