I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 259: Recognition from Minato Namikaze

The amount of information in Uchiha Hikaru's words was a little bit too much.

Yukichi, who was waiting to meet the real person here, was stunned for a while before gradually coming back to his senses: "You mean, the real person has... How is this possible? And Gojo Satoru... Why should I believe you?"


Uchiha Hikaru raised his chin: "You should know the phone numbers of Gojo Satoru and Yuji Itadori, just call them and confirm. As for the real person and 'Suguru Geto', they are here now."

While speaking.

Uchiha Hikaru took out the two sealed scrolls, unsealed them on the spot, and showed them to Yukichi.

In the sealed state, their bodies looked a little stiff, and they couldn't speak casually, but there was no concept of "transformation" and "illusion" in the world of spells, so as long as they saw those two faces, they could basically determine their identities.

On the other side.

Yukichi half-believed and half-doubtedly called Yuji Itadori, said a few words to him, and then accepted the fact that Uchiha Hikaru just said. But the expression on his face still looked a little confused.

"Shouldn't 'Wuwei Transformation' be a technique unique to Zhenren? Why can you use it too?"

——When Xingji and Zhenren and others reached a deal, he had naturally seen "Wuwei Transformation". It was hard for him to imagine that there was another person who could possess such a special technique that could change the form of the soul.

In this regard, Uchiha Hikaru did not explain much:

"I have my own way, so you don't need to ask more."

"Before you decide whether to accept the invitation, I want to warn you of one thing... that is, the fact that you leaked the information related to the "Exchange Meeting" to the real person and other cursed spirits has been known by the Jujutsu High School, especially Gojo Satoru and Utaha. They have now launched an investigation and should be able to find out about you soon. What kind of punishment do you think you will receive from the high-level Jujutsu?


If you are willing to accept this invitation, I have a way to help you resolve these troubles."

In the original plot, Gojo Satoru did take the lead in discovering and confirming that "Mechanimaru is a traitor", and commissioned Utaha to investigate and confirm the matter privately, but when trying to arrest Yukichi, he found that the other party had gone.

That night, Yukichi died at the hands of the real person, leaving only a few "micro-mechanical pills" with their own consciousness, who participated in the Shibuya Incident more than ten days later.

Now, the real person and the nosoko have been sealed in advance, and there is one less cause of death for Kokichi.

But this guy's betrayal of Jujutsu High School is still an established fact.

Even if Gojo Satoru chooses to turn a blind eye and not pursue it, it is hard to say about the high-level officials in the Jujutsu world.

This group of high-level officials may not be able to fight Sukuna, but they are quite professional in dealing with their own people. They can even sentence Gojo Satoru to death because they found that "Gasugano Geto is not dead" and suspected that Gojo Satoru was colluding with foreign enemies; and because Sukuna went on a killing spree in Shibuya, they suspected that Tokyo High School President Masamichi Yagata "instigated students to cause the Shibuya Incident" and executed him; then a mere person who was with Kokichi...

Killing or not killing is just a matter of moving the lips.

But this contradiction is also easy to resolve.

As long as he becomes "one of his own", Uchiha Hikaru can help him meet with the group of high-level Jujutsu officials who have only heard of him but not seen him, and ask them to give him a face and give up the liquidation of this guy.

In the matter of "persuading" others...

Uchiha Hikaru has always been very experienced.

"So, what is your choice, Mechanical Maru?"

"... I want to ask another question, is the research institute you mentioned far from Tokyo or Kyoto?"

"Well... a little far."

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a while: "But it's not too far... Don't worry, I'm doing a serious job and won't restrict your personal freedom. Eight hours a day, five days on, two days off, food and accommodation included, you can leave the institute at any time on weekends and come back here, just tell me in advance."

To be precise...

The work place that Uchiha Hikaru and Kokichi arranged is located in another world.

It's really far, because the distance between the two sides can't even be measured by common sense.

But it's also very close...

Because going back and forth is just a matter of "shuttle". Once the thought comes to mind, it can be completed in an instant, faster than taking a plane.

The only small problem is that Kokichi is not a member of the chat group, so he can't actively use the shuttle function, and Uchiha Hikaru needs to act as a middleman to bring him back.

It's okay if it happens once or twice.

But if it happens every weekend, it's really a bit troublesome.

(By the way, shouldn't the [chat group] have a function to actively invite people, or a mechanism similar to "visitors" that can initiate conversations with certain people as temporary group members and grant them the right to travel?)

(At most, we can limit the number of travels per month, or add an application process, where those non-group members submit applications, and then the group owner approves them online, allowing them to travel in a targeted manner... There shouldn't be any problem, right?)

Uchiha Hikaru thought so in his heart, and planned to take time to think about it.

If this function can be developed, Esdeath can also be brought in.

This way, it will be more convenient for her to travel to other worlds with this military princess in the future.

"By the way, Mechanical Maru."

Uchiha Hikaru thought for a moment and added: "There is another person on the list of people I plan to invite to join the institute... that is, Kasumi Miwa, a second-year student at Kyoto Technical College in the same year as you. If you agree to join, you should be colleagues in the future."

-Kasumi Miwa, a second-year student at Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School, a third-level sorcerer with mediocre strength, one of the few "normal people" in the world of sorcery, and also the object of Kokichi's secret love.

Compared with students with extraordinary backgrounds such as Yuji Itadori Yuji and Fushiguro Megumi, Kasumi Miwa's purpose of becoming a sorcerer is just to support her younger brothers and sisters to go to school.

Uchiha Hikaru thought to himself that he still had some money. If he could spend a little money and recruit Kasumi Miwa, it would be pretty good.


Perhaps it was because of the mention of Kasumi Miwa.

Kokichi finally made up his mind and accepted the olive branch offered by Uchiha Hikaru, and signed and sealed a drafted "employment contract" as she requested.


Under Yukichi's slightly nervous gaze, Uchiha Hikaru walked up to him, then raised one hand and covered his head, silently performing the spell: "... Inaction Transformation."

The purple flames slowly flowed.

The curse power from the real person came out from Uchiha Hikaru's palm, slowly sank into Yukichi's body, and then spread to his limbs.

A transformation from soul to body was carried out imperceptibly.

After more than ten minutes.

Uchiha Hikaru retracted his hand.

"...The spell is complete. You can stand up and walk a few steps to feel the effect."


The result was naturally no surprise.

After all, Uchiha Hikaru had rehearsed it in advance-when she was experimenting on those social scum, she had personally twisted the souls of several people into a state similar to paralysis, and then used "Inaction Transformation" to restore them, so now using it on Yukichi, it seems to be easy, and the process is smoother than she originally expected.

Yukichi was also very excited.

After he walked around a few times, stretched his limbs a few times, and adapted to his healthy body, Uchiha Hikaru said casually: "You should stay here for a few days. Don't move around casually. Wait until I have discussed the leak with Gojo Satoru. As for Kasumi Miwa, I will make arrangements as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry about it."


Nodding with Kokichi, the excitement on his face was gradually replaced by calmness, and he seemed to start thinking about his future plans.

At this time.

Uchiha Hikaru considered his tone and mentioned another thing: "As far as I know, you seem to have made a particularly large "Ultimate Mechanical Pill", right? Can I see it?"


Under the dam near Tokyo Bay.

Uchiha Hikaru saw the "Ultimate Mechanical Pill" with Kokichi as he wished.

To be precise, this thing is called "Ultimate Mechanical Maru Absolute Form Armored Puppet Prototype 0". It looks closer to Unit-01 than Gundam. It is about 30 to 40 meters tall, about the same size as the fourth form of Susanoo. It is silver-white in color, and exudes a strong sense of beauty from top to bottom.

"... OK."

Uchiha Hikaru nodded slightly.

In terms of strength alone, the "Ultimate Mechanical Maru" is not very powerful. Although it can make Yukichi, who is only a quasi-first-class sorcerer, burst out with the strength of a special-class sorcerer in a short period of time, almost crushing the real person, this strength comes from Yukichi's 17 years of accumulation. It is basically a one-time thing, and it is gone after it is used up.

Moreover, even if it is a special-class sorcerer, the combat power is actually just like that. Not to mention Gundam and Unit-01, even compared with the "Supreme Imperial Equipment" and "Devil Haunting" in the world of Akagi Slash, it is a little bit worse.


Being strong is only temporary, but being handsome is a lifetime.

Just looking at this "Ultimate Mecha Maru", Kokichi's aesthetics are far better than Dr. Gero's. With him in charge of the exterior design, combined with the rapidly developing black technology in the Dragon Ball world, I think it will be possible to make a handsome and powerful mecha.

"Come on, young man. I'm optimistic about you."

After encouraging Kokichi, Uchiha Hikaru took a photo of the "Ultimate Mecha Maru" and sent it to the group.

[Unknown: [Ultimate Mecha Maru Absolute Form Armored Puppet Prototype 0.jpg]]

[Unknown: How do you feel? ]

[Ghost Princess: Wow, is this the mecha made by the guy called "Mecha Maru" you mentioned, Miss Hikaru? It looks so cool! ]

[Bulma: It looks a bit like the "Unit-01" that Eri posted last time, but the color is different... But what's the matter with the name? It looks so weird? ]

[Eitai: Is it weird? I think this name is quite cool. Did Miss Hikaru think of it? 】

【Wuming: ...Not really, I don't have such a talent for naming, it was a sorcerer from Yuji Itadori who came up with it. 】

In reality.

Uchiha Hikaru looked at the message sent by Minato Namikaze in the group and smiled unconsciously.

She had long guessed that Minato Namikaze would approve the full name of "Ultimate Mechanical Maru".

After all, this long and middle school naming style is too much like Minato Namikaze. If he could come to the world of sorcery and communicate with Kokichi face to face, the two would probably have a lot in common.


That evening.

Uchiha Hikaru left Yukichi and used "Shangri-La" to return to Tokyo and found Gojo Satoru. I told him roughly what happened during this period.

"I see……"

"Is the mole who leaked the information about the 'exchange meeting' really a mechanical pill?"

"According to the past behavior of the Conjuring High School, the mechanical pill that did this kind of thing should indeed be severely punished, but...since Miss Guang has taken a fancy to his talent as a cursed skeleton maker, what about the senior management? , I will tell them.”

Gojo Satoru made a promise.

In fact, Gojo Satoru had an indifferent attitude towards the matter of leaking secrets with Kokichi.

Because it didn't cause any damage anyway, it actually helped him a little indirectly - if it hadn't been for this, the five Su Nuo fingers stored in the hands of the top magicians would not have been covered for long.

Say it again.

Gojo Satoru was very dissatisfied with the conservative style of those at the top. If he could add obstacles to them and disrupt the stagnant water that had been solidified for many years, he would be happy to do it.

As for things related to Su Nuo...

"...That is to say, Miss Guang, you have obtained ten fingers from Zhenren's group of curse spirits, how many fingers are left, and the whereabouts of Su Nuo's body before he died?"


Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

She has already looked through Kensuo's memories.

Just as she had expected, Kensuo knew the whereabouts of almost all Su Nuo's fingers - even if he didn't know the specific location, he still had a general direction. Moreover, Su Nuo's corpse, "the Buddha", has been kept in his secret warehouse.

With this information as support, it is only a matter of time before all 20 fingers are gathered together.


Uchiha Hikari does not intend to do the specific collection work himself. She was going to let Wu Jiao Satoru do this, and when everything was ready, she would pull Su Nuo out to see how much he weighed.

"Understood... Solving the hidden dangers of Su Nuo is originally the business of the world of magic. Miss Guang and Miss Esdeath can help so much. I am already grateful. With the remaining few fingers, I I’ll find a way to find it.”

Gojo Satoru once again made a promise.

The end.

His tone hesitated for a moment before he spoke softly: "In addition, I have another request... Can you let me see the body of Xia Youjie who was once occupied by Kensuo?"

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