I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 251 No Limits and Crescent Moon Sky Strike

The pause was only a moment.

The next second, Uchiha Hikaru twisted his waist and turned sideways in mid-air, and threw out another fierce whip kick!


The force of this whip kick was heavier than the previous punch, but it still stopped about one centimeter away from Gojo Satoru's shoulder. A large group of milky white air waves spread to both sides, accompanied by a piercing sonic boom.


Uchiha Hikaru's mouth curled up a little, and his waist twisted again at an incredible angle. At the same time, his right arm was raised high, like a bow and arrow, and then hit Gojo Satoru!

"Ten Days Calling Method·Fist Stab!!"

With the blessing of the breathing method, the speed of this punch reached more than twice the speed of sound, so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye!


A faint sound of breaking sounded.

When the fist reached about 0.5 cm in front of Gojo Satoru, the latter finally raised his hand to counterattack, first holding the fist of Uchiha Hikaru with his palm, and then suddenly bursting out the magic power, creating an extremely powerful repulsive force, and flung her out!

Bang——! !

It was not until this time that the sonic boom of the fist just now reached the ears of the two. Uchiha Hikaru's body did a backflip in mid-air, like a butterfly, and landed lightly on the ground seven or eight meters away, and then attacked again: "Come again!!"


Uchiha Hikaru turned her body into a humanoid weapon, and used fists, feet, knees, and elbows to continuously attack Gojo Satoru's chest, abdomen, and face. Although it was just a simple physical attack, with the blessing of "Ten Days Calling Method", each of her attacks was as fast and lethal as the fist.

And Gojo Satoru finally showed a serious expression. While moving his feet, his hands kept blocking Uchiha Hikaru's attack, and occasionally took the time to counterattack.

Both of them moved incredibly fast.

If you use an ordinary camera to record this scene, you will probably only see two blurry afterimages. Only when an ultra-high-speed camera decomposes it frame by frame can you clearly distinguish each movement of both parties.

—— For Esdeath and Yamato, it is not difficult to see clearly. After all, the battle in the final of the martial arts tournament was much more intense than it is now.

During the fight.

Uchiha Hikaru has opened the Mangekyo, but did not release the pupil technique. Instead, he carefully observed every sign of air flow fluctuations around Gojo Satoru, and gradually had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart——

In the original work of Jujutsu Kaisen, there is a mention of the setting of the unlimited technique.

This technique is a kind of power involving the spatial level. It requires the possession of the [Six Eyes] to use it. Its principle is based on the mathematical "Achilles Paradox".

To put it bluntly, Gojo Satoru can manipulate the cursed power around him, cut the space next to him into countless tiny slices, and then infinitely extend the distance of each slice. The closer to his body, the more slices there are, and the longer the space gap is, so the visual one centimeter is no different from thousands of meters in reality.

The closer the distance is, the slower the speed will be, and he will never be able to touch his body.

From a practical point of view...

There is indeed a trick.

As Uchiha Guang continued to increase the strength of her fists and feet.

The distance between her fist and Gojo Satoru's body also shortened from one centimeter at the beginning to a few centimeters, and then to a few centimeters... At this point, the distance between the two sides is no different from a thin hair, but...

Uchiha Guang still felt that there seemed to be an invisible film blocking her and Gojo Satoru. Most of the impact of the fist was offset by this film, and the pressure that really brought to Gojo Satoru was only a small part.

Of course...

So far, Uchiha Guang has not used her full strength, and has only used about 30% to 40% of her strength. If the Eight Gates and the Ten Days Calling Method are stimulated to the limit, and combined with the ninth-level moment, it may not be impossible to close the last distance. However, her purpose was to confirm the mechanism of action of the "Unlimited Technique". Since the purpose had been achieved, there was no need to try the same trick again.

"Conventional physical skills are not very useful, so..."

"Let's try the escape technique again."

After another round of fists and feet, Uchiha Hikari backflipped several times and pulled back, widening the distance between the two sides, and then formed a hand seal with one hand: "Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"


As Uchiha Hikari opened his mouth and spit out, the blazing flames rushed up into the sky like waves and attacked Gojo Satoru's body!

Immediately afterwards, she changed her hand seal again and released another wind escape ninjutsu:

"Wind escape: Great breakthrough! "

The wind suddenly started!!

At this moment, the already spectacular flames turned into a blazing sea of ​​fire, almost covering half of the lake. A large amount of hot steam rose into the sky, dyeing the lake surface into a hazy scene, and Gojo Satoru's body was also wrapped in it and disappeared.

"So Miss Guang also has this ability to control fire... "

In the woods.

Itadori Yujin opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene not far away with a shocked face.

Not long ago, he had witnessed the battle between Gojo Satoru and Rukuhu, during which Rukuhu also used this ability to control fire and magma, which was very similar to what Uchiha Guang used at this moment. But in terms of momentum, Uchiha Guang was better.

Just at this moment.

A trace of aura fluctuation suddenly appeared on the cheek of Polygonum Knotweed Yuren, as if a line was slowly cracking.

Esdeath turned her head thoughtfully and glanced at his face.

"This is……"

As far as the eye could see, a pair of ferocious eyes slowly opened and looked at the scene by the lake. Then he seemed to notice Esdeath's gaze, his eyes rolled slightly, and he met her eyes.

"...Are you the 'Su Nuo' that Xiaoguang said?"

Esdeath narrowed her eyes slightly, recalling the information she heard before setting off.

Naturally, Huzhang Youren also noticed Su Nuo's strange behavior and wanted to explain, but after opening his mouth, another voice came out: "Hey, a group of guys with unknown origins, have they ever heard of my reputation? That hateful brat just took advantage of me when I lost my strength. When I regain my strength, I will kill her first!"


When he heard the first half of the sentence, Esdeath's expression did not change at all.

But when Su Nuo shouted "Kill her", Esdeath's expression was slightly stern. Although his face was expressionless, there was a dangerous color in his eyes: "Who do you want to kill? "

"Of course it's that kid named Uchiha Hikari..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, Esdeath burst out with extremely pure murderous intent, and a phantom of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood seemed to emerge around him. Even Su Nuo, who was the "King of the Curse" and had killed countless people thousands of years ago, actually felt like he was a small witch, and his heart trembled for no reason.


"This is impossible……"

Su Nuo had already been shaken once before when he saw Uchiha Hikari in the spiritual space.

And now, Esdeath allowed him to once again experience the trembling feeling that he hadn't experienced in many years——

This woman...

How many people did you have to kill to develop such pure and terrifying murderous intent? !

For a moment, Su Nuo even felt that his title of "King of Curses" was somewhat undeserved. This title should be given to the woman in front of him.

"I know that you are just a spiritual body parasitic on others, so I will not pursue your lies for the time being."


Esdeath narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze like a knife: "Since you are so confident in your strength after resurrection, then... I will help you achieve that goal, and then I will personally weigh your level. If your performance , if it makes me feel satisfied, I can consider giving you a decent death.”


This is a naked threat. In the past, Su Nuo would only say it to others, instead of being the listener himself.

Su Nuo wanted to retaliate tit for tat, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly became speechless.

a long time.

Su Nuo let out a "hum", looked at Esdeath with uncertain eyes, and then glanced at Uchiha Hikaru and Gojo Satoru who were still fighting not far away, and then quietly disappeared from the face of Kizune Hisuhito. , returned to his spiritual space. It was only at this moment that Hisahito wiped the sweat from his forehead and apologized to Esdeath and Yamato.

Esdeath waved her hand and said nothing.

Yamato next to him scratched his head in confusion, as if he still didn't quite understand what happened just now.

——The existence of "Su Nuo" has actually been discussed in the chat group before, but due to Yamato's carelessness, he obviously did not notice these things. Therefore, Knotweed Hisahito could only start from scratch and explain the origin of the person in his body:

"The thing is, a few months ago, I ate a finger called a 'special curse'..."

Uchiha Hikaru naturally noticed the movement in the woods.

She was a little worried at first——

Esdeath is not a character who can swallow his anger. Faced with Su Nuo's provocation, he might take action on the spot. Su Nuo is just a soul body at the moment, but it is temporarily lodged in the body of Polygonum cuspidatum Youren. If he really wants to take action, only Polygonum cuspidatum Youren will die. Su Nuo may not have anything wrong at all, and he can even return at any time. Go to the other fingers and continue waiting for the next "jinchuuriki" to swallow you.

If that's the case...

There may be some disturbances in the chat group - after all, there has never been a casualty involving a group member so far.

Moreover, once Hisato Knotweed dies, the world of magic will probably be closed to other group members from now on.

Fortunately, the expected bad situation did not happen.

Although they were far away and couldn't hear what Esdeath and Su Nuo said, from Uchiha Hikari's perspective, the two sides seemed to be communicating harmoniously.

She temporarily relaxed and looked at Gojo Satoru opposite.

The latter had now escaped from the sea of ​​fire and jumped into the sky above the lake, where he stood suspended in the air. The powerful fire under the blessing of Feng Dun was extinguished, but it still did not hurt his body. It only left some traces of smoke and fire, which made Gojo Satoru look quite embarrassed now. There were also a few burnt patches on his clothes. Traces of holes.

"...It seems that ordinary escape techniques are useless, and the effect is not even as good as regular physical techniques."

"There's no need to try Amaterasu and Susanoo. There's also the sealing technique..."

I didn’t try the first two, mainly because I didn’t want to kill anyone.

Anyway, this is just a competition, not a life-and-death battle. Uchiha Hikaru's purpose is just to spy on Gojo Satoru's spell and think about whether he can reproduce it in his own way. If the Sharingan pupil technique is used, especially Tsukuyomi and Susanoo, the nature of the matter will be different.

——Let's not talk about the first few forms of Susanoo, but the complete form plus "Fire Thunder God" can flatten this forest on the spot. No matter how powerful Gojo Satoru's "No Limit" is, it is impossible to withstand an attack of this magnitude. The only possible result is probably to be crushed into powder.

——As for the sealing technique, it can also be expected to work. After all, Gojo Satoru in the original work was sealed by the "Prison Gate Border", and the sealing technique in the Naruto world can naturally do the same thing.

In the case that these means are not intended to be used...

"Then try this."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his arm slightly and opened his palm.

With this action, a four-foot-long dragon bone knife quietly emerged in midair, with the handle firmly held in her palm, the blade facing outward.

——Thunder Sword Transformation.

This move was learned from Sasuke. Its principle is similar to that of the Sealing Scroll. It is essentially a sealing technique with spiritual nature. It is not difficult to reproduce it if there is an expected target.

"Is that knife... something similar to a cursed tool?"

Gojo Satoru in midair frowned, and suddenly a bad feeling appeared in his heart.

Uchiha Hikaru looked up, looked at the sky, and exhaled slightly: "Let me see, the 'Unlimited Technique', is there really no limit..."

As he spoke, Uchiha Hikaru held the long knife in both hands, and made a gesture of gathering strength towards Gojo Satoru standing on the lake.

The next moment.

Uchiha Hikaru swung his sword fiercely. With the blessing of the eighth-level instant, the dragon bone sword turned into white light and disappeared halfway through, but a half-moon-shaped slash burst out from the blade, and then attacked the sky with an indescribable speed and overwhelming majesty:

"Hundred-eight-segment Crescent Moon Sky Strike!!!"

The fire-colored sound cone reappeared!!

At this moment, a brilliant sword energy dragging a line of fire soared straight up, illuminating the eyes of everyone present. Then, the sword energy and Gojo Satoru's figure collided with a loud bang, accompanied by a violent roar, and a huge amount of fire fluttered and fell like fireworks all over the sky!

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