I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 249 Yamato: Enjoying life here, not thinking about Onigashima

After listening to the stories of several shadow clones and receiving their memories, Uchiha Hikaru had a rough idea -

The main body of the Infinite City is a wooden room area with Naruto as the axis. The scope of this area is a sphere with a radius of about five kilometers.

Outside the sphere.

It is a dark and deep void with no defined scale.

Specifically, no matter how long you fly into the darkness, you can never reach the end, and once you turn around, you can return to the room area in almost an instant. The concepts of "far" and "near" are confused here, which gives a sense of irrational weirdness.

"So... Is the 'infinity' of the Infinite City similar to the concept of infinite series?"

"Just like Gojo Satoru's 'no lower limit', but not convergent, but divergent series?"

Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a while, still a little uncertain.

So he temporarily suppressed the idea and planned to go back to Bulma to study together. With the latter's mind that can invent the "mini bracelet", it should be easier to understand these spatial concepts.

As for now...

"Try the delivery function again."

"Minaru, drop me as far as you can...a normal one."

In the next few days.

Uchiha Hikaru pulled Esdeath and tried the entry and exit function of the Infinite City in different postures and angles.

For this reason, she randomly refreshed in various areas around the Land of Fields every day. During this period, she encountered a team of nobles traveling in a carriage, several groups of masked ninjas on the road, and killed two groups of bandits who looted the village.

Considering that the two groups of bandits were ordinary people who knew a little about boxing, it was a bit too bullying to use ninjutsu or eye techniques to deal with them. So Uchiha Hikaru chose to attack in Gundam form, and directly violently shot dozens of bandits into pulp on the spot, and then left with nothing to show for his achievements.

For Uchiha Hikaru, these actions were just a pastime after dinner.

But for the villagers who were robbed and the witnesses who happened to pass by...

The nature was different.

In just a few days.

In several villages and towns around the Land of Rice, the legend of the "Ten-Winged Sage" has begun to spread in a small range.

Well... "Strike Freedom Gundam" does have five pairs of wings, ten wings, and can fly and disappear. Without understanding what "Mecha" is, it is indeed easy to misunderstand it as a concept of supernatural power.

So, some villages that were also plagued by bandits began to worship the wooden statue of the "Ten-Winged Sage" in the shrine, praying that the other party could refresh in their own village and help drive out the banditry.


These situations were not known to Uchiha Hikaru.

She had brought Orochimaru back to Konoha Village, where she had been away for a long time, and found Shisui in the Uchiha residence.

"Grandma, you are back!"

It was still the mansion on the side of the clan land.

When Uchiha Hikaru came over, Shisui was holding a book and discussing loudly with several young Uchiha clan members.

Heard footsteps.

Several people turned their heads and looked over at the same time. When they saw Uchiha Hikaru, they were all stunned for a moment, then showed respect or surprise, and stood up to greet him.

"... No need to be polite."

Uchiha Hikaru accepted the greetings from several people calmly, and glanced at the book that Shisui had just put down.

Hmm... Wang Yangming's "Chuan Xi Lu".

Beside it was a pile of bound papers with dense handwritten small characters and annotations made with pens of different colors. It was estimated that Shisui took notes while flipping through the book.

Just looking at this posture, it was quite decent.

I just don't know how much of the book he really understood and comprehended.

At the same time.

Orochimaru, who was wearing a snake mask on his face, also noticed the books on Shisui's desk, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face covered by the mask.

——Books that I haven't read.

It's not like he hasn't been to the Uchiha clan's residence. When he was still in Konoha, he came here several times as a Sannin and had brief contact with the clan leader Fugaku. But in his impression, the Uchiha clan are all simple-minded guys who only worship power. Even if there are a few who like to think, they only have some ridiculous ideas. When did he start to like reading?

Shisui also glanced at Orochimaru, instinctively alerted, and then asked Uchiha Guang: "Grandma, do you have any instructions when you come back this time? The clan leader is not here now, I will ask someone to find him immediately."

"No, I'm here to find you."

Uchiha Guang got straight to the point: "The person I brought back is a doctor. With the help of him and several other doctor friends, I have developed a special drug that can be used to treat the Uchiha clan's blood disease and stabilize the mental state when the Sharingan is opened... Now I need to recruit a group of clan members to conduct clinical experiments."


If it was another Uchiha who said these words, even if it was the clan leader Fugaku. Shisui might have only half believed it.


Since it was Uchiha Hikaru, the grandmother, who asked in person.

He didn't even think about it and agreed without hesitation: "I understand, I will do as you say. By the way...what should I call this doctor?"

"You can just call him Orochimaru."


In the process of explaining the matter.

Uchiha Hikaru quietly opened his Mangekyō Sharingan with the cover of his black beautiful contact lenses, and pulled Shisui into the Tsukuyomi space. He first asked about the recent situation of the Uchiha clan, and then told him the true identity of Orochimaru and the details of the special medicine experiment.

"...You mean, that person is Orochimaru?! But didn't he defect from Konoha a long time ago? He is also a wanted S-level rebel ninja..."

"It's just a rebel ninja, what's the fuss about?"

Uchiha Hikaru said lightly: "Remember not to tell others about his identity, even Fugaku.

"Orochimaru has expressed his loyalty to me, and the drug was developed by a very reliable friend, but it was slightly improved by him. In theory, there should be no problem. You follow up the clinical trial process. If something goes wrong, you can control Orochimaru first and then report to me. "

Anyway, Orochimaru is indeed a traitor to Konoha.

If his existence is exposed and spread to the various clans of Konoha and Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, there will be a lot of trouble.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Hikaru chose Shisui to be in charge of this matter.

Compared to Fugaku, the captain of the Konoha Guard, Shisui, who is now "on the verge of blindness" and unemployed at home, is more free and covert in his actions.

Of course...

If Shisui is still as stupid as in the original plot, and has unconditional trust in Sarutobi Hiruzen and Utatane Koharu, and tells everything, then Uchiha Hikaru can only admit that he is unknown, and from then on he will sever his relationship with the Uchiha clan and let it fend for itself.

On the other hand.

Shisui is still a little hesitant: "Although you said so, he is the legendary three ninjas after all, and I may not be his opponent..."

"...Are you serious? "

The corner of Uchiha Hikaru's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Shisui really thought so.

Although he was also a person who had opened the Mangekyō, because he opened his eyes in peacetime, he had little experience in fighting against Kage-level strongmen. Orochimaru's reputation was earned through several ninja wars. Without seeing it with his own eyes, it was hard to imagine that he would be killed by the Golden Binding Illusion in one move.

However, out of trust in Uchiha Hikaru, Shisui still wrote down her instructions one by one and said that he would do his best to execute them.

Starting from the next day.

A room was vacated in the Uchiha residence, and various medical instruments brought by Uchiha Hikaru from the Sound Village were placed in it, and then Shisui and Orochimaru Together, they started the clinical drug trial plan.

There were a total of twelve clan members participating in the first batch, and everyone signed a confidentiality agreement.

Including Itachi and Izumi.

Uchiha Hikaru was always worried about Itachi, always feeling that this guy had a rebellious bone behind his head.

However, Shisui guaranteed Itachi, saying that the latter had performed well in the "Reading and Study Class" recently, and the 3,000-word experience report he wrote every week was also completed meticulously, ensuring that there would be no more genocide like in the original plot.

Uchiha Hikaru stopped caring about it.

She began to focus on the chat group at this moment, especially paying attention to the situation of Bulma and Yuji Itadori——

[Unknown @Bulma: By the way, how are Aunt Aoi and the others now? Do you need me to help send them home? ]

[Bulma: No need, Xiaoguang, you should take care of your own things first. I have asked Miss Kikyo for help. ]

[Wumi: Oh? ]

Aoi Kamado and others were resurrected collectively in the Dragon Ball World. If you want to send more than a hundred people back to the Demon Slayer World, you definitely can't use points - 100 points per person, more than a hundred people is 10,000 points, even Uchiha Hikari and Bulma, who joined the group the earliest, can hardly come up with it.

So, you still have to use the sealing technique.

Uchiha Hikari originally wanted to do it himself, but since Kikyo is willing to help, it's easier. The latter's attainments in the sealing technique are not lower than hers, and she has always been meticulous, so I think there should be no omissions.

As for Yuji Itadori...

[West Central Tiger @Nameless: Miss Hikari, that... Teacher Gojo Satoru is back. Last time you said that you would let me know when the teacher came back. ]

[Nameless: Oh? ]

[Nameless: Then the "Kyoto Sister School Exchange Meeting" should be coming soon, right? ]

[Nishi-naka no Tora: Yes, Teacher Gojo Satoru has already told me about this matter. The exchange meeting will be held in about a week. Miss Hikari, do you want to come and see it? ]

[Bulma: Wait... What do you mean by "exchange meeting"? ]

[Nameless: Simply put, it is an exchange event organized regularly between two magic schools to compare which side has more outstanding students... That's what it should be. ]

But this session is special.

Because the appearance of Yuji Itadori, the Sukuna Jinchuriki, made the top leaders of the magic world feel uneasy, so they decided to use this exchange meeting as an opportunity to kill Yuji Itadori. At the same time, several major cursed spirits, including the real one, will take advantage of this event to fish in troubled waters and steal the Sukuna finger stored in the magic high school.


If you want to catch the real person, this should be the best chance. If you miss it, you may have to wait until the "Shibuya Incident" to see him again.

On the other side.

Itadori Yuji also explained a few words in the group at the right time, what he heard from Gojo Satoru about the exchange meeting.

As expected, Bulma became interested.

And Yamato.

[Ghost Princess: Wow, it sounds interesting... Can I go with Miss Guang to have a look? ]

[Nameless: By the way... Yamato, are you still with Bulma? ]

[Ghost Princess: Yes! ]


It seems that Yamato is really enjoying herself here and doesn't miss Onigashima anymore.

If she stays in the Dragon Ball world for another year or two, thoroughly understands "qi" and "haki", and even goes to Namek, then when she returns in the future, she might be stronger than Kaido.

However, Uchiha Guang did think of one thing -

"Speaking of which, what time is it in the Pirate World now? It should not be long before the outbreak of the top war, right?"

So far, Uchiha Guang has not been to the Pirate World, and Yamato has no idea about the time node on her side. She only knows that she and Ace met a year ago. So roughly speaking, the plot of the top war may have happened within the past six months.

Uchiha Hikaru planned to find time to remind Yamato.

She had a general impression of Ace and had no interest in saving him. Unless this guy was also known as Ultraman Ace.

But Yamato and Ace were good friends. If Yamato wanted to save someone, she could provide some help.

What's more...

The top war was full of strong men, with six or seven of the Four Emperors and Admirals attending, as well as a bunch of Seven Warlords and Vice Emperors... Such a grand scene is usually hard to come by, and it is more spectacular than the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference in the Dragon Ball world. With Bulma and Esdeath's personalities, they would probably want to get involved.

[Unnamed @Xizhongzhihu: Let me know when it's convenient, I want to have a face-to-face exchange with your teacher Gojo Satoru. ]

[Xizhongzhihu: Okay, I'll go ask Gojo teacher right away. 】

Uchiha Hikaru was not worried that Gojo Satoru would refuse to meet him. Compared with other high-ranking officials in the world of curse, this "strongest" had a pretty good mind and personality. His final loss to Sukuna was entirely due to the plot, not the crime of war.

Besides, if she wanted to go to the world of curse, she didn't need permission from others, as long as Yuji Itadori agreed. Meeting Gojo Satoru was just a side thing.

At the moment.

Uchiha Hikaru withdrew his attention from the chat group, stretched his arms and stretched for a long time, then turned his head to look at Esdeath and smiled slightly: "Xiao Ai, do you want to go to another new world?"

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