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Chapter 264: Transaction with Nine-Tailed Fox


There was a brief silence.

Then, he saw a huge phantom emerging from behind the iron bars of the "cell". It was a large orange-red fox with nine tails. At this moment, it was glaring at Uchiha Hikari with a fierce expression, its eyes full of displeasure: "This aura...is it another inherently evil Uchiha? What are you doing here? Get out of here!"

With the word "roll" falling.

A fierce momentum suddenly burst out, turning into blood-colored air waves and rushing out in all directions!

Just a blink of an eye.

This spiritual space was covered with thick blood, as if transformed into a boundless sea of ​​blood.


"You are an old fox over a thousand years old, but you are still so irritable, Nine Lamas."

Hikaru Uchiha said lightly.

To be fair, Kyuubi's momentum is still very strong.

If she had come here and met this guy when she first came to Naruto World, she might have been a little shocked. But now... After experiencing the trials and baptisms of several other worlds, when she saw this scene again, she felt as if it was too difficult to make water in the sea, and she couldn't make any waves in her heart.


Although Kyuubi behaved very fiercely.

But for Uchiha Hikaru, who knew the original plot, this guy was actually no different from a large orange cat or husky, he was just a tsundere with a mouth that was too upright.

——Compared with Su Nuo, Naraku, Wu Mei... these guys next door, Jiuwei can even be regarded as a kind white lotus. Judging from its experience of being caught and controlled repeatedly for thousands of years, even if it is a little more crazy, it is actually excusable.

the other side.

Kyuubi's pupils shrank: "What...did you just say?"

Nine Lamas?

Why does she know this name? !

"Well, I'm an inherently evil Uchiha. I know some unknown secrets. What's so surprising?"


Kyuubi narrowed his eyes slightly and remained silent.

Just as Uchiha Hikaru recognized it.

It actually also "knows" Uchiha Hikaru.

After all, Uchiha Hikari once lived in Naruto's house for several months before returning to the Uchiha clan as "Grandma". The Kyuubi can "see" the outside world through the Jinchuriki's perspective. So if nothing else, he still knew that Uchiha Hikaru had a kaleidoscope.

And combined with what the previous Uchihas with kaleidoscopes did...

Kyuubi had a vague guess in his mind:

"Oh, Uchiha is Uchiha."

"Besides the tone of his words, he also looks so annoying, just like that man back then..."

Speaking of "that man", the expression on Kyuubi's face became even more disgusting: "So, when you come here this time, do you want to follow the example of the previous Uchiha and let me out to make a big fuss in Konoha? ? I know that guys like you will never settle for the status quo!"

"However, if this is your purpose... I don't mind cooperating once. After all, I have long wanted to tear this disgusting village to pieces!"


Uchiha Hikaru pursed his lips slightly and looked at Kyuubi with a husky look: "Did you...did you misunderstand something?"


Kyuubi's furry face showed a sarcastic look: "Do you want to say that you are different from other Uchiha?"

"...That's not what I'm talking about."

Uchiha Hikari scratched his head: "I mean, besides having more chakra and being bigger, do you have any other advantages worth mentioning? If you want to destroy the village of Konoha... I can do it myself. If you do it, do you still need it?”


Kyuubi was stunned for a moment, then became furious: "Do you mean I'm weak?"


Uchiha Hikaru couldn't help but laugh out loud

At this moment, what she was thinking about was the famous scene between Senju Hashirama.

Hmm... It's that "Kyuubi, you are too strong, you need to be sealed" kind of guy.

Strictly speaking, the gap between the Kyuubi and the Senju Pillar is actually not that big, but how much strength this thing can exert depends on the level of the user. If it is used simply as a giant beast, a more powerful Kage level can fight it back and forth, but if it can activate the "Perfect Jinchuuriki", that is another matter.

"Okay, let's talk about business."

Seeing that Kyuubi had begun to become incompetently furious, the smile on Uchiha Hikaru's face faded, he coughed a few times, and got to the point: "I don't know how much you know about me, but this child's father and I, who was once the The Namikaze Minato you sealed is a friend, so I would like to negotiate with you for a few words on his behalf.

"If possible, I hope you can get along well with Naruto, at least don't always make trouble when he practices ninjutsu."

During this meeting, Naruto did not take the initiative to mention his ninjutsu training.

However, based on the information provided by Shisui, as well as some scattered phrases Nazuo said when they were bickering, it was not difficult for Uchiha Hikari to guess that Naruto had indeed become the "trailer" of the ninja school again.

In theory, it doesn't really matter.

After all, compared with "Demon Fox", the nickname "Crane Tail" is slightly more pleasant.


Uchiha Hikaru really wanted to see if Naruto would be any different in the future if he took the "genius" route.

Of course.

There was no way Kyuubi would cooperate obediently.

"Oh, why should I do as you say?"

"Just my eyes."

Uchiha Hikari closed his eyes and opened them again after a few seconds. His eyes were filled with a fiery rose-red color: "My kaleidoscopes can predict part of the future. Do you want to see it?"

Uchiha Hikari did not play the 700 episodes of "Shippuden" to Kyuubi intact.

Instead, they cut out part of it, mainly the footage related to him and Naruto, and broadcast it to him.

Kyuubi's expression was a little uncertain.

Hmm... From its big, fluffy face, it's actually quite hard to see any expression other than disgust.

"...You mean, this masked 'Uchiha Madara' will start a ninja war more than ten years later? And I will join forces with this little devil to compete with him?"

"Impossible...absolutely impossible!"

"He is the son of Yondaime and Kushina. It was those two guys who sealed me in the first place... I would rather die if I join forces with him!"

Kyuubi's face was full of indignation.

Uchiha Hikaru just looked at it with interest: "Are you sure?"


"Well, forget it. Maybe you thought what I showed you were all Sharingan illusions.

"But it does not matter.

"I can make another deal with you, and on the condition that it doesn't interfere with Naruto's training, I can grant you a wish that's not too excessive, how about that?"

This time.

Kyuubi was moved.

"Can you let me out of here?"

"...Do you know what 'not too much' means?"

Releasing the tailed beast from the Jinchuriki's body means the death of the Jinchuriki.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for Uchiha Hikari to do that.


If you just take part of the Kyuubi out, that's still fine.

The chakra in the world of Naruto contains the existence of soul, so Asura and Indra can be attached to chakra and reincarnate continuously, and Minato Namikaze and his wife can also separate part of their souls and use chakra to The form is stored in Naruto's body. So, taking part of the Nine-Tails out and letting it appreciate the beauty of the world, rounding it all off, is almost the same as releasing the Nine-Tails.

——This is how Uchiha Hikari deceived Kyuubi.


Kyuubi was confused by these remarks.

But it also knows that this may be the best outcome. So after a brief consideration, it nodded in agreement, then gathered part of its chakra and sent it out from the cage.

during this process.

Uchiha Hikaru paid attention to the sealing technique on the cage.

She could vaguely feel that this technique contained the aura of two chakras, which she estimated to be Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. However, due to the conditions set during the seal, the loosening of the seal to this extent is not enough for them to break out of the technique.

Uchiha Hikaru could forcefully break the seal and pull them out.

But there is no point in doing so. On the contrary, it may create some problems - Namikaze Minato's chakra may not recognize her. If she is misunderstood as an accomplice of the masked man, I am afraid that I will have to spend a lot of time to explain.

Simply ignore it.


The chakra dispersed by the Kyuubi formed a small Kyuubi two to three meters high outside the cell.

"...Is this the Q version?"

Uchiha Hikaru stretched out his hand to rub the little Kyuubi's head, but it dodged it with a look of disgust: "What are you doing?"

"Of course I used magic to seal you and take you out. Otherwise?"

"...Move quickly."

Under the impatient tone of Xiao Jiuwei.

Uchiha Hikari activated the "Four Symbols Seal" to seal the little Nine-Tails on his soul body, then waved his hand to the main body of the Nine-Tails in the cage, and then with a thought, removed himself from Naruto's spiritual world. Pull away.

Back to reality.

In the living room.

Uchiha Hikaru slowly opened his eyes and saw Naruto who was sweating profusely in front of him, and Esdeath who looked wary next to him.

"What are you..."

"Just now, this kid suddenly emitted a very fierce aura, as if something was about to come out...Did you do it? Are you okay?"

Esdeath explained, and then asked again.


Uchiha Hikari smiled, then raised his right hand and glanced at the back of his white hand - there was a fluffy fox head there, like an old-fashioned animated sticker, which looked quite Q version. But only she knew that the fox head contained the chakra of the little nine-tails.

"By the way..."

Now, am I considered a "Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki"?

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