I Know Everything

Chapter 992: Between victory and defeat

On the way, Mu Ruru also explained a lot of things to Shen Huan in detail.

For example, Ma Liangyuan posted a hero post yesterday and invited dozens of celebrities from the jade world to watch the game.

Yesterday at noon, Huajing’s Yushixuan began to pack 20 pieces of the best jadeite rough, and commissioned a special plane from Abao Express to deliver them.

Jade arrived in Gusu this morning.

However, it will not be shipped to the venue of the game at this time, and will not be shipped until the game tomorrow.

Ma Liangyuan himself will arrive in Gusu this afternoon, rest for the night, and compete with Mu Ruru tomorrow.

Time is too tight, and Mu Guishu can only ask Shen Huan to help.

If another person is changed, it is not reliable and unreliable, and the ability may not be good.

Because Ma Wuxin has already said that Ma Liangyuan was taught by the Emerald King Ma Shitu. He has continued to train on the front line in the past few years, and his ability is much better than him.

The most powerful experts Mu Guishu knew were Ma Wuxin and Yuan Pinggui. Since Ma Wuxin can't do it, Yuan Pinggui must not do either.

Fortunately, Mu Guishu remembered how his daughter's Emerald Princess got its name.

So he hurriedly called to ask where Shen Huan was, and at the same time prayed that Shen Huan would not go to the United States to prepare for the NBA game, otherwise it would be a question of whether he could come back on time.

Back at Mu's house, Mu Guishu personally greeted Shen Huan at the door.

This kind of courtesy standard is a bit high, but for the sake of his daughter, Mu Guishu is also willing to put his face down.

"Teacher Lu, it's all up to you!" Only when Shen Huan got out of the car, Mu Guishu held Shen Huan's hand tightly and said with a look of expectation.

The impression that Mu Guishu had given to Shen Huan before was that he was more literary, and he seemed a little noble.

Unexpectedly, it was a little funny to be such a courteous corporal for her daughter.

Although he did it himself, it was actually because of Shen Huan.

If Shen Huan didn't choose the best jade material for Mu Ruru, and Mu Ruru didn't successfully lay the stone out of good jade every time, then the name of princess emerald would not be on her.

Therefore, Mu Guishu will not show off her achievements deliberately.

That Ma Liangyuan and a little girl care about, or they are too narrow-minded, or too real.

If it is the former, Shen Huan must teach him well.

If it's the latter, it can end up a little more kindly.

When his thoughts were over, Shen Huan said first: "I will work hard... But Mr. Mu, what are your plans? Did you win him cleanly? Or do you regret losing?"

After hearing Mu Guishu, he was happy, dare Teacher Lu Xiaofeng still be able to control so precisely?

"Come on, let's say it inside!" Mu Guishu enthusiastically pulled Shen Huan in, "Today we are eating authentic Gusu dishes, Teacher Lu, you must show your face..."

Mu Ruru walked behind and felt her mouth slumped, and Mu Guishu's mood changed, which made her feel a little helpless.

Yesterday, I was too anxious, and my mother told herself that he didn't sleep well last night and was worried.

As a result, when Shen Huan said this, he was happy, like a child.


After lunch, Mu Guishu took his daughter and Shen Huan into the study.

Upon entering the study, Mu Guishu's expression became more serious.

After all, there is still some anxiety in his heart,

Since Ma Liangyuan dared to gamble and determined that his daughter is Xibei, then he must have something to rely on.

Gamble. How could the masters from the Shi family be so easy to despise?

The face of his Mu Guishu is nothing. The key is that his daughter is only 17 years old. If he has been ridiculed and ridiculed by others for carrying such a burden since he was a child, then he is very guilty as a father.

"Ms. Lu just now, I thought about the way of victory or defeat that you mentioned." Mu Gui said: "I think for the sake of Xiaoru's future, it is better not to be so pushy! Or just a small loss. Either it's a small win, either."

Shen Huan slowly said, "A wise choice."

This is indeed the case.

Ma Liangyuan is the Little Jade King, but certainly not the most powerful.

In the jade gambling business, there are countless folk masters, and there are often masters who have led the way for more than ten, twenty or thirty years.

If Mu Ruru easily defeated Ma Liangyuan this time, what would happen if someone else came back to him in the future?

People are constantly coming to challenge him. Does Mu Ruru still have a life of his own?

As long as Mu Ruru behaves similarly to Ma Liangyuan, then everyone will know what she is like in the future.

Since there are people who are similar to Mu Ruru, you don't need to care too much and challenge Mu Ruru deliberately.

Mu Ruru himself had something to say, "I also think this method is very good... But Shen Huan, can you control it so well? Isn't it difficult?"

Mu Guishu is also full of anxiety.

Because just like Mu Ruru's question, Shen Huan not only has to control what jade gambling material he chooses, but also to see what gambling material Ma Liangyuan chooses.

I don't know what's inside, how can I make a precise judgment?

What if Shen Huan chose a few medium-sized jadeites, but Ma Liangyuan was completely broken?

If Shen Huan chooses a better jade, but Ma Liangyuan is suddenly lucky, and there is a piece of emerald released?

The gap between the two is huge, and it is not easy to control under normal circumstances.

"Of course I can't completely control it, just say as much as possible." Shen Huan smiled and said, "This time we can not only look at our 10 yuan bet, but also their 10 yuan bet, so we can roughly estimate and choose one. A more secure way is the limit I can achieve. Whether it works or not depends on God's face."

Only then did Mu Guishu and Mu Ruru nod their heads suddenly.

This is almost the same!

This is more realistic. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"In this case, then you can't choose too bad." Mu Guishu suggested: "Choose the upper middle class, even if you lose in the end, it proves that Xiaoru's vision is good, so that you can explain it. Ma Liangyuan It's hard to say anything."

Shen Huan nodded with a smile.

In the dizzy situation, what Mu Guishu said today is very insightful.

Follow what he said, the effect will of course be very good.

The young man couldn't tell them that he just had to touch the 20 jade gambling material and he would know the value.

When the time comes, he will know what Ma Liangyuan chooses.

I dare not say how fine the difference is, but it is still very sure to control it within one or two million.

no way.

The skill of the jade everyone (intermediate) given by the good master is such a cowhide!

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