I Know Everything

Chapter 994: Miscalculation

The next morning, 9 o'clock.

More than 30 people gathered in another garden in Mu's city.

Half of them are Mu Guishu's friends in the jade industry, mostly middle-aged and elderly people.

The other half are mainly young people, and they are naturally Ma Liangyuan and his second-generation jade and jewelry friends.

From the moment he entered, Ma Liangyuan's eyes had pretended to glance at Mu Ruru several times.

Originally, Mu Ruru in the photo looked pretty, just like a little fairy.

But after seeing a real person, Ma Liangyuan knew what a true natural beauty is.

This is totally different from those P pictures and beautiful women through makeup.

Ma Liangyuan has also read ancient poems, and Li Bai's poem "The clear water comes out of hibiscus, naturally go to sculpture", now best describes his feelings.

As a result, he was even more sure that he was right today.

And the purpose hidden in his heart became more vivid and firm.

It's just that because of the current "hostile" attitude of the two sides, Ma Liangyuan couldn't go up and chat with Mu Ruru, but said hello when he came in.

Judging from Mu Ruru's performance at that time, she looked at her expression full of disgust.

fair enough.

If you don't know each other, she left a very strong impression in advance, which is also a good thing.

Speaking of which, this Mu Guishu is really rich!

There are several gardens in Gusu City, and you can pick one out for comparison.

The Ma family in Caiyun is also a well-known big wealthy family, but compared with this kind of domestic top rich, the gap is still very large.

When the two parties were chatting, there was already a staff from Abao Express outside, who used a burden to pick up the jade that was tightly bound and numbered 1-20.

The door is wide open.

Several trucks parked outside can be vaguely seen.

Except for a few Mu's servants at the door, who were helping to show the way, neither of them moved.

Ma Liangyuan only glanced at the jade stones and then withdrew his eyes.

Almost his whole body was **** by hemp rope, and there was a jadeite jade held by a tray underneath, no one could see clearly.

Emerald cannot be seen from a distance. It must be carefully checked and thought through to get a conclusion.

Ma Liangyuan is not stupid. Although he doesn't care on the surface, he still sent two people this morning to follow the staff of Abao Express and they were escorted here from the warehouse.

The next moment, the two men walked in and nodded to Ma Liangyuan.

The smile on Ma Liangyuan's face grew thicker.

The two men had been staring just now, but they did not notice that among the Mu family who helped get the stone, there was a man with a hat and a beard who touched each piece of rough emerald stone—— There are several people like him, all of whom move away from the car, and there is no special performance.

Therefore they completely ignored this information.

Seeing that the staff of Abao Express in the yard started to dismantle the jade, Ma Liangyuan walked towards Mu Guishu.

When he came to the front, he looked at Mu Ruru and said, "Miss Mu, what are our rules today, are you clear about it?"

He speaks very kindly, and he doesn't have the aggressive attitude of being in Muguishu's circle of friends.

But Mu Ruru had a bad impression of him.

Even if Lao Mu likes bragging, telling stories about his daughter's achievements, or even exaggerating, he is his favorite father.

You Ma Liangyuan offended my father, and still want me to show you a good face?

Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn!

So, the little girl with a cold face replied calmly: "I know."

"Then do you have anything to add?" Ma Liangyuan asked, turning his head, "You are a girl, and it doesn't matter if you have a little privilege."

Mu Ruru couldn't see his alms-giving attitude like winning.

Although everyone said that Ma Liangyuan was great, he was the King of Jade.

But Mu Ruru would like to ask these people, have you seen Shen Huan’s real skill in distinguishing jade?

If you see Shen Huan's ability, let alone the little Jade King, even the old Jade King will have to call Master!

Today Mu Guishu invited Shen Huan to come over and give her pressure, who is she afraid of?

So Mu Ruru stunned him directly, "I don't think it is necessary. Let's talk by your ability!"

Ma Liangyuan was surprised for a while, and he didn't realize that he was laughing blankly, "Miss Mu, you have a personality than I expected, so good, I love it!"

Mu Ruru rolled her eyes, "I don't like you... If there is nothing, please go back and stop talking to me."

"it is good!"

Ma Liangyuan really didn't talk nonsense, and left unhurriedly.

He is a veteran in love, knowing when to stalker and when to be more decisive, so that he can get the attention of girls.

On weekdays, Ma Liangyuan relies on these methods without spending money to get more than a dozen beautiful women in various countries.

But Ma Liangyuan miscalculated.

He just returned to his side, and before turning his head, he saw several of his little servants, and pointed to his back and exclaimed.

"Fuck! Shen Huan!"

"Not bad, it's Master Huan!"

"Why did he come here?"

"Didn't he say that he and Mu Ruru are good friends? Mu Ruru previously spent 300 million to buy his jade!"

"Oh, yes, the last time I went to Myanmar, it seemed that Shen Huan was with them."

"It's over, my dream is shattered! When a woman assassin like Shen Huan appears, where can Mu Ruru escape his palm?"

Hearing such a discussion, Ma Liangyuan turned around abruptly, just to see Mu Ruru looking up, with a bright smile on his face, talking to Shen Huan.

From Ma Liangyuan's point of view, the two were almost close to each other, with only a slight gap between them.

Mu Ruru's smile at this time was completely different from the smile he had just talked to the elders, and it was simply too sweet.

Anyone can tell at a glance that she has different feelings for Shen Huan.

But Ma Liangyuan couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw Shen Huan's face again.

It is said that Shen Huan is the most beautiful man in the world, and he looks better than Su Mo.

Now that I see a real person, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Indeed, from a handsome point of view, Ma Liangyuan is no less than 800 meters away from him.

Such a young man and Mu Ruru stood together, making Ma Liangyuan's mind instantly appear four characters.

Golden boy and jade girl.

Bah baah baah!

I bother!

How can such a little white face compare with me?

On the gambling stone, I, Ma Liangyuan, is a first-class genius!

But thinking about it again, thinking of Shen Huan's achievements in mathematics and basketball, Ma Liangyuan didn't feel so confident anymore.


How did you meet such a monster opponent? !


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