I Uchiha: Split Konoha

Chapter 291: The Big Buddha of Susano VS the Nine Tails of Susano【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Fire Escape·Fire Quenching

Under the attention of everyone, Uchiha Ye calmly patted the dust, and then slowly formed a seal in front of everyone, but the next moment, a sea of ​​fire like a tsunami burst out of his mouth.


The death forest was razed to the ground under the monstrous sea of ​​flames, and even Uchiha Madara couldn't help showing a touch of surprise and admiration when he saw this scene.

"As expected of Uchiha's bloodline."

At this time, everyone in the Chunin exam venue in the distance could clearly see the battle of the century.

All the jounin were stunned at this terrifying and unrivaled ninjutsu. Even Kakashi Hatake was shocked and said, "Yo's Fire Dungeon has already cultivated to this point."

A Jōnin feels like a child in front of such power, let alone a Jōnin.

On the Five Kages viewing platform, Onogi and Raikage Ai both showed fear, and Uchiha Ye's strength far exceeded their imagination.

Water Escape·Big Explosion Water Shockwave

In an instant, a tsunami rose up on the opposite side of the sea of ​​fire, which was real sea water.

After possessing Wireless Chakra, the Second Hokage Senju Tomona shouted loudly, and with a seal of both hands, he directly released the terrifying water escape level ninjutsu.


When the two ninjutsu collided, a huge steam rose instantly. Under the confrontation between fire and water, the rising water vapor was all high-temperature gas.

"Fire Dun! Fire Dun suppressed Water Dun!"

At the venue, countless jounin felt a creepy feeling watching this scene, and at the same time, they showed unprecedented excitement at the next moment.

"Master Ye, come on!"

Ho Ho~

There was an upsurge in the Chunin exam venue, and the beginning of it was obviously a ninja from Wunin. After all, they didn't want Uchiha Ya to fail.

Immediately afterwards, Konoha's ninjas cheered loudly and excitedly.

"Little ghost, let this old man teach you, this junior, what is a real battle."

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama had reached the left and right sides at some point, and launched a pincer attack against Uchiha Ye.

However, at this time Uchiha Ye showed an excited smile on his face, "Really, I just want to compete with the two of you."

In an instant, Uchiha Yoru's kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared in the eye socket, and at the same time, an electric arc flashed from his body.


In an instant, the faces of Uchiha Madara and Senju Zhuma were both deformed, punching and kicking, and under the condition that the strength of the two was limited, Uchiha Ye was fully fired.

The curse seal has covered the whole body at some point, and the kaleidoscope is spinning rapidly.

Pupil Art·Three Wheel Myojin

With the release of the ability of the left eye of the kaleidoscope, the pupil technique called the eye of the sage by Uchiha Ye is now even lower than the eternal level, and the power of the technique released instantly has increased dramatically.


The Uchiha night in Thor's armor mode turned into a bolt of lightning on the battlefield, and there were afterimages everywhere. For a while, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara joined forces and were beaten into a mess.

"Damn junior! If it wasn't for this body!"

At this time, Uchiha Madara's face turned green, and he was aggrieved to death. This body can exert a maximum of seven layers of strength, and Uchiha Ye, the kid's current strength, is almost comparable to the strength of him and Hashirama at the end of the valley.


Fly Thunder God Slash!

When the second generation of Hokage Senju saw the right time and was about to perform Flying Thunder God Slash, Ye Uchiha suddenly grabbed his wrist, exerted force instantly, and with a click, his arm was broken directly.

"Do you want to dance too!"

The mocking and indifferent voice echoed in everyone's ears, and there was a flash of thunder in an instant. It was pure physical skills, but the second generation of Hokage, Senshoukai, was constantly being tortured in the air in embarrassment.

The body of Dirty Reincarnation was extremely resistant to beatings, his body was battered, his arms were broken, and his legs were deformed by the beating.

"Little devil, you did a great job!"

At this time, Uchiha Madara saw Senju Tomonama being violently beaten, he couldn't help shouting excitedly, and Senju Bashima's face turned green.

"Junior of the Uchiha clan, you are too presumptuous!"

And Sarutobi Hiruzen was weakly on the edge at this time, he found that even in his heyday he couldn't participate in this level of battle.

What's even more embarrassing is that there are countless people looking at this place. He, the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, who is known as the strongest in history, is so embarrassing.

Wood Escape Secret Art: The Birth of the Tree Realm

Seeing his own younger brother being beaten by Fatty, the good old man Senju Zhuma who was his younger brother's controller was also angry, clapped his hands and suddenly shouted.

In an instant, the earth rumbled, and under the shocked pupils of countless people, countless vines and big trees appeared in the forest that had just been destroyed by ninjutsu.

"Little ghost of the Uchiha family, although we are seniors, don't blame us for being despicable!"

Although Qianshou Feijian, who took the opportunity to catch his breath, felt aggrieved, he still sneered sarcastically.

The terrifying wooden escape between the thousand-handed pillars made Yamato stare in the distance. A wooden escape of this level can't be done even if his chakra is drained.


The landform changed in an instant, and a forest appeared. At this time, after hearing the sound of beating from Senshoubei, Uchiha Ye also showed a mocking look.

"Despicable? I won't say you are despicable, four against one, just for fun."

Uchiha Ye's arrogant voice echoed, and a black giant rose from the ground in an instant, and Uchiha Madara also showed aggrieved expression.

"Junior, are you looking down on this old man!"

The kaleidoscope in the pupils of Uchiha Madara, who has always been so strong, is spinning wildly. He feels aggrieved, this brat is exactly like him, and even what he says feels like his own.

But this is just too annoying.


Uchiha Madara's terrifying Susano almost also appeared.

The moment the two giants, one blue and one black, appeared, they spurted out huge flames at the same time.

Fire Escape·Fire Extinction

Fire Escape·Fire Extinction

The two meteorite-like fireballs collided suddenly, but it was obvious that Uchiha Madara, who was unable to exert his full strength, lost in the fire escape.

One ball was a fiery red fireball, but what Uchiha Ye ejected was a scorching white terrifying fireball.


In an instant, the birth of the tree world that had just appeared turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At this time, the faces of countless ninjas who were watching this scene in the original book were sluggish, and under the sluggish gaze of a jonin, the kunwu in his hand had fallen.

"This! This is not a dimension at all."

"The battles of the ancestors are so terrifying."

"Master Shenzhiye, you can actually suppress the previous Hokage!"

Under a pair of shocked and dull eyes, even a strong man with shadow-level strength fell silent.

The fourth generation of Raikage Ai and the third generation of Tsuchikage Onoki, at this moment, there is only endless fear and fear in the eyes of the two of them. Such enemies are no longer existences that cannot be suppressed by numbers.

The ordinary villagers on the viewing platform shouted excitedly, while the dignitaries and nobles, as well as the daimyos of the fire country, the daimyos of the water country, and their respective daimyo mansions, were filled with panic and despair.

Such power! How they resisted!


The battlefield has been escalated to the point of terror, a terrifying existence that can change the terrain with a single blow.


"Hashi hot mom!"

At this moment, the blood of the two of them began to boil for a rare occasion. The current brat is really powerful, even in the heyday, they can still have fun.

Of course, Uchiha Madara's excitement is more about looking forward to having such an opponent after his resurrection.

When the two looked at each other, a fairy face appeared on Qianshouzhujian's face, clapped his hands and shouted, "Motor!"

The two seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection, and they understood each other's meaning with just one look, and Uchiha Madara clapped his hands excitedly and shouted: "Hashi hot mom!"

Immortal Law·Wooden Escape·True Thousand Hands

In an instant, the ground rumbled, and countless people stared blankly at the scene in front of them. A wooden statue even more exaggerated than a tailed beast rumbled up from the ground.

Under the display of thousands of arms, it really appears like a huge mountain, just like the statue of the Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara in a temple, but this is a bit too big, and there is a terrifying coercion.

But then! Under the rumbling sound, armor patterns appeared on the terrifying Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara statue.

Prestige · Susanoo

Susanot Buddha

Wearing Susanoo's real thousands of hands, this scene stunned everyone, even Uchiha Ye couldn't help showing a dignified look.

At this time, after the Susanoo armor was put on, under the protection of Susano at the top of the statue, Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma stood side by side.

"This! Is this the strength of the two legendary ancestors who put down the troubled times!"

"too horrible!"

At this time, the thousand-handed pillars standing side by side were full of long-lost enthusiasm, and they shouted excitedly: "Madara, we are fighting side by side!"

However, Uchiha Madara on the side snorted coldly, "Susata Buddha, I just don't want to be underestimated by the juniors."

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the stubborn Uchiha Madara, Senju Zhuma couldn't help laughing.

On the other hand, a figure appeared on the battlefield, attracting the attention of many people.

"Fragrant Phosphorus! Dangerous!"

Uzumaki Kaphos has quickly arrived in front of Uchiha Ye at this time, and anxiously said: "Mr. Ye, I can do it!"

After seeing the girl on the other side, Senshou Zhujian couldn't help raising his eyebrows to show curiosity, "This hair belongs to the Uzumaki family, but this Chakra."

"It's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!" Kaorin was exuding Nine-Tails' Chakra at this time, and Uchiha Madara could see it at a glance.

Looking at Xianglin's firm eyes, Uchiha Ye couldn't help but smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye, restore your Chakra first."

Uzumaki Kaphos stretched out her arms with a flushed face. This time, Uchiha Ye glanced at everyone, and it was not time to reveal some cards.


The protruding canine teeth directly pierced Xianglin's arm, leaving no tooth marks on Xianglin's smooth arm, but two sharp wounds.

But sucked by the warm lips, Whirlpool Xianglin's face was flushed, and he couldn't control himself because of the excitement. This feeling was so numb.

"This kid's Chakra is recovering rapidly, and it seems to be the cause of this vortex girl."

Senjujuma and Uchiha Madara who were present saw the problem at a glance.

In the end, the tongue lightly licked the wound, and the two blood spots had stopped bleeding and began to heal, and the whirlpool Xianglin beside him even made a moaning sound.

But then Vortex Xianglin hurriedly shouted: "Nine Lamas!"


Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is completely turned into a Tailed Beast!

A Nine-Tails appeared on the ground with a bang in an instant, and at the same time, a soaring roar resounded through the sky and the earth.

Prestige · Susanoo

The black armor continued to condense, and in an instant a nine-tailed armor was directly in front of the world.

At this moment, the two giants looked at each other.

"The family has long recorded information about the battle between the two in the Valley of the End. I never thought that there would be a scene where the Susanoo Buddha and Uchiha Madara ride the first Hokage to fight."

Uchiha Ye, who also appeared on Kyuubi's head under the protection of Susano, said a word proudly.

Senju Bashirama on the opposite side didn't say anything, but Uchiha Madara smiled after hearing this.

"Okay, I, Uchiha Madara Chihashirama, will fight against you, a junior today. Although I don't have the full strength, you, a brat, have been approved by the old man. Now you already have the same strength as the two of us in our heyday. .”

At this moment, Senshou Zhujian finally came to his senses, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Madara, when did you ride me? It's obvious that we fought side by side."

"Shut up!" Even the proud Uchiha Madara couldn't help showing excitement when he finally managed to take advantage of Hashirama.

He and Zhujian have known each other for so many years, and they have also fought for so many years. In the end, he has always been at the disadvantage, and today he finally took advantage.

"Hey, kid, you're also riding a Nine-Tails."

The hot-blooded Senju Hashirama couldn't help but turned to look at Uchiha Ye and said. However, Uchiha Ye's crotch, no! The Nine Tails under his feet showed Xianglin's disdainful voice.

"I would."

Money is hard to buy, I am willing! At this time, the whirlpool Xianglin was very excited. She was finally able to help her teacher, and fought side by side. She had been looking forward to it for a long time and finally realized it.

"Hey, little girl, it's time to return your body to me."

Nine Tails couldn't help yelling, and Nine Tails' animal pupils shrank in an instant, and at this time the two of them had changed hands in control of their bodies.


Nine Tails, who finally came out, let out a long roar, as if venting the aggrievedness of being sealed for so many years.

Immediately afterwards, Jiuwei's room-sized animal pupils were covered with ferocious bloodshot eyes. At this moment, he stared at the two people opposite, without the sense of fear he once had.

"Senju Bashirama! Uchiha Madara! New and old grudges, today I want to beat you hard!"

With the backing of Uchiha Ye, a powerful and terrifying existence, Kyuubi roared arrogantly and arrogantly in an instant, and it was finally able to straighten its back in the face of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

"Nine Tails!"

In an instant, a black tailed beast jade full of death breath appeared in Jiuwei's mouth.


The huge black-tailed beast jade hit directly, and when Senju Zhuma saw this scene, he felt a sense of deja vu, but after feeling Uchiha Madara beside him, he showed an excited smile.

I saw Qianshou Zhujian clapped his hands excitedly, and shouted: "Wood Dun·The Art of Wooden Man"

Rumble! In an instant, a huge wooden man quickly grew out of the tree. Facing the terrifying Tailed Beast Jade, the wooden man directly stretched out his hand to grasp the Tailed Beast Jade.

One-handed tail beast jade!

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