Chapter 245 "Dragon's Curse Seal I"

Later in the day.

Uchiha Hikari and Bulma returned home together, and received a stack of analysis reports on Oliha Gang from Dr. Briev, as well as several letters.

"This is……"

"This is a reply to the scientist named Orochimaru, and I ask you, Xiaoguang, to deliver it on my behalf."

Dr. Breeve spoke naturally.

Speaking of which...

Orochimaru and Dr. Brieff have exchanged letters several times. Taking Erashi's illness as an example, the two had many exchanges and discussions on medical topics such as "hybrid" and "Uchiha blood", and each time, Uchiha Hikaru was used as the intermediary to pass the message on her behalf.

There is nothing wrong with this mode of communication through letters, but it seems a bit cumbersome.

Uchiha Hikaru secretly wondered whether he should find an opportunity to gather scientists from several worlds he had visited before to organize a "scientific exchange seminar."

With so many top talents coming together, I think there should be some sparks of thinking.

"...Dr. Gro, you can try to establish a communication channel first."

Anyway, both parties are in the same world, so communication is very convenient. Although there had been some competition between the Red Silk Army and the Universal Capsule Company, it was only in the field of technological inventions and could not be considered enemies. As long as she, the "Light Marshal" speaks, Dr. Gero shouldn't object too much.

As for Orochimaru, there are also Dr. Fashion and others from Zanchi World...

It's best to play it safe first.

After all, these guys are not members of the chat group, and they are all people with low moral standards and low ambitions. There is no guarantee that after learning about the existence of another world, he will have any special thoughts. Until they show enough loyalty, it is better to maintain the form of correspondence.

With "Shangri-La" here, it doesn't take much time to go back and forth.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Uchiha Hikaru copied the information and sent a copy to Dr. Gero.

Then he took another copy and went to Zhanchi World. Found Dr. Fashion and Dotya in Donghai County and handed the information to them.

By the way, I also took a look at Donghai Yunlong and "communicated" my feelings.

Finally, there is the Sound Ninja Village in the Naruto world.

"...Lord Guang, you are back."


Sound Ninja Village, in the hinterland of the cave.

Uchiha Hikari narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the sinister man opposite.

She hadn't seen Orochimaru for some time.

——The last time he came back was before taking action against the Red Silk Army. At that time, Orochimaru was away on business and only left a few letters for Xiang Lu to deliver to her. So until now, it was the first time the two met again after several months.

how to say……

Orochimaru looked a little strange at this moment.

His face was still the same as before, his face was too pale and looked a bit oozing.

But those eyes were different——

Orochimaru's original eyes were pale gold with slender pupils, a bit like snake eyes. But no matter how similar they are, they are still essentially human, so there are no characteristics such as the shape of the pupils changing with the intensity of light or the reflection of light in the iris. But now...

Under the light in the cave, Uchiha Hikaru could clearly see that Orochimaru's eyes were glowing slightly, with that kind of hot molten gold, just like...

"You...injected yourself with Dragon King serum?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought of this possibility.

That's right.

She had seen many eyes like this in another world——

The golden eyes of the mixed race!

When she went to the dragon world some time ago, she did find Xia Mi and Fenrir specifically, asked for some blood samples of the Dragon King, and gave them to Orochimaru for research. I originally thought that even Orochimaru would take some time to achieve results, but now it seems...

Was he using the dragon's blood directly for himself?

"...As expected of Mr. Guang, his vision is still so sharp."

Orochimaru licked his lips and made a hoarse voice: "Yes, after I got the Dragon King's blood samples from you last time, I conducted a very detailed analysis on them. Judging from the analysis results, in the blood of dragons, Several very specific active substances exist.

These substances not only give dragons unparalleled mobility and resilience, but also allow them to have an extremely high affinity for elements in nature. They can drive natural elements without spending much effort to create something similar to escape techniques. Effect……

I separated and extracted these active substances and integrated them with Jugo's Immortal Transformation Seal and the cells of the Uzumaki clan to develop a special activation potion, which I named ' Dragon's Curse Seal I'. After humans take this potion, their physical fitness will be greatly improved, and they can also activate the curse seal to activate a state called 'Dragon Seal Transformation'..."

"But you don't have to worry. I have only tested this drug on a few people who voluntarily signed up. So far, almost all people who have been transplanted with the 'Dragon Curse Seal I' survive.

To be able to do this, I have to thank the two people you brought back. "

While talking.

Orochimaru clapped his hands.

I heard two footsteps coming from the side, but it was a brother and sister wearing kimonos who came to the side and bowed respectfully.

"Lord Orochimaru."

"...Lord Guang."

These brothers and sisters are none other than the Uchiha Hikari who brought back from the Demon Slayer World nearly a year ago——

Fallen Princess and Taro the Whore.

Uchiha Hikari had already known from Kosobi that as Orochimaru's experimental subjects, the Fallen Princess brothers and sisters were given a special medicine that could overcome sunlight and inhibit the cannibalism of ghosts. After that, they were accepted as slaves by Orochimaru. Now it seems that Orochimaru has trained these two guys quite well, and the latter's attitude when facing him is almost the same as when facing Muzan.


What people are more concerned about right now is the appearance of the fallen brother and sister.

The original Fallen Princess brother and sister, as the youngest of the six upper strings, their appearance is not much different from that of humans, and they do not have any special eyes.

And at this moment...

Their eyes, like Orochimaru, were transformed into golden pupils.

A pair of pupils with the word "Shanglu" engraved on them were emitting a fiery dark golden color at the moment.

In addition, the densely covered layer of iron-green scales on the surface of the two bodies is exactly the same as the appearance of Natsumi and Genji siblings when they show the characteristics of dragon transformation. Even when he is bowing his head, he can still feel the power contained under the scales. It seems that he can open monuments and break stones with just a raise of his hand.

"They won't be your test subjects, right?"


Hearing Orochimaru's admission, Uchiha Hikaru understood.


Taro the prostitute and the fallen princess are both ghosts, and they are also extremely powerful upper strings. As long as their heads are not chopped off by the Nichirin sword on the spot, they will theoretically not die.

So whether it's the Dragon King's serum or the curse seal of heaven and earth, you can create it on them with all your strength. It can be said that it is a natural "holy body for testing medicine".

From the looks of it, Orochimaru might have really poured a lot of dragon blood into them during this period. If the current Fallen Princess siblings were judged by the standards of Kassel Academy, they would have to be a "C-level hybrid" at the very least. Maybe some kind of spiritual spirit has been awakened.

"This potion..."

"This is the 'Dragon Curse Seal I' you mentioned. It won't affect the mind of the user, right?"

Uchiha Hikaru asked a little worriedly.

The curse seal of heaven and earth itself is corrosive to the body, and if the proportion of dragon blood in a hybrid is too high, it may become an unconscious "deadpool". It is unlikely that these two forces combined would be without side effects.

Uchiha Hikaru was not worried about Orochimaru.

But can the mother and daughter, Kimimaro and others be in the Sound Ninja Village at the moment? If those experimental subjects become dead servants and run rampant in the village, I am afraid these people will be greatly affected.

"of course not."

Orochimaru's tone was very firm: "If there is not enough experimental data to support it, I will not transplant this curse mark to other people, or even myself. I have always been very cautious when it comes to matters related to my own life. "


Uchiha Hikaru was noncommittal.

It is true that Orochimaru cherishes his life.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to do any research on the secret art of soul reincarnation.


Cherishing his life does not prevent him from using his own body to conduct dangerous human modification experiments.

After all, what Orochimaru values ​​​​is his soul. As for his body... If he really cared, he would not have abandoned his original body in the original plot line and reincarnated into an unknown woman, Genyoumaru, or even Uchi who did not succeed. Has Sasuke on him. Even if something went wrong with "Dragon Curse Seal I", Uchiha Hikari estimated that Orochimaru would have backup plans to ensure his survival.

"Lord Guang."

Orochimaru coughed slightly: "The experiments and potion production during this period have consumed more than half of the blood samples you brought back before. Do you think you can get some more? If possible, I would like to 'Dragon's Curse Seal' Ⅱ' will be successfully developed soon."

"...Let me think about it."

Uchiha Hikaru didn't finish his words.

"These blood samples, as well as body samples, all come from "ghosts", and they are higher-level ghosts than the fallen princess and the prostitute Taro. Take them and study them to see if you can dig out something. "

With that said, Uchiha Hikaru took out the scroll containing the sealed blood sample and body tissue sample and handed it to the man opposite.

Orochimaru happily took it.

Although he has a higher level of Dragon King blood, his interest in "ghosts" is no longer as strong as before.

But there is no harm in doing more research and drawing parallels.

At this moment.

The Fallen Princess brothers and sisters next to them seemed to feel something, and looked at the scroll in Orochimaru's hand with doubtful eyes: "This aura seems to be..."

"It's Lord Wuhan's blood... Could it be that Lord Wuhan has been eliminated now?!"

"Yes, just like you thought."

Uchiha Hikari responded with a smile.

In fact, she had considered bringing Onibutsuji Muzan to Orochimaru, but she gave up after careful consideration.

But if Orochimaru can use Muzan's broken arm and limbs to clone a new Muzan, that's another matter.

After the initial shock, the Fallen Princess brothers and sisters soon became calm: "...that's fine. Since Lord Muzan is no longer here, we can only work for Lord Orochimaru with peace of mind."


Uchiha Hikaru glanced at Orochimaru and hesitated to speak.

She is really curious...

How did Orochimaru train his subordinates?

From Anko, to Guren, to Kabuto Yakushi, and even the four Kimimaro and Oto-nin in the original plot...except for Sasuke, a young boy, almost all of Orochimaru's subordinates are loyal to him. Now, even the fallen brothers and sisters are involved.

This brainwashing technique is really a bit outrageous.

Compared with Naruto, this guy may be the true king of strong mouth.

"...Forget it, you can figure it out yourself."

Uchiha Hikari sighed.

She had already abducted Kaoru and Kimimaro in advance, so "returning" the Toki siblings to Orochimaru would be considered a transaction. As long as the latter doesn't cause any big trouble, there's no need to worry about it.

If Orochimaru really used the Dragon King serum to turn himself into an "S-class hybrid", or even a "hybrid king" above it...

That's quite interesting.

After all, a large part of the reason why Orochimaru devoted his attention to the study of these messy powers was because he was not allowed to learn the senjutsu of Ryūchi Cave. However, Longdi Cave is a "dragon", and the dragon king of the dragon world is also a dragon.

If Orochimaru stood in front of Ten Thousand Snakes and White Snake Sage in the form of a "half-blood king", the expressions on the latter's faces would be wonderful.

the other side.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes quietly, seemingly not paying attention to the "no misery" mentioned by Uchiha Hikaru and the Fukiha siblings.

Instead, he slowly moved his gaze upwards and landed on Esdeath.

"Lord Guang, don't you know who the person next to you is?"

"My deputy, Xiao Ai."

Uchiha Hikaru responded.

At this moment.

Esdeath was standing behind her with her hands folded, saying nothing. It wasn't until Orochimaru mentioned her name that she casually glanced at him and the fallen sisters behind her, and narrowed her eyes: " Judging from your appearance, you should be considered a strong person. Why, do you want to try your hand at me? "

"……May I?"

Orochimaru licked his lips and looked at Uchiha Hikaru.

Esdeath also looked at Uchiha Hikaru.

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment.

It just so happened that she also wanted to see if there were any changes in Orochimaru now compared to before when the "Dragon Curse Seal" was not transplanted. If Esdeath were to take action, he should be able to completely force out this guy's strength——

"Okay, let's try it."

"But don't be too harsh when you strike, as long as no one is killed."


The group of people came to the open space on the side of the Sound Ninja Village. This is considered the "training ground" of the Sound Ninja Village, but the workmanship is very rough. It's basically just a piece of wild land that was randomly circled and cleaned up a little. It's completely incomparable with Konoha's training ground.

But it's more than enough for a fight.

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