I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 250 Meeting with Gojo Satoru

"New world?"

After being baptized by the three worlds of Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, and Naruto, Esdeath has become accustomed to traveling through worlds. For her, it doesn't matter where she goes, as long as there is an opponent who can fight.


It doesn't matter if there is no opponent, as Uchiha Hikaru alone can satisfy her desire to fight.

However, since Uchiha Hikaru asked this, she just responded casually: "Whose world are you going to this time, the one with the tall woman with horns on her head, or the one with the red haired priestess? Or another priestess?"

As early as the world of Akagi Slash, Esdeath had met Bulma, Yamato, and Eri, and was deeply impressed by these three people.

Among them, she had been to the Dragon Ball world where Bulma was, but the worlds of the remaining two were not on the itinerary, so Esdeath was a little curious.


Uchiha Hikaru gave her an unexpected answer: "Neither, it's someone you've never seen before."


Esdeath was aroused a little interest: "Are there any powerful people in that world?"

"Yes, there is a sorcerer who is known as the strongest in the world, and another sorcerer who is known as the strongest in history... probably equivalent to your strength position in the Empire."

Well... these few words are not lies.

Gojo Satoru and Sukuna are indeed the two pinnacles of the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. The latter almost wiped out all the high-level sorcerers in Japan by himself, and also wiped out several foreign sorcerers. It is almost comparable to Esdeath's feat of fighting against more than ten imperial weapon users alone in the original decisive battle plot.

Although there is a gap between the top and the top.

But those various sorcerer abilities are still worth a look.

If it is possible to absorb it through the "Eight Thousand Spears", or even use it as inspiration to create and develop higher-level abilities that are more suitable for oneself, it will be even more worth watching.

At noon that day.

Yuji Itadori sent a message in the group, saying that he had already discussed it with Gojo Satoru.

[Nishi-Nakano-Tiger: Gojo-sensei has agreed. As long as Miss Guang is free, you can come anytime. ]

[Nishi-Nakano-Tiger: In addition, if Miss Yamato wants to come and have a look, I am also welcome at any time. ]

[Wumi: Well, I am still busy here. I will send you an application later... in about an hour. ]

[Nishi-Nakano-Tiger: OK. ]

Considering that this time she might stay for a few days, Uchiha Guang paid a little attention to Xiaolong before leaving, and then explained the experiment and the situation of the Uchiha clan to Shisui and Fugaku.

After doing all this, she leisurely turned on the shuttle function of the chat group in the small building where she lived. By the way, Esdeath was also given a chance to travel through time for 100 points.


[Wuming applies to enter the world of the Tiger of West Central]

[Ghost Princess applies to enter...]


Accompanied by a flash of white light.

The figures of Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath disappeared from their original places, and then appeared in the world of spells at the same time.

Then came Yamato.

What came into view was a spacious and bright living room, with two figures standing and sitting opposite each other.

The one standing was Yuji Itadori.

At this moment, this sports student was wearing a student uniform of the Jujutsu High School, and looked a little nervous.

The one sitting was a young man with black clothes, white hair, and even white eyebrows. He wore a pair of black sunglasses on his nose, covering his eyes tightly. At this moment, he was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, and seemed to be watching Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath nonchalantly.

"Nice to meet you, I am Uchiha Hikaru."

Uchiha Hikaru spoke first, revealing a faint but polite smile.


He raised two fingers to Gojo Satoru who was standing in front of the sofa and made a greeting gesture: "Are you the friends that Yuji mentioned? There are more than I thought..."

At this point, Gojo Satoru paused, as if he couldn't find the right adjective all of a sudden.

How to say it...

The picture of Uchiha Hikaru standing together is indeed a bit difficult to describe, because the painting styles are too different-

Uchiha Hikaru's physical age is less than fourteen years old, and his height is only about 1.5 meters, and his body is so small that he looks like a doll.

Yamato's height is nearly three meters. Standing in the living room, his head almost touches the ceiling, and he looks like a giant.

Only Esdeath's body looks a little normal, but her cold temperament that keeps strangers away is also not to be ignored.

Fortunately...the three are all human, not sorcerers or evil spirits.

This point made Gojo Satoru feel relieved to some extent-when he first heard Yuji Itadori mention the chat group, he once thought that these were all illusions created by illusions. And there are indeed some cursed spirits with high IQ and good strategies who will take the approach of confusing the mind to create a sense of trust and then suddenly take action, which makes people doubt where their true origins are.

On the other side.

Itadori Yujin interrupted at the right time and began to introduce both parties: "Ms. Guang, there are also Esdeath and Miss Yamato, this is Mr. Gojo Satoru... Teacher, they are the friends I told you about yesterday, Ms. Uchiha Guang from the ninja world, Ms. Uchiha from the pirate world... and..."


This introduction meant little to Uchiha Hikaru.

After all, she may know more information about Gojo Satoru than Hishito Kizuna. She also knew the dark history of the prison master being beaten by Fuhei Shi'er before he achieved his mastery of magic skills.

However, Esdeath and Yamato did not know this.


Esdeath squinted his eyes slightly and examined Gojo Satoru: "The momentum is good."

"Each other."

Gojo Satoru's tone was still casual, but the eyes he looked at Esdeath had begun to become sharper, as if he was aware of the difference in the latter through his "six eyes".

Given that neither party is a fan of red tape and one-trick ploys.

So after a few simple polite words, Uchiha Hikaru explained his intention:

"I am very interested in the system of 'spells'. I heard that you are the number one master in the world of spells and the strongest spellcaster in the world, so I would like to communicate and ask for advice. I don't know what you think."

"It's not a question of asking for advice. The so-called 'strongest' is just a false name."

Gojo Satoru said humbly, and then straightened up: "I have heard the matter of you guys mentioned several times by Hisuhito Knotweed. I thought you were friends he had made on the Internet, or other conjurers. Even people disguised as curse spirits... I didn't expect that there really is another world, and there are more than one.

“It’s really an honor to be able to interact with people from another world.”

Just like Gojo Satoru said.

It is true that Hishito Knotweed once revealed some information about the chat group to him.

However, given that Gojo Satoru is not a member of the group, even if he learned some information from Hisato Hisahi, he has not seen it with his own eyes. Therefore, although he knows that Uchiha Hikari and others are "strong", how strong they are, But it's not very clear.

And if you want to accurately judge this point, purely verbal discussion is useful, but not very useful.

The truly effective way is -

"How about we compare with each other? Using actual battles to see the mechanism of the 'spell' with our own eyes should be of great benefit to each other's improvement, right?"

Uchiha Hikari's proposal was quickly agreed to by Gojo Satoru.


"The space here is too small, and I can't use it. Let's find another place. I know there is a sparsely populated valley, which is very suitable for training these abilities that you don't want others to know."

Gojo Satoru said, and stood up to get the eye mask, preparing to take Uchiha Hikari, Kagehito Hisahi and others out - as long as Uchiha Hikari and others have the strength to compete with the special-level curse spirits, then there will definitely not be too much noise when they fight later. . In order to avoid disturbing people and causing unnecessary casualties, it would be better to find a less crowded place to conduct this discussion.

However, Uchiha Hikaru just raised his right hand, revealing the "Shangri-La" on his wrist that looked like a watch.

"Don't go to so much trouble. It's better for me to choose the location. Don't worry, it won't be spread to some unknown place casually."

As Uchiha Hikari injected spiritual power into the Teigu, a huge teleportation array emerged under the feet of several people.

"……This is?"

Gojo Satoru was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but lift the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose a little, and looked down at his feet.

At first glance, the teleportation circle summoned by "Shangri-La" looks a bit like the "field of birth" in the world of magic. And there are some similarities in nature, that is, both are constructed of spiritual power.

If you are a newcomer like Knotweed Hisahito who does not know how to open the field, you may not be able to tell the difference between them.

But for Gojo Satoru, who is a super-level magician, he can identify them at a glance.

"...Is it another kind of power similar to the nature of the spell? These spells seem to be related to space?"

Just a thought passed by.

The next second.

The world is spinning.

Everyone, including Uchiha Hikari himself, felt their eyes blurred at this moment. When their vision recovered, the surrounding scenery had changed rapidly. The original indoor space turned into a lush forest, with a huge lake not far away like a mirror, showing sparkling waves in the sunlight.

"where is this place?"

Gojo Satoru looked around and said a little uncertainly: "There are so many boxwood trees, couldn't they be somewhere in the northern part of Honshu Island?"

"Further than that."

Uchiha Hikaru put away the "Shangri-La", took a deep breath of fresh air, looked up at the tiny sunlight filtering through the gaps in the leaves, and then said softly: "Although I have never been here, if nothing else happens... This should be Hokkaido.”


Gojo Satoru was stunned.

In fact, if it was just a teleportation ability, it wouldn't surprise him.

Because Gojo Satoru himself also has this ability——

The spell "Cang".

The principle of this move is somewhat similar to the Earth Explosion Star. It can construct a highly attractive "blue" like a small black hole, which can be used to attack and kill the opponent. The derivative usage is to compress the distance between the starting point and the end point through accurate orientation to achieve the effect of ultra-long distance high-speed movement, or even instantaneous movement.


The "ultra-long distance" commonly considered is only a few dozen kilometers at most.

But the distance between Tokyo and Hokkaido is more than a thousand kilometers!

What kind of teleportation can move so far? !

this moment.

Gojo Satoru, who had stood at the top of the world of curses for many years and was almost indifferent to everything, once again felt a shock.

On the other hand, Uchiha Hikaru began to discuss the order of sparring.

"This place is good, suitable for sparring... Who will go first?"

Uchiha Hikaru glanced behind him.

Yamato rubbed his hands, eager to try.

Although Esdeath did not speak, her aura had begun to brew, and the fighting spirit in her eyes was burning like a raging fire.

"... Let's be fair, among the three of us, whoever wins will go first."

Uchiha Hikaru suggested.

Yamato and Esdeath certainly would not refute her suggestion.


"Scissors, rock, paper!"


After three or four rounds of fierce competition, Uchiha Hikaru won Esdeath's paper with scissors, then stretched his muscles slightly and looked at Gojo Satoru on the opposite side: "Then... Gojo teacher, let me be your first opponent,"

"Come on."

Gojo Satoru was silent for a few seconds, slowly pulled down the eye mask, revealing a pair of pale blue pupils——

[Six Eyes]

This pair of eyes is the "bloodline limit" of the Gojo family, with super insight similar to the Sharingan and the Byakugan, which can directly see through the opponent's technique and the trajectory of the operation of the cursed power, and is also a prerequisite for using the "unlimited technique".

The moment his eyes were exposed, Gojo Satoru's momentum began to rise: "Tokyo Metropolitan Jutsu High School, Gojo Satoru, please teach me."

The air became quiet.

Uchiha Hikaru and Gojo Satoru stood on both sides of the lake, more than a hundred meters apart, and adjusted their breathing.

A gust of wind blew, bringing up the fallen leaves.

The next moment.

Uchiha Hikaru's figure split into two, one of them stayed in place, and the other jumped forward nearly a hundred meters like lightning, a small pink fist cut through the air, with a sharp sonic boom, smashed into Gojo Satoru's face!


"So fast!!"

This speed, of course, is far from Uchiha Hikaru's limit, but it still surprised Gojo Satoru.

However, he did not make any evasive movements, but secretly urged the power of the curse, watching the fist swinging towards him slower and slower, as if it hit the mud from the air, and finally stopped at a place only a few centimeters away from his face, and the breeze brought by it had already blown his hair.

At the same time.

Uchiha Hikaru, who was in mid-air, frowned slightly, feeling the strong resistance transmitted from the fist.

"... Is this the effect of the unlimited technique?"

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