I Know Everything

Chapter 991: I'm so wronged

"New Dragon Inn" is very important to Hao He.

It is equally important to Shen Huan.

Because in terms of film, it is the first time that Shen Huan has worked with a director other than Zhu Mei.

Zhang Huawei's "Tai囧" is behind "New Dragon Inn", and it is completely different in terms of grade and concept.

"New Dragon Inn" is the real classic that can be read dozens of times.

"Tai囧" can be read three or five times at most, and you will find it meaningless.

Even the bridge section inside is still memorable.

"New Dragon Inn" is the kind of classic that every character and every plot can make you think about and ponder over and over again.

So Shen Huan came to this desert and stayed for three days, discussing the plot with most of the actors, and analyzing the characters' characteristics together.

Everyone was not surprised. It was unexpected that Teacher Lu knew so well about the plot, obviously he had put a lot of effort into it.

In order to give us pointers, he can be so attentive, and we can't fall behind!

The whole crew kept a very positive attitude and atmosphere until they disbanded and went home for the festival.

This made Hao He more satisfied.

He was sure of the success of "New Dragon Inn" from the beginning.

The only difference lies in how successful it is and whether you can photograph your own characteristics and make it another masterpiece of yourself.

Now looking at them, Hao He feels more confident.


Shen Huan was originally going to go back to Lin'an directly, but when he received a call last night, after getting off the plane, he took the high-speed train and rushed directly to Gusu.

Poor Gusu, in such a big city, the economic aggregate is bigger than that of the capital, Jianye. As a result, there is not even an airport.

If you want to take a plane, you should either go to Jianye, or Lin'an, or even Shanghai.

Shen Huan got off the high-speed rail station, and Mu's Rolls Royce was waiting at the door.

Passing passengers looked at this luxury car worth more than 5 million with envy.

Looking at a young man like Shen Huan wearing sunglasses and a mask, sitting in with a backpack on his back, he suddenly sighed, it turns out that the children of the super-rich family also ride the high-speed rail! ?

Hey, Mu's family really has a private jet, and Mu Ruru came back by private jet.

It's not that she likes it, but Mu Guishu insists on doing this. Mu Ruru is not happy if he doesn't listen.

In order to satisfy the menopausal middle-aged man, Mu Ruru can only follow him.

As soon as he got into the car, Shen Huan saw Mu Ruru sitting behind and playing with a mobile phone.

When he saw this, he suddenly laughed, "Hey, Ruru, why didn't you stand outside to greet me today?"

Mu Ruru was also very happy to see Shen Huan getting in the car, put down his phone and rushed over: "Shen Huan and Shen Huan...long time no see~~"

"Stop it!"

Shen Huan allowed her to pounce on herself and smiled, "Didn't we just meet at a happy birthday party?"

"It's been almost a month, right?" Mu Ruru pouted, "Shen Huan, you don't know, I'm so wronged!"

The little girl speaks and does things very naively, saying whatever she thinks and doing what she thinks of.

For example, just now she pounced on Shen Huan, and Shen Huan knew she didn't mean anything else.

Otherwise, when you look at the driver who is driving in front, your eyes will be widened. It is estimated that you will report to the old lady later.

Shen Huan also liked her character very much, otherwise he wouldn't hear Mu Guishu's words, so he rushed over.

If you change to another person, and if you are dying to arouse hatred for your daughter, then solve it yourself!

I'm not from your family, why should I come to put out the fire for you?

It is precisely because the little girl is involved that Shen Huan is so active.

"Well, it's a bit wronged." Shen Huan smiled and touched her little head, "but your father is not good enough."

"He...Oh, this is not the point!" Mu Ruru didn't want Shen Huan to say that his father's was not his own, so he quickly changed the subject, "Shen Huan, you want to help me this time, right? I know you The best~~"

This Rolls-Royce has soundproof glass. The driver in front can see them but cannot hear them.

Therefore, Shen Huan also asked directly: "My ability to bet is good, you didn't tell Mr. Mu, did you?"

"No, no." Mu Ruru waved her little hand. "We children of the rivers and lakes, what we pay attention to is a letter. How can I betray my good friend?"

Shen Huan thinks about it too.

If Mu Guishu knew Shen Huan's ability, yesterday's phone call would not be so tentative, but would definitely ask Shen Huan for help.

It seems that this little girl is pretty good and has enough responsibility.

With a slight smile, looking at Mu Ruru's crystal clear face, who was still lying beside him, Shen Huan was confused and almost wanted to cover his mouth.

Fortunately, he woke up in time and stopped abruptly.

Mu Ruru didn’t notice it, she continued to say, “This time it’s really troublesome. After my dad agreed, the pony spread the news throughout the jade circle at noon yesterday, making dad want to turn around. There is no way.

The way he proposed the game was that we each had 10 rough stones, and then we shuffled the order and assigned them to two people, winning three games. This seems very fair. "

"It's not very fair, right?" Shen Huan asked, "In case they want you to lose, they will directly get you the worst rough, so that even if we pick the best three pieces, there is no one else's in total. A good piece, what should I do?"

"Hehe, I'm not a fool." Mu Ruru smiled, "The rough stone we picked was from the famous Jade Xuan in Huajing. We bought their most expensive 20 yuan and then divided them into two parts. Come and try."

This is not bad.

Shen Huan smiled unconsciously, "Ru Ru, Ma Liangyuan came up with this method, right?"


"Then you guys are miserable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shen Huan said, "It is so easy to get your dad hooked, and you can propose such a fair and interesting way of playing, they are obviously great experts! "

"That's why my dad was wise and wise. He knew how to ask you for help." Mu Ruru pushed Shen Huan pitifully, "Shen Huan, you are sure to beat him, right?"

"I won him, and I can't prove that you can do it. What if someone comes to compete next time?" Shen Huan asked her.

"I have already told my dad, I can't do this again next time, no one can do it!" Mu Ruru promised, patted a little fierce mouth.

"Well, I'll try it." Shen Huan said first.


Mu Ruru smiled happily, a bright smile appeared on her small face, which was very beautiful.


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