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Chapter 255: Transformation from inaction

Just one punch and one kick.

The bodies of the two cyborgs were shattered on the spot.


Uchiha Guang's movements did not pause at all, but immediately rushed towards the real person. The petite figure seemed to be stretched more than ten times at this moment, sweeping out a long path composed of afterimages. From the perspective of the spectator, it seemed that there were more than a dozen Uchiha Guang at the same time, and in front of each of them, there was a cyborg being smashed into pieces.

Because the speed was too fast, the sound of the explosion was delayed by a few beats than the light and shadow, and then it exploded and connected in the air!


The real person was stunned for a moment.

At this moment.

He vaguely saw a ball of dark red flames rising from the black-haired girl opposite, like a thin gauze, wrapping her body inside. Then, the black-haired girl flew over and punched her head-on!

Bang——! ! !

The white fist drew a slender and powerful arc in the air, with a force of a thousand pounds! !

Although the real person reacted quickly, he immediately raised his arms and changed into a sea urchin with barbs, trying to force Uchiha Hikaru to retreat.


After one punch, his body flew backwards dozens of meters like a ball hit by a train, and broke into pieces in mid-air, and then was pulled back by something like a suture, and pieced together into a loose human figure again.

The reason why it is called "loose" is that there are strands of dark red flames lingering on his body, burning continuously, making it impossible for him to completely heal his body.

"... What kind of spell is this?!"

The real person showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Theoretically, the real person is immune to all attacks against the body.

He can use spells to forcibly maintain the shape of his soul without changing, and in the case of soul locking, no matter how much damage the body suffers, it will be pulled back to its original state by the soul, so only attacks launched against the soul can really hurt the real person.

This is also one of his most terrifying characteristics that distinguishes him from other cursed spirits.

——Another terrifying characteristic is the super learning and evolution ability.

In the original plot, the real person's domain was realized during the battle with Nanami Kento and Itadori Yuji, and once used, he almost killed Nanami Kento, a first-level sorcerer, in seconds. As long as he has enough time to develop and learn, his upper limit is likely to be no less than Sukuna, or even higher.


"... As I thought, the flame of the 'Fire Thunder God' can also directly hurt the soul."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his fist and looked at the layer of "gauze" wrapped around his body, thinking.

That's right.

The spiritual weapon of the Mangekyo is itself the product of the extreme training of pupil power. Itachi's "Ten Fist Sword" can seal the soul, so the "Fire Thunder God" above it will naturally have no problem.

Now that this has been confirmed, the next thing is simple.

Uchiha Hikaru took a step and walked towards the real person. After taking three or four steps, her figure flashed, and she appeared like a ghost next to the real person who had not yet stood up, and then raised her foot and kicked-


The real person took off again.

And the next second, Uchiha Guang appeared out of thin air behind him, and before the latter could react, he raised his leg and chopped down!

Then the third roundhouse kick.

At this time, Uchiha Guang treated the real person as a ball, kicking him repeatedly. Every time he kicked out, there was a harsh sonic boom in the air. And the real person's body was constantly cracking, healing, and cracking again in this process... It has become riddled with holes.

It's not that the real person didn't try to resist.

But whether it was the chain, sword, drill... or those strange-looking modified people he transformed with his body, in front of Uchiha Guang, they were no different from children playing house, and they collapsed at a single blow.

After being kicked back to the ground again, a large pit nearly half a meter deep was smashed heavily.

The real person finally found an opportunity and suddenly opened his mouth towards the air above his head.

"The field is unfolding..."

At this moment.

The real person's mouth was like a snake, opened to the limit, and the corners of his mouth were almost stretched to his ears. With this action, a pair of small palms emerged from his mouth, and then turned like a bunch of flowers to form a series of spells--

[Born Field·Autism Circle Wrap]

The black round curtain suddenly opened!!

In just one breath, the black mass expanded to a diameter of tens of meters, wrapping Uchiha Hikari who had just flashed in front of him.

"...It's done!"

The real person showed a triumphant smile on his face.

He had already noticed that Uchiha Hikari's "spell" that formed a dark red gauze on his body seemed to have the effect of restraining him. Under the wrapping of that layer of gauze, the two bodies could not come into direct contact at all, let alone use "inaction transformation". Instead, he himself was burned by the flames overflowing from the "gauze", and he was unable to complete the healing.


When "Self-closing Round Wrap" is used, everything is different.

As long as he is pulled into this area, his "Inaction Transformation" can be released without touching, and then twist or even destroy the opponent's soul in an instant.

Not long ago, Nanami Kento almost died from this move of his.

——The little difference was because of Sukuna.

But there is only one Sukuna.

Although the girl in front of him has some skills, her age is there after all. I think she is just a first-level sorcerer with special spells. When she is outside, she can use "gauze clothes" to protect herself, but when she enters her own domain... she can only let herself be slaughtered.

At this moment, the real person seemed to have seen the scene of Uchiha Guang's soul being dominated by him.



The real person's pupils trembled violently.

In his sight, the black-haired girl opposite lowered her head and eyes, as if she had accepted her fate and waited for death.

There were indeed traces of cracks on her face, neck, and exposed calves, which were the characteristics of the "inaction transformation".

But at this time, another terrifying breath that made people feel palpitations burst out from her body and expanded rapidly towards every inch of the domain of life. As this breath spread, it seemed that there was an endless flame rising in this domain, burning everything around.


It's not as if, but there is really a ball of light red flame burning, covering the entire "Autistic Circle" with a veil!


The black-haired girl slowly raised her head.

A pair of scarlet eyes, as gorgeous as flames, appeared in the sight of the real person, and then quickly occupied his entire field of vision!

"This is..."

Something is breaking.

The real person's brain "boomed", as if hit by a huge hammer, and his consciousness quickly sank. In a trance, he heard a soft voice ringing in his ears--

"When did you start to have the illusion that all this is real?"

Crashed--! !

The illusion was broken.

The real person came back to his senses and found himself still lying in the big pit just now, with a chaotic feeling in his mind, as if he had a long dream.

"...Are you awake?"

It was still that soft and clever voice, like the sound of a clear spring.

As the real person turned his head, he saw a black-haired girl in a T-shirt and shorts standing next to the big pit, looking at him with a calm and somewhat playful expression, and her almond-shaped eyes were shining with a gorgeous crimson like flames -

That was exactly the eyes he saw in the dream!

——That's right.

Uchiha Hikari used an illusion.

The real person thought he had successfully released the "self-closing circle wrap", pulled her into it, and used "inaction transformation" to distort her soul, but in fact...everything was false since he was blasted to the ground like a ball and smashed a big pit.

With Uchiha Hikari's current level of pupil power, if he wanted to pull a person, especially someone who knew nothing about the Mangekyō pupil technique, into the illusion space, the other party would not notice it at all.

In addition...

In addition to "Tsukuyomi", she also used another pupil technique on the real person -

"Can you still stand up?"

Uchiha Hikari spoke again. The real person subconsciously wanted to respond, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt that all the strength in his body seemed to disappear - to be precise, the "curse power" disappeared. Now he was like a fat otaku who had just finished a full marathon. The whole curse spirit was in a state of exhaustion, and he didn't even have the ability to speak.


Uchiha Hikaru closed his eyes slightly, opened them again after a moment, and then stretched out his right hand.

With a subtle breath fluctuation.

The originally white and petite palm began to become wider and longer, as if it had grown four or five years older. After a moment, it gradually bent again, showing a sharp claw shape like a cat.

—— Technique·Inaction Transformation.

From the beginning of this battle, the real person has been trying to use inaction transformation on her.

And Uchiha Hikaru also took this opportunity to use the Sharingan covered by the beautiful contact lenses to carefully observe the technique used by the real person and the flow of curse power when the technique was running. Then, at the moment of releasing Tsukuyomi and pulling the real person into the illusion, he also used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to drain the cursed power in his body.

Combining the two, Uchiha Hikaru successfully comprehended the use of "Wuwei Transformation".

Well... this may also be related to her dual soul, so she understood "Wuwei Transformation" more smoothly. From absorbing the real person's cursed power to using "Wuwei Transformation" on her own body, the whole process was even smoother and more natural than the "He" that imitated Gojo Satoru before.


Simply twisting the soul and changing the form is only the most basic use of "Wuwei Transformation".

And more advanced use methods - such as "Autism Round Wrap", and the original plot in which the real person used this ability to cure the congenital paralysis of Mechanical Maru, need to spend more time to think about it.

On the other side.

The real person opened his eyes wide, and his eyes showed unspeakable horror.

As the original owner of "Wuwei Transformation", he naturally recognized that Uchiha Hikaru was using his most proficient technique at this moment.



How did she do it?

As a cursed spirit born from human fear of human, the real person may understand human beings more deeply than human beings themselves. In his cognition, there are indeed geniuses who are born with knowledge, and there are also beings with incredible learning abilities, but...the spells targeting the soul are definitely not in the field that can be learned at will.

At this moment, the real person looked at Uchiha Guang's expression, as if he had seen a ghost.

"...What's that expression on your face?"

Uchiha Guang raised his eyebrows and said in a joking tone.


The real person didn't say anything.

Uchiha Guang didn't care, but slowly squatted down, took out the package containing Sukuna's finger from his arms, opened it and took a look: "Is this Sukuna's finger... It looks like a roasted chicken claw. Can it really grow from a human?"


Still no response.

"Then... Next, let me see your memory."

As the voice fell.

Uchiha Guang closed his eyes slightly and launched the "Eight Thousand Spears" again.

The light and shadow changed.

One by one, pictures from the birth of the real person to a series of recent activities appeared in her mind one by one, and then flashed by quickly.


After a while.

The figures of Esdeath and Yamato appeared in the woods one after another.

Among them, Esdeath first looked at Uchiha Hikaru, and after confirming that her body was not damaged, she walked over and looked at the real person lying in the pit.

"Is this guy the cursed spirit that you said can distort other people's souls?"

"It looks so disgusting, just like that Orochimaru."

Uchiha Hikaru: "..."

How should I put it? She did often find Orochimaru disgusting, especially when he looked at her with that kind of covetous and eager eyes. But compared with the real person...

I can only say that Orochimaru is not guilty of this.

"Do you want to kill him directly?"

Esdeath spoke again, and a sharp ice spike appeared in her hand. The tip of the ice spike was against the real person's throat, and he could be pierced with just a slight probe.


"Not for now."

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head: "And you may not be able to kill him, because this guy's weakness is at the soul level. No matter what kind of damage the body suffers, it will recover after a period of time."


Esdeath frowned slightly, as if she doubted the truth of her words. But in the end, she gave up the idea of ​​taking action: "Then how do you plan to deal with him?"

"Of course, let him go." Uchiha Hikaru said lightly.


Under Esdeath's slightly puzzled gaze, Uchiha Hikaru slowly raised the corner of his mouth: "Now he is a puppet, no longer a threat to us. But... as a fishing bait, his value has not yet been brought into play."

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