I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 257: Do it one by one, or all at once?

According to the memory transmitted by the real person.

The meeting place agreed by the message of the 炂炂was in Okutama Town - a small city in the westernmost part of Tokyo, adjacent to Saitama Prefecture, and dozens of kilometers away from where Uchiha Hikari is now.

With "Shangri-La" there, this distance is no different from going out for a walk.


Uchiha Hikari and Esdeath had a simple dinner, sorted out their things a little, and then stepped into the teleportation array with light luggage. With a flash of purple light, the figure disappeared directly from the living room, and then appeared on a remote narrow street in the next second.

At this time, there were not many pedestrians on the street.

The sky was dark, and there was a sense of impending storm in the dimness.

"...It should be there."

Uchiha Hikari looked around and locked his eyes on an izakaya not far away. From where she was, she could vaguely see a few blurry figures sitting in the izakaya, and some trivial voices came from inside, mixed with an uneasy atmosphere.

"Let's go, Xiao Ai. Go over and take a look."

Uchiha Hikaru raised his feet and quickly took Esdeath across the short street to the izakaya opposite.

Push the door and enter.

In a room of about 100 square meters, there was a counter and seven or eight tables, and it was clear how many customers were sitting inside. Uchiha Hikaru just looked up and saw the real people sitting by the wall -

Cleppot, Hanami, Tagore...

And Nozomi appeared in the image of Geto Suguru in black clothes and black hair.

The villain group in the original plot is basically gathered here - there is only one missing, but the latter is Sukuna's subordinate. Although he has a cooperative relationship with Nozomi and other cursed spirits, they do not act together, so it is normal that he does not appear here.


Uchiha Guang cleared his throat, then smiled warmly at Louhu and the others who were sitting at the table and whispering to each other;

"I'm sorry, Mr. Curse Spirits, you have been surrounded. If you are willing to surrender immediately, I can consider giving you a decent ending."


Louhu and the others who were discussing the action plan were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads and looked over, with expressions of doubt on their faces.

"Are you... talking to us?"

Louhu pointed at his face and asked for confirmation.

Uchiha Guang tilted his head: "What else?"


At this moment, a cloud of white smoke slowly emerged from Louhu's head that was shaped like a crater, as if the CPU was burned out all of a sudden, and it didn't turn around for a while.


How dare this little human who looks like he hasn't even graduated from junior high school talk to her like this?

Doesn't she know that she and the people sitting next to her are all special-grade curse spirits?


"What's up with these two humans? Did you call them here?"

Lehu looked at Nozomi next to him.

In his mind, Nozomi was the wanted man in the world of curses, Geto Suguru, who violated the rules. He was also a special-grade curser among humans. If Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath had anything to do with them, then it could only be Geto Suguru who had caused it.

However, Nozomi shook his head: "I did accept a few human cursers as apprentices, but I have always kept secrets about meeting you from them...Looking at the appearance of this kid, I'm afraid he is the offspring of a curse family. He happened to pass by here and discovered our existence. He wanted to come here to be a hero, right?"


That's right.

Not every curser has the ability to determine the strength of the other party by the appearance of the curse spirit. The black-haired girl in front of him was obviously still in her infancy. I guess she had the courage to stand here because she thought these people were inferior curse spirits.

At the moment.

Louhu raised his right hand casually, intending to burn them to ashes.

But at this moment...

Lohu suddenly paused, raised his head as if he had sensed something, and looked at the other woman with long ice-blue hair standing at the door of the store, and quietly had a bad premonition in his heart.

The next moment.

Esdeath raised his eyebrows, and his long hair like a waterfall rose without wind, accompanied by an indescribable strong momentum, sweeping across the whole place!

"Are these guys the so-called 'special cursed spirits'?"

"It seems that they are just so-so, far inferior to the guy named Gojo Satoru... Can we start?"

The last action against the real person was completed by Uchiha Guang alone. When Esdeath arrived, the battle was over.

And now...

"Wait a moment."

After the voice fell, Uchiha Guang snapped his fingers and summoned the "Shangri-La" teleportation array under the feet of several people. Then, with a flash of light, everyone disappeared from the pub, and with a whoosh, they were transported to a deep mountain hundreds of miles away.

At this point, Esdeath finally stopped holding back and fully unleashed her full aura. At this moment, a cold snowstorm appeared out of nowhere, and then quickly swept across the entire venue, making everyone feel cold, as if they were instantly in the ice and snow, and even the bones were chilled.


"This sense of oppression is even more terrifying than Gojo Satoru... When did such a sorcerer appear among humans?"

"Also, what's going on with the surrounding scene? Is it a teleportation technique or a natural domain?"

Lohu and the others were confused. They were shocked by the momentum displayed by Esdeath before they could recover from the sudden and drastic changes in the scene. Then they watched as ice walls appeared out of thin air around them, rising into the sky tens or hundreds of meters high, and sealed at the top.

——This is Esdeath's road-blocking skill.

In this way, the entire mountaintop, thousands of square meters of space, is controlled by Esdeath's "domain".

Under the half-meter-thick ice wall, even the strongest Lohu was shocked again, recalling the humiliation and fear of being dominated by Gojo Satoru.

A big battle is inevitable.

Under the fierce gaze of several special-grade cursed spirits on the opposite side.

Uchiha Guang was calm and said lightly: "Do you come one by one, or all together?"


Lohu and the others finally chose to go together.

After all, it was unrealistic to escape when the roads were blocked by ice and snow in all directions. The only chance to survive was to defeat the woman with long ice-blue hair in front of them.

But this was not easy.

Considering the pressure Esdeath brought to them, it was no less than that of Gojo Satoru. When facing Gojo Satoru, only if all of them worked together could there be a glimmer of hope of winning, so it was the same when facing Esdeath.


In this situation, there were still two people who chose to stand by and watch.

One was Nose.

This guy and Louhu's group had a cooperative relationship where they got what they needed, and they had always acted very cautiously. Naturally, it was impossible for him to fight against such a strange enemy as Esdeath when the situation was not clear.

The other one was Zhenren.

When they saw Zhenren break away from the team and run to Uchiha Hikaru like a pug to wag his tail and beg for mercy, Louhu and others could not believe their eyes.

"Master, what are you doing?!"

"You are the leader of the cursed spirits!!"

"... No wonder these two human sorcerers can find this place, it turns out that the real traitor is Master! When did he betray us?! What happened before!"

Although he was shocked for a hundred years.

But facing a powerful enemy, Louhu and others still followed the original plan and faced Esdeath.

Their strength is indeed not as good as Gojo Satoru, but if converted to the world of Naruto or Akagi, then they still have the combat power of the Kage level and the Imperial General level. For Esdeath, at least it is not a low-end product that can't even take her casual punch.

At the moment.

Esdeath turned a thin layer of ice and snow into armor, covering the surface of her body, and then played like a cat catching a mouse, dealing with the attacks of the three people of Louhu at the same time. Although Louhu had thought of letting Hanami and Togen block Esdeath and trying to sneak attack Uchiha Hikaru, this idea was noticed by Esdeath as soon as it appeared, and then she dodged and blocked the way, and then kicked back.

In this way.

Several special-grade cursed spirits finally recognized the reality, and one by one they took out all their strength, using physical skills, techniques and other means to attack Esdeath like a storm.

Ice, snow, flames, water arrows, flower fields...

Various elements intertwined in the air, emitting a few dazzling flashes from time to time.

It is worth mentioning that Louhu's birth domain.

As the strongest of the four cursed spirits, Louhu was born from human fear of the earth and has the ability to control fire. His domain, "Iron Mountain Covering the Coffin", can turn the surrounding area into a lava purgatory in an instant. Ordinary magicians will be burned to ashes in an instant as long as they step into this domain.


For Esdeath, it is meaningless.

She doesn't even need to exert much strength to create a huge blizzard to offset this flame domain, and then further destroy it.

As for Hanami and Tagore...

The strength of these two cursed spirits is not as good as the clepsydra.

Among them, Hanami was born from human fear of forests, and Tagore is the ocean, so their spell abilities are also related to wood and water respectively.

It is worth mentioning that Tagore's domain "Dangyun Horizon" has the effect of constructing a huge blue sea with a beach, and then summoning countless giant fish monsters from the sea to attack and kill the enemy. Uchiha Hikaru is a little interested in this ability, so he told Esdeath to spare his life in advance.

- If you can get this domain. Then when you want to relax and vacation in the future, you can do it anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, it is a private beach. Even if you take off your clothes and swim naked, you don’t have to worry about being seen by outsiders. It can be said to be the best place for leisure and vacation...

In Esdeath, he fought against three people at the same time, fighting against Lekko, Hanami, and Takugen.

Uchiha Hikaru was confronting Nozomi.

At this time.

Nozomi seemed to have understood something and looked at Uchiha Hikaru with a scrutinizing look: "Are you the helpers that Gojo Satoru found?"


Uchiha Hikaru shook his head with a mischievous smile on his face: "To be precise, we were actually found by your son."


"Yes, his name is Yuji Itadori."

Uchiha Hikaru stared at Nozomi across from him, and said word by word: "You should be familiar with this name, after all... he is your biological son who you carried for ten months and gave birth to with great effort."


After hearing this, not only Nozomi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Even Esdeath, Rukuhu, Hanami and others who were fighting next to them opened their eyes in astonishment and looked over here subconsciously, with expressions on their faces showing great shock.

Pregnant, pregnant for ten months?

Suguru Geto?

What's going on here... Is this top rebel ninja in the world of curse arts a woman disguised as a man?

Or has the current human society actually developed to the point where even men can get pregnant and give birth?

Compared to the group of people who didn't know the truth, the shock in the heart of Nozomi was more obvious, and he couldn't even maintain his usual expression management: "What do you know?"

"Well, quite a lot."

Uchiha Hikaru counted on his fingers and listed them all: "For example, your real name is Nozomi, you are a mysterious magician who has lived for a thousand years. You once parasitized in the bodies of Kamo Kento, Itadori Kaori, and now Geto Suguru. You combined with humans and gave birth to the Nine Phases and Itadori Yuji... and you are still planning to use the cursed tool "Prison Gate" to seal Gojo Satoru.

"To be honest, I admire you. After all, there are quite a lot of people who sacrifice their gender for science, but it is really rare to combine with other men and give birth to children.

"Or maybe... your original body is actually a woman?"

In the original work of Jujutsu, Nozomi's original appearance and gender were not mentioned, only that he was once a friend of Tengen.


It's not good to use preconceived impressions to assume his gender.

But if Noso was originally a woman, but had once parasitized in Kamo Kento's body, and combined with a human woman in his true identity to give birth to the cursed fetus Nine Phases Diagram... that would be quite outrageous.

At this moment.

Noso, whose identity was exposed, was shocked, and finally changed his momentum. He began to take the initiative to tear off the disguise of "Sugar Oil Jie" and summoned densely packed Shikigami - Herpes Po, Catfish, Black Mu Si... In just a blink of an eye, hundreds of Shikigami connected in mid-air and showed their ferocious faces to Uchiha Guang.

"... There are a lot of them."

Uchiha Guang shook his head slightly: "Gaudy but not practical."

With these words, a dark red aura emerged behind Uchiha Guang, and then it formed the appearance of a skeleton giant.

The third power, Susanoo!

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