I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 290: Beat the door! Madara applaud! 【Ask monthly ticket】

Chunin exam venue.

The sudden appearance shocked everyone, the dead was summoned out, and the ninjas from other countries were shocked.

"The first generation and the second generation two adults, now is the best time to eliminate Uchiha."

Panting, Hiruzaru Sarutobi showed a look of excitement, even if he exhausted the last bit of strength, he would still pay for the village.

Three kunai with spell seals pierced the back of the three people's heads, and the three people's bodies could not be controlled in the next moment.

The difference is that the three of them still have their own minds at this time, and at the moment they were controlled, a killing intent flashed in Uchiha Madara's eyes.

If he didn't have a plan, he would kill the old dog now, and he dared to manipulate him.

"The body is out of control, or the fighting instinct has controlled the body. The target is the tender grass Xiao Gang found, no, it should be the little milk dog."

Good guy, Senju Bashima didn't feel nervous about his situation at all, instead he laughed carelessly.

"I'm offended, I still can't use this ninjutsu smoothly, I can only rely on this fighting instinct to manipulate my body."

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruza said ashamedly, but Uchiha Madara felt the strength of his body at this time, and couldn't help frowning.

"This body, apart from infinite chakra, can only display 70% of its strength at most."

Uchiha Madara's indifferent tone seemed to be saying something insignificant. Of course, he concealed his own strength and evaluated it based on the strength of End Valley.

And the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama on the side even laughed and said: "Haha, I can feel that the chakra amount of this kid has surpassed me in my heyday, it is really amazing, it is worthy of being a man who can make Tsuna strike. "

"Brother!" Thousand Hands on the side watched him being left out in the cold, and his own elder brother and outsiders were actually flirting with each other, a little aggrieved, and even more embarrassing.

"Hey, evil brat, I have to praise your dream. You are even crazier than Madara. You actually want to rule the world of ninjas, and you want to ban daimyo and rule the world with ninjas. But!"

"You are too dangerous, evil brat!"

Senju looked at the kid opposite with hostility in his face. According to the meaning of the monkey, the Senju clan declined, and even Tsunade married this kid. Doesn't this mean that Senju was overwhelmed by Uchiha.


At this moment, the barrier suddenly opened, and the figure of the Second Hokage rushed out like a sharp arrow in an instant, Madara sneered at the side, and Senju Bashima exclaimed: "Be careful."

"Don't even come here, let me experience the strength of the ancestors of Hokage today."

Uchiha Ye showed an excited smile, facing the attack from Senshou Kaijian, his body suddenly disappeared in place.


When the figures of the two reappeared, Uchiha Ye kicked directly on the cracked face of the second generation of Senju.

Under the strength of this kick, Qianshou Feijian's body was knocked into the air like a cannonball, and then smashed into the wall with a bang.

"Well done boy!"

At this time, Uchiha Madara, who was watching the battle, showed excitement, and even shouted involuntarily.

Oh shit! I have long been upset to see this Qianshoubeijian. Back then, his younger brother died at the hands of the opponent, and he was beaten severely by me.

After seeing this scene, the first generation of Hokage Senju Bashima showed a helpless expression.

"Ma Ma, Tobima is my younger brother."

Senshou Zhuma seems to be expressing, shouldn't you be happy and applaud.

Uchiha-san was a little embarrassed when he shouted "Okay" when he was emotionally excited, but when Senju Zhuma said this, he suddenly became excited and stared.

"This kid is still my junior, your grandson-in-law."

Hearing this suddenly, Qianshou Zhujian showed a sudden look, "Mo Da, what you said makes sense, we are all one family."

And the third Hokage was full of aggrieved seeing this scene, looking at the two chatting, "The first generation two, this brat!"

However, at the next moment, all the ninjas in the venue felt the chakra coercion from the horror of the first Hokage.

Although the first generation of Hokage was very nervous, once he got serious, the terrifying chakra coercion filled everyone with shock and fear.

Even Hatake Kakashi below couldn't help shedding a drop of cold sweat, "Is this the power of the ancestors? It's terrifying!"

And on the five shadows viewing platform, the fourth generation of Raikage Ai's eyes widened even more, this Chakra coercion alone was not as good as Hachio's.

The Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei also showed a dignified expression.

Only Sandai Tsuchikage Ohnoki seemed to recall something bad. At this time, his face was pale, and he looked at the Uchiha Madara in the red armor with fear.



Tuying's guards had also come over earlier, and Heitu was full of worry. She had never seen her grandfather so frightened.

"Please don't move around, we are cleaning up the rebellion."

At this time, Terumi Mei looked at the other shadows and the guards in the venue, showing a dangerous smile, and at the same time her own Chakra coercion was also revealed, and she would welcome her attack if there was a slight change.

Tsunade stood up in a heroic manner, looked at all the ninjas and shouted in a deep voice: "Sand ninja raid, the village has already arranged, everyone is not allowed to move, anyone who does not obey the order will be regarded as treason!"

As for the Chunin exam below, Gaara, who was competing with Junmaro, was about to explode with a crazy face just now, but after feeling the chakra of Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhuma, he calmed down instantly .

At this time, Sand Ninja, who was held hostage by a group of Konoha and Mist ninja ninjas, looked at each other in blank dismay, especially Temari shouted in shock: "Gara."

At this time, Gaara felt the peace in his body in a daze. The once violent Ichizune, now hides obediently and quietly.

He could feel that Shouhe was terrified when facing the two people who appeared on the high platform.

And on the high platform, the second generation Mu Qianshou, who was kicked flying in embarrassment, rushed out aggrieved.

While the first generation and Uchiha Madara who were watching the battle were watching the play, the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen was full of anxiety.

"Old man, with the pride of Grandpa and Madara, how could he allow himself to join forces with others, or deal with a junior."

"What's more, you have already said that the bodies of the three are controlled by their own fighting instincts, and their instincts are to disdain to join forces to deal with the juniors."

At this time, when Tsunade saw this scene, he showed a proud look, and said directly to Sandai Hokage with disdain.

This is the dignity of the strong.

"Little devil! You are so proud!"


The fight between the two sides shocked the ninjas watching around.

Just the fight between the two of them has surpassed too many Jonin, even Kage!

Fisting to the flesh, Uchiha Yoru said with a bored smile: "Be a little more serious, after all, you are also the second generation of Hokage."


Suddenly, Uchiha Ye punched Senshou directly out of the gate, and the next moment his hands quickly formed seals.

Fire Escape·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet

In an instant, Uchiha Ye spewed a ball of hot flames from his mouth, and it came out violently, while the Thousand Hands on the opposite side, which had not landed on the ground, also formed a seal quickly.

At the moment of landing, the operation has been completed.

Water Escape·Water Array Wall

A ball of water instantly appeared around his body, rapidly rotating around it to form a barrier.

Under the collision of the flame and the water, huge steam was instantly aroused.

Uchiha Yoko, who saw this scene, narrowed his eyes and showed a smile, and the chakra in his mouth continued to increase in the next moment.

In an instant, the surging flames turned into incandescent flames, and the temperature soared even more rapidly.

It is also fire escape, most ninja's fire escape ninjutsu is fiery red, and the color of the flame represents the difference in temperature.

Entity data, dark red: around 600 degrees Celsius. Deep red: around 700 degrees Celsius. Orange red: about 1000 degrees Celsius. Pure orange: around 1100 degrees Celsius.

Golden orange: around 1200 degrees Celsius. Golden yellow: around 1300 degrees Celsius. Golden white: about 1400 degrees Celsius. Pure white: about 1500 degrees Celsius.

In the original book, the fire escape ninjutsu of the three generations of Hokage has already gone in the direction of white, and Uchiha Ye's current fire temperature has directly reached pure white.

Under the 1500° terrifying fire escape, all the ninjas in the venue could feel the temperature of this terrifying fire escape.

And Qianshou Feijian also felt this pressure, but with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he also increased the Chakra of Water Dungeon.

"Little devil, you are still far away!"

Before the words fell, a figure had rushed to the front of the water formation wall in an instant.

I saw Uchiha Ye's fist raised high, and the thunder flashed, and he punched down suddenly.


Under the huge roar, a punch directly smashed this powerful defensive ninjutsu.

Water Escape · Water Shock Wave

Suddenly, the figure of Qianshou Feijian appeared on the other side, clasped his hands together, and released the ninjutsu that had been prepared for a long time.

In an instant, a waterspout appeared out of thin air, spinning rapidly like a tornado, and then the water spread like a waterfall and rushed downward.

It appeared directly at the venue like a waterfall.


The next moment, the figure of Senshou Feijian appeared behind Uchiha Ye, and suddenly grabbed his body and threw it directly into the created lake.

And the ninjas who had returned to the high viewing platform a long time ago were full of shock.

"This! It's terrifying to use such a terrifying water escape ninjutsu so easily in a place without water!"

The ninja who participated this time were full of shock. Even if they were geniuses, they were still full of powerlessness and shock when facing the terrifying battle between the Kage-level powerhouses before them.

Tudun · Tuliubi

At this moment, a huge rocky mountain suddenly rose from the sea. At the same time, Kakashi Hatake hurriedly shouted: "All earth-dun ninjas are about to open the fighting arena. This level of battle cannot be accommodated here."

Hatake Kakashi suddenly formed a seal and slapped the ground. In an instant, the entire venue began to rumble and the ground trembled.

The circular Zhongnin test venue, which looked like a Colosseum, slowly opened a gap, and a large amount of sea water rushed out, directly sweeping into the death forest.

When everything was over, the original meeting place was like an open box, directly facing the death forest.

Water Escape·Water Breaking Wave

The ultra-high pressure straight line of water spit out from the mouth flickers, like a sharp sword, directly cutting in two wherever it goes.

When Uchiha Ye saw this scene, his figure suddenly retreated. In fact, he took the second generation of Hokage away from the examination venue. After all, this time's reincarnation of dirt is not like it was in the original book.

In the original Orochimaru's dirty soil reincarnation, it would be good to be able to exert 30% of the combat power before birth, but it is different now.

Seventy to eighty percent of the fighting power is already extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the figures of two people appeared in the death forest.

Sarutobi Hiruzen on the high platform was full of shock and anger after seeing this scene, and the second generation was actually at a disadvantage, he couldn't help showing a touch of determination.

"My lord, I'm sorry, this is all for the sake of the village, and for the will of the burning fire!"

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi shouted loudly, and when his hands were sealed together, the bodies of the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara began to move uncontrollably.

At this time, the consciousness of the two was still there, and the first generation of Hokage said with an ugly face: "Monkey you!"

And Uchiha Madara, who was ignored, was about to explode! You just said sorry for the first and second generations, what about him? If it wasn't for the damn plan, he would have torn down the Konoha today.

However, at the next moment, the first Senju Hashimama, Uchiha Madara, and Sarutobi Hiruzen rushed towards the distance like three sharp arrows.

"Master Ye, be careful!"

Everyone in the Chunin Exam venue looked at this scene in shock. All the previous Hokages were resurrected. It was so fucking exciting.

However, when someone saw that the past Hokage was preparing to join forces to attack, one of the Jonin hurriedly yelled a reminder.


In an instant, Uchiha Ye pupils showed the traces of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and when he kicked Nidaime away, facing the three figures attacking, he directly counterattacked.

bang bang~

Fist to the flesh, under the attention of the crowd, under the siege of the past generations of Hokage, unexpectedly did not get the slightest advantage.

"Damn it, I'm not yet proficient in the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and now I'm forcibly controlling the two adults of the first generation and the second generation, and my strength has weakened again."

In an instant, under the melee, Uchiha Ye's figure was directly knocked into the air while resisting the water escape.

The body retreated hundreds of meters before stopping. However, under the tense eyes of thousands of ninjas in the village, Uchiha Ye calmly patted the dust that did not exist on his body, and at the same time raised his hand to stop everyone who was about to come to help. man of.

"That's right, the first and second Hokage, plus Uchiha Madara, and you, the so-called strongest Hokage III, are qualified to make me serious."

The flat tone echoed in everyone's ears, but it gave people a rather domineering feeling, as if no one in the ninja world could make him fight seriously, only these legendary strong men joined forces.

"Damn it, the brat."

Seeing Uchiha Ye who was so pretentious, Uchiha Madara couldn't help frowning with a look of sullenness, if it wasn't for the old man's plan, he would definitely teach this junior a lesson today.

"The strongest Hokage III?"

However, Uchiha Madara showed a sarcastic smile, looking at the first and second generations aside, "It turns out that the strongest Hokage in the history of Konoha turned out to be the third generation, this old man, let me wait and see, the strength of the strongest Hokage. "

The first generation Senjujuma was dumbfounded, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, "Since when did you become the strongest Hokage?"

Being interrogated face to face by the ninja god who created Konoha to calm the troubled times, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's old face couldn't help but get hot.

"Brother, what time is it?"

And the intelligent Second Hokage Senshou Tobi instantly figured out something, and couldn't help interrupting this embarrassing topic directly.

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