A few days passed quickly.

Finally, the exchange meeting between the two conjuring colleges in Tokyo and Kyoto kicked off.

"Miss Guang, this is your identification."

Early that morning, Gojo Satoru handed a bunch of messy documents to Uchiha Hikaru.

Things in other worlds are not suitable for letting too many people know.

Therefore, Uchiha Hikari and others still have to have a passable identity on the surface.

for example……

A "foreign magician" who met Gojo Satoru.

The world of magic has many strange abilities, and there are magicians like Esdeath and Yamato. For example, Rimei, who is good at magic and ice condensation, can also sacrifice magic power to exchange for magic. The tyrant of heaven with absolutely powerful physical strength——so it is not too out of the ordinary for Esdeath and the others to assume the identity of a "spell caster".

"...As you can see, this is a map of the exchange venue."

"Students from Tokyo will enter from here, while Kyoto will enter from here. If nothing else happens, the activities of both sides will be concentrated in this area..."

"According to the rules of the exchange meeting, I need to stay in the monitoring room with the singers and others. When something unexpected happens, I will rush to the scene in person..."

Although Uchiha Hikaru had "predicted" what would happen at the exchange meeting in advance.

However, considering that the venue area is quite large, it is not possible to accurately define the location of each cursed spirit based on the few scenes that have appeared in the anime, so Gojo Satoru, a party who knows the inside story, is needed to conduct a Simple deduction.

"According to your prediction, Miss Guang, the exchange meeting may have some changes based on the original schedule, but the deviation will not be too big."

"The only thing that's uncertain now is where the Conjuration Specialist stores Su Nuo's fingers."

That's right.

The higher-ups of the curse did not dare to resurrect Su Nuo too quickly, so they did not tell Gojo Satoru where the remaining five fingers were stored. With Gojo Satoru's character and behavior, if the location was known, it would be really possible. I went to steal the finger myself and gave it to Hishito the Polygonum cuspidatum to eat.

However, as a teacher at the Conjuring College and a disciple personally taught by Principal Noctua Masami, Gojo Satoru still knew some inside information.

"According to my personal speculation, the storage point of Su Nuo's fingers should be in one of these three places. Among them, this place is the most likely."


Uchiha Hikaru followed Gojo Satoru's finger and looked at the map.

Three places, two of which are relatively close and the other one is further away.


"It just so happens that there are three of us."

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment and stretched out a finger: "How about leaving these two points to me and Xiao Ai, and Yamato go here?"

"If you discover the whereabouts of the real person, contact him via mobile phone as soon as possible. Also... remember not to have direct physical contact with him."

Of course there is a reason why Uchiha Hikaru said this.

Simply talking about hard power, Zhenmao is far inferior to Gojo Satoru, and is not even as good as the clepsydra of the four special curse spirits.


This guy's ability may be the most dangerous among these curse spirits.

Because real people can "see" and touch souls.

Esdeath and Yamato can easily handle attacks against the physical body, no matter how strong they are. But for the soul...

Uchiha Hikaru was a little unsure.

Theoretically, a tough soul like Esdeath will not be easily changed - it's hard to say for Yamato, but this kind of thing is always risky. Before really confirming, it is better to be as cautious as possible.


Esdeath and Yamato both nodded in agreement.

Finally, Esdeath asked about the other spellcasters at the "exchange meeting".

"Well...it's definitely not as good as Gojo Satoru. Most of the participants at the meeting are new spellcasters like Hisato Hisahito, but there are a few guys with interesting abilities. If there is a chance, I will lead Go and see it."

In Uchiha Hikaru's view, the most interesting one among these magicians is not Fushiguro Megumi, who possesses the "Ten Shadow Spells", nor Todo Aoi, who claps her hands and changes positions.

But a person who is not very impressive at the moment——

Mechanical Pills.

The level of science and technology in the world of magic is not necessarily much higher than that in the real world, but Mechanical Pill can forcibly build a Gundam by hand. He is also suspected of mastering a soul-dividing technology similar to Orochimaru's. Before being killed, he left three clones carrying self-awareness in advance, becoming the MVP with the highest participation rate in the Shibuya Incident.

It would be a bit of a waste to be a spellcaster for such a talent.

If you dig it up and put it in Dr. Gro's place to cultivate it, then give it some time... It's not too much to build yourself a real Gundam, right?

Uchiha Hikaru planned to wait for the matter to end and find an opportunity to contact him to see what the other person's intentions were.

After breakfast.

Gojo Satoru took the Japanese knotweed Hishito and set off first.

So far, the news of Hisato Hisahi's "resurrection from the dead" has not been known to Fushiguro Megumi and others. Therefore, the master and apprentice planned to give others a surprise. For this, they needed to prepare in advance and buy a gift box that could hold the knotweed Hishito.

After watching TV for a while, Uchiha Hikaru took Esdeath and Yamato to leave Gojo's house and headed towards the venue where the exchange meeting was held.

"...It should be right in front."

This is a suburb of Tokyo and a mountainous area.

It is sparsely populated and densely vegetated.

Uchiha Hikaru stopped at the top of a hill and looked far into the forest below. He soon caught a few vague figures in the green forest, which he estimated to be Hisato Hisahi and others. The figure of one of the pandas is particularly eye-catching - this guy is actually a high-level curse created by the principal of Tokyo High School, Masamichi Nomomo, and is also a second-year student of the high school.

"Well...it's almost time. According to the information provided by Gojo Satoru, they should start to enter now."

"Then let's start taking action."


Uchiha Hikaru thrust the newly purchased smartphone into the hands of Esdeath and Yamato, confirmed it with them, and then launched "Shangri-La". The huge teleportation array pattern appeared twice, sending the two people near the agreed place.

As for Uchiha Hikaru himself, he left a shadow clone on the top of the mountain, and then used the dancing sky technique in his main body to fly to the last location.

Today is a very exciting day for Knotweed Hisahito.

As a Jinchūriki of Su Nuo, he received the attention of two high schools in Tokyo and Kyoto from the moment he entered the exchange venue. Especially when he was chased by all the latter, he was once in danger.

But at the critical moment, Todo Aoi, who inexplicably regarded him as a close friend, suddenly intervened and directly defused the pursuit, and then began a discussion and exchange called a duel, but actually a pointer. After this exchange, his boxing skills were greatly improved, and he even mastered the astonishingly powerful "Black Flash".

to this end.

Hisuhito Knotweed also gave a real-time report in the chat group.

[Gui Ji: Black Flash...sounds like he's very powerful. Let's practice some skills later? 】

[Tiger of the West: Well...that's okay. But please show mercy to Ms. Yamato. 】

[Gui Ji: Don’t worry, we are all friends, how could I be serious about you? 】

[Tiger of the West: Speaking of which, why haven’t those special-grade curse spirits appeared yet? Is it because of the temporary change of plans due to the arrival of Miss Guang? 】

[Anonymous: Unlikely. The two times we have been here, we have hardly seen anyone other than you and Gojo Satoru. Even Ken Suo, who is in charge of the Conjuration Expert, should not have been able to foresee our arrival. Just wait, it should be soon. 】

[Tiger of the West: Who is Kang Suo? 】

[Anonymous: Hmm...]

Uchiha Hikaru didn't know how to answer for a moment.

how to say……

Should I reply to the previous sentence "It's your mother"?

——Kensuo, another big boss in the world of magic, has survived for thousands of years like Su Nuo. He once lived in the form of a brain flower in the body of Kamo Xianlun of the Kamo family, one of the three royal families, and had sex with a human woman. A special nine-phase diagram of the mantra. and……

He is also the mother of Knotweed Hisahito.

In a literal sense.

About ten years ago, Koso parasitized into the body of Knotweed Kaori, married Knotweed Hisahito's father and gave birth to him, and then disappeared mysteriously... Uchiha Hikaru didn't know much about the specific situation between this couple, and he didn't know. If I dare to ask, I can only comment on it: "It's really fun to play."

While still chatting in the group.

Uchiha Hikaru's eyelids suddenly twitched, and he vaguely felt that the sight not far away had darkened. When he looked up, he saw a huge black barrier falling from the sky.



This is a technique similar to a large-scale hidden barrier, which can hide an area from being seen by non-spellcasters.

Although Uchiha Hikaru is not a magician, he can vaguely see some outlines because he was helped by Kikyo to activate his spiritual power.

Now that this thing has appeared, it means...

"Has it started yet?"

Uchiha Hikari let out a breath, stood up by the stream, raised his head and looked around.


The time is twenty minutes after the "account" fell.

In a building several kilometers away from the exchange venue.

A young man with a face covered with stitches and wearing black clothes with a grid pattern on his body was holding a dark red finger in his hand, looking at it carefully, and whistling briskly in his mouth.

Behind him were several conjurers lying in a pool of blood.

"Is this what Xia Youjie said, the finger of two-faced Su Nuo?"

"Well, I didn't expect that the person guarding such an important thing would be so weak. It's really not challenging at all."

The real person clicked his tongue a few words, then put all five Su Nuo fingers into the package and put it away, swallowed it in his belly, walked a few steps outside, jumped down from the top window of the building, and headed towards himself Go in the direction you came from.

This is already the edge of the foothills area.

But it is still covered by forest, and the trees and vegetation on both sides are quite dense.

The real person seemed to be taking a walk, walking forward slowly.


He seemed to feel something, and subconsciously paused, then turned his head and looked diagonally in a certain direction in front of him. His eyes passed by and caught a strange figure.


It was on a tree trunk more than ten meters away.

A girl with black hair and spiky hair wearing a T-shirt and jeans and a casual sportswear waved to him, showing a faint smile like an acquaintance:



The real person was stunned.

He has read countless people.

——Since he was born as a cursed spirit, the number of people he has transformed and killed is no less than four digits.

So, at this time, it was easy for the real person to see that the black-haired girl in front of him was not very old. She was estimated to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. She had a fair and pretty face and a petite and slender figure. At this moment, she was sitting on a tree trunk. A pair of white calves under her denim shorts were still swaying gently in the air, and she was wearing white flat shoes.

No matter from which angle, she was just an ordinary human girl.



Come to my side? !

Just now, when I came out of the Jujutsu High School... Was there a tail following me?

Although I was a little confused.

But the real person still grinned and showed a slightly wanton smile; "Another guy who wants to die, when did the Jujutsu High School train a young Jujutsu master like you? Or are you not from the Jujutsu High School?"


Uchiha Guang supported the tree trunk with one hand, jumped up, and jumped down from the tree, landing lightly on the ground.

"A curse born from fear and resentment, right, real person?"

"I'm curious about one thing...that is, what do I look like in your eyes?"

Uchiha Guang was really curious, whether this guy who can see the soul would have a different perspective from others.

But the real person didn't mean to answer.

The guy still had that wanton and arrogant smile on his face, and said in a joking tone: "I will tell you that kind of thing truthfully...after you become my collection!"

While speaking, the real person reached into his mouth and picked out a few thumb-sized things, and then threw them away.

At this moment

I saw these groups of things that looked like human faces expand in one or two breaths, turning into strange giants, and rushing towards Uchiha Guang with their teeth and claws. Their bodies were like skinned cattle and sheep, or giants that were soaked in water and swollen, showing a creepy dark yellow and blood red.


Although their appearance has changed drastically, these things are indeed human. They are even "living" humans.

Uchiha Guang closed his eyes slightly and sighed faintly.

"Although I knew it a long time ago..."

"But your bad taste... is really disgusting."

Along with these words, Uchiha Guang's figure flashed, and he rushed forward like an arrow from a string, punched directly, and then jumped up with a step, and swept another cyborg with a spinning side kick.

Bang! !

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