I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 260: Kasumi Miwa and Miki Fushiguro

Uchiha Hikaru did preserve Xia Youjie's body.


The kind that was cut in half.

She sealed and stored the brain flower-shaped kensuo separately from Xia Youjie's corpse. Her original intention was to leave it to Gojo Satoru as a favor. And since the latter took the initiative to bring it up, she simply took out the seal scroll and threw it away:

"I have checked. Most of his soul has been devoured and assimilated by Kesuo, but there are still some residual obsessions... If you want to 'meet' him again and catch up on old times, I should be able to help you. "

"...See you again? With Miss Guang's ability, can you even do that kind of thing?"

Gojo Satoru was slightly surprised.


Uchiha Hikaru nodded.

She has already tried it, but the remaining obsession cannot be restored with "inaction transformation" - after all, "inaction transformation" is only a transformation of the existing physical object, and cannot create a new soul out of thin air.

Similarly, it is impossible to use the Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth - the conditions for using "Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth" are the same as those of Dragon Ball Resurrection, which requires that the person being defiled has a relatively complete soul.


The essence of obsession is Yin Escape energy, which belongs to the category that "Eight Thousand Spears" can absorb.

In addition to absorbing energy, the "Eight Thousand Spears" can also impart energy to others.


Uchiha Light can completely extract Xia Youjie's residual obsession and project it into Gojo Satoru's mental space, and then allow the two to have virtual conversations and exchanges in the mental space. Just like at the end of Naruto's original work, Kakashi and Obito meet in the spiritual space.

"I see……"

Gojo Satoru suddenly understood, and then said sincerely: "In that case, please ask Miss Guang for help."


Uchiha Hikaru nodded in agreement.


She opened the kaleidoscope and used the "Eight Thousand Spears" to operate the ice coffin containing Xia Youjie's body.

It just so happened that at this moment, Hisato Hisahi and Fushiguro Megumi were also there.

Uchiha Hikari simply lost Tsukuyomi to each of them, and together with Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie, all four masters and disciples went to the Tsukuyomi space to meet.

During this process, Uchiha Hikaru himself stayed aside and began to play "Minecraft" in the Tsukuyomi space.

Since her kaleidoscope upgraded to the eternal kaleidoscope.

Uchiha Hikari's Tsukuyomi space has become quite vast, almost boundless. Such as Konoha Village, Kalin Tower, Zanchi Imperial Palace, Black Swan Port, Tokyo Sky Tree... these classic buildings in various worlds have been almost reproduced by her in her own spiritual world, and they are almost indistinguishable from the original ones. Make a difference.

For Uchiha Hikaru, building these buildings here can be regarded as a way to exercise his pupil power.

Wait until Gojo Satoru said it.

She just floated over from the direction of the Sky Tree and landed in front of a few people.

"...Miss Guang."


"...It's over."

The characters of Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie are still very free and easy.

Although the two had an unpleasant experience due to ideological issues, they even had a life-and-death fight. But times have changed, and now the two of them are relieved of the past. They just said some greetings and farewells, and expressed some care for their descendants——

Especially Megumi Fushiguro.

Fushiguro Kei's father, Fushiguro Shiji, was once the enemy of Go and Natsu, and he himself was the one adopted by Gojo Satoru. In a sense, he was considered Natsu Youjie's "nephew". The latter, as an elder, said a few words and then waved goodbye.

"It's almost time, let's stop talking. It's time for me to go."


Under the gaze of the group of people, Xia Youjie's obsession gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely.

At this moment.

Uchiha Hikaru looked at Fushiguro Megumi and smiled slightly: "Speaking of...how have you considered the matter about your sister and Makura?"

Previously, Uchiha Hikaru had proposed to "treat Fushiguro Tsumiki" in exchange for the Zen Yuan family's Moxura, but Fushiguro Megumi did not immediately agree.

And now...

"make a deal."

Fushiguro Megumi's eyes were still looking at the direction where Xia Youjie disappeared just now. She hesitated for a moment and then said: "I do believe now, Miss Guang, you do have some magical abilities... As long as you can make my sister wake up smoothly, I will summon Moxuluo according to your request."


The next day.

Uchiha Hikaru first met with Miwa Kasumi from Kyoto High School under the recommendation of Gojo Satoru and extended an invitation to her to join the research institute.

At first, Miwa Kasumi was a little hesitant.

However, after Uchiha Hikaru launched a money offensive, this girl from a poor background began to hesitate and promised to think about it carefully - of course there are student aid subsidies for the Conjuration College, and becoming a conjurer will also provide salary and task-related wages. It's close, but the amount is not much higher than that of office workers.


There are also examples of people who don't like being a magician and become a salaryman. For example, Nanami Kento once did this, and then worked as an ordinary social worker for a few years before returning to continue being a magician. Therefore, if Miwa Kasumi chooses to change her job, the process is not prohibited.

However, after all, Miwa Kasumi has been studying at the Conjuring High School for two years and has met many teachers and classmates. It feels a bit inappropriate to leave here all at once.

"Well, there's no need to be too anxious."

Uchiha Hikaru said casually: "My conditions are long-term. As long as you want to come, you can agree to it at any time."

Compared to Mechanical Maru, Miwa Kasumi is not the focus of Uchiha Hikaru's recruitment. It is of course a good thing that she came, but it doesn't matter if she doesn't come.

After saying goodbye to the blue-haired girl.

Uchiha Hikaru followed Fushiguro Megumi to his former home.

Here, she saw Fushiguro Tsumiki sleeping on the bed.

Strictly speaking, this pair of siblings are not actually related by blood.

Both sides are siblings in a reconstituted family. Because their father Fushiguro Shin'er is not a very reliable person, they have been dependent on each other since childhood. Until many years ago, Tsumiki encountered a cursed spirit incident near the Eight Eight Bridges, and fell into a long sleep for several years until now.

"...How is it?"

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Uchiha Hikaru a little nervously.

He still cares about his sister.

"It should be fine."

Uchiha Hikaru raised a hand and placed it on Tsumiki's forehead. He activated "Inaction Transformation" to sense her soul state, and then his face showed understanding.

"It seems that her soul has been partially eroded, but it has not reached the last step... There should be a chance to save it."

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