I, Uchiha Hikaru, join the chat group

Chapter 274 Two for two, any problem?

Half a minute later.

Uchiha Hikaru controlled the mecha and broke out of the water from under the river, then held Samson in one hand and Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki in the other hand, and stopped above the "Moniach".

On the deck.

Professor Mans subconsciously raised the sniper rifle, aimed the muzzle at the "Strike Freedom" for a second, and then silently put his hand down.

There was no way.

If he was facing a dragon at this moment, he would know where to shoot to cause more damage. However, facing a tin can made of metal materials, even if the opponent was a malicious enemy, would a sniper rifle... work?


"Two for you, two for me. Is that okay?"

Uchiha Hikaru's voice came faintly from the opposite side through the rain curtain.

Because of the interference of a layer of mecha and the sound of rain, her voice sounded a little distorted.

But some information can still be roughly heard--

"... Girl?!"

"No, it's not certain that she is a human and not a dragon, but this voice... If it is not disguised, it is actually a female?"

Professor Mans was shocked and forgot to think about what "two for two" meant for a moment.

At this time, Uchiha Guang flew forward a little and stood in the air above the deck of the "Moniach". Then, under the nervous gaze of Selma and the first mate, he loosened his right hand and let Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki go down.

These two were just picked up by her from the bottom of the water.

Because the oxygen they carried on their bodies has been basically exhausted, they are now in a state of confusion and confused about what happened to them. You can also see patches of mottled blood and scratches of various sizes on their bodies. But the strong heartbeat proves that they are all still alive.

Mans glanced at Uchiha Guang hesitantly, and then called the third mate to come out to save them.

After watching his two beloved students being sent to the cabin, he turned around and cast his eyes on the other hand of "Strike Freedom": "That dragon..."

"It's my trophy, is there a problem?"

Uchiha Guang spoke again.

This time, because the distance was close, her voice seemed clearer, but still cold and murderous.


Mance was speechless for a moment.

In mid-air.

Uchiha Guang glanced at Mance, and then said lightly: "There is still a dragon body under the water. If you move quickly, you may be able to salvage it. As for this jar...it is a reward, a reward for rewriting your predetermined death fate."

"Don't thank me, I'm just a Gundam pilot who happened to pass by."

After saying this.

Uchiha Guang controlled "Strike Freedom" and turned and left in the direction he came from.

The steel body wrapped in ten wings disappeared in the rainstorm in the blink of an eye.

Until this time.

Mans came back to his senses, and while instructing Selma to send a second group of divers to collect the blood and remaining tissue samples of Samson scattered in the nearby waters, he turned back to the cockpit, called Principal Angers, and began to report the process and results of the operation.


Later that day.

Principal Angers personally connected the executive department, and then announced the failure of the "Kuimen Plan" to the students and professors present.

Professor Schneider and others were a little disappointed.

After all, the executive department spent a lot of time, energy, and money on this plan, and even risked making the existence of dragons public - after all, the location of the operation was the Three Gorges Dam. If you can get a dragon king, even a living or dead body of a third-generation species, then all these efforts will be worth it.

But now...

The dragon king bone bottle that has been obtained was actually snatched away by a Gundam?

What is this?

If it weren't for the photos and audio-visual materials sent back by the "Moniach", Schneider would have thought it was an April Fool's joke. The only thing to be thankful for is that there were no casualties in this operation. Even the injured Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki were out of danger after emergency treatment, but they still need to stay in bed for a while to recover completely.

Compared with the frustration of the executive department.

There are two groups of people who are very excited.

One group is the boys of Kassel Academy -


That's Gundam! !

Which twenty-something, hot-blooded boy has never dreamed of driving a mecha to the sky and into the earth?

And if this mecha with a mighty and domineering appearance can also make a soft and cute young girl's voice... it will be a killer!

In just half a day, many students have already thought of asking for leave to go to China to see the mecha with their own eyes. And topics such as "Female Version of Strike Freedom" and "Gundam Slashing Dragon" have become hot topics on the Kassel campus forum, and the discussion is high.

As for the other group of people who were excited about this...

They were the equipment department of the academy, a gathering place for scientific lunatics that Angers called a "mental hospital".

"...I knew that these mechas could be made in reality! Someone actually made it before us, this is a common shame for all the researchers in our equipment department!"

The speaker was Director Akadura: "I propose that from now on, we draft the 'Fourth Generation Mecha Manufacturing Plan' to build a mecha that belongs to our master control!"

"But, 'Strike Freedom' has already appeared. If we imitate it to build a mecha, it will be considered plagiarism, right?"

This time it was Deputy Director Carl who spoke.

"It doesn't matter. We can build the 'Original Gundam'! If even the 'Original Gundam' is built by that mysterious person, there are still 'Unit-01' and 'Optimus Prime' to choose from!"

Akadura was full of confidence.

His passion even infected the entire institute, making many people eager to try.

But at this moment.

A discordant voice suddenly sounded:

"... I think we may not be able to make such a mecha."


Inside the institute.

Everyone glared at the person who poured cold water.

The latter held up the photo he had just printed, pointed at it with his finger, and explained: "These micro missiles are okay, and it seems that their power is not much greater than those we made, but this 'beam saber'... it's really hard to imagine its composition principle. It can't be a highly focused plasma, right?

"That kind of technology... is currently only in theory, right?"

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