I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 244: Naruto's plot goes haywire

After uploading the photo.

Uchiha waited for a while, then saw several messages pop up in the group:

[Gui Ji: Wow, you are indeed Miss Guang! 】

[Brand: Well, is this the latest Teigu imitation made by Miss Hikaru and Miss Bulma? It looks a bit like the "Noble Chariot" mentioned by the boss, or a mini version of the "Guardian Machine God", but I don't know how it performs...]

[Buma: Huh? Why does it still have to do with me? 】

[Bulma: Hmm... It does look a bit similar in appearance, but it probably has nothing to do with Teigu, but a simple operable robot. @无名小光 Where did you get this robot? Are you raising other scientists outside my back? 】

【nameless:? 】

[Tiger of the West: ... Speaking of which, this shape looks very familiar. I remember seeing it in an animation, but I couldn’t remember what it was called. 】

Uchiha Hikari breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the news about Knotweed Hisahito.

She overlooked one thing -

Most people in the group don't know about Gundam.

After all, so far, no group members from the Gundam world have appeared. Even Bulma, who is relatively the most knowledgeable, has only seen "Dragon Ball", "Naruto", and "Dragon Ball" that Uchiha Hikaru brought back from the dragon world. A few anime works such as "Inuyasha" know nothing about the meaning of the shape of this mecha, and they cannot get the point that Uchiha Hikari wants to express at all.


There are still a few group members in the group who “know the goods”.

Polygonum cuspidatum Hisuhito counts as one.

——The world of magic he lives in is in the modern society of the 21st century. The cultural background is very close to the real world. Similar shadows can be seen in many classic animation works, and the "Gundam" series naturally also exists. At most, due to the differences in the world, there are subtle differences in the relevant plots, but they are not much different.

In addition, there is another group member who definitely knows this information——

[Little Monster: I know, this is a character that appeared in "Mobile Suit Gundam"! 】

[Little Monster: Wait a minute, let me look for it first. I remember that I asked my brother to buy this figure...]

[Little monsters: [Original Gundam.jpg], [Flying Wing Zero Gundam.jpg], [Strike Freedom Gundam.jpg] The one you are opening right now is the one on the right, right? I really like this figure! 】

in the chat box.

Eriyi posted several photos one after another.

The photos were obviously taken on location, the technique is not very good, and the angles are quite off.

But because the parameters of the phone itself are high enough, you can still clearly see a girl in a red and white miko uniform sitting cross-legged in a wooden room, with a whole wall of various figures behind her. From the Gundam series, Ultraman series, to Kamen Rider, Unit-00, Super Saiyan... almost all the peripherals of classic anime works are available.

So far, only Uchiha Hikari in the group has been to Eriki's place and roughly knows what the room she lives in looks like.

As for others, it was basically the first time for them to see this scene.

Therefore, Hishito Kibi and Miko Yotsuya, who had the closest backgrounds in the same era, were the first to express surprise——

[Nishinaka no Tora: By the way, isn’t Miss Eriri a eldest lady from a consortium? There are so many figures, and there seem to be many collector's editions among them. It must be a huge expense to collect them all, right? 】

[Yotani Miko: I remember that when I went to visit the martial arts competition with everyone some time ago, I seemed to have heard Miss Hikari say that Miss Eriki’s family is indeed from a consortium, and her name is...]

[Unnamed: The Eight Sheqi Families. 】

Uchiha Hikaru said something casually in the group, then opened the photo uploaded by Eri Yi and enlarged it.


See clearly.

On the C position in the middle row of the figurine wall, what is displayed is not Ultraman and little monsters, but a row of figurines in the image of a black-haired girl——

Two of them are made of wood, and the rest are made of plastic. The clothes they wear include blue armor, dark green ninja uniforms, and T-shirts and jeans. The only thing they have in common is the pair of crimson Sharingan eyes, long black hair like a little hedgehog, and a slightly bulging chest.

The two wooden ones looked very familiar to Uchiha Hikari. If nothing else, they should have been bought from the wood carving shop where Uchiha was stationed when Eriri first came to the world of Naruto.

But the silicone figures at the back are a bit unfamiliar.

Bulma obviously noticed:

[Bulma: I just discovered... those Gundams two rows up and in the middle, aren't they all Xiaoguang's figures? 】

[Little Monster: Yes, recently, "Naruto" has been updated to feature the appearance of Light. Everyone likes to watch it, so some manufacturers are already planning to produce figures of Light. The ones I have at home are samples that my brother took directly from the factory. They are not officially on sale yet...]

[Anonymous: Wait a minute...what does it mean that I appeared? 】

[Little monster: Hey, doesn’t Guang know? It was in the recently released "Weekly Shōnen Jump" that you were drawn...]

【nameless:? 】

Uchiha Hikaru couldn't restrain his curiosity, and asked a few more questions, and then gradually understood from Eri Yi's confusing explanation——

All right.

It seems that this should be the butterfly effect caused by her going to the dragon world.

The Dragon Clan World itself has the manga "Naruto", and when Eri joined the group, it had already reached the stage of the Five Kage Conference, and abilities such as the Sharingan and Shadow Clone had already appeared. And these abilities are not unrelated to the abilities she showed during her several visits to the Dragon Clan World, but they are exactly the same.


The Snake Eight Clan had some misunderstandings about her relationship with "Naruto", and driven by this misunderstanding, they captured Masashi Kishimoto from that world and tried to ask for more information.

These operations, in turn, affected the plot of the "Naruto" manga, causing the face of Obito under the vortex mask to be replaced by her face. And the person who set off the Fourth Ninja World War also became her, the secret weapon of the Uchiha clan.

It sounds reasonable... What the hell!

Why did a character in a side game like me intrude into the main plot and become a masked man who caused trouble everywhere?

Where did Obito go? Did he die directly under the huge rock in the battle of Kanna Kun Bridge?


She went to be a substitute for Uchiha Madara, isn't that a generation difference...

Uchiha Hikaru can't complain.

On the other side.

Bulma listened to Eri's description and showed an expression that was afraid of chaos in the world at the right time:

[Bulma @Little Monster: Do you have any extra copies of the "Naruto" comics you mentioned? How about uploading one to me? I can buy it at a high price of 100 points! ]

[Ghost Princess: I want one too, I'll give 150 points! ]

[Yotani Miko: And me. ]

[Wumi: ...]

Under Uchiha Hikaru's strong persuasion.

Bulma finally gave up, pulled back the topic of "New Version of Naruto", and started discussing the situation of Gundam instead.

At this time, Eri uploaded a copy of the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY comic and CD she had just found to the group store. Bulma and Yamato immediately exchanged a copy each, and then flipped through it, reading the comics and discussing in the group.

Uchiha Hikaru went offline and began to think secretly in her heart.

She planned to take some time to go to the Dragon Clan World to see with her own eyes what she was drawn like in the comics.

If she was just a villain boss, it wouldn't matter, but if even the outrageous plot of "creating a world with Rin" was inserted into her head... Then she might have to talk to Masashi Kishimoto in the Dragon Clan World.


At the Red Silk Army Base.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't look at the topics in the chat group anymore, but controlled the mecha to land from mid-air and pulled Esdeath to test the weapon system of this device together.

According to Dr. Gro, this mecha is equipped with a total of six machine guns, with a capacity of 8,000 rounds. When the firepower is fully opened, all the bullets can be used up within one and a half minutes. There are also two missile launch ports for launching tactical rockets and micro-missiles. The target can be locked and tracked accurately within three kilometers, and the final landing error does not exceed 15 centimeters.

In addition, the energy of the mecha can last for about a week, and then the power supply needs to be replaced, or it will take 3 hours to recharge. However, if the full firepower mode is turned on, the power consumption will increase, and the endurance will also fluctuate accordingly.

There is another time, which is the time for loading ammunition. It takes 15 minutes to load all 8,000 rounds of bullets and 12 micro-missiles. During these 15 minutes, the mecha cannot be moved at will.

After understanding all this.

Uchiha Guang called Esdeath and conducted several sets of experiments-

When facing the 40-man ice cavalry created by "General Binglan", it only takes 20 seconds of machine gun volleys to smash them all.

When the target becomes a 30-meter-high, 1-meter-thick ice wall, it takes about 45 seconds to break it.

As for the enemy being Esdeath herself...

There is nothing we can do about it.

Esdeath's strength is only slightly inferior to Uchiha Hikaru, and she has recently developed the "Ice Demon" that is comparable to the fourth-stage Susanoo. Even if the amount of ammunition loaded on the mecha is doubled, it is impossible to win against an opponent whose magnitude far exceeds its upper limit.

In general...

The performance of this mecha is definitely not as good as the real Gundam, and it is far inferior to the "National Guardian Mecha God".

——The latter is the supreme imperial weapon in the world of Akagi Zan, and the five beam cannons in the "Purge Mode" can raze an area of ​​20 kilometers in radius with one shot. In theory, even the complete Susanoo may not be able to withstand a few shots.


As a big toy, this mecha is definitely qualified.

In addition, it was originally a "semi-finished product". With Dr. Gero's scientific research level, it would not take long for it to be upgraded and truly reach the level of the genuine "Strike Freedom". It should only be a matter of time.

"Speaking of which, the Orichalcum that Bulma brought back from the Akagi world before should have some research results..."

"I'll go back and ask there and see if I can share it with Dr. Gero..."

Uchiha Hikaru thought so.

The overall technological level of the Akagi world is not high, but Orichalcum is an exception. The alloy material that can forge the "All Things Cut" imperial tool is naturally unquestionable in terms of strength, and it is just right for building mechas.

It would be even better if Dr. Gro could perfectly restore the composition and forging method of Oriha Gang based on Bulma's research.

As for energy issues…

It depends on Dr. Groh himself.

After all, who knows what the principle of the "Permanent Energy Furnace" is. Considering that Dr. Gero in the original work came up with No. 17 and 18 more than ten years later, it is probably impossible to overcome this difficulty within a year or two. Reality……


Uchiha Hikaru walked down from the cockpit of the mecha, asked Dr. Gro for his opinion, and then put the thing into his universal capsule.

"...It doesn't matter. It's just a test product anyway. If Lord Guang likes it, you can take it as you like."

"Thank you."

At this moment, Uchiha Hikaru had already begun to picture himself driving a more complete Gundam to other worlds.

For example, driving to Kassel Academy in the Dragon World, or in front of the World Government in the Pirate World?


Can you see some interesting pictures?

That afternoon, Uchiha Hikaru used "Shangri-La" to return to the Western Capital, and then found Bulma.

At this time, the girl was taking the Kamado family, Butterfly Kanae and others to play in the city's amusement park. The large group of people looked like a tourist group, and the scene was quite spectacular.

When seeing the figure of Uchiha Hikari.

Bulma came up quickly and listened to her explain the purpose of her visit:

"...O'Haligan's research information?"

"Oh, there are indeed some preliminary results in this area. They are at my dad's place. I will take you to him later to get them."

Bulma responded casually, then narrowed his eyes and showed a narrow smile: "Xiaoguang, aren't you curious about how you are drawn in the comics? How about we quietly go find Eri Yi? See? Don’t worry, I’m the strictest and will never tell anyone else what I saw.”


Uchiha Hikari did not answer the question, but changed the topic without revealing anything: "You should think about forming a pirate group first... Yamato should be going home in a few days, right? Maybe he will talk to her then My father, Kaido, if you need our help, don’t let anything go wrong.”

"……makes sense."

When the pirate group was mentioned, Bulma's attention was diverted: "Well, let's rest for one more day, and I will go back the day after tomorrow to continue studying the spaceship, and try to build our pirate ship as soon as possible!"

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