Although the clone of the Nine-Tails is not big, the amount of chakra contained in it is still considerable.

I estimate...

It is at least as much as several dozen Kakashis.

Uchiha Hikari herself is not short of blue constitution, and she also has Senzu Beans and "Yin Seal" which can quickly recover, so there is no need to worry about endurance. However, this chakra from the Nine-Tails can increase her blue bar limit. Moreover, maybe she can develop some tricks similar to "Perfect Jinchūriki".

I can try it later.

At this time.

Naruto finally recovered from the discomfort caused by the Nine-Tails' slight rampage, and then looked at Uchiha Hikari with a confused face: "Sister Hikari, just now..."

"It's okay, I just communicated with a friend in your body."

Uchiha Hikari said lightly: "You should have learned chakra refining techniques in school, right? Now you can try to refine it and see the effect."


Although Naruto was a little puzzled, he still did as he was told.

After trying once or twice, the little yellow-haired girl showed a surprised expression on her face: "Sister Guang, I seem to be able to extract chakra successfully! Um... It must be because Sister Guang is here, so my genius side has been stimulated!"

"... Tsk, the last one."

It was Sasuke who spoke.

Naruto was furious: "I'm talking to Sister Guang, why are you butting in, you ugly bastard!"

"... The last one!"

"Ugly bastard!"

Seeing that the two were about to get together and quarrel again, Uchiha Guang quickly grabbed their collars, and then separated them to both sides with one hand each: "Be quiet for a while, haven't you quarreled enough in school?"


As a "sister" and "grandmother", Uchiha Guang is still very majestic in front of Naruto and Sasuke.

After the two of them shut up, she took out a booklet from her pocket and handed it to Naruto: "This booklet was prepared for you by your father... me. I originally planned to give it to you when you are older, but it doesn't matter. The booklet contains the basic content of ninjutsu training. You can learn it by referring to it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me... or ask Kakashi and Uzuki Yugao. They should still be responsible for watching you now, right?

"As long as you can understand the contents of this booklet thoroughly, even if you are not as good as Sasuke, it should not be a problem to get into the top few in the class. "

To be precise...

This booklet was carefully prepared by Minato Namikaze.

Then it was changed from electronic version to paper version by Uchiha Hikaru.

Before that, when she was in Sound Village, she had given this booklet to Karin and Kimimaro - of course, with the consent of Minato Namikaze. And now, since the problem of the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body has been initially solved, it should be possible to put this thing to good use by giving it to him.

As for Kakashi.

As a disciple of Minato Namikaze, showing him this booklet is not considered a leak. And... maybe Kakashi can see his teacher's old wording habits from the booklet.

Speaking of which...

It was a long time ago that Minato Namikaze asked "not to reveal his existence to Naruto for the time being". At that time, there were only the first four members in the chat group.

Uchiha Hikaru thought, I can ask Minato Namikaze some other day to see if he has changed his mind now. If there is any conversation between father and son that I want to tell Naruto, she doesn't mind helping to be a mouthpiece.

That night.

Uchiha Hikaru brought Esdeath and Sasuke to play poker at Naruto's house for a while.

—— Sasuke wanted to leave, but because there was one person missing, he was left behind.

Naruto originally wanted to suggest drawing a turtle on the loser's face to see how Sasuke, a pretty boy, would become a clown, but he took back his words halfway. After all, Uchiha Hikaru and Esdeath were also there. If they lost and drew these graffiti on their faces, it would be a bit...

I stayed until eight or nine o'clock.

Seeing the moon rising, Uchiha Hikaru yawned and stood up to say goodbye.

"Sister Hikaru, take care, and sister Esdeath... you don't need the ugly one. "

Naruto escorted them downstairs and watched the three of them disappear around the corner. He then stood under the streetlight for several minutes before turning back home.

On the other side.

On the way back to the Uchiha base.

Sasuke looked up at Uchiha Hikaru a few times, wanting to say something but stopping himself.

"What's wrong? Do you have anything to say?"

"...Replying to Grandmother, that last-place guy... is Uzumaki Naruto, is he really a 'demon fox'?"

"Hmm? "

Uchiha Hikaru paused.

Under her gaze, Sasuke mustered up his courage: "I just heard you say that you had a conversation with a friend in his body, and then many people in the village, including my father, said that Naruto was related to the "Nine-Tails Rebellion" of the year. Could it be..."

At this moment, Sasuke had not yet opened his Sharingan, so he could not see what was inside Naruto.

But he could still feel the short burst of momentum caused by Uchiha Hikaru's meeting with the Nine-Tails just now. This also led to some speculation.

In this regard.

Uchiha Hikaru pondered for a moment: "Have you heard of "Jinchūriki"? "

"...What is that?"

"There are nine tailed beasts like the Nine-Tails in this world, each of which has extremely powerful power, and the container that seals them is the Jinchūriki. Ordinary people cannot tell the difference between tailed beasts and Jinchūriki, and they are afraid of the power of tailed beasts, so they will vent their dissatisfaction on the humans who sealed the leader."


"So... is Naruto discriminated against by the people in the village for this reason? If he is the container used to seal the Nine-Tails, then wouldn't he be the hero of the village?"

"You can say that."

Listening to Uchiha Hikaru's explanation, Sasuke's face changed.

"... Then I won't call him the last one in the future."


Uchiha Hikaru raised his eyebrows and glanced at the little black hair beside him.

She thought that after Sasuke knew about the "Jinchūriki", his first reaction was to be afraid that Naruto would surpass him... But think about it.

In the original plot, Sasuke became extremely thirsty for power because of the stimulation of the Uchiha clan genocide, so when he saw that Naruto's strength exceeded his own, he did not hesitate to break with him and fight. Now, Sasuke is still living in a happy family environment. Even if he is overtaken by Naruto, he will first think of going to Itachi or Fugaku to beg for special training to defeat the latter, instead of being so extreme.

"By the way, is Fugaku's attitude towards Sasuke still as cold as in the original plot?"

If that's the case...

You can consider talking to the latter.

Although Uchiha Hikaru herself has never been a father - of course, she has never been a mother, she is not impressed by Uchiha Fugaku's educational policy. Itachi's "seven-year-old Hokage thinking" is half of the blame on him, and the more remote side of Sasuke's character is also attributed to Fugaku's long-term neglect.

For the healthy growth of the next generation.

Uchiha Hikaru plans to go back to Eri and buy some books on how to be a parent. In addition to Fugaku, there must be many members of the Uchiha clan who need to read...

"We're here."

After entering the Uchiha residence, Uchiha Hikaru patted Sasuke's head: "Don't let your imagination run wild. Go back to bed early. Remember to tell your father that I need to find him and ask him to come see me when he is free tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"... Got it."

Sasuke bowed and ran away.

Uchiha Hikaru, wearing Esdeath, returned to his private villa near the Minamiga River Waterfall.

After washing up.

When Uchiha Hikaru was holding the bedding he took out of the cabinet and was about to make the bed for Esdeath, he saw the latter in a bathrobe walking out of the bathroom and wiping her hair with a towel.

"Hey, are you going to sleep with me tonight?"

"...Of course not."

Uchiha Hikaru pointed to the next door: "My bedroom is over there, just separated by a wall. You can call me anytime if you need anything... But I remember you seem to have stayed here once, right?"

--If I remember correctly, the last time Esdeath came here was when she was just taken away from the Akagi World. But Eri was there too. They stayed for two or three days and then went directly to the Land of Demons.

If that time is not counted.

Then now is the first time that Uchiha Hikaru took Esdeath home alone.

At this moment.

Her eyes unconsciously drifted to Esdeath's chest several times, and then her face flushed slightly, and she moved her eyes away-there was no way, this woman's bathrobe was obviously empty, and it seemed that because of the hot weather, the top few buttons were not all buttoned, so a deep ravine and the snow-white hills on both sides could be clearly seen.

Although the two sides had met frankly in the hot spring hotel in the Land of Hot Springs before,

But this kind of cover-up is more attractive than being naked.

Esdeath seemed to notice Uchiha Hikaru's gaze, glanced down, and then smiled with pursed lips: "Why, want to see? If it's you, no problem."

As she said that, Esdeath really pulled the collar down again, revealing more white.

Uchiha Hikaru couldn't hold it in: "Ahem... I just accidentally glanced at it. You should button up, it's not good to be seen by others."

"What does it matter, there are no outsiders here."


So, am I an "inside person" again?

Uchiha Hikaru listened to these familiar words and vaguely caught a hint of charm in Esdeath's tone.

However, she was still busy making the bed, so she didn't think much about it for a while: "...It's done. It's past ten o'clock, very late, go to bed early, I want you to help me train some new abilities tomorrow."

"...Okay. See you tomorrow."

Esdes paused: "Good night."

"Good night."

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