I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 248 Mingnu and Infinite City

The next morning.

Uchiha Hikaru got up early under the influence of his biological clock. After washing and eating breakfast, he came to the nearby training ground at the invitation of Karin and Kimimaro to watch them perform ninjutsu.

These two little guys have good training talents.

Especially Kimimaro.

He is two years older than Karin and has a certain foundation in physical skills. When he was imprisoned in the dungeon by the Kaguya clan, he was already close to the level of Chunin. Now he has come to the Sound Village and accepted Orochimaru's small class for several months. After a few months, he has made great progress.

"Xiao Ai, what do you think?"

Uchiha Hikaru turned his head and glanced at the military girl beside him.

"... Not bad."

Esdeath crossed her arms and responded casually: "Although the strength is a little lacking and the movements are not crisp enough, at this age... it's barely acceptable. The two of them can almost hunt down an ordinary dangerous species together."


So, the evaluation standard is whether it is possible or not, is it based on whether it can hunt down dangerous species?

But it is true.

You know, when Esdeath was in her teens, she had already hunted most of the dangerous species and even super dangerous species in the northern part of the empire alone. In the same age group, let alone Karin and Kimimaro, even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are unlikely to be able to compare with her.

On the other side.

After Karin and Kimimaro finished their sparring, they came back panting, and then looked up at Uchiha Hikaru with expectation: "Sister Hikaru, how is it?"

"Yeah, not bad."

Uchiha Hikaru bent down, praised a few words with a pleasant face, corrected a few wrong habits, and then looked at Kimimaro - after the previous exercise, this little boy's upper body clothes had a lot of holes poked by bone spurs, as if it had become a trendy see-through outfit, and I don't know how many times he can wear it.

Well... I can consider using the hair of the East Sea Cloud Dragon to make him a soft armor. Otherwise, every time the corpse bone vein is used, the clothes will explode, which is not only not very elegant, but also very wasteful.

"By the way, has Orochimaru treated you recently, Kimimaro?"


Kimimaro nodded immediately, saying in a very obedient tone: "Teacher arranges for me to have a full body checkup every two weeks. When he is not around, Nonou will take care of it... He also prescribed some medicine for me to take every day."

"Oh, what are they?"

"Green ginger, white atractylodes, red flame flower, cold grass..."


What are these?

Seeing Uchiha Hikaru's puzzled expression, Karin beside him immediately explained a few words, saying that these are all medicinal materials related to bone development, some of which have been used by the Kaguya clan since the Warring States Period, and Orochimaru got this prescription through private channels, and on this basis, he added and subtracted medicinal materials and made some improvements.

In addition, Orochimaru is currently trying to use the active substances in the cells of "ghosts" and "dragon kings" to enhance Kimimaro's self-healing ability, thereby resolving the problem of the blood inheritance disease of the corpse bone vein. However, research in this area has just started, and a lot of experimental demonstrations are needed before it can be tried on Kimimaro.

"I understand."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded, planning to find time to ask Orochimaru, and compile a copy of the relevant information to Dr. Gero. The two sides should be able to improve efficiency by conducting research simultaneously.

But now...

Orochimaru should be busy making a plan for clinical trials.

So Uchiha Hikaru didn't plan to disturb them immediately. After encouraging Karin and Kimimaro, he took Esdeath to wander around the village.

Crossed the long street all the way.

Walked out of the Sound Village.

Followed a rugged path and came to a hill several kilometers away.

Here, Uchiha Hikaru stopped, found a clean stone to sit down, and stretched.

With this action, the girl's soft waist curve was vividly displayed, and a small section of white and firm vest line was revealed under the T-shirt, which made people unable to take their eyes away.

"Which one do you want to drink, Xiao Ai?"

Uchiha Hikaru took out juice and cola from the universal capsule and looked at Esdeath.

After the latter took the juice, she also twisted the ring of the Coke, took a few sips while enjoying the cool mountain breeze, and then released Mingnu from another sealed scroll.

"...Mr. Guang."

Mingnu was still holding the pipa. After appearing, she roughly identified the things around her, and then bowed to Uchiha Guang.


Uchiha took two more sips of Coke and looked at the long-haired female ghost in front of him: "Try it, can your Infinite City be used normally here?"

"...Please wait a moment."

Mingnu tried to pluck the strings.

The next moment.

Her figure disappeared out of thin air in front of Uchiha Guang and Esdeath.

After seven or eight seconds, she appeared again.


Esdeath's careless expression on her face was retracted, and her expression became serious: "Is the ability of this ghost a space-related ability similar to 'Shangri-La'? It looks interesting."


Compared to Esdeath, Uchiha Guang observed more carefully.

In her opinion, the movements of Mingnu entering and leaving the Infinite City are still a little different from real teleportation. In other words, it is necessary to "pluck the strings" before entering and leaving. The pre-swing time is about a few tenths of a second.

For ordinary people, this time can be basically ignored. Because even if they see it, they don't have time to react.

But if it is a master with amazing eyesight and nerve reaction speed, it is possible to kill Mingnu as soon as she enters and leaves the Infinite City.

Of course, there are not many people who can do this.

Moreover, Mingnu's disappearance and appearance locations may not be in the same place. In theory, she can even directly throw herself dozens of miles away. If she is a shameless character like Muzan, she just hibernates after entering the Infinite City and comes out after a few decades, then Uchiha Guang may not be able to find her.

——The imprint of "Eight Thousand Spears" cannot be connected when the other party is in a different space.

"By the way, if I continue to feed Mingnu Muzan's blood, can I take the blood demon art a step further?"

Uchiha Guang flashed this thought in his mind, but he whispered: "Pull me in to see."


Mingnu nodded in response.

As the strings trembled, her figure disappeared again, and then Uchiha Hikaru also felt a flash in front of his eyes. When his vision recovered, he appeared in a light brown space, with the same color checkered floor under his feet.

——Another space, Infinite City.

Uchiha Hikaru has seen this place many times in animations.

But it was the first time for him to come here in person.

As far as the eye can see.

Front, back, left, right, up, down... All directions seemed to extend infinitely far away. On the dark background, there were rows of wooden rooms connected like building blocks. Some of them were fixed, while others were moving up and down, like elevators suspended in the air. The visual effect was somewhat shocking.

Uchiha Hikaru put one hand on his forehead, looked around for a while, and finally set his sights on the floor not far away.


Mingnu was kneeling with the pipa in her hand, lowering her eyebrows and doing it casually, as if waiting for her to give the next instruction.

"Mingnu, how big is this space?"

"...I don't know."


A question mark slowly appeared on Uchiha Guang's forehead: "You don't even know your own blood demon art?"

"...Because I haven't measured it."


After confirming that Mingnu was not lying, Uchiha Guang made seals with both hands, separated seven or eight shadow clones, used the flying technique to rise up, and then flew out in eight different directions around, intending to verify the scale of the "Infinite City" by measuring it personally.

Her real body stayed in the current room, stepped hard on the floor, walked to the edge of the room, and looked down.

It was pitch black, like an abyss with no bottom.

"I remember that you seem to be able to manipulate the topography of these rooms at will, right?"


This time, Mingnu answered quickly: "This infinite city is derived from me as the axis, so I can change the spatial structure here through my own cognition. But it is limited to changing existing things, and cannot be created out of thin air."

"In other words, the experimental equipment used by Muzan was moved in from outside?"


Mingnu plucked the strings again.

As the light and shadow were confused, Uchiha Hikaru saw the door of the next room closed and opened again, and the things in the room had changed rapidly, as if there were many tables, chairs, bookshelves, and experimental instruments such as measuring cups, test tubes, and balances out of thin air.

"This is the room where Lord Muzan once lived, please take a look."

Mingnu said.

Uchiha Hikaru walked in and took a general look, then glanced at the names of the books on the bookshelf, and turned back.

Muzan Kibutsuji was really a bad person, and Uchiha Hikaru felt a little uncomfortable staying in the room where he lived.


Since Muzan can build his own laboratory here, then Uchiha Hikaru can also turn this place into a secret base.

"Since the spatial structure can be changed, it should be no problem to create a villa or even a castle out of thin air, right?"

"At that time, this place will be used as a bedroom, this side will be a study, a game room, a theater..."

"Buy some sofas, wardrobes, game consoles and so on from outside, and decorate them a little, and then you can use it as a base."

"Hmm... I wonder if the gravity training room can be moved in?"

Uchiha Hikaru thought so, and asked about the restrictions on bringing things.


Mina thought about it, and her words were a little vague: "I don't know how big the maximum things that can be brought in can be, because before, I only brought some furniture and supplies in at the request of Lord Muzan... But as long as the size and weight are not too exaggerated, they should be able to be teleported in and out."


Is the East China Sea Cloud Dragon, which is thousands of meters long, considered exaggerated?

If so, what if it is reduced by a hundred times with a mini bracelet?

Uchiha Hikaru plans to do a few experiments later.


Uchiha Hikaru asked again about Mingnu's ability to "create eyeballs".

According to the latter, those eyeballs were created with her flesh and blood as the medium, connected to her body's optic nerves, and could be put in and out of the Infinite City by plucking the strings like other things, and then the images seen would be transmitted back through the optic nerves.

As for the observation range...

When in the Demon Slayer World, you can simultaneously observe the situation of a small half of the Kanto region, which is about a few dozen miles in radius.

——In the original plot, Naruto used this method to find the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps and the residences of most of the Demon Slayer Corps members. Although the former was leaked by Ubuyashiki Yoya, the fact that these places can be found proves Naruto's ability.

If it is farther away, theoretically it can also be observed, but there will be a certain delay, and the images seen cannot be transmitted back in time.

As for the transmission range, it is farther, and accurate delivery can be achieved within a radius of hundreds of miles, but if you want to transmit people directly from Japan to China or even Europe, it is not very realistic.

——If you really want to transmit, you can try, but then Naruto will not be able to control the delivery location, which is equivalent to throwing people out with your eyes blindfolded. Where you can throw them depends on your luck. If you throw them into a crater, you may have to feed the magma on the spot.

"Is that so..."

Uchiha Hikaru roughly estimated.

Although the main body of the Naruto world only has five major countries, the area is still quite large. According to Naruto, the range that can be observed in real time is roughly equivalent to the entire Land of Field, and the range of precise delivery is equivalent to most of the Land of Fire.

"Not bad."

After all, the energy level of the Demon Slayer World itself is there. It is not easy to have a special case like Naruto, and the requirements cannot be too high.


In terms of transmission, Uchiha Hikaru already has "Shangri-La", and Naruto's delivery is just icing on the cake. On the contrary, the observation ability is more useful, which is equivalent to a plus version of "Kagura's Heart Eye". After Muzan Kibutsuji's slicing research has made progress, maybe her "blood demon art" can be strengthened, so as to further expand the radiation range.

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikaru talked about the "villa-style castle" he envisioned, and then instructed Naruto to use the "blood demon art" ability to create it.

Well... It feels a bit like playing "Minecraft", or a child playing with building blocks.

After nearly an hour of editing and revising, a four-story small castle finally took shape.

Then, Uchiha Hikaru took out some miscellaneous items that would not be used in the short term, such as antiques and paintings that were difficult to value from Minister Ernest and the Red Silk Army, as well as various comic books and video discs, from the universal capsule and placed them in the villa, which was considered to be a backpack cleanup.

This cleaning took a while.

At this time.

The shadow clones that had gone out to explore the way just now came back one after another.

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