With the appearance of Uchiha Hikaru and his party.

The people in the Sound Village gradually noticed the movement here, and those who were free began to rush over in groups.

——The entire Sound Village is only this big, about the same size as a modern high school, and the total population is only about a hundred people. Someone is arguing for a fight on the "playground", and you can see it at a glance.

Among them.

Karin's expression is particularly excited.

I saw this little red-haired girl, pulling Kimimaro and Jūgo, squeezed through the crowd, rushed to Uchiha Hikaru, looked up and shouted "Sister Hikaru, you are back", and then looked at Esdeath and Orochimaru in the field with curiosity: "Hey, is this blue-haired sister going to fight with Teacher Orochimaru?"


Uchiha Hikaru glanced at Kabuto Yakushi, Kidomaru and others not far away, and said lightly: "Watch carefully and learn well. This kind of duel between strong people is rare."

"Yes, I will!"

Uchiha Hikaru was just saying it casually.

But Karin took her words seriously, nodded vigorously, and then looked at the field intently, showing an expression of serious learning. Kimimaro next to him also opened his eyes wide and watched the battle attentively.

To be fair, Orochimaru's strength is not weak.

In addition to being restrained by the Sharingan illusion, his level of Ninjutsu is first-class in the ninja world. He wins in all aspects and his ability to save his life is superb. Even Naruto, who has exploded in the Four-Tails form, will find it difficult to defeat him in a short time.


His opponent is Esdeath.

And Esdeath has followed Uchiha Hikaru to the Dragon Ball world and has learned "Qi".

At the beginning, Esdeath wanted to see Orochimaru's level, so she didn't take it seriously.

After seeing the Ninjutsu such as the Hidden Shadow Multi-Snake Hand, Kusanagi Sword·Sky Sword, and Ten Thousand Snakes Formation, she had a rough idea in her mind, and she attacked with murderous intent. First, she exploded with "Ice Purgatory", freezing the entire training ground, breaking the "Ten Thousand Snakes Formation" on the spot, and then activated the "Ice Demon", holding two 40-meter-long ice blades and launching a continuous slash!

The huge roar was endless.

Orochimaru tried to use ninjutsu to block the ice blade, but was soon cut into two parts by the ninjutsu, and had to use the substitute jutsu to escape. However, Esdeath's slashes were continuous, like a violent storm. In the blink of an eye, the training ground became a scene of smoke and dust, as if it had been bombarded by shells.


Esdeath even snapped his fingers and created an ice meteorite with a diameter of more than 100 meters out of thin air, almost covering the entire training ground, and smashed down from the sky!

"... Triple Rashomon!"

As the meteorite fell, three heavy gates engraved with Prajna Shura rose from the ground. Then, there was a loud bang like Mars hitting the earth, accompanied by a strong earthquake!


Karin and others outside the training ground were already stunned.

The little girl stared at the scene with her mouth wide open. It took her a long time to react and tugged at the corner of Uchiha Guang's clothes: "Sister Guang, this..."

"Don't worry, Orochimaru won't die yet."

It seemed to confirm Uchiha Guang's judgment.

As the smoke and dust dissipated, a pale-faced Orochimaru with white mucus all over his body crawled up from a piece of broken meat wrapped in rocks, and swam away from Esdeath. The wounds on his body healed quickly within half a minute, but the amount of chakra was obviously reduced by more than half, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Esdeath.

Of course...

There is also covetousness.

Esdeath, who has such strength, has exceeded Orochimaru's psychological expectations of the "container". If possible, he doesn't mind replacing himself with such a body.

However, due to the strength and murderous aura shown by Esdeath, Orochimaru didn't dare to speak easily.

On the other side

Esdeath released the Ice Demon and fell from the sky on a thin layer of floating ice. A subtle expression of disgust appeared on her face, and she immediately looked at Uchiha Hikaru:

"What kind of technique is this? It looks so disgusting."

"Substitution Technique."

"Huh? But when you used it, it was obviously not like this, right?"

"It's just a personal characteristic."

Uchiha Hikaru shrugged.

To be honest, the "Orochimaru-style Substitution Technique" is actually quite practical. It can be used by just making a seal, and the damage immunity effect is also first-class, almost comparable to Obito's Kamui Hollow.

But it is really disgusting.

Except for Orochimaru, most people probably can hardly stand the look of being covered with mucus and coming out of "their" body. Uchiha Hikaru imagined it and felt a little goosebumps.

At this time.

The winner has been decided.

After his eyes flickered a few times, Orochimaru admitted defeat in a hoarse voice: "As expected of a strong man who defeated the demon in the Demon Country some time ago, I am ashamed of my strength."

"...Do you know about the demon?"

Esdeath frowned slightly, with a dangerous look on her face.

Orochimaru responded as he said: "Of course, several ninja villages are more or less involved in the affairs of the Demon Country. I have some connections outside, so I have heard a little bit."


Esdeath nodded first, then snorted heavily: "So, you clearly knew my identity, but you just pretended not to know me, right? Also, don't think I didn't see you looking at her just now. That coveting look... As a subordinate, but you have evil thoughts about your boss, do you not know how to write the word "death"?

Although he has been accompanying Uchiha Hikaru as a foil during this period, Esdeath is still essentially the majestic imperial general.

At this moment, as her face sank, an aura called chilling surged out like a tide, sweeping across the entire training ground. Everyone, including Orochimaru, felt like they were being cut by a knife.


Esdeath spoke again, her voice as cold as Millennium Xuanbing: "Only she can call you 'Xiao Ai', not you. If you do this again, even if you are Xiao Guang's subordinate, , I will also dig out your eyes with my own hands."



Uchiha Hikaru, who was on the sidelines, blinked.

Esdeath is...

Actively defend her?

She had long known about Orochimaru's desire for her body and was used to it.

After all, this covetousness stems from the original intention, and even with the "Eight Thousand Spears", there is no way to reverse it, unless Orochimaru's original consciousness is completely erased.

However, Esdeath followed her to the Sound Ninja Village for the first time, met Orochimaru, and saw the greedy look the latter cast towards Uchiha Hikaru. This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a blatant violation of the rules, and it also makes Esdeath, who once served as a high-ranking official in the empire, a little worried about Uchiha Hikari's ability to control his subordinates.

She was so ruthless in her attack just now, which was partly the reason why it happened.

Seeing that the air was getting thicker and thicker, Uchiha Hikaru coughed and came out to smooth things over.


She also moved her neck and looked at the Fallen Princess brothers and sisters not far away: "The next game is up to me. I want to personally test the condition of the 'Dragon Curse Seal'."

Fallen Princess, Prostitute Taro: "?"


Uchiha Hikaru personally came on stage and tested the level of the Fallen Princess brothers and sisters.

how to say……

The original Fenghime siblings were, at best, two special jonins. Among them, the older brother, Taro Taro, had a decent fighting sense, but Fenghime was basically just there to make up the numbers. Let alone Uchiha Hikari, if Tanjiro comes over now, he can easily kill her.

However, after turning on the "Dragon Curse Seal", the brother and sister turned into little dragons covered with scales and purple-black rune patterns, and even their faces were covered by a "mask" densely covered with bony protrusions. . Correspondingly, their strength has been greatly improved. As far as Uchiha Hikari is concerned, it is close to the level of Uchibo Ikoku Seimou. I am afraid that it will be difficult for any of the current pillars to defeat them alone.

This amplification effect can be said to be quite good. It is stronger than the "Earth Curse Seal" in the original plot, almost a qualitative leap.


This is just "Dragon's Curse Seal I".

According to Orochimaru, as long as there are enough blood samples of the Dragon King, he can also produce "II" or even subsequent higher versions. By that time, it may not be realistic to mass-produce Kage-level warriors, but elite Chuunin and Jonin levels can still be created artificially through curse seals.


Uchiha Hikaru planned to go back and say hello to Eriki, and then go to the dragon world to find the Xia Mi brothers and sisters, and get some blood and body tissue from the latter, so that Orochimaru can continue to advance the research on the curse seal.

After this thing has high enough stability, it is not impossible to consider encapsulating it and promoting it to places outside the Sound Ninja Village.

for example……

How many will you breed for the Uchiha clan?

Speaking of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Hikari then remembered another purpose of his return -

"Here are Dr. Brive's research materials."

"During this period, Dr. Briff studied the genetic sequence samples of the Uchiha clan, analyzed and compared them with the samples of the Uzumaki clan, and conducted batch experiments to develop a 'gene-targeting agent'. The theory is It can be used to repair genetic defects in the eye cell structure of the Uchiha people, thereby eliminating latent blood diseases in their blood."

“However, Dr. Brive’s research is still at the laboratory stage and has not been tried on real humans. Therefore, a clinical experiment is needed to verify the effectiveness of the drug and improve possible problems. Regarding this...what do you think of Orochimaru?"

On the sidelines of the training ground.

Uchiha Hikaru made an excuse to send Koro and others away, then stepped back, took out a stack of documents and placed them in front of Orochimaru.

After hearing her words, Orochimaru looked surprised for a moment, and then slowly said: "Dr. Breve, have you actually made this medicine... In this case, I am willing to cooperate with you in this work.

Although I am now a rebel ninja in Konoha, I still have some of the people I trained in Konoha, and there are still two hidden laboratories left in the village. If Master Kotsu needs it, I can reactivate them. . "


Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you talking about Mitarashi Anko?"

"No, Hongdou is just my student. And she was still young when she followed me and was not up to the level of being my assistant in all aspects, so she didn't know about the back-up people I left behind."

Orochimaru explained a few words.

Although he looked a little down and out now, Orochimaru was once a man who almost became the Fourth Hokage. As a Sannin, he was the person in charge of several major battles in Konoha during the Third Ninja World War. He has a deep management in all aspects.

Even after he defected, these former connections were investigated and purged one after another, but if Orochimaru wanted, he could still find a group of people loyal to him at any time.

——Otherwise, he would not have been able to successfully launch the "Konoha Collapse Plan" many years later.

Red Copper Armor, Ken Misumi.

These two Genin who participated in Naruto's Chunin Exam with Kabuto Yakushi in the original plot were one of Orochimaru's backups.

"I trained both of them privately. They are clean and reliable. I will send a message later and ask them to clean up the laboratory as a place for the clinical plan."

Orochimaru said so.

In fact, the place with the most abundant medical resources in the current Ninja World is undoubtedly the current Sound Village.

During this period, Uchiha Hikaru obtained a large number of scientific research and medical instruments from the Dragon Clan World through the Eight Snake Families. In addition to the spoils found in the Red Silk Army's headquarters base during this trip to the Dragon Ball World, the level of instruments in the "Orochimaru Research Institute" is almost ten years ahead of the entire ninja world.

However, clinical trials are a very time-consuming task. It is a bit unrealistic to bring the Uchiha clan members to the Sound Village in batches for medication, observation, and feedback.

The only option is to open the secret laboratory in Konoha.

As for the person in charge of the "clinical trial plan"...

"For the time being, I can release a shadow clone and sneak into Konoha Village to conduct this experiment."

"But I am not a member of the Uchiha clan, so I may not be trusted by Fugaku and others. I have to ask you, Lord Guang, to help me make connections to achieve this step."

Orochimaru thought for a while: "As for the future, Kabuto Yakushi can be my successor. She has excellent medical attainments and has served as my assistant for several months. In addition, she is a ninja of Konoha. Even if she appears in Konoha Village, she will not arouse suspicion."


Kabuto Yakushi is indeed a good candidate.

However, this guy's identity is more complicated. On the surface, he is Danzo's man and serves as a spy for Orochimaru. In essence, all this is operated by Uchiha Guang behind the scenes. If he is allowed to go to Konoha Village and contact the Uchiha clan, this guy will be a veritable spy on all sides. It is hard to guarantee whether there will be any new branches.

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