I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 258: The idea of ​​a power bank

This was the first time that Uchiha Hikaru used Susanoo in the world of spells.

Even though it was only a relatively elementary skeleton form, the moment the dark red giant appeared, a chilling aura still enveloped the entire scene, causing Nose, who was behind thousands of shikigami, to reveal a shocked expression:

"What is this...?!"



Even if it was a shikigami from the Chuzenin family of the Three Great Lords, could it burst out with this level of oppression?

Under Nose's gaze, Uchiha Hikaru gently raised his right hand.

Susanoo also made the same move.

Then, a dark red sword more than ten meters long, wrapped in layers of flames, emerged in the void, and was firmly held in Susanoo's palm, with the blade held horizontally.

"Are you ready to take my blow?"

Uchiha Hikaru looked at Nose opposite him, and after a short build-up of strength, he swung his sword! !

Swish——! !

At this moment, the wind roared like a landslide and tsunami, and the hot flames swept forward! With just one sword, a flame fan with a diameter of nearly 100 meters was cut out. In this fan-shaped area, hundreds of Shikigami collapsed at the touch, and they were all cleared out before they could even resist!

The power of a sword, the body and soul are destroyed! !

Sensing the danger, the noose began to withdraw before Uchiha Guang swung the sword.

At the same time, he shook his sleeves violently and opened his own domain:

"Taizou everywhere!"

In an instant, the gravity between heaven and earth seemed to increase by nearly a hundred times!

The blade energy that broke through the air slowed down under the effect of super gravity. When it arrived in front of the noose, the force was far less than before. It only cut open his clothes on his chest, leaving a scarlet blood mark, but did not cut him in half.

And everyone within hundreds of meters nearby also felt a heavy pressure falling from the sky and falling on their shoulders. The cursed spirits such as the clepsydra were affected, and their movements suddenly became slow. Even Esdeath frowned slightly when she punched and stepped, and it seemed a bit strenuous.

The only one who was not affected was Uchiha Hikaru.

Because Susanoo took most of the pressure, she was wrapped in the skeleton giant, and she could still keep her expression normal at this time: "Is this the domain of Yuji Kaori? It's okay. It's a little stronger than the imperial weapon 'Lance of Judgment'."

-The nosuke can use the techniques possessed by the people he has hosted before, such as the "Cursed Spirit Manipulation Technique" that summoned Shikigami just now, which originated from Geto Suguru. And "Taizou Miyabi" originated from Yuji Yuji's mother Yuji Kaori, and its function is to control gravity.

Increasing gravity dozens of times is just one way to use it.

There is another way...


As the nosuke's hand gestures changed, the gravity in this space suddenly reversed, and everyone couldn't help but "fall" into the sky. Even Susanoo stumbled a little, unconsciously floating dozens of meters in the air, and then was fixed by Uchiha Hikaru's flying technique, standing in the air with his feet suspended.

"Are there any other means to use?"


Nozomu's pupils contracted.

"Cursed Spirit Manipulation Technique" and "Taizou Manye" are his two most commonly used techniques. Ordinary opponents, even special-grade sorcerers, will become flustered when facing these two methods, and then reveal flaws and be killed by him when they have the opportunity - this is how Jiujiu Yuki died in the future. But... it didn't work at all on the black-haired girl in front of him, which was something he had never expected.

"... There's no way."

After a brief hesitation, Nozomu once again performed the "Cursed Spirit Manipulation Technique" technique and summoned all the remaining cursed spirits. This time, the densely packed cursed spirits were arranged for hundreds of meters in the air, looking like a large black mass, and the momentum was several times stronger than before.

Then, Nozomi clasped his hands: "Ultimate Swirl!"

Instantly, all the cursed spirits began to gather together frantically, then merged, compressed, and formed a dark-colored, extremely dense cursed spirit aggregate. Like a fluctuating vortex, it attacked Uchiha Hikaru!

Facing this ultimate secret of the cursed spirit manipulation technique, Uchiha Hikaru stood still and directly used Susanoo to take it down, then looked at the tiny cracks that appeared on the surface of the skeleton, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"To be able to leave a mark on the second form of Susanoo... should be similar to Danzo's wind escape."

On the other side, Nozomi also noticed this detail, and his eyes began to become excited, as if he had seen the dawn of victory.


Uchiha Hikaru just glanced at the skeleton giant, then retracted his gaze as if nothing had happened, and raised his knife again: "Now... it's my turn."

After the voice fell, Uchiha Hikaru swung the knife again!

The crescent-shaped blade energy burst out from the blade, cutting through the cursed spirits in front of it like a hot knife cutting butter, and then flew towards the opposite Nozomi like a meteor chasing the moon! The latter didn't even have time to dodge, and only saw a group of light and shadows like a sky full of stars coming at him, and the whole person snapped in two from the middle!

One knife...


Uchiha Hikaru made a knife flower, gradually dispersing the dark red sword, and the skeleton shadow of Susanoo also faded, and soon disappeared in the air.

In this case, Nozomi is not dead yet.

However, he lost his parasitic body and was left with only a ball of brains, so he really had no means to resist.

On the other side.

After some cat-and-mouse play, Esdeath directly imitated Gojo Satoru's move and twisted the head of Clepsydra, and then hit several heavy punches in succession, knocking Hana Yu and Tuo Gen to the ground. Two huge potholes more than ten meters deep were smashed out.

After being severely injured, they were forced to disable the domain abilities they were using, and there was not much spell power left in their bodies.

——The strength of these guys is limited to begin with. The most powerful leaky pot among them only has the strength of Su Nuo when he had eight or nine fingers. In horizontal comparison, he is even inferior to Gojo Satoru. Therefore, Esdeath has not used all his strength until now, and even showed mercy on the last blow, because Uchiha Hikari had warned them in advance to spare their lives.


"It's time to use the sealing technique to seal them up."

Uchiha Hikaru took out the seal scroll he had prepared in advance and began to try to seal Clepsydra and others. Then after completing each one, he manually marked "Fire", "Wood", "Water" and the like on the corresponding scroll. words, as a distinction.

The scroll that belonged to the real person was marked "rotten". After all, this guy is an out-and-out rotten person.

Kensuo is "brain".

During this process, Esdeath folded his hands on his chest and watched Uchiha Hikaru's sealing technique with cold eyes, and then asked casually: "What are you going to do with them this time? Continue to 'fish'?"

"No need."

Uchiha Hikaru shook his head: "The big fish has been caught, and it's this guy who looks like a brain. I have other plans for the arrangement of Clepsydra and the other curse spirits."

Kensuo doesn’t say anything yet.

Uchiha Hikaru had already thought of a way to deal with the four special-level curse spirits including Zhenmao——

Killing them directly would be a bit too wasteful.

Use them as power banks to make the best use of them.

That's right.

Uchiha Hikaru had noticed it long ago when he tried to absorb the "inaction transformation" from the real body. Maybe it's because these curse spirits were originally born out of human beings' emotions of fear, hatred, despair, etc. towards certain things, so they have a very high affinity and ability to absorb all kinds of negative emotions in human society.

In other words, as long as there are such negative emotions nearby, they will continue to flow into their bodies and transform into fresh spells.


Only the real ones have unparalleled recovery ability. Even if they are beaten by Gojo Satoru until only one head is left, like the leaky pot, or like the real ones, they are forced to self-destruct and escape by the cooperation of Nanami Kento and Kizune Hisahito. In a short period of time, your body can be restored to its peak state by absorbing and transforming negative emotions.

Although, the real ones cannot absorb negative emotions forever because their strength is limited.


The generation of these negative emotions is never-ending.

As long as human society still exists, these negative emotions will continue to be nurtured. Even outside the world of magic, the situation is the same.

And this means that Uchiha Light can use the body of the real person as a medium to repeatedly absorb the magic power transformed from negative emotions to achieve "sustainable fishing."

Hmm... Theoretically, it shouldn't be a problem.

But whether this operation can actually be carried out needs to be tried in detail to determine.

Uchiha Hikari planned to spend more time and try it slowly.

The battle that took place on the west side of Tokyo did not make the news and cause as much shock as Hokkaido did.

Because Uchiha Hikaru deliberately placed the battle venue in a deserted mountain, and Esdeath had sealed the venue with ice and snow beforehand. In addition, Uchiha Hikari had his own blood jade barrier, and the battle broke out at night. . Therefore, although the noise caused was not small, it was limited to the area at the top of the mountain, and the impact on other areas was not too great.

Although in the following days, someone in the world of magic noticed the movement there, they also blocked the relevant information and did not disclose it to the outside world.

During this time.

Uchiha Hikaru didn't go out casually. He just said hello to Gojo Satoru and Kozune Hisuhito, told him that he had fought with several special-level curse spirits, and also mentioned that he had obtained a few more Su Nuo fingers. ——The five from the Conjuration Institute, plus the original five from the Clepsydra, now she has a total of ten Su Nuo fingers in her hand.

He estimated that there should be other fingers where Kensuo was, or they might have been hidden by him, but he would have to wait until he read his memory before he could be sure.


Uchiha Hikari put most of his thoughts on studying the spells and memories of several curse spirits.

After some trials, her "Inaction Transformation" has made good progress, and she has been able to use it on others very skillfully, making the other person's body larger, smaller, restored, and even regenerated wounds.

In order to achieve this, Uchiha Hikari secretly found a group of social scum with numerous evil deeds and conducted a heavy-duty experiment according to his previous plan.

Because the locations chosen were relatively scattered, and each time she accepted the experiment, she would restore the other person's body and erase the memory, so these actions were not noticed by anyone.

——It is called restoration, but it is not completely restored. After all, these people are unforgivable. According to Japan's westernized laws, it is difficult to impose effective punishment and sanctions on them. So Uchiha Guang used some tricks in the experiment to erase some of their functions, which can be regarded as justice.

Since "inaction transformation" has been used very skillfully, Uchiha Guang is finally ready to put another plan he had previously envisioned into practice——

"... That guy should still be staying near Tokyo now?"

"It's time to go find him."

The next evening.

Uchiha Guang brought Esdeath to a dam near Tokyo.

Then it took a little time to find a basement that was converted from an abandoned factory building in a very hidden location.

"Are you Mechamaru?"

"... Who are you?"

Sitting in the hut was a young man with a black pigtail. He is about 17 or 18 years old, a few years older than Yuji Itadori, but his whole body is wrapped in bandages, and his face looks very pale, as if he is very weak.

Of course he is weak.

After all, he has been affected by "Heaven and Curse Binding" since birth, which makes his body extremely fragile and even difficult to move normally.

But at the same time, because of the effect of "Heaven and Curse Binding", he is endowed with a huge range of curse power and operation of the technique. He can use "puppet manipulation" to create "mechanical pills" of different sizes, and then attach his consciousness to them to replace his body in the outside world.

Theoretically, the range of activities of these "mechanical pills" can be expanded to the whole of Japan.

In the original plot, in order to obtain a healthy body, he and Kokichi reached a secret cooperation with the real person and Nozomi, using the information from the Curse High School in exchange for the opportunity for the real person to heal his body. However, after this deal was reached, he was forced to fight with the real person and Nozomi, and was defeated and killed. It can be regarded as a pitiful and pathetic character.

And now...

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Uchiha Hikaru, and I'm a friend of Itadori Yuji and Gojo Satoru."

"I'm also the one who sealed the real person and Geto Suguru."

Uchiha Hikaru chose to get straight to the point: "I'm very interested in your talent in mechanical manufacturing, and I want to invite you to join my research institute. As a condition, I can perform 'inaction transformation' to help you restore your healthy body. How about it?"


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