I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 253: Using the opponent’s trick

The battle between Uchiha Hikaru and Gojo Satoru did cause quite a bit of noise.

So, although the incident took place in Hokkaido, where the population density is low, the relevant information was soon noticed by interested people, and then spread in a small range among the sorcerer community and the Internet.

The official explanation for this incident was "a gas explosion caused by a gas pipeline leak."

For this reason, several senior executives of the gas company even bowed and apologized in front of reporters, saying that they had caused unnecessary trouble to the society because of their negligence in their work.

But this kind of rhetoric can only deceive ordinary people who do not know the truth.

For the sorcerers in the extraordinary world, the nature of the matter is obvious-

Whose gas explosion can tear apart the clouds thousands of meters high and dye a large area of ​​the nearby sky dark purple? This is clearly related to sorcery! A strong man has fought here!

"… Could it be a newly appeared special-grade cursed spirit that has not been recorded yet that can make such a commotion?"

"Who is the opponent fighting with it, another cursed spirit or a sorcerer from Kanto? Does Gojo Satoru know about this?"

For a time, the entire sorcery world was in a panic, and there were many different opinions.

The high-level sorcery officials quickly sent an investigation to investigate the recent entry and exit records in the Hokkaido area, and Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer of the contemporary era, was also summoned and questioned carefully.

But the questioning was useless.

First, the high-level sorcery officials did not know the truth of the matter, but simply thought that Gojo Satoru was powerful, had a wide network of contacts, and was well-informed, so he might know something.

Second, Gojo Satoru was originally a rebel in the sorcery world, and he did not get along with the high-level officials, so it was naturally impossible for him to cooperate with the latter. It was enough to give face to the latter to accept their invitation to go there, and it was impossible for him to reveal the existence of Uchiha Hikaru and others.


"Shangri-La" is beyond the cognition of the world of curses, and Uchiha Hikaru and others are "outsiders" that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Without seeing them in person, ordinary people simply cannot imagine their existence - in fact, it is useless to see them, because Uchiha Hikaru and his group do not have the words "people from another world" on their faces. It is impossible to directly determine that they are from another world just because they are "illegal households".


The unusually tall body and the double horns on the forehead may be mistaken for some special curse spirit.

But the problem is not too big.

On the night of returning from Hokkaido, Uchiha Hikaru injected a stream of chakra into Yamato through the "Eight Thousand Spears", and then launched the transformation technique, turning the latter into an ordinary human girl about 1.7 meters tall. In this way, even if he goes out with her and Esdeath, it will not attract the attention of others.

Such a scene has caused a great impact on Gojo Satoru.

If it weren't for the insight of the [Six Eyes] that told him that Uchiha Hikaru and the others were indeed human, he would have thought that they were cursed spirits or monsters in disguise.

In the next few days.

Uchiha Hikaru launched "Shangri-La" twice more, brought Esdeath and the others together, and fought with Gojo Satoru as he wished.

The result...

Naturally, Gojo Satoru got three consecutive defeats.

In fact, Gojo Satoru had a chance to win the match against Yamato, because his "Infinite Void" did control Yamato, but he underestimated the strength of Armament Haki and chose to use physical skills instead of "Hypostyle·茈" to attack Yamato. He failed to defeat the latter in the first place and was successfully reversed by Yamato who reacted a moment later.

As for Esdeath...

Having experienced the baptism of "Tsukuyomi" many times, she is basically immune to the effect of "Infinite Void". Half a year of invalid information poured into her mind only paralyzed her for a few seconds - while ordinary people who were hit by this move would be paralyzed for more than two months.

As for "Cang", "He" and "Zi", they are just common moves for the Ice Demon. Breaking through the defense is the limit. It is impossible to win.

"Not bad ability, but not as good as Xiaoguang. I'll give you another three years, maybe you can create more pressure for me."

Esdeath commented.

Gojo Satoru's expression was very complicated.

It is worth mentioning that the battle site chosen by Uchiha Guang this time is farther away than Hokkaido, to the North Pole covered with ice and snow, so although the battle scene was quite big and even destroyed two icebergs, it did not attract much attention. Only a scientific expedition team that passed by dozens of miles away claimed that they had photographed the "Aurora".

In addition, when they were clearing the scene, they found a nest of polar bear cubs.

"...What is this, a white bear?"

Esdeath frowned slightly.

Yamato squatted down, picked up the little polar bear by the back of its neck like a chick, and observed it carefully in front of him: "Wow, is this a species unique to the Japanese knotweed? It looks plump and small... Will it be delicious if made into barbecue?"


A question mark slowly appeared on Uchiha Hikaru's face.


I don't think the little polar bear is cute, but I think it smells good?

Seeing the little thing shaking like a sieve under Yamato's gaze, Uchiha Hikaru sighed: "Let it go, Yamato, it's just a cub...I'll take you to another place to eat something good some other day."

The Jujutsu World is also a modern society, and the landscape of East Asia is still quite prosperous.

Esdeath and Yamato have never been to the Dragon Clan and the Miko World, which have similar historical backgrounds to this place. This is a good opportunity for them to broaden their horizons.

[Bulma: How is it, Hikaru, and Yamato? Is the world over there with Itadori Yuji fun? ]

[Wumi: Not bad. I have been to many places in the past few days, and now I am having a big meal on the Sky Tree with Xiao Ai and others~]

[Wumi: [Eel rice.jpg][Charcoal grilled steak.jpg][Ise lobster.jpg]… Let me show you~]

[Bulma:? ]

[Bulma: It’s too much to post such pictures in the middle of the night! ]

[Iron Head Baby: It looks delicious, but the price of these dishes should be very expensive, even the tableware is so exquisite. ]

[Wumi: It’s a bit expensive… but it’s okay. 】

Now, Uchiha Hikaru owns the Red Silk Army and all the assets of Minister Ernest, plus a gold mine in Demon Slayer World. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is rich enough to rival a country. If she just takes out a few kilograms of gold and asks Gojo Satoru to help her deal with it, the money she gets will be enough for her to take Esdeath and Yamato to eat Hussein.

Of course...

This statement is actually a bit exaggerated.

Because Yamato and Esdeath have a big appetite, and the former comes from the pirate world where everyone is a glutton. Even if the whole person eats like a ball, she can quickly digest it and then go to the next meal. With her appetite, if she really wants to eat as much as she wants, millions of dollars will be spent in minutes.

Unless she goes to a buffet.

On the other side.

Bulma caught a detail in the photo:

[Bulma: By the way, who is the white-haired man sitting on the right side of Yamato? He looks pretty handsome? ]

[Unknown: He is the Gojo teacher that Yuji Itadori often mentioned. He has been serving as a sparring partner for us these days... and a tour guide. ]

[Wumi: By the way, Mr. Gojo has a technique called "No Limits", which can be used to cut and stretch space through precise mantra control... @Eternal Sister @What do Mr. Kikyo Minato and Ms. Kikyo think about this? Is it possible to reproduce it with Yin-Yang Release or spiritual power? ]

[Eternal Sister: Manipulate space? It sounds a bit powerful...]

[Kikyo: Can you tell me the details? ]

In terms of technology, Bulma is the leader in the chat group. It is difficult to find a group member who can exchange academic ideas with her, because no one knows much about those technological things.

But in terms of cultivation.

Namikaze Minato and Kikyo are the two big guys in the group. They often discuss the cultivation systems of various worlds and the feasibility of integrating and reproducing them. Previously, Yin Release and spiritual power, as well as "qi" and domineering were discussed more, and now, the "mantra power" of the world of magic has also joined in.

In the interval between the two brainstorming

Eri tagged Uchiha Hikaru and pitifully expressed her wish to come and play together, but was declined by Uchiha Hikaru.

Her trip to the world of curses was not just for sparring and vacation, but also to deal with those special cursed spirits. The latter was still a bit dangerous for Eri. In addition, the time bomb in Yuji Itadori's body... it was not suitable to expose Eri to Sukuna so soon.

In this regard, Eri could only agree reluctantly.

[Little Monster: Okay, then I will listen to Hikaru. ]

[Little Monster: By the way, Hikaru, the person named "Xia Mi" sent me a message this morning, saying that Sanxia... well, it seems to be this name. There have been some unusual movements recently, which are related to the whereabouts of a dragon king... She asked me to ask you if you plan to intervene in this matter. ]

[Unknown: Sanxia? 】

Eri's contact information was given to Xia Mi by Uchiha Guang. In her script, Eri is the saint chosen by her, the "White King", and can take the responsibility of conveying information to her. That's why Xia Mi took the initiative to contact Eri when she couldn't find her.

And at this time.

Uchiha Guang's eyes moved, and he had understood from Eri's description:

It seems...

Is Constantine about to wake up?


The last time she went to the Dragon Clan World was in the summer of 2009, and Constantine's resurrection incident happened when Lu Mingfei just enrolled in Kassel, which was around September and October. So if you calculate the time, Constantine's plot should be triggered.


The Tokyo Sister Exchange Meeting is just around the corner.

Anyway, Constantine will not die for a while, and even if he dies, he still has a brother Norton. If he wants to obtain the blood sample and related authority of the "Bronze and Fire King" series, there is still plenty of time. After the world of curses is over, it won't be too late to go to the world of dragons.

At the moment, Uchiha Hikaru told Eri to help reply to Xia Mi, and then turned his attention back to reality and started eating eel rice.


The next day.

Uchiha Hikaru greeted Gojo Satoru and met him again in his mansion in the suburbs of Tokyo. Then he spent some time telling him about the sister exchange meeting in a few days.

These words involved spoilers.

Uchiha Hikaru's explanation for this was that her Sharingan had the ability to "predict the future" - the same as what she said when she revealed the situation of Namek to the gods.

This is actually not a lie.

Because Uchiha Hikaru can indeed "predict" the future of these worlds, but he does not rely on the Sharingan, but "predicts" through the plots of the anime he had read in his previous life.

In view of the strength she had shown before and some details she said, Gojo Satoru had to seriously consider it even if he had doubts.

"... In other words, the top leaders of the curse world intend to eliminate Yuji Itadori at this sister exchange meeting, and the students under Leyan Temple are the ones who will implement the assassination plan?"

"Also, will that group of special cursed spirits take the opportunity to launch a surprise attack and steal the Sukuna finger kept by the top leaders?"

After learning this news, Gojo Satoru fell into deep thought.

Uchiha Hikaru took a sip of tea: "So, what is Gojo going to do? Stop them?"


"Why stop them?"

Gojo Satoru grinned and revealed a ostentatious smile: "Using Yujin's ability to collect Sukuna's fingers and solve them once and for all is the plan I proposed from the beginning. It's just that the high-level people in the curse world are as timid as mice and dare not let go, so they have not taken out those fingers. In this case...

Why not use this group of special curse spirits to force them to surrender."

Sukuna has a total of twenty fingers.

Three of them have been eaten by Yuji Itadori, and the high-level people in the curse world still have five in their hands. According to the original plot, these five fingers will be taken away by the real person during the chaos of the exchange meeting, and then together with the other five in their hands, they will be fed to Yuji Itadori at once in the Shibuya incident.

For Gojo Satoru, this is a good opportunity to turn the tables.

Otherwise, when the high-level people in the curse world are timid and feed the remaining five fingers, I don't know when it will take.


We can also use the actions of the real person to dig out the five fingers they hold. These special-grade cursed spirits are treacherous and have no fixed settlements. If we don't take advantage of their tricks, it will be very difficult to find them actively.

"It seems that we have the same idea."

Uchiha Guang smiled slightly, with a dangerous color flashing in his eyes:

"Xiao Ai and I also want to see what level Sukuna is in his prime. Since our goals match, then... let's take advantage of this opportunity to dig out these Sukuna fingers scattered in the outside world in one go."

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