I Know Everything

Chapter 1006: Cloth family

Facts have proved that Shen Huan thinks too much.

After Buyiyi called and found his second cousin, Tu Yueqin, the slightly fat Yuzhou man came up and gave Shen Huan a warm hug.

"Oh, my Huanye, I didn't expect you to belong to our family. This is really great!"

"I like watching you play the most. It's a pity that Yiyi only told us now, otherwise I would go to the U.S. to support you last summer!"

"When you come to Yuzhou, it's like returning to your own home. Don't be polite. I will add one of my micro-chat later. If you have anything to do, call me anytime. Cousin is on call."

"By the way, Lord Huan, are your playoffs stable next year? I think the three veterans of Kobe, Iverson and Howard are really ferocious! Are they all taking drugs?"

"Today you have a good rest. Tomorrow I will take you to Yuzhou for a tour. In fact, Yuzhou is developing very well now!"

"My sister-in-law has a very good personality, she is much more reliable than Yiyi, don't worry, she will not embarrass you!"


He was heard talking by himself throughout the entire baby car, and basically he never stopped from getting on to the car.

Buyiyi was afraid that Shen Huan would not like it, and felt noisy.

As a result, instead of being impatient, Shen Huan chatted with Tu Yueqin very kindly, which was natural.

Buyiyi knows Shen Huan's character.

In fact, Shen Huan's personality is relatively weak, and he would not actively pursue anything, nor would he actively maintain a good relationship with whom.

The reason why he was able to become his first woman was purely because Xiaohuadan took the initiative on her own, so that there was an intersection and the story that happened later.

Now that Shen Huan saw Tu Yueqin for the first time, he was able to chat and talk in such an easy-going manner. It must be in his own face.

Thinking of this, Bu Yiyi, who had just got off the car, unconsciously sipped a scent on Shen Huan's face.

Seeing that Shen Huan, who had just taken off his mask and sunglasses, was attacked by Buyiyi, Tu Yueqin smiled and shook his head.

It looks different from the legend outside.

It's not that Shen Huan took the initiative to chase so many girls, but my family Yiyi took the initiative to chase him.

Tu Yueqin originally wanted to help carry the luggage, but Shen Huan had already carried a large box in each hand, and walked towards the elevator entrance of the underground parking lot with nothing.

This box is not light at first glance, Shen Huan carries one in one hand, and the strength is really strong!

But then I think about it, Shen Huan can even smash the NBA basket, and a 200-jin man can pick it up with one hand. What is this dozen-jin thing?

Although Buyiyi is a big star, she earned more than 100 million in total last year, but her parents lived in a multi-storey house in the community that she bought ten years ago.

In the words of her mother, Tu Rumei, she was surrounded by former neighbours in the neighborhood. Everyone knew each other very well. There was no need to move to a villa area where no one could be seen for a long time. There was no popularity at all, which was scary.

The housing prices in Yuzhou are not expensive. You can buy a good house for around 20,000 in the main city. This is too friendly compared to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and much better than Rongcheng next to it.

Therefore, Buyiyi’s house is close to 160 square meters, with four bedrooms, three bathrooms and two living rooms.

According to current standards, even a down payment is basically not enough in big cities.

After exiting the elevator door, Shen Huan saw the door opened. Standing at the door was a woman who looked a little like Tu Yueqin, and beside her stood a teenage girl.

At first glance, this little girl looked a bit like Bou Yiyi, very pretty and lovely.

Seeing Shen Huan coming out, the older woman's eyes lit up and she turned her head back and shouted: "Auntie, aunt, come and see, it's really Teacher Lu Xiaofeng here!"

Buyiyi, who followed out, smiled and greeted first, "Cousin, shouldn't you be at work? Why are you here?"

"Look at what you said, today is the big day in our family, how can I be absent?" The cousin smiled and stretched out her hand to Shen Huan, "Hello, Teacher Lu, my name is Tu Chenyan, I am Yiyi's cousin!"

"Cousin, just call me Shen Huan." Shen Huan shook hands with her.

Turning to look at the little girl Bu Yiyi was holding up again, before Shen Huan had spoken, he saw a beautiful woman who looked more like Bu Yiyi came out of it.

It's just that she is older than Buyiyi, she should be in her thirties.

"Oh, Yiyi is back!" Mei. female greeted him, nodded to Shen Huan, but said to the little girl: "Lulu, why didn't you call her sister and brother?"

"Sister... Brother!"

The little girl yelled at the two of them, but she stared at Shen Huan with big eyes, still a little timid, as if she was a little afraid of Shen Huan.

Shen Huan wanted to touch her little head, but she avoided it directly, with an expression of wanting to cry on her little face.

Buyiyi was also surprised, "What's the matter?"

"Cut, isn't my aunt scaring Lulu?" Tu Chenyan vomited, "Didn't she know that Teacher Lu is a genius! She said that if Lulu doesn't do her winter homework seriously, she will catch her every day when she comes to make up classes. Without rest."

Shen Huan suddenly smiled upon hearing this.

Unexpectedly, I have become the big devil in the eyes of children.

The aunt was a little embarrassed, "Oh, isn't this just casual, who knows she took it seriously!"

"I said you are endless." Tu Yueqin who was waiting for the last one was a little impatient, "Hurry up and get in! The new uncle came in for the first time, and he was blocked outside to talk. How bad? People still carry them. With luggage!"

Only then did a few people wake up, and quickly let Shen Huan walk in.

There was already a middle-aged couple standing in the room at this time. They were about forty years old. Both of them had some Bouyei's features. They could be regarded as a handsome and beautiful couple.

Because Shen Huan and Buyiyi were very busy and didn't have much time to get along with each other, naturally they didn't talk about her family.

In addition, this time he didn't even take the plane back together, so Shen Huan was very strange to the Bu family.

But he still knew the Bu family's parents.

After putting down his luggage, Shen Huan greeted respectfully, "Uncle, Auntie, hello, I am Shen Huan! This time I will cause you trouble."

"No trouble~www.wuxiaspot.com~No trouble!" Mother Tu Rumei pursed her lips and smiled, "Why don't you come here... come, come and sit!"

Although his father Bu Changwei was not too enthusiastic, he still looked at Shen Huan with a trace of satisfaction.


This is nonsense.

In the whole country of China, you have counted any corners, and none of them can be better than Shen Huan by yourself.

Even if it is close to Shen Huan, there is no one.

Shen Huan is the strongest and best boy of his age.

Such a boy has become his daughter's girlfriend. It's not that the father is reluctant to bear his daughter, and he thinks this is actually quite good.

The happiness of the daughter is the most important thing!



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