I Know Everything

Chapter 993: Have no purpose

Gusu at night was a bit cold and clammy.

As a land of fish and rice, water is definitely abundant. You may not feel it in summer, but it feels a little uncomfortable in winter.

However, if it is a place with air conditioning, it is warm and comfortable.

In the superior suite of the Hilton Hotel, Ma Liangyuan, who was just wearing a thin sweater, was chatting and laughing with a group of friends.

Ma Liangyuan, who is only 21 years old this year, is 180 centimeters tall. He does not look like five big and three thick, but handsome with sharp edges and corners.

Only from his callous hands can he tell that he is also a person with a story.

However, a man's calluses are just like scars, a symbol of a medal.

Ma Liangyuan was born in a family of gambling and Shishi, and he has lived a life of fine clothes and jade since he was a child, but he did not enjoy it this way, instead choosing the most difficult path.

From the time he was sensible, he watched grandfather a lot of jade in the manor every day.

At that time, Ma Liangyuan moved a small bench every day and sat next to his grandfather. Hearing what he said about these stones, he gradually began to like these ugly outwards, but beautiful emerald stones could be found inside.

With a strong interest, Ma Liangyuan started studying at the age of 8.

As a result, he is also very talented. In seven or eight years, he has read all the books in his home, and with his grandfather and others, he has watched a lot of gambling scenes on the spot, and he personally solved thousands of yuan. Gambling.

So when he entered the business at the age of 16, he actually already had a lot of experience.

Under such circumstances, after five years of training, Ma Liangyuan's skills are no less than those of the masters. His results are amazing. His entire career has earned more than 500 million.

Especially on the public market in the previous two years, Ma Liangyuan spent 20 million betting on a piece of Houjiang old material, and the result rose to more than 100 million, so people talked about it.

With such good grades, he naturally has a good prestige among the young people in this circle.

Many second generations of jade and jewelry merchants have a good relationship with Ma Liangyuan.

This is also the strategy of businessmen.

Let the children have a good relationship with Ma Liangyuan since they were young. After they have grown up and inherited the family business, they can also get jade from Ma Liangyuan more easily.

In the business of jade, having material in hand is the most important thing.

With raw materials that can be used for jade, they can do business and make money.

Otherwise, there is no good emerald, so why let others buy your things?

To do these jade luxury goods, you must do business for the rich.

Really wealthy people buy jade, don't care about money, only care about whether they can buy the best.

And such high-quality jadeite happens to be the most profitable.

As long as a few good high-end users can live online, the profits of a jade jewelry store can definitely be maintained and continue to moisturize.

On the contrary, if you can’t get good jade and make good products, then rich people won’t come to your store, so you will have to pay a penny for buying vegetables. The passers-by cannot maintain the expenses of the entire store.

Under such circumstances, how can you say that Ma Liangyuan is unpopular?

This time, I came here to accompany him and cheer him on, it is the second generation of seven or eight jewelry stores.

"Brother Liang, I heard that they didn't ask anyone to come and help." A young man with glasses said, "Does Mu Ruru really have a hand?"

"Xiaorun, don't be kidding me. In the jade jade business, who didn't rely on experience and the secrets of the elders to get it out?" Another bald teenager sneered, "How old is Mu Ruru? How many times did she go to participate in? Second public sale? Have you seen her on which gambling plate before?"

With such a series of questions, the teenager next to him also laughed, "That's too right! Don't say anything else, isn't our brother Liang also has many failure experiences, how many times can we succeed? Not many years Can you succeed only by cheating again and again? This is not it!"

Ma Liangyuan smiled and said, "Xiao Tan, you can't say that. The jade that Mu Ruru brought out was indeed bought by herself. We don't know the inside story, so don't talk more. Anyway, tomorrow. You can see it!"

"They won't go to Abao Express to steal things, or go to see experts in advance, make a mark so that Mu Ruru can continue cheating?" Xiao Run suddenly asked, "You know, Yang Feng is Mu Good friend of the book!"

"will not."

Ma Liangyuan said confidently, "Mu Guishu is an old-fashioned person who is very shameless. It is impossible to go against his principles of life for this victory or defeat... If this matter is spread, his face is worth so little. Money?

Besides, Yang Feng loves face. If someone knows that he helped cheat, how much damage would you say to his reputation? You can lose face abroad! Is he Yang Feng willing? "


A group of young people laughed.

As long as Mu Guishu didn't use extravagance, Mu Ruru would definitely not be able to make waves.

Ma Liangyuan smiled with a hint of deep meaning.

He seemed to say casually, "I heard that this Mu Ruru is actually pretty good?"

"of course!"

Xiao Run, a native of Gusu, said, "Mu Ruru is really a perfect girl, not to mention she is beautiful, she is also very good at reading, and she is very polite on weekdays. He has never had a boyfriend and never goes out to a bar. Di, let’s play... Who can marry her, even if she doesn’t have so many properties to inherit, it’s really a happy thing for a lifetime!"

The bald boy said with a grin: "Hehe, you said, since she likes jadeite, will it be because of our brother Liang’s talent that she will not know each other and just like brother Liang? "

"Maybe!" Another rich kid echoed: "In terms of appearance, family history, and talent, our brother is definitely worthy of her! Isn't it appropriate that a hero is worthy of a beautiful woman?"

"You guys are laughing." Ma Liangyuan said faintly, "This time I just want to teach Mu Guishu to teach him not to underestimate our jade business... Mu Ruru's words are actually taken along, since you Say so well, I won't hurt her either."

"Brother Liang, your heart is so kind!" Xiao Tan shook his head and held out his thumb.


That's not the case!

Ma Liangyuan thought about the elf-like girl he saw in the photo, and he was full of expectations for tomorrow's game.

Tomorrow, we must show our talents to shock the audience and get the most attention.

What you want to achieve will be achieved!

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