I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 243 Gundam pilot Uchiha Hikaru

Such a scene of group resurrection looks quite spectacular.

Tanjiro and Nezuko quickly rushed in front of their mother and several younger siblings. The family hugged each other and cried with joy.

But Butterfly Kanae, who did not see Butterfly Ninja, as well as Toki Toru Ichiro and others, came to Uchiha Hikaru together and bowed to her to thank her.

"No need to thank me."

Uchiha Hikaru waved his hand and said in a very humble tone: "You are able to return to the living world smoothly, mainly thanks to Lord Tenjin. Bulma, Tanjiro, and I just did a small amount of work behind the scenes, so there is no credit for it."

"No, Miss Guang, you are being modest."

After insisting on bowing a few times, Kanae and others came to the god again and thanked him again.

Then there are Mr. Bobo, Cat Sennin, Bulma, and even Yamato and others...

——Mr. Bobo and the others did play some role in this resurrection. As for Yamato and others, they participated in the hunting operation against Muzan and Uzune Kizuki together with Uchiha Hikari, so they can all deserve it. This thanks.

During this process.

Shenlong's body turned into seven dragon balls, which flew out in seven directions across the sky, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The dark clouds that had gathered under the night gradually dissipated, revealing the bright white full moon again.

"Hey, today is a full moon night."

"Looks so beautiful."

Bulma put a hand on his forehead, looked up at the sky, and made a sound of surprise.

Uchiha was startled for a moment, then followed Bulma's line of sight and looked at the surprisingly large full moon in the night sky, and nodded: "It's beautiful."

The moon in the Dragon Ball world is a magical creation of the ancient gods. The principle is similar to the "artificial moon" made by the Saiyans using Qi. Therefore, the distance from the ground is not as exaggerated as 380,000 kilometers, and the size is smaller than the moon in the real world. Some.

And the temple of the god is located tens of thousands of meters high in the sky.

Therefore, when you look up at the moon from here, "You can pick the stars with your hands" is no longer an exaggerated poem, but closer to a statement of fact. Uchiha Hikari estimated that he would be able to complete the feat of landing on the moon as long as he flew upwards for a while using Wu Kong Jutsu.

"By the way, Bulma, how's your research on Lord Celestial's spaceship going?"

Uchiha Hikaru suddenly thought of this question.

"Hmm... It's probably about one-third advanced."

Bulma thought for a while and said casually: "Basic takeoff and landing are no problem, and the firearm system is half understood, but the environmental control system, life support system, escape system... these are still in the process of repeated exploration. Some of the system components seem to have been damaged and need to be repaired.

After all, this thing is going into the universe. It is different from ordinary airships. If something happens after entering space, it will be troublesome. "


If the person responsible for piloting this spaceship is Uchiha Hikaru, or Tanjiro, Yamato and others, then it can be a little more careless.

This is not to say that a few of them can survive in an airless space environment, but that as long as they shuttle back to their own world as soon as possible after the spacecraft crashes, they can successfully avoid the consequences of aircraft crash and human death.

But Bulma is different.

Group members travel from their own world to other worlds, and when they come back, the landing coordinate point is fixed. Therefore, if Bulma traveled to another world while driving the spaceship, and came back, the landing point would still be on the spaceship. If something happens to a flight, there will be no escape.

Unless she is willing to live a lifetime in another world, or has the ability to breathe and survive in space,

"Speaking of which..."

"Frieza seems to be able to survive in space, right?"

Uchiha Hikaru lowered his eyes slightly and pondered in his mind: "If I can see the dragon of Namek later, should I try to wish it a 'survival' ability?"

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru said hello to the god, and then set up dozens of simple tents in the temple square as a resting place for more than a hundred Demon Slayer visitors - it was so late, it was hard to send them away in the dark To go to other worlds, it would be better to wait until daytime tomorrow and process them in batches.

For Kamado Aoi and others, this is undoubtedly a quite novel experience.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to spend a night at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. Especially those from the Demon Slayer World, which is relatively technologically backward.

As for Uchiha Hikari, Bulma and others, they lived in small houses thrown out of the universal capsule in groups of two.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

After Buma brushed his teeth and washed, he began to send out invitations to Kamado Aoi and others to visit the Western Capital.

——Although the research on spacecraft is important, it must be balanced between work and rest. During this period of time, crawling around in the cabin every day has made Bulma feel a little exhausted.

Regarding the proposal of being a guest, Kamado Aoi and others were somewhat interested, but a little embarrassed to agree.

"It's okay, Tanjiro is a friend of Xiaoguang and I, and you are Tanjiro's family and friends, so you don't have to be so offended. You are here, just stay for a few days before leaving." Bulma continued enthusiastically send invitation.


Kamado Aoieda and others briefly discussed it for a while, then asked Uchiha Hikari's opinion, and then readily agreed.

So that morning.

Bulma took out seven or eight airships from the universal capsule, and then Uchiha Hikaru created six shadow clones, and together with Bulma, each drove an airship, carrying the Demon Slayer Corps to the direction of the Western Capital.

And after they left.

Uchiha Hikaru's real body drove another airship, took Esdeath, and Tamayo, Naruto and other demons, to the Red Silk Army headquarters in the north of the earth-that is, Dr. Gero's research institute.

Speaking of which, Tamayo, Yushiro and others are still demons at this time, and they are not allowed to move around during the day.

But because of Uchiha Hikaru's previous instructions, Tanjiro returned to his old house at the time of the autumnal equinox and dug out a few blue red spider lilies. In addition, there was blood provided by Nezuko, who had overcome the sunlight, as an experimental sample. So Tamayo has now prepared a demon medicine that can slightly resist the sunlight.

Uchiha Hikaru plans to let Tamayo continue to improve it and use it for Naruto. Otherwise, the latter can only come out at night, and can't help her do things well.

Of course...

The news about the "Blue Higanbana" must be blocked from Muzan. Otherwise, if he gets this thing, there will be trouble.

"We're here."

"This is my experimental base."

Uchiha Hikaru stopped in front of the headquarters castle: "Let's go in and take a look, Miss Tamayo, and Mr. Yushiro?"

"...Okay. Please lead the way."

It has been a while since Uchiha Hikaru left last time.

After several weeks, Dr. Gero's place had basically not changed. When he saw her and Esdeath coming, the former came out to greet them warmly and bowed respectfully:

"Master Guang, and Adjutant Esdeath, you are here."

"Well, no need to be polite."

In front of Dr. Gero, Uchiha Guang slightly adjusted his posture, and asked a few words about the recent situation of the institute as the "army commander", and then took out Muzan Kibutsuji, who was bound by the sealing technique, from the universal capsule and placed it in front of the former.

"This is..."

"A new experimental body."


Uchiha Guang spent a while to explain the existence and related characteristics of "ghosts" to Dr. Gero.

"So that's it... a humanoid creature with strong recovery ability, bloodthirsty nature, and blood that can corrode other people's cells and transform them into a 'ghost' like itself?"

As an experienced old scientist, Dr. Gero was not surprised by the existence of "ghosts", nor did he question the origin of this thing - there are all kinds of strange species in the Dragon Ball world, and the appearance of several creatures like "ghosts" is not out of place.

At this moment.

Dr. Gero began to use the thinking of a scientist to calmly think about how to deal with Muzan: "It seems that there may be some special active substances in this organism that can greatly increase the activity of the body. If this substance can be extracted and the corrosive components contained in it can be removed, perhaps that kind of recovery ability can be given to other humans, or even artificial humans."


In a sense, the ability of a ghost is equivalent to a highly weakened version of Buu.


"But I have to remind you, Dr. Gero, this guy is very dangerous, you must treat him with the most cautious attitude, and there can be no mistakes."

Uchiha Hikaru said solemnly.

To her, Muzan Kibutsuji is just a big naughty boy. As long as he doesn't self-destruct, she has a hundred ways to teach him how to behave.

But for Dr. Gero, it's different.

With Muzan's strength, plus those weird and unpredictable blood demon arts, even if he is bound by the seal, he can easily pose a threat to Dr. Gero. He has no choice but to be careful.

"His weakness is sunlight, or to be more precise, several special radiation components in sunlight... Here, this is it."

"This analysis report was written by Dr. Brief's daughter. She used this principle to make several laser swords and a UV protective suit. The samples are here, you can take them for reference."

Uchiha Hikaru handed the report he got from Bulma to Dr. Gero.

The latter roughly flipped through it and said in a deep voice: "I understand. I will set up a laboratory full of lasers, and then place a black box in the room, put the experimental subject inside, and use robots to draw blood, slice, and dissect his body... Before I thoroughly understand his cells and genetic components, I will try to avoid direct contact with him."


Uchiha Guang nodded.

It seems that Dr. Gero is more cautious than she thought. It can only be said that he is a genius scientist who can create a 100 million combat power android to deal with Goku with a combat power of 9,000.

"There is one more thing."

Uchiha Guang turned around and pointed at Miss Tamayo and Yushiro next to him: "These two are scientists I found from other places. They have some achievements in biomedicine, especially in the study of "ghosts". I plan to let them join your institute. Of course, they are responsible for assisting you. The chief scientist of this institute is still you. How to allocate the work is up to you."

"...I know."

Dr. Gro was slightly startled, and looked at Tamayo and the other person with a scrutinizing gaze, then calmly extended his hand: "Nice to meet you, I'm Gro."

"Just call me Tamayo, and the one next to you is Yushiro. Please give me your guidance."

Tamayo bowed slightly and responded a little nervously.

So far, the placement of the people in the Demon Slayer World has been basically handled properly.

Until this time

Uchiha Hikaru cast his eyes to a mecha being made in the laboratory: "Dr. Gero, this is..."

"Oh, this is the 'Strike Freedom Gundam' made according to your request, Lord Gero, and it is still in the semi-finished stage."



Dr. Gero nodded and explained patiently: "According to the drawings you left before, I modified the original mecha of the Red Silk Army. The appearance and color matching have overlapped with the drawings. However, the material strength and firepower system are still at the original level and have not met your expectations. Further improvements are needed."

"Is that so..."

Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a moment, then raised his chin and said with interest: "Try it on for me first."

Uchiha Hikaru had long anticipated the strength of this mecha.

--In the original work, when the Red Silk Army was destroyed, Adjutant Black drove the mecha made by Dr. Gero to fight against Xiao Wukong. As a result, as soon as he appeared, he was directly pierced by Xiao Wukong with the Ruyi Rod. It is conceivable how fragile the mechas of this period were, and they were completely incomparable to the androids more than a decade later.


Being strong or not is temporary.

Being handsome or not is for a lifetime.

The familiar red, white, and blue colors on the mecha in front of him were enough to make Uchiha Hikaru feel excited and ready to move.

At this moment.

With the help of Dr. Womi, Uchiha Hikaru sat in the cockpit, and then tried to start the mecha according to Dr. Gero's instructions.

Accompanied by the blazing tail flame.

Uchiha Hikaru controlled the "Strike Freedom Gundam Youth Edition" and floated up from the front of the experimental table, flew forward along the corridor of the institute for a short distance, and then flew directly into the sky hundreds of meters high towards the scorching sun, performing a spinning showmanship.

[Unknown: [Gundam pilot Uchiha Hikaru.jpg]]

[Unknown: How about it, handsome or not? [Proud.jpg]]

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