I Know Everything

Chapter 995: Mu Ruru was also dumbfounded!

Mu Ruru and Shen Huan were of course not talking about love.

The little girl liked Shen Huan very much, but she was not the kind of lover.

They are just talking about the gambling and stone competition that will start later.

"Shen Huan, are you optimistic?" Mu Ruru whispered.

"Don't worry, I probably know it in my heart." Shen Huan said.

While speaking, he quietly said a few numbers to Mu Ruru, "These five pieces are jade with high-quality jade."

"Received!" Mu Ruru smiled openly, "Shen Huan, you are so nice~~"

If it weren't for the grown-up, the little girl would have a bite on Shen Huan's face at this time.

"Miss Mu!"

Seeing Mu Ruru's eyes dripping with water, Ma Liangyuan was very angry.

He has the feeling of being cucked.

Although he has nothing to do with Mu Ruru now.

But Ma Liangyuan decided to stop them from spreading dog food in public, "Miss Mu, can we start?"


Mu Ruru turned and said with a smile.

In addition to the answer just now, Mu Ruru added a "yah" tones and was still laughing.

Such a change certainly did not come from Ma Liangyuan.

So Ma Liangyuan was very jealous.

However, Ma Liangyuan is still very calm on the surface.

Seeing Mu Ruru approaching Yingying, he stood in the middle of the 20 jade jade in advance.

These jadeites are big and small.

The big one weighs a ton, and it turns out that it is not the most expensive.

The small one is about the size of two fists.

Similarly, it is not the cheapest.

Mu Ruru also followed and stood beside Ma Liangyuan.

At this time, Ma Liangyuan suddenly smelled that there was a very light fragrance on Mu Ruru.

It's not the kind of chemical blended fragrance, but the natural one that comes out of the body.

Looking at the beautiful girl with bright eyes and white teeth, Ma Liangyuan became more determined.

We must win this war, defeat Shen Huan, and get the final victory!

In addition to the two of them, a group of onlookers also followed and stood 5 meters away.

This is to avoid someone to influence the game.

They are far away, and if they don't know how to use it, they simply rely on their eyes to see, and the advice they give is usually unreliable.

No, not usually.

It is absolutely impossible to be reliable.

If there were such people, the entire jade gambling market would be completely messed up.

Thinking is like turning around.

Ma Liangyuan said in the next moment: "Miss Mu, how will the jade be distributed next?"

"Whatever." Mu Ruru said confidently.

"That's it." Ma Liangyuan rolled his eyes, "Let's grab a lottery, whichever piece we catch!"

Mu Ruru vaguely wanted to refuse.

Lottery is not so easy to control.

But in the presence of so many people, she said "whatever" she said, but she regretted it immediately. The little girl wanted face, and she absolutely couldn't do that.

So she could only bite the bullet and nodded.

Ma Liangyuan quickly found someone to write a note, crumpled it into a ball, and spread it on a wooden plate with jadeite.

"Come on, you choose first." Ma Liangyuan said generously.

Mu Ruru would not be polite with him, so he squatted down and grabbed ten people.

There was an invited referee next to him, and he recited the number that Mu Ruru had caught.

"1, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20."

In the sound of his chanting, naturally someone from the Mu family moved the ten pieces to one side, and the other was placed five meters away.

The people of Abao Express left after unloading the goods before, and this kind of labor can only be done by themselves.

Ma Liangyuan has been looking at Mu Ruru.

He suddenly discovered that when he read these numbers, Mu Ruru's eyes condensed obviously, and he stayed for several seconds.

Fortunately, Ma Liangyuan didn't know how to observe pulse and heartbeat.

Otherwise, he would find that the little girl who was still looking right now had a very strong heartbeat.

It's over!

Of the five gambling numbers that Shen Huan gave me, only number 20 is in my hand! !

Could it be that the sky is going to perish me, Mu Ruru! ?

Thanks to Mu Ruru's good psychological quality, otherwise he can cry on the spot!

Ma Liangyuan couldn't see Mu Ruru's nervousness, but that didn't mean that others couldn't see it.

For example, Mu Guishu watched her daughter grow up, how could she not understand her.

He touched Shen Huan with his hand and whispered, "Ms. Lu, what's the matter?"

"Perhaps this is the first time I have encountered such a game, so I am a little nervous!" Shen Huan smiled, and suddenly walked over.

Seeing him stepping over, Ma Liangyuan felt something was wrong, "Mr. Shen, what are you doing? This is the playing field, you can't come in!"

"I'm here to cheer for Ruru. It is inevitable that she will be nervous when she competes for the first time." Shen Huan smiled slightly and hugged Mu Ruru hard, "Come on, Ruru, you're fine!"

"Oh, oh..."

Mu Ruru looked at Shen Huan pitifully, and Shen Huan nodded seriously at her.

Although this did not allow Mu Ruru to regain confidence, she also felt a little relieved.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Ma Liangyuan was angry. "Holding and hugging in public, and in this kind of occasion, what style is it?"

"Hurry up and look at the stone!" Shen Huan exhorted, raised his hand to Ma Liangyuan and signaled "I'm sorry" before turning around and walking back to the crowd.

Mu Ruru didn't understand what Shen Huan meant.

But Shen Huan was the person she admired the most. Since Shen Huan asked her to look at the jade quickly, she had to pack up her mood, turned around and picked up the tools, and carefully looked at and identified 10 jadeites.

Seeing that Mu Ruru had started, Ma Liangyuan gave Shen Huan an angry look, and after he was in a good mood, he began to look at the jade betting material seriously.

Mu Guishu was also very upset at this time.

I'm still standing in front of you, would you dare to give my daughter "Encouragement of Love"?

I can also give her "daddy's encouragement"!

If I knew I would be on the stage, I can comfort my good girl.

Shen Huan doesn't know what Mu Guishu thinks, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com, his thoughts at this time were completely placed on Mu Ruru.

Of course it is impossible for him to embrace Mu Ruru because he wanted to give "encouragement to love".

Instead, he saw that Mu Ruru almost missed the 5 best jadeites, so he immediately wrote a good luck charm in his hand, and then hugged it on Mu Ruru's body.

In the next 5 minutes, Mu Ruru, who is a little gambled to discern the basics, will definitely greatly increase his luck, so that it is possible to find a good jade.

After all, Shen Huan has not forgotten that in so many private auctions in Myanmar, Mu Ruru chose the jade by herself, and then Shen Huan pointed out the best piece in it and asked her to buy it. .

During this period, Mu Ruru never failed once, and was able to choose some good rough jade stones.

Only then did Mu Ruru become known as the "Emerald Princess".

So even without the "cheating" advantage that Shen Huan gave her, Mu Ruru was not completely powerless to fight back.

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