I Know Everything

Chapter 996: Haha, I really am a genius Mu Ruru!

Among the 20 jadeite raw materials, in addition to the five that Shen Huan pointed out, the sixth and seventh places were all in Mu Ruru's bet.

They are No. 1 and No. 15.

They all have a chance to produce good jadeite materials, but the probability is not as big as the five yuan.

But Mu Ruru's disadvantages are also obvious.

Among the five best jadeites, No. 2 is the best jadeite, and it is now among the available jade of Ma Liangyuan.

Fortunately, No. 20, ranked second, is definitely selected by Mu Ruru.

As long as Ma Liangyuan does not choose No. 2, there is a lot of room for struggle.

If Ma Liangyuan picked No. 2 and No. 8 in third place, even if Mu Ruru could pick No. 20, No. 1, and No. 15, he would be doomed to lose the game.

And the gap is not small.

So now Mu Ruru wants to win, she must get No. 20, No. 1, and No. 15.

And Ma Liangyuan must not get No. 2 in his hands.

The difficulty of this is really not small.

Shen Huan suddenly regretted it.

Why didn't I put a "bad luck charm" on Ma Liangyuan's body?

But when I think about it carefully, this seems a bit too obscene.

This is not called helping, it is purely setting the result by yourself.

The meaning of the game disappears completely.

Now I can only see if Mu Ruru can keep her luck!

Between Shen Huan's thoughts, the two had already looked at the jade bet there separately.

People have a habit of doing things in order.

The same goes for looking at gambling materials. Mu Ruru looked at No. 1 first, and Ma Liangyuan looked at No. 2 first.

Shen Huan's heart was a little lifted.

I saw Mu Ruru holding a small bright flashlight and a magnifying glass, looking at it for a while, then put it down and walked to the next piece.

Ma Liangyuan watched more slowly. He looked at No. 2 repeatedly, his expression showing solemnity.

When it comes to his own profession, Ma Liangyuan is still very serious.

When Mu Ruru finished watching No. 7, No. 9, and No. 11, Ma Liangyuan still didn't put down No. 2.

Now Shen Huan's heart tightened even more.

Everyone can tell that Ma Liangyuan values ​​the No. 2 gambling material.

Compared to Ma Liangyuan, Mu Ruru, the "Emerald Princess", seemed a bit tricky.

Shen Huan also smiled bitterly.

His view is completely different from everyone, and everyone thinks that Mu Ruru should be more careful.

Shen Huan could not wait to yell, you have to speed up the time and go through them all in 5 minutes before you have better luck to choose No. 1 and No. 15.

Especially the 15th at the back.

The time is only 5 minutes, and under normal circumstances it is definitely not possible to reach that piece.

Now that the time has come, Mu Ruru should just know No.1.

The rest, can it only be fate?

No, it depends on Ma Liangyuan's choice.

At this moment, Ma Liangyuan had already put down the rough jadeite No. 2 and started to look at other things.

As a result, he only saw 3 pieces of jade bet, and Mu Ruru raised his hand, "I have chosen!"

Everyone was stunned.

I checked the time, but only 20 minutes passed.

No matter how powerful it is, it shouldn’t be so fast, right?

Little girl, can you not be so perfunctory?

Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, Mu Ruru didn't feel guilty, and turned to the two standing judges and said, "Can I submit the number I chose?"


The two looked at each other and gave the answer.

But the next moment, one of them couldn't help but said: "Xiao Ru, do you want to look at it again?"

He is an acquaintance of Mu Guishu, and of course he has to turn towards Mu Ruru at this time.

"No, Uncle Gu." Mu Ruru smiled and picked up the pen and paper beside him, wrote down three numbers, and handed them to them.

Then she hopped towards Mu Guishu and Shen Huan.

"Good girl..."

Mu Guishu smiled and before he finished speaking, Mu Ruru quickly said: "Dad, I have something to do with Shen Huan, and I will talk to you later!"

With that, she directly pulled Shen Huan aside.

Ma Liangyuan happened to see this scene again.

At that moment, his face was even more ugly than that of the poor old father.

I originally thought that Mu Ruru had some gambling skills.

But she didn't expect that she didn't care about this game at all, and instead cared more about the boys she liked.

So after perfunctory things, I chatted and laughed with Shen Huan enthusiastically!

For a while, Ma Liangyuan's heart was a little confused.

Is Mu Ruru talking about love with Shen Huan?

Of course not.

She was telling Shen Huan of her choice and asking Shen Huan's opinion.

"Shen Huan and Shen Huan, I wrote numbers 1, 15 and 20, what do you think?" The little girl was still a little nervous.

Shen Huan's eyes lit up, "How did you choose number 15?"

Mu Ruru was startled, "What? The 15th is bad?"

"No, no, no." Shen Huan habitually touched her little head, "Ruru, you are amazing! In your jade gambling, except for number 20, number 1 and number 15 are the best. You selected The two best pieces left!"


The little girl became excited.

"Well, really." Shen Huan looked at her, "You are really talented! Maybe you can really enter the jade gambling industry when you eat on your own in the future."

"Hahaha, it's too early to say this!" Mu Ruru smiled happily, in a good mood.

"But that doesn't mean you won." Shen Huan laughed, "If Ma Liangyuan chooses the best three pieces over there, you won't be able to compare to him."

"Then what can I do? I have done my best, and I did it with my true ability, then there is no regret!" Mu Ruru said with a curled mouth.

Shen Huan laughed with her.

Teenagers will definitely not be disappointed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said that half of the credit is actually mine.

He just regrets.

If he knew this was the case, he should go and put a good luck charm on Mu Ruru during the lottery.

In that case, Mu Ruru could end the battle cleanly.

It's no use saying these now.

The little girl has such a good attitude, even if she loses, she doesn't need to comfort her.

Don't look at Mu Ruru's pitiful appearance, but even if she loses the game, according to her education and mood, she will not be hysterical.

After all, this is a very trivial thing in life.

We all need to keep moving forward and constantly sum up various failures and lessons in order to obtain a more glorious future.

Those who are obsessed with every failure and regret every time "Why didn't I do this" can never change the past and will ruin their future!

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